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Inspirational and Multi-faith Bookstore -- 
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 | Different Drum, M. Scott Peck. List: $12.00 ~ Our Price: $9.60 ~ You Save: $2.40 (20%). In his ground-breaking bestseller, The Road Less Traveled, Peck
took readers on a personal journey of psychological and spiritual
development. In The Different Drum, which I highly recommend, he
takes the next the larger experience of living and working in
community. Based on this book, M. Scott Peck formed The Foundation for Community Encouragement and began giving community-building workshops, one of which I personally attended. The workshops based on Different Drum are enormously powerful, personally and for the group. Interestingly enough, at the time I took the workshop, no churches had brought a group to a workshop. Workshops are almost always composed of unaffiliated people. Why is this? Is there something about our churches that discourages communication and honesty? |
 | How Can I Help: Stories and Reflections on Service, Ram Dass and Paul Gorman. List: $10.95 ~ Our Price: $8.76 ~ You Save: $2.19 (20%). This is a profoundly moving book, comprised of inspiring personal experience that helped me to search my own soul. It is a treasury of compassion. A housewife brings zoo animals to lift the spirits of a nursing home; a nun tends the wounded on the first night of the Nicaraguan revolution; a police officer talks a desperate father out of leaping from a roof with his child; a nurse allows an infant to spend its last moments of life in her arms rather than on a hospital machine. From many such stories and the authors' reflections, we can find strength, clarity, and wisdom for those times when we are called on to care for one another. |
The Holy Qu'ran/English/Arabic, Maulana Muhammad Ali (translator). List: $19.95 ~ Our Price: $13.97 ~ You Save: $5.98 (30%). Inform yourself about the scripture of a major world religion whose following is growing constantly.
 | The Jew in the Lotus: A Poet's
Rediscovery of Jewish Identity in
Buddhist India, Rodger Kamenetz. List: $13.00 ~ Our Price: $10.40 ~ You Save: $2.60 (20%). This book records an encounter between a group of Jewish Rabbis and the Dalai Lama. Through communication, both the Jews and the Buddhists deepened their understanding of themselves and one another. Enjoy reading the tough questions both groups addressed. Use this book for intense self-discovery, particularly if you appreciate Judaism or Buddhism. New
York Times Book Review:A book for anyone who feels the narrowness of a wholly secular life
or who wonders about the fate of esoteric spiritual traditions in a
world that seems bent on destroying or vulgarizing them. |
 | The Good Heart: A Buddhist
Perspective on the Teachings of Jesus, Dalai Lama. List: $24.00 ~ Our Price: $16.80 ~ You Save: $7.20 (30%). In this very accessible book, one of the world's most loved spiritual
teachers comments on well-known passages from each of the four
Gospels, providing a unique reading of these familiar sources of faith.
The Dalai Lama opens a windows of understanding of spiritual
transformation, meditation, and the "good heart" for seekers of any
faith. 2 photos. 4 illustrations. |
Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Emil Frankl. List: $5.99 ~ Our Price: $4.79 ~ You Save: $1.20 (20%). When Beacon Press first published Man's Search for Meaning in
1959, Carl Rogers called it "one of the outstanding contributions to
psychological thought in the last fifty years." In the thirty-three years
since then, this book - at once a memoir, a self-help book, and a
psychology manual - has become a classic that has sold more than
three million copies in English language editions.
Man's Search for
Meaning tells the chilling and inspirational story of eminent
psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, who was imprisoned at Auschwitz and
other concentration camps for three years during the Second World
War. Immersed in great suffering and loss, Frankl began to wonder
why some of his fellow prisoners were able not only to survive the
horrifying conditions, but to grow in the process. Frankl's conclusion
- that the most basic human motivation is the will to meaning -
became the basis of his ground-breaking psychological theory,
logotherapy. This is a highly inspirational message forged in the anvil of imprisonment at Auschwitz. Excerpt:Woe to him who saw no more sense in his life, no aim, no purpose, and therefore no point in carrying on. He was soon lost. . . . What was really needed was a fundamental change in our attitude toward life. We had to learn ourselves and, furthermore, we had to teach the despairing men, that it did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. . . . Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct.
 | Gary Null's Ultimate Anti-Aging Program, Gary Null. List: $29.95 ~ Our Price: $23.96 ~ You Save: $5.99 (20%). Gary Null is a Ph.D nutritionist who has been featured on public television and who believes in extensive footnotes to medically acceptable sources. This book is 21st in sales at Why? Because Gary Null is a forthright advocate of simple, truthful ideas that improve people's health. He states that the four food groups are industry propaganda and he advocates a diversified diet of vegetables, which have been documented to have many useful ingredients. He also advocates not eating for "comfort" and to "feel good" right now, but with an eye to what you know is healthful. When he speaks on TV, he brings many of his students with him. They tell amazing stories about how they have lost weight and gained vitality and energy. This is a hot book for a gift or to get for yourself. |
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