SQR Book



   New SQR Book Released
cover150.jpg (8798 bytes) SQR in Peoplesoft and Other Applications

by Galina and Vlad Landres - Manning Publications

Click Here to order a copy from AMAZON.COM

Also checkout SQRLAND.COM by Galina and Vlad Landres (Book Information, Consulting Services, Etc)...

   My personal review of this book
This may be of great interest to many of the readers on the SQR Users Group... There have been quite a few inquiries about SQR books on the  market... You'll find an excellent SQR book at www.manning.com (Manning Publications Co.) entitled 'SQR in PeopleSoft and Other Applications' by Galina and Vlad Landres... I had the honor (and pleasure) of reviewing the book... It is very solid and will definitely benefit the SQR community as a whole... It seems to cover "all areas" of SQR development including Internet, Graphics and Printing Topics... as well as arrays, functions, I/O, decision logic, SQL, commands, syntax, etc... Although the book has 'PeopleSoft' in the title its' Main Focus is SQR programming in general... Think of the PeopleSoft chapters as an added bonus! (That's one of the things I really liked about the book - it doesn't stop at the basics)... The PeopleSoft chapters explain the ins/outs of Menus, Run Controls (Records/Panels), Process Scheduler, Process Monitor, Effective Date Processing, Interfaces, Conversion... You can find information on the book (including table of contents) at http://www.manning.com/Landres/index.html (the book cover may change though - something a little more 'high energy' would be appropriate)... I could tell in my review a great deal of time and careful planning went into writing this... I'm especially pleased because I've recently had the opportunity to work with Galina at a "mutual" client and it's been a very positive and rewarding experience... She's very knowledgable, professional and very enthusiastic about her work! New and experienced SQR developers will be very happy with this book! -Tony DeLia
   Original Book Cover
cover150x.jpg (8798 bytes) This is the original Book Cover for SQR In PeopleSoft and Other Applications. Galina and Vlad were not too pleased with the publishers selection. Manning now uses 17th century characters for all of their book covers. The new cover (above) is slightly better than this one. Not in terms of art work though - They're beautiful illustrations. But they have little relevence to SQR development.
   Book cover suggestion (just kidding)
pg002.jpg (40684 bytes) As mentioned, Galina and Vlad were negotiating with the publisher over the cover of their book. If an appropriate cover wasn't found I offered one I created myself. This is my "crayola" version of a Tarkay painting I like. It shows two SQR developers waiting patiently for Barnes and Noble to open their doors. They both are picking up a few copies of 'SQR in PeopleSoft and other Applications' - and probably some cappucino!
ftoct01.jpg (12389 bytes) I would appreciate any feedback you may have on this site. Send mail to tdelia@erols.com or click on the Octopus.

Tony DeLia - Updated June 17, 1999