Reflections (Page 2)
When the mind is resting in stillness,
and by the grace of the Spirit, sees the Spirit,
and therein finds fulfillment,
then the seeker knows the joy of Eternity:
a vision seen by wisdom far beyond what senses can
He abides therein and moves not from Truth.
He has found joy and Truth, a vision for him
He is therein steady: the greatest pain moves him
Bhagavad Gita, Chpt: 6:20-22,
translated by Juan Mascaro, 1962, Penguin
Classics. Visions of Faiths
When the Koran is recited,
listen to it in silence
so that Allah may show you mercy.
Remember your Lord
deep in your soul
with humility and reverence,
and without ostentation:
remember Him morning and evening,
and do not be negligent.
Those who dwell with your Lord
do not disdain His service.
They give glory to Him
and prostrate themselves before
The Koran, The Heights chapter; (7: 171,174,
translation by N. J. Dawood, 1956, Penguin
Visions of faiths.
Love contains the mystery of the unity of
It is love that links the higher with the lower
it is love that lifts
everything to the level
where all must become one.
This is also the secret of the words:
Hear O Israel, the Lord our God,
the Lord is One.
From the Zohar; the
Kabbalah,Adolph Frank; Bell Publ. Co.
(1940)Visions of Faiths.
It is quite simple, really. The dying are moved by the
love they receive and it may be just a touch of my
hand, or a glass of water, or providing them with some
kind of sweet they desire. You
just take that to them, what they ask for, and they are
satisfied and know someone cares for them, someone
loves them, someone wants them--and that, in itself, is
a great help to them. Because of this they believe that
God must be even kinder, more generous, and so
their souls are lifted up to God. As we don't preach,
we just do what we do with love, they are touched by
God's grace. Sister Dolores, A Simple Path: Mother Teresa, page 88.
Whoever claims to be in light
but hates his brother
is still in darkness.
Anyone who loves his
brother remains in light
and there is in him nothing to make him fall
But whoever hates his brother is in darkness
and is walking about in darkness
not knowing where he is going,
because darkness has blinded him.
1 John 2:9-11, New Jerusalem Bible.
Keep telling yourself, "My inner Self is a flame of the
divine Self, it is a flame of God." Swami
Muktananda, From the Finite to the Infinite,
p. 389.
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