Glossary of Terms - Dual Diagnosis, Co-occurring Disorders.

Dual diagnosis refers to Co-occurring Disorders of Mental Health disorders and Substance Abuse disorders (alcohol and/or drug dependence or abuse).

Dual Diagnosis and Dual/Multiple disorders profiles may include the following:

  1. Severe/major mental illness and a substance disorder(s)
  2. Substance disorder(s) and a personality disorder(s)
  3. Substance disorder(s), personality disorder(s) and substance induced acute symptoms that may require psychiatric care, i.e., hallucinations, depression, and other symptoms resulting from substance abuse or withdrawal.
  4. Substance abuse, mental illness, and organic syndromes in various combinations. Organic sydromes may be a result of substance abuse, or independent of substance abuse.
Persons are found across the mental health and substance abuse systems who have various combinations of these dual/multiple disorders.

They are also found outside of these systems of care, often among the homeless, and within the criminal justice system.

Acronyms that define various dual disorders:

MICAA: Mentally Ill, Chemical Abusers, and Addicted. Denotes the severely mentally ill chemical abuser. (Sciacca, 1991)

MISA: Mentally Ill Substance Abuser. May denote various combinations of dual disorders with or without severe mental illness.

MIDAA*, This denotes the inclusion of Mental Illness, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism in various combinations as dual/multiple disorders.

CAMI: Chemical Abusing Mentally Ill. This denotes Chemical abuse or dependence as primary with personality disorders (but without severe mental illness). (Sciacca,1991).

CAMI, With substance induced psychotic episodes: Same as CAMI with substance induced acute symptoms. (Sciacca,1991)

For a more thorough and complete glossary and fact sheet for Dual Diagnosis, Co-occurring Disorders go to:

  • Reference: Sciacca, K. "An Integrated Treatment Approach for Severely Mentally Ill Individuals with Substance Disorders" New Directions for Mental Health Services, Jossey Bass Publ. Summer 1991,#50.

    *MIDAA and logo are registered trademarks of Kathleen Sciacca and Sciacca Comprehensive Service Development for MIDAA.

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