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Last updated: 09 Jun 2004 |
This is an initial attempt to identify major early (pre-1800) Scroggins, Scoggin, Scogin lines and summarize the resources available, including publications, currently active researchers, known resource materials, and some suggestions for further research. Some groups that probably should be included are missing, and information about others is sketchy. Additions and corrections are welcomed. I have deliberately limited links to other sites and names of researchers, but will be glad to add that information for researchers who explicitly grant me permission to use their names. Additions and corrections are welcomed; send them to scroggjm@erols.com with "Origins" in the subject line. More information on spelling variations.
This files shows two kinds of coding associated with individual names (where available): the LDS Ancestral File Number (AFN), and a code indicating numbers assigned by authors of published genealogies. As of the latest update, the codes are incomplete.
Major Pre-1800 Family Groups
1. New Sweden Colony, ca. 1644. (Code 1) Source [Updated 15 Apr 2002] Johan Thorsson Schaggen (AFN:1TS4-1C7), was a tobacco planter at Christina (in modern Delaware) by 1644. There is little information about him in online sources; Peter Stebbins Craig has published information about him in several sources on the New Sweden Colony and offers for sale a 30 page report on Jonah and his descendants. Johan's sons apparently anglicized the name and it appears in both Delaware (Map, 1a) and New Jersey (Map, 1b) under various Scoggin and Scroggin spellings until the mid-1760's. Members of this group appear in the LDS Ancestral File under a variety of spellings, including Skagen.
One descendant family moved into York County (now Adams County), Pennsylvania by 1753 (Map, 1c). A new book, published in 2002, by Margaret B. Scoggins Citation covers descendants of this family and includes that the John Scoggin (AFN: 1PWD-4MJ) who lived in White County, TN, in the early 1800's, and progenitor of many researchers who have placed data online. There is also some information online about some of John's siblings.
Other than the family in York County, there seem to be few, if any, researchers actively pursuing descendants of Jonah Thorsson Schaggen beyond his grandchildren . It is likely that some moved west into Ohio. It is also possible that some moved southwest into the vicinity of Frederick County, Virginia. It also may be worth investigating the Cylvester Scoggins found in the 1790 census for Harford County, Maryland, and the Ann Scoggins found in the 1790 census for Frederick County, Maryland.
Solomon Scoggin (see group 6, below) may be a descendant of this family, but no specific connection has been demonstrated.
2. Southeastern Virginia, ca. 1653. (Code 2) Links [Updated 20 Mar 2001] Thomas (Map, 2a) and George (Map, 2b) Scoggin are first documented as being in Rappahannock and Lancaster Counties, Virginia, in 1653. Extensive research has been done on George's probable grandson, Richard Scoggin (AFN:14T0-029), b. 1698, and numerous descendants living in the southeastern area of Virginia, generally south of the James River, as well as a few individuals who are probably ancestors or siblings of Richard. There are a number of online resources relating to both proven and suspected descendants of George and Richard. It is likely that some of the smaller groups mentioned below originated here. Some probable branches of this family that will be added to this paper later include (but are not limited to):
3. Southern Maryland, ca. 1686. Links George Scrogin (AFN:1W2H-TL6, AES:A1) [Code 3], was in Charles County, Maryland, by 1686 (Map, 3a). Extensive research on many of his descendants has been published and is available online. George's children apparently remained in Charles County, Maryland, but several of his grandchildren and their families moved away to Delaware, Virginia, Kentucky and beyond. There are several significant subgroups:
3a. Descendants of George [Code 3] who remained in the Charles County, Maryland, area after the Revolution. There is little information available about these people, other than census records, and there do not appear to be any researchers online actively working on this group.
3b. Descendants of George's son, John (1687-1743) [Codes J1-J9] Links [Updated 16 May 2001] (AFN: 1W2H-TJR), many of whom migrated to Kentucky after the Revolution. Information about this family was published in Arther Evander Scroggins, Scrogin, Scroggin, Scroggins, 1964 with a later supplement, in the LDS Family History Library and on microfilm. Arthur's work has been carried forward by William G. Scroggins of Taylor Mill, Kentucky, in his Scroggins Papers. (See also Abigail Scroggins, below.)
Descendants through George's son George (1692-ca. 1771) and probable grandson Humphrey (ca. 1730-1812?) (AFN: HZWZ-R8):
3c. Descendants of the second Humphrey (1763-1846) [Code K] Links & Source (AFN: HZWZ-VR), who migrated through South Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky and finally settled in Logan County, Illinois. Humphrey and his children were quite prolific and have descendants spread far and wide. The most comprehensive published source (which also includes limited information about Humphrey's parents and siblings) is Shirley Louise Brodersen Ross, Humphrey Scroggin of Logan County, IL, His Ancestors and Descendants, 1986, in the LDS Family History Library and on microfilm. There is some early information available online in the Scroggins10 file of William G. Scroggins' Scroggins Papers. And there are numerous files for this family in both Rootsweb's WorldConnect and Ancestry's World Tree.
