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Simple Path: Mother Teresa, Lucinda Vardey (Compiler), List: $10.00
~ Our Price: $10.00 + $0.85 special surcharge (uncertain availability but,
in my opinion, well worth the risk). This candid look at the everyday life
of Mother Teresa--and the very simplicity and self-sacrifice which give
her the strength to move mountains--gives voice to the spirit who has dedicated
her life to the poorest among us. Excerpt: "I can tell you about my
path," said Mother Teresa, "but I'm only a little
wire--God is the power. Talk to the others, the sisters and the
brothers and the people who work with them. Some are not Christians, talk
to them. You will know what it is when you see it. It is very beautiful. |
Interior Castle: Teresa of Avila, Robert Van De Weyer (Editor). List:
$10.00 ~ Our Price: $8.00 ~ You Save: $2.00 (20%). Teresa of Avila, a Carmelite
nun, wrote with passionate sensuality about her devotion to God. Because
she suffered from long periods of serious illness, her inner life became
devoted to mysticism and supernatural phenomena, many of which she explored
through her writing. The Interior Castle documents the progression of the
soul through the "mansions of a crystal castle" to find a union with God
at the center. Excerpt: True Union can very well be reached, with God's
help, if we make the effort to obtain it by keeping our wills fixed only
on that which is God's will. . . . Oh, how desirable is this union with
God's will! Happy the soul that has reached it. Such a soul will live tranquilly
in this life, and in the next as well.
Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers. List: $4.97 ~ Our Price: $4.76
~ You Save: $0.21 (4%). Now, Oswald Chambers' bestselling classic My Utmost
for His Highest is available in a lovely edition which includes short prayers
by Chambers himself, keyed to each day's meditation. "Keep praying in order
to get a perfect understanding of God Himself."--Oswald Chambers. Oswald
Chambers' bestselling daily devotional guide is encouraging millions to
a deeper faith in Christ. The most popular book of daily devotions ever
published. |
Your Breath: God's Invitation to Sabbath Rest, Don Postema. List: $5.95
~ Our Price: $5.95 Availability: This item usually ships within 4-6 weeks.
A reader writes:
Rating=10: Beautiful Poetic Guide to Rest and
Sabbath This book is a marvelous little guide to finding time to rest in
our holy friend-God. By using stories, excercising with journals and singing
(I wrote a piece for this book), and readings from diverse sources (Eck,
Martin Smith, Thich Nhat Hanh and Abraham Heschel), Don guides you to a
"sabbath place", helping you to find rest and rejuvenation in a busy or
peaceful life. Without getting preachy or dogmatic, this is an experiential
approach to a tradition common to most cultures-known by us as sabbath.
His Steps, Charles M. Sheldon. List: $3.99 ~ Our Price: $3.19 ~ You
Save: $0.80 (20%). What happened when members of a local church pledged
for an entire year not to do anything without first asking the question:
"What would Jesus do?" For some, following Christ caused misunderstanding,
conflict, and suffering, but great joy. It meant an entire dedication of
money, talent, career, and influence to Christ.
little book packs a whallop with a modern parable that challenges each
of us to consider how to live if we truly turned our life over to Christ. |
Christianity: Comprising the Case for Christianity, Christian Behaviour,
and Beyond Personality, C.S. Lewis. List: $6.00 ~ Our Price: $4.80
~ You Save: $1.20 (20%). One reader writes: Undoubtedly one of the greatest
books ever written, not to mention the absolute supreme of Christian Literature.
This book's lessons will answer any and all doubts anyone may have on God
or the Christian faith. Will make you believe and explain why. Explains
thoroughly and with examples the basis of nearly every aspect of the Christian
faith. When done with this book you can't help but wish to read another
of his great works of art! |
Screwtape Letters: Also Includes 'Screwtape Proposes a Toast', C. S.
Lewis. List: $4.95 ~ Our Price: $3.96 ~ You Save: $0.99 (20%). So
insightful, it might not be "fiction" at all. One reader writes:
first approached this book with the idea that I would take breeze through
it, taking personal notes (for the purpose of my own spritual development)
as I went along, owing to the depth of the book's insight. After just a
few of the 31 chapters, I found that, not only was I forced to copy much
of what was said, word-for-word (in order not to compromise the author's
intended message), but that I was expanding on it to a virtually unlimited
extent. What should have been a quick ~150 page read, wound up being an
enormous, but fulfilling project. To read this book is to learn a great
deal about one's self, human nature, God, and all that is spiritual. |
Gantry, Sinclair Lewis. List: $5.95 ~ Our Price: $4.76 ~ You Save:
$1.19 (20%). One reader comments:
"So disgusting I
couldn't put it down three times." Elmer Gantry is a preacher no
one wants. Elmer was a cynical skirt-chaser who on rare moments rose above
his baser self and found a meaning to life. What did Sinclair Lewis mean
when he wrote this book? Was he fed up with the religious figures of his
time? Perhaps he only let Elmer stand for a few of the charltans who became
ministers. For the careful reader there are strong under- currents with
much deeper meanings than a casual reading brings out.
I think it is worth your time to search out the truth that
still appeals to our times. With the electronic ministers walking away
with millions of dollars taken from the faithful, this is a novel all should
read. Sinclair Lewis spent many nights in jail while he promoted Elmer
Gantry, and I think he was telling the gullible something. Was his message
that the church has screwed up the simple message of love taught by Jesus
to Presence : A Guide to Spiritual Disciplines (Pathways in Spiritual Growth-Resources
for Congregations and Leadership), Wendy Miller. List: $10.95 ~ Our
Price: $8.76 ~ You Save: $2.19 (20%). Wendy Miller invites those who find
the classical disciplines a little stuffy and inaccessible to discover
a more user-friendly world of the spiritual disciplines embedded in scripture.
Miller calls us to explore the disciplines of listening, seeing, and acting,
and urges readers to accept Jesus's invitation to "Come and see."
Discipleship: Christian Formation Through Mutual Accountability, David
L. Watson. List: $9.95 ~ Our Price: $9.95 + $0.85 special surcharge. This
is an updated manual for covenant discipleship groups. It is valuable in
leading existing groups to a deeper level of discipleship, and it will
help newcomers to discover the importance of a covenant group. Dr. Watson
follows through on the important Biblical text, often honored in the breach:
as long as it's still God's Today, keep each other on your toes so sin
doesn't slow down your reflexes.Peterson's translation (The
Message) of Hebrew's Chapter 3, at page 461 (Hebrews 3:13).
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