Warren Township Library

Reading is learning ... Can you answer the green dot quiz!
Warren Township Library
42 Mountain Boulevard
Warren, NJ 07059
(908) 754-5554
Fax: (908) 754-2899

This is our new library

1. For what American Revolutionary War hero is our town named?Over 50,000 Books 2. How many dimples are on a regulation golf ball? Inter-library Loan 3. Why do Solar Eclipses only occur on Earth? Over 200 Periodicals 4. What state has the longest official full name?
5. Why in later life did Beethoven write, but not listen to music?Audio Cassettes: Books-on-Tape, Language Instruction, Music, etc. 6. Who is the only athlete in both baseball and football halls of fame?
7. In the letter sequence 'OTTFFSS', what is the next letter?Large-type Books 8. Who is the only baseball player to be killed during a major league game? Compact Discs 9. Why is there no year zero? Video Tapes 10. What is the deepest part of the ocean, and how deep?
11. What is the actual title to the MASH TV theme song?CD-Roms 12. Who was the only West Point student to have ever graduated with no demerits? Financial and Consumer Information 13. What was the first american colony to legalize witchcraft? Copy Machines 14. What part of the government keeps track of official american time?
15. In what state was the (Jim) Bowie knife forged?Delivery Service to Shut-ins 16. How many paintings did Vincent Van Gogh sell in his lifetime? Reading Room 17. What country borders between France and Spain? Reference Services 18. What was the maiden name of lunar astronaut Buzz Aldrin's mother?
20. In what was Peter Rabbit author, Beatrix Potters' education and vocation?Computer Dial-up Access to Somerset Library System Catalog 21. What state capital has the smallest population?
22. Why did the 16th century astronomer Tycho Brahe sport a silver nose?Public Internet Access 23. For whom is Mickey Mouse named?

Programs and Activities

24. How many holes does a chinese checkerboard have? Current Books Discussion Group (2nd Monday of the Month) 25. What was Beaver Cleaver's locker number?
26. What was the first movie to have a sequel? Adult Programs: Financial Planning, Health, etc. 27. Corduroy is from French. What does it mean?
28. What 5 digit number when multiplied by 4 has the same digits, reversed? Semi-annual Used Book Sale 29. What does Susan B. Anthony's middle initial stand for?

Youth Services


30. What playing card king has no moustache? Rhyme Time 31. What auto company uses the Pleiades constellation as its logo? Toddler and Pre-school Day and Evening Storytimes 32. What was Rita Hayworth's real Name?
33. In what U.S. state were bombs dropped by the Japanese in WWII? Toys - Including: Games, Puzzles, Blocks, etc. for use in Library 34. What U.S president was born Leslie Lynch King, Jr.?
35. What is the most amount of money you can have and still not make change for a dollar? Summer Reading Club 36. Who was the first person to solo fly across the Atlantic Ocean? Programs for School-age Children 37. What word in English contains the vowels a, e, i, o and u in that order?


38. What dessert is is made from starch from the Brazilian cassava root? Book Discussion 39. Is the Earth closer to the sun in Summer? Summer Reading Club 40. What country won the most medals in the first modern olympics in 1896?
41. How can 1 + 1 = 10? Craft Program 42. What two colleges represented the U.S. in the first modern olympics? Volunteer Group The answers are at the Warren Library

Regular Hours of Operation

Monday through Thursday
9:30 am - 9:00 pm
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Summer Hours (July and August)

Monday through Thursday
9:30 am - 9:00 pm
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Warren Township Library
is part of the

Somerset County
Library System

Check out their web site at

This logo is from their web site


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This page was last updated 2/28/98