- Wolfgang Kohler
Hello, I'm Kathleen Sciacca, and I would like to welcome you to the Dual Diagnosis Website. Dual Diagnosis refers to co-occurring Mental Illness, Drug Addiction and/or Alcoholism in various combinations. This site is designed to provide information and resources for service providers, consumers, and family members who are seeking assistance and/or education in this field. The ultimate goal is to improve our service delivery systems. Our present systems have evolved to address singular/discrete disorders. It is entirely possible to reshape our mental health and substance abuse systems, and communities of care across systems, to provide comprehensive services to all consumers. In doing so, these programs will be able to provide effective interventions for persons who have dual/multiple disorders. |
Diagnosis and Motivational Interviewing Literature, Articles, Chapters, Glossary/Fact Sheets and Abstracts
Please note: The following publications are protected by full copyright laws. They are being made available for your personal use. They are not for reproduction or presentation in any part without prior permission from the author.
& Video Reviews from the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal.
Education and Training Videos
Educational and Program Materials Available for Order
Overview of Program Development and Training Resources
Biographical Sketch of Kathleen Sciacca
Bulletin Board
You will have two options in this category: One is to review the postings on the bulletin board by clicking on the heading(s)of interest; and the second will provide you with an opportunity to submit information for posting to the bulletin board.
The Dual Diagnosis Program Directory. Discover dual diagnosis programs in your locale (both U.S. and International), or add an entry for your program.
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Dual Diagnosis Chat Room (Requires Netscape 2.0 and a 28.8 Kbps modem.)
Entering this area provides an opportunity for on-line discussion with others who are interested in discussing issues and topics related to dual disorders. The chat room is open twenty four hours a day. We have designated 2PM, 8PM, 9PM, and 10PM EDT as suggested times to enter chat. Use your browser's BACK key to return to this website.
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ksciacca@pobox.com and your address will be added.