UPDATED May 20, 2003:
DATES announced for LIGHT!Fest East Coast
LIGHT!Fest East Coast 2003 will be held Saturday and Sunday, August 16
and 17, 2003 in
As in prior years, ELO and related-artists fans will be gathering at
the home (affectionately known as the LIGHT!House) of Steve
Also, as in past years, we expect to have lots of fans attend and have a
great time! Our last LIGHT!Fest, held in 2002, was a
great success and drew many fans from all over the country (past years had some
attendees from as far west as
If you've never been to any of the East Coast LIGHT!Fests (we've had many), you're really in for a treat.
LIGHT!Fest is your best chance to meet other ELO/Move/Orchestra/Jeff Lynne/etc. fans. You'll be able to check out the neatest ELO and Move collectibles (watch as the house becomes a veritable ELO shrine for the weekend... you won't believe your eyes!), and listen and see rare ELO/Move/etc. -related recordings and videos that you never knew existed!! And for 2003, there's so much material! You can even bring your collectibles to put out on display.
This will be two great days of ELO fandom. And with all the recent ELO-related events of the past few years (including Jeff Lynne's ELO having put out ZOOM, along with a concert video, in addition to new remasters of older ELO albums, most recently, First Light, and with ORCHESTRA's new NO REWIND album on the way for general release --many of us have the pre-release version--, along with their concerts and a live DVD planned, and who can forget the "Mr. Blue Sky" VW commercial, with more movies having ELO in their soundtracks), 2003 is a great year to be an ELO fan... and you don't want to miss out on LIGHT!Fest East Coast 2003!
How much is LIGHT!Fest? $0!... as always! LIGHT!Fest is sponsored by LIGHT!, but you don't have to be a member to attend. You just have to be a fan of ELO, Orchestra (and ELO Part 2), The Move, The Idle Race, Jeff Lynne, Roy Wood, well... you get the picture.
There are many inexpensive hotels in the immediate area for lodging, or we can put you up for Saturday night (we have plenty of room here). There'll be plenty of food and refreshments, as well as the LIGHT!Fest BBQ!
If you're interested in more information or would like to R.S.V.P (we're trying to get a count of attendees, which will help in planning the event), please e-mail Steve Rifkin or call him at (410) 486-7552. You may also write (postal mail) to LIGHT! (Click here for page with postal mail address.) We will update this web page when more news is available.
Read some reviews about what made LIGHT!Fest East Coast '01 a great success!
Also, read about one of our older fests, LIGHT!Fest East Coast '97.
Hope to see you there!
Last Updated