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Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving in, Roger Fisher, William Ury. List: $12.95 ~ Our Price: $10.36 ~ You Save: $2.59 (20%). This is the Bible of interest-based negotiation. Every mediator (or aleternative dispute resolution [ADR] expert) must master these basic concepts. You can learn how to negotiate without giving in and without turning an honest disagreement into a test of wills. One reader comments:
Oranges. Two sisters argue about an orange; they finally settle and get half each. One grates the peel for a pie and throws away the pulp, the other presses her half, drinks the juice and throws the peel. This book is about how to avoid such situations. It is clever, well written, pleasant to read, and above all useful.

Getting Past No: Negotiating Your Way from Confrontation to Cooperation, William Ury. List: $11.95 ~ Our Price: $9.56 ~ You Save: $2.39 (20%). This book, from the co-author of the 2-million copy bestseller Getting to Yes, develops the themes of the first book and is a state-of-the-art book on negotiation in the '90s. Featuring an all-new chapter to familiarize readers with the main concepts of Getting to Yes and other negotiation strategies, Getting Past No reveals how to turn adversaries into negotiating partners.

The Promise of Mediation : Responding to Conflict Through Empowerment and Recognition, Robert A. Baruch Bush, Joseph P. Folger. List: $30.95 ~ Our Price: $30.95. This classic text is a must for the serious mediator. Over the past three decades mediation has been increasingly used as an alternative process for resolving disputes. But as the field has grown and become institutionalized, mediators have come under increasing pressure to take a directive approach to practice in order to generate agreements and solve problems.

The "problem-solving" approach - where reaching agreement is paramount - now characterizes the contemporary mediation movement. This approach, say authors Robert A. Baruch Bush and Joseph P. Folger, neglects the most important dimension of the process: its potential to change the people themselves who are in the very midst of conflict - giving them both a greater sense of their own efficacy and a greater openness to others.
The Promise of Mediation explores the transformative potential of mediation, showing what that potential is, why it is important, and how it can be realized in practice. The authors present an alternative theoretical framework for understanding conflict and mediation, based on valuing both personal strength and compassion for others. They offer a highly concrete, case-illustrated introduction to the actual practice of transformative mediation, using a range of examples and two detailed case studies.
Drawing on their own experience and on a wide body of research, the authors offer those at all levels in the mediation field - practitioners, administrators, policy makers, and researchers - a new and useful perspective to help take stock of how mediation is currently practiced, assess what it can accomplish, and make choices about how to develop the process in the future. They present a powerful case that realizing the full promise of mediation means giving the transformative approach to mediation a central place in theory, policy, and practice.

The Leader As Martial Artist: An Introduction to Deep Democracy, Arnold, Ph.D. Mindell. List: $12.00 ~ Our Price: $9.60 ~ You Save: $2.40 (20%). Mindell is a masterful psychologist with many insights into human nature that are very helpful to mediators. This book is a groundbreaking examination of conflict resolution and leadership by the creator of process-oriented psychology. Psychologist Mindell shows how confronting the challenges of today's world requires the skill of a martial artist--a leader who exhibits flexibility, balance, detachment, intensity, sure instinct, and keen awareness in the midst of group chaos and confusion.

Sitting in the Fire: Large Group Transformation Using Conflict and Diversity, Arnold Mindell. List: $15.95 ~ Our Price: $12.76 ~ You Save: $3.19 (20%). This book applies Mindell's groundbreaking ideas in process-oriented psychology to Worldwork -- a technique that uses large groups to resolve the "hot spots" that breed intense conflict in our cities, our nation and our world. These methods are being applied by Worldworkers all over the world, including an international group that meets annually in different places. Since next year's meeting is likely to be in Washington, DC, this book may convince you to attend a conference that could be crucial to making peace in Washington, DC and the world. Mindell's methods are not mere bandaids. Because they go to the root of the problems, they have the potential of producing lasting results.

The Shaman's Body : A New Shamanism for Transforming Health, Relationships, and Community, Arnold Mindell. List: $12.00 ~ Our Price: $9.60 ~ You Save: $2.40 (20%). Mindell presents a pioneering method of using crisis as a dynamic opportunity for accessing our inner world, confronting our fears, and catalyzing self-discovery. This book is an important tool with which to understand the nature and dynamics of conflict. This is basic knowledge for a person who seriously desires to facilitate agreement and improved relationships among people locked in dispute.

