Clergywomen In Spiritual Pain Support Network/Resources

Black Baptist Women Clergy
Million Woman March
The National Baptist Convention, USA
Clergywomen In Spiritual Pain
Newspaper Resources

May God Bless You and Grant You Peace today.

We salute you today in the mighty name of JESUS who is the Christ.
We lift up His name and His alone above every name
That is both known and unknown.


"And when I cried out with a mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me.
And ain't I a woman?...Where did your Christ come from?
From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him!"

Quote Spoken by Sojourner Truth
Resource: SUNSTAR Black Women's History Pages

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Oh Lord, if I only had a voice! What could I say but, thank God for Jesus! Oh Lord, you are the voice for the voiceless. You made the voice. You made the vessel that you housed the voice in. You made the dumb to speak. You made the blind to see. You made the lame to leap anew. You made everything and without you nothing was made. Why can't we make you, Lord overall?! When will we hear? See? Know? Understand? Spirit is Spirit and flesh is flesh. At war one with the other. And you make everything to cease troubling as only you can. Thank you, Lord, for one more day to give you praise and glory. To lift up my heart's voice in gratitude. To lift up my spirit's song on High. To greet you in this brand new morning. Good morning, Lord Jesus.

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."
(Phil. 4:13)


O can't you see? O can't you hear? The Lord God's word shall never die. His work shall go on even long after we have passed on and should the Lord tarry long. But, when will we stand up together as one voice that is committed and unafraid to live and preach and teach God's truths in unity and as one body of called out, sought out strong women of God? For too long, we have been seen to be scattered. I just do not believe that everybody is silent! We have been too isolated. We have allowed ourselves to become unjustly neglected and excluded from within the Christian "brotherhood" for too long. We have allowed our collective womanly voices to be left out of too many of the life-changing, Godly decisions being made in our homes, churches, jobs, schools. We have opted for leftovers when not even the crumbs from the Lord's table have fallen our way for far too long. But we can only hope to "cry loud and spare not" in these prophetic last days when we realize that God is the only one we must fear. Our God is on our side. O everyone needs a gentle reminder of that every now and then. To know that it is o.k. to be yourself in the presence of the Lord. Open. Humble. Human. Resting in Him knowing that we must not be deterred nor retreat from God's call. Yes, we are, indeed, "a peculiar people" for we know that we have received peace within the very midst of the storms of our life. Take back your voice and use it for the glory of God. There are many more women and men online, too, who love the Lord Jesus. And we must all come together to use this fast-paced instrument of technology to help build bridges, settle rifts and tifts, heal hurting hearts, soothe solemn souls, and if we must, to tear down, break apart and utterly destroy any boundaries which seek to stagnate progress and positive gains for the good of all humankind upon the earth.


Do not let this march be just one more of only "us" and not "them" (whoever "them" might be). I have let my wishes be made known to call for an invitation to women, period!! In the city of "Brotherly Love", let us finally come together in brotherly (sisterly) love. I don't mind repeating myself and being repeated. This is much too important. Our children's futures are at stake. How can they know the way, if we do not show them the way? We must never turn back. Too much blood has been shed for the cause of black liberation for any of us to continue to act as if only black blood was shed for that cause. Now is the time to embrace ALL mankind who wants to be so embraced. And if not, let whoever does not go their own way (we do have choices). But we who know "the way, the truth, and the life" no longer have any excuses. I, for one, will continue to preach unity at the cost to no one not even my own self. Why? Because Jesus paid it all at Calvary! Then, so be it. Nike's would just love this one, JUST DO IT!! Come on!! Get in line. Now let your presence count for something.You will not be alone. Make new friends. Network!

That was then. This is now.

October 25, 1997
Click Here for information.

Well, the MWM has come and gone. And so many women attended in person and via tv (when you could find a station that covered it consistently.) And all of that was good! BUT, and here it is. Please, I want somebody who is over 50 (I really do not care WHO it is to be truthful or what the age), but just e-mail me, telephone me, write to me and just tell me why I feel so bad about it. That's all! Were some NOT glad about it? I will await your help. I am really going to use this website now. If you want it to be private, indicate that in my guest book, and it shall remain so. A great big thank you. I can hear somebody saying now, "She is NEVER satisfied!" Only Jesus knows all about my sorrow. Meanwhile, I have linked Rev. Khandi Paasewe's commentary. Please take a look at the content on the linked page and let me know your thinking about the MWM. I need to hear from you. Thank you.


Visit but come back to us.

As women clergy in the NBCUSA, Inc., we affirm our faith completely as that stated and published in the doctrinal confession and outlined by the Bible and the convention. For clarity and so as to not duplicate texts, we have linked directly to that website, above. Please visit there for further information about the convention and our doctrinal beliefs.

Although recent reported events concerning Rev. Dr. Henry Lyons, president of The National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. (NBCUSA), have almost come to a halt, we still want to know what your thoughts, comments, prayers and/or concerns may be. If you have had any past or present problems in the NBCUSA, female or male clergy, contact us in confidence. We want to help make the Godly difference in your spiritual and secular life. We know that we can come together in Jesus' name for the well-being of the body of Christ and for the uplifting of God's kingdom such that our God will be glorified.


This support network was organized in 1989, to be a minister to ministers (female), but it is broad enough to include male clergy as well as laity (male and female). It is with deep regret, we state that our Clergywomen Support Network is not an officially recognized portion of the NBCUSA Inc. However, this support network did evolve from the visionary ministries outlined by The Holy Spirit for the Founder, Preacher/Prophetess, Rev. Lainie Dowell, in 1987-88, for women clergy in the convention who experienced spiritual abuse at the whim of certain of the church leadership and from among certain of the congregants in churches where they served. The Lord instilled in Rev. Dowell a long time ago, that just as there developed support groups and advocacy for spousal, child, animal abuses, and the like ~~ that there needed to be a safe, supportive, confidential and anonymous place for women clergy to be able to go for healing and restoration. An environment that would allow them to be able to speak freely about their deep, personal, secular and spiritual problems without fear of breech of confidence or fear of condemnation and guilt. But, rather, through prayerful listening and availability and allowing The Holy Spirit through His presence and by His Word to restore the hurting. Please rest assured, we will hold in complete confidence anything we have been entrusted to receive from anyone who participates with us to work towards unity within this denomination and, indeed, worldwide for the sake of Christ Jesus towards love and unity of the faith.

Along with many others, I will remain on the wall, cry loud, and spare not [what do you think that means?]. As we step into the 21st century, let us remember and always affirm, after Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that the color of one's complexion IS NO LONGER the issue, rather it is truly "the content of one's character". God has the last say. And God will always be God all by himself! The God of All Be Praised Forevermore!

Although this Baptist preacher/prophetess is a member of the NBCUSA,
The Mountainside Ministries online is not an official site of the NBCUSA.

See the following news sites for comprehensive coverage on
Rev. Dr. Henry Lyons and the NBCUSA, INC.

The Tampa Tribune (FL)

St. Petersburg Times (FL)

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