3d. Descendants of Barton Scroggins [Code L] Links & Source Descendants (ca. 1767-aft. 1816) (AFN: RRZ6-WT), who migrated through Grainger and Dickson Counties, Tennessee, and eventually settled around Madison and Macoupin Counties, Illinois. There is a discussion about Barton at http://users.erols.com/scroggjm/scrogginsdata/barton/, including a map of his family's migration, as well as some additional information in the map and chart under http://users.erols.com/scroggjm/scrogginsdata/maryjo/. The most significant published material is Ellen DalPozzo, Scroggins in Macoupin, Montgomery and Madison Counties, Illinois, 1994, in the LDS Family History Library. Some of the early members are included in the Shirley Ross book, above. There are several files that relate to parts of this family in both Rootsweb's WorldConnect and Ancestry's World Tree.
3e. Southern descendants Links of the first Humphrey Scroggin [Code M, except Codes N & P] (AFN: HZWZ-R8). Many of Humphrey's proven and probable children apparently accompanied him to Georgia in the late 1780's. From northeast Georgia, they moved south and west into Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and later Oklahoma and Texas. This group includes families of Humphrey's sons, nephews, and grandsons with given names like George, Thomas (sons to Alabama), Chattin, Philip (at least 2), Grissom, Fielding, Larkin [Code N] (to Arkansas), and Humphrey J. [Code P] (to Arkansas). A few of these people are inthe Shirley Ross book, above. Many are in the Scroggins10 file of William G. Scroggins' Scroggins Papers. And there are numerous files for these families in both Rootsweb's WorldConnect and Ancestry's World Tree.
4. Northern Virginia, ca. 1740. Links There are numerous mid-18th century references to Scoggins in Northern Virginia, north of the Southeastern Virginia group, and west of the Southern Maryland group, but there are no proven connections. William Scoggin married Catherine Peyton in Stafford County, Virginia, in 1740 (Map, 4a). William Scoggan (AFN:164G-MM0) was born ca. 1740, lived in Fauquier County, Virginia (Map, 4b), after it was organized in 1759, and died in the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. Most of his children moved to Kentucky in the late 1790's. Turner Scoggin and several others appear in Fauquier and Frederick County (Map, 4c) records from the 1760's to the 1790's. No specific relationships among these people seem to have been proven. Some descendants of the Southern Maryland group lived in Culpeper County, just to the west of this area in the late 1750's and early 1760's.
5. Alexander (Elick) Scogin Links [Updated 22 Jan 2001, 11:25 am EST] (AFN:L9Q2-DT & G7DK-1P), born 1750, possibly in what became Orange County, North Carolina (Orange County was created from Bladen County in 1752), but also possibly in Virgina. Elick and some of his children later lived in Oglethorpe County, Georgia, at the same time as some of the descendants of the Southern Maryland group, and some evidence suggests that members of both groups of families moved west into Troup County, Georgia, and then into Alabama. The most complete published source on this family is James Lecil Lovvorn, The Descendants of Alexander Scogin (1750-1810) and Allied Lines, 1994, in the LDS Family History Library and other places. Some researchers believe that Elick may have been a brother of the John Scoggin who was father of Repps Scoggin, the Smith Scroggins who went to Tennessee and then Mississippi, and the Scroggins who settled around Jennings County, Indiana.
6. Solomon Scoggin, Links born ca. 1750, lived in Chester County, Pennsylvania, during the Revolution (Map, 6a); appears as Solomon Schoggan on the 1790 census for Newlin Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania; married 1792 in Frederick County, Virginia (Map, 6b); died 1818 in Hamilton County, Ohio (Map, 6c). Mark Scogin (e-mail, link) and Pat Farrell (e-mail, link) have more information about Solomon and descendants on their pages. Solomon seems to have lived both near the area settled by the New Sweden group and in an area where some of the Northern Virigina group lived.
7. John Scogin, Links born 1770, Edgefield District, South Carolina (Map, 7a); died 1844, Bethany, Caddo Parish, Louisiana (Map, 7b). Married twice, several children, the most commonly cited ancestor of participants on the Scogin-L mailing list.
8. James Scoggin and son Etheldred, [Code B] Links date and place of birth unknown; both were adults in the vicinity of Christian County, Kentucky before 1800 and died there in 1806 (Map, 8). Howard Hugh Scroggins has more about them and about Etheldred's descendants on his Descendants of James Scroggins page. The probate of their estates is fairly well documented in published transcriptions of court records in Christian and nearby counties.