Beyond Machiavelli: Tools for Coping With Conflict, Roger Fisher, Elizabeth Kopelman, Andrea Kupfer Schneider. List: $10.95 ~ Our Price: $8.76 ~ You Save: $2.19 (20%). Conflict is a growth industry, as a glance at the daily paper or the nightly news tells us. Trade wars, global warming, ethnic strife, refugee crises - as the world draws closer together on a thousand fronts, trouble erupts, clashes occur, and new problems arise. What's wrong, and what can be done about it? This cogent book offers a clear approach for dealing with conflicting interests of any kind.

Roger Fisher, the world-renowned master of negotiation, with two of his leading colleagues - Elizabeth Kopelman and Andrea Kupfer Schneider - provides a step-by-step process for dealing with the persistent and complex disputes that mark our changing, often dangerous world. Instead of simply asking why things work - or don't - the authors ask: how can we affect the way things work? They break conflicts into manageable components and advance a process for problem-solving.
Arguing that we need to move beyond one-shot "solutions" toward a constructive way of dealing with differences, they lay out tools for conflict analysis and practical applications for those tools in the international arena. The authors also show that tactics which successfully influence an adversary are equally applicable to the task of persuading an employer, a community official, or a business associate. Originally drafted as a handbook for the diplomats and senior officials advised by Fisher and his colleagues, this succinct, lucid, and effective book is the primer about the new paradigm in conflict management.

Coping With International Conflict: A Systematic Approach to Influence in International Negotiation, Roger Fisher (Editor), Andrea Kupfer Schneider, Elizabeth Borgwardt. List: $29.33 ~ Our Price: $29.33. This text combines the clear, concise, proven principles and practice of conflict management from Fisher's bestseller Getting to Yes with the newest problem-solving approaches to international relations. Many of the concepts presented grew out of materials Fisher and his colleagues use in their international consulting work to teach problem-solving and conflict management skills to diplomats and heads of state involved in contentious international disputes. Exercises, applications, examples, readings, and anecdotes guide readers through the processes of diagnosing and prescribing approaches to real-world conflicts.

Mediator's Handbook, Jennifer E. Beer, Eileen Stief. List: $19.95 ~ Our Price: $15.96 ~ You Save: $3.99 (20%). Developed by Friends Conflict Resolution Programs. THE FIELD OF MEDIATION has expanded dramatically since Friends Conflict Resolution Programs published the original MediatorÃŒs Handbook in 1982, the first "how-to" mediation manual available to the public. Since then, mediation has evolved from an alternative approach to conflict resolution for community activists to a process that has become part of our everyday landscape.

Continuously in print for fifteen years, The Mediator's Handbook provides a time-tested, flexible model for effective mediation in diverse environments and situations. Jennifer Beer is a creative thinker. Don't expect dry advice you already understand. Expect to be stimulated and challenged.

The new edition of the Handbook provides a clear overview of mediation and conflict; a section that walks through each step in the mediation process; a large "Toolbox" section that details the skills and approaches used by professional mediators; and a final section that looks at informal mediation. Whether new to the art of mediation or an experienced professional, people working in corporations, government agencies, community organizations, schools, and any other situation where there is a need to build bridges between diverse perspectives will find The Mediator's Handbook a valuable resource.

Managing Differences: How to Build Better Relationships at Work and Home, Daniel Dana. List: $19.95 ~ Our Price: $19.95. Nothing in life is more important than getting along with people. Our success at work and our happiness at home depend on our ability to communicate with others -- especially when differences get in the way.

Managing Differences shows you step-by-step how to harness the magical power of mediation to turn conflict into cooperation in everyday life. You will learn to use the simple yet powerful communication tool, Do-it-yourself Mediation ("Doing mediation without a third party"). It also outlines Managerial Mediation ("Doing mediation without being a mediator"), and introduces Second-nature Mediation ("Doing mediation without doing mediation").
Because it is so easy to read and its message is so practical, the first edition of Managing Differences (published in five languages) has served as a sourcebook for a wide variety of training and educational programs, from community workshops to corporate HRD to university MBA courses. The expanded second edition contains real-life cases written by readers of the first edition describing how they used Do- it-yourself Mediation to resolve conflicts at work and at home. It is ideal for staff development, and invaluable for personal growth.
Daniel Dana -- "The Conflict Doctor" -- is the Thomas Edison of interpersonal communication, inventing practical tools that help people get more out of their relationships at work and home. This book is essential reading for all who have a personal or professional interest in better communication. It will brighten your day!

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