I'm really not trying to build this up or titilate you, but please recall that you were warned. Nakedness, violence...everything that made Americia great.

Featuring the Cruel Site of The Day. A cornicopia of nastiness of every kind!

Lego Porn
George Carlin, who used to be funny but now as turned into your bitter grandfather, said that if you put two things together that have never been put together someone will buy it. And to think, this is a free site!

Clown Porn
I swear to you that I don't look for this stuff. This was sent to me. It just goes to show the twisted genius of the web - find a fetish and it will be filled.

Bert Is Evil
Not really all that offensive, but not for everyone. Bert is exposed as the crack-smoking, whore-mongering, Ernie-beating motherfucker that he really is. Plus, he's the one that introduced Richard Pryor to crack. Thanks, you son of a bitch.

Ohhhhhh...you really don't want to go here. Possibly the nastiest site I've ever seen. Unless you're a medical doctor interested in various forms of death, stay far away. Although they do have a celebrity mugshot page.

Betty Bowers Is A Better Christian Than You
"America's Best Christian." This is a clever religious satire site with some (don't say it!) devilshly (ARRRRRRGH!) funny stuff.

Army Of God
With the extridition of James Kopp, the alledged killer of an abortion provider, it occurred to me to do a search on "James Kopp" and "hero". This was one of the first pages to turn up. Truly terrifying and disturbing. Among the most frightening parts of this page is The Army Of God Manual. This is a how-to on how to disrupt abortion clinics. The start of this document plays the theme from The Godfather, an irony that is more than chilling. The manual, with it's litany of tricks, many of which can be traced to Abbie Hoffman's Steal This Book, is a shining example of how the extreme left and the extreme right often merge on the other side of reason.

Naked News
You're a busy executive! Meetings, lunches, dinners, more meetings...you can barely keep up with current events, let alone have time to surf the porn sites! God, when will someone fill this need?! The wait is over. Naked News gives you everything you need - A run down on today's top stories PLUS women taking their clothes off. Apparently, they've added men taking their clothes off now, too, in an attempt to broaden their appeal. Thank GOD for the Internet!

Pyscho Ex-Girlfriend

Funny, scary, really, really sad. This is the voicemail chronicle of a relationship dying. The author has posted 53 voicemails left by his girlfriend, many of them only 3-4 minutes apart. There's an ethical debate as to whether this is moral or not. Cautionary tale or revenge? You be the judge.


The original web cam. She started in college and kept going until the server was flooded and she had to move the site. Jenni's apartment 24/7. Watch her work. Watch her eat. Watch her sleep. Yes, she does occasionally have sex on camera or take a shower, but those are rare occurances.


Sick and funny as shit, if only to certain people. This is a loose group of guys who pose as underage girls on AOL's Instant Messenger and fuck with the pedophiles that try to pick them up. They lure them in and then turn the cybersex psychotic. There's a Victoria's Secret fantasy that turns into a killing spree. The thing is, these guys are so lame they continue to play along, even after they've been cyber-shot in the head.


"The Dot-com Deadpool." Rampant rumor mill as well as a functional dead pool to see who can figure out which dot-com goes under next. Also amusing is Am I Fucked Or Not, a take off on Am I Hot Or Not.

Jesus Christ Superstore

Where in creation can you buy plastic action figures of The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost...with automatic weapons? As they say on Zoom "Take a wild guess." But it's not just Christian action, you buy Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist, too!

Large Penis Support Group

"Do you have an abnormally large male genital? Have you been injured by one in the recent past? The L.P.S.G. was developed to aid those who fall into either of those categories. We can help you deal with having a large penis as well as assist those who must deal with them in their daily, or nightly, lives." This is not a joke site. Remember - It's always funny until someone loses an eye. Sponsored, in part, by Viagra. Again, I'm not making this up.


Oh, will the wonders of the web never cease! This site allows you to translate any site without frames into porno-speak. Why? I'm not really sure. However, it does make George Bush's Wecome Message on his website slightly more tolerable



All material on this web page is copyrighted by Paul Day and Hbee Inc.1999-2002. Any attempt to plagurize, excerpt, slice, dice, chop, julliene, fricassee, weld, staple, screw, nail, make pictoral representations from chopped liver, ice or any other foodstuff or material either living or dead, mime, dance, sketch or peform in front of pets that are not your own is expressly prohibited.