9. Elisha Scoggin [Updated 22 Jan 2001, 12:10 pm EST] (AFN:1J6H-GM5), born ca. 1783, Tamworth, Carroll County, New Hampshire. No known active researchers
10. William Freeman Scroggins [Code A] Links [Updated 22 Jan 2001, 12:25 pm EST] (AFN:44JB-MP), born ca. 1779-1791, Lincoln County, North Carolina (Map, ); married 1805, Lancaster County, South Carolina (Map, ); died 1863, Gilmer County, Georgia (Map, ). See Green Berry Scoggins, below.
11. Benjamin 'Berry' Scroggins. [Code B] Links [Updated 22 Jan 2001, 12:25 pm EST] (AFN: 1G10-0VH and L66V-9R). Originally from the vicinity of Wake County, North Carolina, this group migrated through Tennessee and settled in the area around Polk County, Missouri. Probably the single most comprehensive listing of this family is in print form in Doris M. P. Horlacher, Pritchett's from VA and Roane County, TN/MO Pritchard/Prichard/Prickett, in the LDS Family History Library. The most complete online listing seems to have been the Gedcom file 96069 at Ancestry's World Tree posted by <peg1940@yahoo.com>, but that file is no longer available. There is also partial information in the Scroggins10 file of William G. Scroggins' Scroggins Papers.
12. John Scoggin or Cogan, Links [Updated 22 Jan 2001, 12:55 pm EST] (AFN: 1H6G-84S and/or C6Z1-S2) of Wake County, North Carolina. The apparent father of Charity, Leah, Polly, John B., Sarah, Repps, Elizabeth, and Smith, most of who are documented with a variety of spellings. There is some, but not much, information readily available about the daughters. Repps apparently remained in the east.
12a. Smith [Code C2] Links [Updated 17 May 2001] (AFN: 1H6G-7ZS & C6Z1-S2) and most of his family adopted the "Scroggins" spelling and migrated through Tennessee and Mississippi, with many descendants ending up in Texas; Smith is the ancestor of Loma Scroggins Patton, author of several books on Scroggins, and of several other active researchers. He apparently left Wake County, North Carolina, after 1826, and was in Lincon County, Tennessee by 1840. He may be the Smith Scroggins in the 1830 census of Hickman County, Tennessee.
12b. John B. (AFN: 1H6G-9FT) [Code C1] migrated to Jennings County, Indiana. Many of his descendants also adopted the "Scroggins" spelling. One significant source of information about this family is the Rootsweb WorldConnect database "boicourtbylines."
13. James Scroggins Links [Updated 22 Jan 2001, 2:15 pm EST] of Culpeper County, Virginia, and Grant County, Kentucky. There is limited information in the Scroggins10 file of William G. Scroggins' Scroggins Papers.
14. Various Scroggins [Updated 22 Jan 2001, 12:45 pm EST] who remained in western Virginia after 1800. Some online information is availalbe in the "sealock" database at Rootsweb's WorldConnect, http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=sealock.
15. William Scoggin Links [Updated 22 Jan 2001, 3:00 pm EST] (AFN: QS1F-J2) of York County, South Carolina. Some work on William's line has been published by Peggy Koenig, who has some information online at http://pages.prodigy.com/scoggin/, and by Gregory Myers at http://members.tripod.com/~gregorymyers/scoggins.html.
16. John Scoggin [Updated 15 Apr 2002] See Group 1, above.
17. Isaac and Sarah Scoggin. Links [Added 20 Mar 2001]
Some strays to be identified:
(a) Mary Scrogins, married Seamore Mallory, St. Philips Parish, Charleston, South Carolina, 1736 or 1737.
(b) Abigail Scroggins of Worcester County, Maryland, Link who married George Parker before 1765. Some circumstantial evidence suggests that Abigail may belong to group 3b, above. [Updated 16 May 2001]
(c) Ann Scoggins, 1790 census, Frederick County, Maryland, is listed as head of a household consisting of 6 "all other persons" (no free white males or free white females). [Updated 20 May 2001]
(d) Cylvester Scoggins, 1790 census, Harford County, Maryland (1 free white male 16 and up, 1 free white male to 16, and 1 slave). [Updated 20 May 2001]
(e) Green Berry Scoggins, born in North Carolina, ca. 1785, later moved to Georgia, possibly related to William Freeman Scroggins (see group 10, above). Several researchers have posted messages about Green Berry at GenForum http://genforum.genealogy.com/scoggins/ and FamilyHistory http://www.familyhistory.com/messages/Messages.asp?id=40179. [Updated 16 May 2001]
(f) Several Scroggins identified in the vicinity of Baltimore, MD, ca. 1790-1818. [Updated 16 May 2001]
(g) Gainum (or Gaiman or Garmaine) Scroggins of Franklin County, Tennessee, ca. 1800-aft. 1830, as well as Humphry Scoggins and Russel Scroggins http://users.erols.com/scroggjm/scrogginsdata/barton/. [Updated 22 Jan 2001, 6:00 pm EST].
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