Pets II



   Devon graduating from Puppy Kindergarten... Top of the Class...

dev027.jpg (17876 bytes)

Devon graduated from Puppy Kindergarten this past March... The local PetSmart holds a 6-week course for $35... it's definitely money well spent... She learned to Look, Sit, Come, Heel, Stay and some other stuff... She was clearly the smartest and most talented puppy in the bunch... some of the other puppies had a hard enough time trying to hold their bladders until they got outside... some couldn't even do that! If you have a dog take the time to attend one of these classes...
   She really is talented...
dev018.jpg (10938 bytes) Move over Snoop Dog! Here's Devon on the cover of her new hip-hop album... I'm just kidding! She's just wearing my baseball cap... she doesn't have any recording contracts yet... Honestly I'd rather hear her barking at squirrels than listen to some of the rap music that's out these days!
   Here's Devon and her neighbor (and best friend) Clark...
dev020.jpg (25085 bytes) These two have a great time together... they really are great friends!
   Devon hanging out at home...
dev021.jpg (10289 bytes) dev022.jpg (7232 bytes) To the far left is Devon and her favorite pillow... and here she is after a trip to the groomers... this doesn't last long!
   Let's not forget TJ and Weenie...
dev023.jpg (15825 bytes) Looks like they've found a nice quiet spot in the sunroom... away from Devon! Another one of Devon's favorite activities is to ambush the cats during peaceful moments like these! Quite frankly it's one of my favorite moments as well... it's hilarious!
   Sorry guys... didn't mean to wake you...
dev024.jpg (18658 bytes) "How dare you wake us up!" I guess they heard the camera click! If my wife sees this web page I'm in big trouble! The cats aren't allowed on the furniture... and here I am snapping photographs!
   Sleep... the cats favorite activity...
dev025.jpg (9493 bytes) TJ and Weenie have mustered enough energy to move out of the sunroom and on to the foyer stairs for a nice nap... they try to conserve their energy during the day so they can cause trouble during the night when everyone else is asleep!
   TJ jumping through a flaming hoop...
dev017.jpg (8683 bytes) Here's TJ leaping through the 'Ring of Death'... I'm kidding again... this is not TJ... So don't call the SPCA please! This was taken on a trip to Key West... the performer had a group of very well-trained cats... it was amazing! My cats don't listen to one word I say... they only respond to the sound of a tuna fish can opening!

   Here's another picture I drew... a little off-topic...
pnelph.jpg (36870 bytes) NOTE:
I do not have a pet elephant... but if you saw some of the "boulders" Devon leaves scattered around the backyard you would think an elephant was roaming around the grounds!

ftoct01.jpg (12389 bytes) I would appreciate any feedback you may have on this site. Send mail to or click on the Octopus.

Tony DeLia - Updated July 22, 1999