LIGHT! Fest!

LIGHT!Fest East Coast '97 RESULTS

Two days of solid ELO... There is absolutely no other way to express it...

The best ELO fan get-together in North America. Yes, LIGHT!Fest once again took place this past August in Baltimore. Over 25 attendees (from as far south as Florida) made this our most successful event yet. From seeing all the collectibles, to listening to all the new and rare ELO-related music now available, to checking out ELO-related videos, books, and magazines you never thought existed, to the live feed to the Internet for ELO-related browsing, this was a great time for any ELO/ELO Part 2/Jeff Lynne/Move/Idle Race/ Traveling Wilbury (you get the picture) fan. And the fans, the attendees, the people, this is what made LIGHT!Fest so wonderful. The sheer joy of seeing all these ELO fans talking to each other in person, exchanging views, checking out collectibles (it's still wonderful to see the awe in an ELO fan's eyes when they see or hear some new ELO related item for the first time!), and just generally having a great time. It was really special.

(We even got a call from one of LIGHT!'s Swedish members during the event, as his way to participate.)

Oh, and you can't forget the famous LIGHT!Fest Saturday night BBQ and after dinner sing-along (not as corny as it may sound!). It really was 2 great days of ELO.

1998 will still continue our LIGHT!Fest tradition. LIGHT!Fest East Coast will probably be scheduled to occur in August in Baltimore again. LIGHT!Fest Mid-West, which was formerly held in Michigan, may take a detour this year to be held in Canada (though not too far from the Michigan site), and will most likely occur early Spring. More details will be posted, or if you're a member of LIGHT!, you'll receive info in the newsletters.

LIGHT!Fest is sponsored by LIGHT!, the North American ELO Fan Club, but you do not have to be a member to attend. It is open to all fans of ELO and related artists.

Steve Rifkin, Coordinator of LIGHT!, The North American ELO Fan Club.

Last Updated June 11, 2001, by Steve Rifkin.

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