Science Fiction is my favorite form of imaginative writing; I've been into it for almost 25 years. This page lists some of my favorite works in a number of media, and provides links to more comprehensive sci-fi resources on the web.
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For reviews of fairly new sci-fi and other books, visit my books and reviews page.
The table below is a compilation of my favorite books by a wide variety of science fiction authors. (The authors are just given in alphabetical order, and some of the authors' names are links to web pages about them. If no book names appear with that author, it means that all my favorite material by that author are short stories, essays, or novelizations of other works. Marked in boldface are authors who were, IMHO, important contributor to the field. Almost all of the book titles are links that search for that book by name at Books-A-Million.)
See also The Internet Scifi/Fantasy Top 100 List.
If you find an error in this table, please notify me.
Here are my favorite science fiction shows, with comments and links to web pages or information about them. Note that in some cases, I'm not trying to say that the show was great, just that I liked it.
The video game and computer game genre is a mixed bag for sci-fi fans. Most games either present attractive sci-fi visuals, or a real plot, but only the very best have both. The list below describes a few of the best interactive sci-fi games I've played extensively -- to avoid embarrassing myself too much, the (much larger) list of lamers is not described.
More recently, the third game of the series has been a hit, XCOM: Apocalypse.
I need to add a few more, second-tier favorites here.
Here are some links to general science fiction web sites and newsgroups. I checked out all of these personally, and believe them to be stable and useful.
Yahoo! Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & Horror - Yahoo's topic tree for SF etc.
Science Fiction Writers of America - Home base of the SFWA
Internet Speculative Fiction Database - Comprehensive information base
eXcite Science Fiction & Fantasy - Links to other good sites, reviewed
Northwest Science Fiction Resources - SF resources for fans and writers in the NW of NA
Science Fiction Omnicon - Bibliography of Sci-Fi terms
The SF Site - Well-organized site for SF-oriented stuff
Sci-Fi Channel - The Dominion - Web site of the popular cable network, mucho info.
Sci-Fi Links at Visionaries
- links to regular and unusual sci-fi sites
rec.arts.sf-lovers - The main Usenet Sci-Fi group
Here are direct links to the Science Fiction browse areas of some movie and book vendors. - Science Fiction/Fantasy category
(videos) - Science Fiction category
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This page written by Neal Ziring, last modified 6/30/98.