
Shorinji Kempo Technical Pages
Pressure Point Interactive Tutor

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If you did, you would see an interactive Java applet here.
To get a Java-enabled browser, acquire either Netscape Navigator
or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.
You can look at this same information as static pictures on
the Pressure Points Page 2r.

These diagrams were assembled by copying the pressure point diagrams given in official WSKO textbook. Students at the san-dan level and above are responsible for knowing the location and names of all the points shown below.

Note that these diagrams cannot substitute for training with your instructor and practicing use of these pressure points with your fellow students! These pages are meant to help you memorize the names of the points, and their general location on the body.

These drawings were made using Corel Draw 5 and the Java applet was programmed using the Sun official Java Development Kit 1.0.1 for Solaris and 1.0.2 for Windows 95. You can have the Java source code: Location.java, MultiImageDisplay.java, and PointQuiz.java.

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This page written by Neal Ziring, last modified 11/8/02.