Attending Weekly Workshops or Meditation Therapy Weekends

Q. Will Peter come to my city to hold a Meditation Therapy Weekend?
A. Peter will travel to give a Meditation Therapy Weekend in exchange for expenses, a guaranteed home for the retreat, and at least five fully-enrolled participants. Weekends are held in private homes or in retreat settings! Please let us know if you want help in assembling a group for a weekend.

Q.Where are your weekly workshops?
A. Peter lives in Toronto, Ontario (Canada). For the moment, workshops do not meet regularly but can be arranged. Phone 416-656-3969 to request a personal session or to begin assembling a group. (Please leave your phone number and suggest a time for a return call if I am not home when you call.)

Q.Who may attend a weekend or workshop?
A.This work is intense and life-changing. Almost anyone may attend. People with mental illness that keeps them removed from reality may not benefit. There is a remote risk of mental breakdown for people who are very tense and rely strongly on their psychological defenses to protect their identity. Participants are responsible for their own results. If you are unsure of whether intense self-examination may be damaging for you, consult a licensed therapist and discuss the issue with Peter.

Q.What is the cost of workshops and weekends?
A.Weekly workshops cost $20 (Canadian), but a reduced rate of $120 is available for a package of eight workshops. Weekends have a suggested fee of $210, with reduced payments or delayed payments if the fee is difficult for you to pay. Participants may make an additional payment after the conclusion of the workshop in gratitude for the value they receive.

The Most Powerful                      Personal Growth Program
Q. What do people say about Meditation Therapy Weekends they have taken?
A. Many people have made kind remarks about weekends, which used to be called "retreats." Here is a remark made by a participant after her first weekend. She then came back for a second weekend:
My experience with Peter was a good one.  At first, I was a bit apprehensive about attending ANY retreat.  Yet after my stay, I felt a big weight was lifted off my shoulders! 

This retreat proved to be one of the best things I've ever done.  Peter taught me how to relax. He helped rid myself from the negativity I've accumulated over the years. I was respected, and Peter let me know whatever I said or did wasn't wrong.

We meditated often and since then, I've continued to meditate daily. ( That's something I couldn't stick to doing before. I was always making excuses not to...)  I'm still touched by Peter's kindness. I look forward to my next retreat with him.  I expect only great results!     

The May 1998 retreat was called the Star Retreat. Please click here to find out more about it. The October retreat was called the HeartSong Retreat. Please click here to find out more about it.

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