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   PARSE-Func - Put/Get Parsed Data
Zgrizzly.jpg (27030 bytes) Here's a set of functions to Parse delimited files. It's based on a prior page in my Techniques section (Parsing  Delimited Files). The functions are encapsulated for ease of use. We'll use these functions to produce a solution to a recent question on the SQRUG list (07/21) - parsing a delimited record to create XML output. Now check out the grizzly and then my moose (at the bottom).

You can find the PARSE-Func functions in my custom SQR library TDFUNC.SQC

   PARSE-Func-Put Parameters - Put Fields Into Array (Parsing)
Input    - Input Record
Input    - Column Delimiter (comma, semi-column, pipe, etc.)
Input    - Text Qualifier (if applicable - null, double-quote, etc.)
Output  - Number of columns parsed from input record

Set substitution variable "parsize" to max number of expected elements

#define parsize 5      ! Indicates 5 elements need parsing... (default=500)


   PARSE-Func-Get - Parameters - Get Parsed Field from Array
Input    - Index of Column to retrieve
Output  - Parsed Data Element (at Index Location)


   PARSE-Func-Put/Get in Action - Parse Input and format XML...
Here's the scenario:

The user would like to read a semi-colon delimited record which contains data in the following format:


The data elements include: Name, Home#, Page#, Cell#, E-mail and Work Ext.
The output should be produced in XML format as follows:


Now we'll produce a quick little routine using PARSE-Func-Put (to parse the data) and PARSE-Func-Get (to extract individual data elements). We'll use display commands to produce the XML output in the example.

Here's the routine:

!*       Process Main                                                 *

begin-procedure Process-Main

let #idx_name  = 0
let #idx_home  = 1
let #idx_page  = 2
let #idx_cell  = 3
let #idx_email = 4
let #idx_work  = 5

while 1 = 1

   read 1 into $rec:100

   if #end-file = 1

   do PARSE-Func-Put($rec, ';', '', #cols)

   do PARSE-Func-Get(#idx_name,  $I_name)
   do PARSE-Func-Get(#idx_home,  $I_home)
   do PARSE-Func-Get(#idx_page,  $I_page)
   do PARSE-Func-Get(#idx_cell,  $I_cell)
   do PARSE-Func-Get(#idx_email, $I_email)
   do PARSE-Func-Get(#idx_work,  $I_work)

   let $xml = '<PH>'
   display $xml
   let $xml = '  <EMPLOYEE>' || $I_name || '</EMPLOYEE>'
   display $xml
   let $xml = '  <HOME_PHONE>' || $I_home || '</HOME_PHONE>'
   display $xml
   let $xml = '  <PAGER>' || $I_page  || '</PAGER>'
   display $xml
   let $xml = '  <CELL>'  || $I_cell  || '</CELL>'
   display $xml
   let $xml = '  <PAGER_EMAIL>' || $I_email || '</PAGER_EMAIL>'
   display $xml
   let $xml = '  <WORK_EXT>' || $I_work || '</WORK_EXT>'
   display $xml
   let $xml = '</PH>'
   display $xml



!*       Include Members:                                             *

#Include 'tdfunc.sqc'    !TD Custom SQR Function Library
!*       End of Program                                               *


   PARSE-Func - Source Code
!*       Build PARSE Array                                            *
!*                                                                    *
!*       See PARSE-Func-Put for String Parsing Parameters.            *
!*       See PARSE-Func-Get for Column Retrieval Parameters.          *
!*                                                                    *
!*                                                                    *
!*      EXAMPLE: #define PARsize 5      ! Override Array Size         *
!*               ...                                                  *
!*               let $rec = '123,"A,B,C",456'                         *
!*               ...                                                  *
!*               do PARSE-Func-Put($rec, ',', '"', #O_cols)           *
!*               ...                                                  *
!*               do PARSE-Func-Get(0, $value1)                        *
!*               do PARSE-Func-Get(1, $value2)                        *
!*               do PARSE-Func-Get(2, $value3)                        *
!*                                                                    *
!*      RESULTS: <PARSE-Func-Put - Parsing>                           *
!*                                                                    *
!*               3 in #O_cols variable (#columns parsed from $rec).   *
!*                                                                    *
!*               Value 123   is placed in array element 0.            *
!*               Value A,B,C is placed in array element 1.            *
!*               Value 456   is placed in array element 2.            *
!*                                                                    *
!*               Comma used as delimiter.                             *
!*               Text Qualified with Double-Quotes.                   *
!*                                                                    *
!*               <PARSE-Func-Get - Individual Field Retrieval>        *
!*                                                                    *
!*               $value1 set to array element 0 (123).                *
!*               $value2 set to array element 1 (A,B,C).              *
!*               $value3 set to array element 2 (456).                *
!*                                                                    *

#ifndef PARSE_Func_Remove

#ifndef PARsize
#define PARsize 500                   ! Default PARmtx Size

begin-procedure PARSE-Array

create-array name=PARmtx size={PARsize} field=PARfld:char

let #PARmax = {PARsize} - 1


!*       Parse Delimited Record (PUT Fields into Array)               *
!*                                                                    *
!*        INPUT: $I_rec     - Input Record                            *
!*               $I_del     - Column Delimiter                        *
!*               $I_txt     - Text Qualifier (or NULL)                *
!*       OUTPUT: #O_cols    - Output Number of Columns Loaded         *
!*                                                                    *
!*               To de-activate this function:                        *
!*               #define PARSE_Func_Remove                            *
!*                                                                    *
!*                                                                    *
!*     EXAMPLE:  See PARSE-Array procedure for example.               *
!*                                                                    *

begin-procedure PARSE-Func-Put($I_rec, $I_del, $I_txt, :#O_cols)

if #_PARmax = 0
   do PARSE-Array

clear-array name=PARmtx

let $I_rec      = $I_rec || $I_del

let #idx        = 0

!   Straight Delimiter Parsing (No Text Qualifiers Used)
if  $I_txt      = ''

    let #ptr    = 1
    let #end    = 1

    while #end  > 0

       let #end = instr($I_rec, $I_del, #ptr)

       if  #end > 0

           let #len = #end - #ptr

           if  #len > 0
               let PARmtx.PARfld (#idx) = substr($I_rec, #ptr, #len)

           let #idx = #idx + 1
           let #ptr = #end + 1



!   Text Qualifiers Used (Each character must be tested)

    let #len      = length($I_rec)

    let #txt        = 0
    let #idx        = 0
    let #pos        = 1
    let $data       = ''

    while #pos     <= #len

       let $char    = substr($I_rec, #pos, 1)

       if  $char    = $I_txt
           let #txt = #txt + 1

           if  $char                    = $I_del
           and mod(#txt, 2)             = 0
               let PARmtx.PARfld (#idx) = $data
               let #idx                 = #idx + 1
               let $data                = ''
               let $data                = $data || $char


       let #pos   = #pos + 1



let #O_cols = #idx


!*       Parse Delimited Record (GET Field  from Array)               *
!*                                                                    *
!*        INPUT: #I_idx     - Index of Column to Retrieve             *
!*       OUTPUT: $O_data    - Output Data String                      *
!*                                                                    *
!*               To de-activate this function:                        *
!*               #define PARSE_Func_Remove                            *
!*                                                                    *
!*                                                                    *
!*     EXAMPLE:  See PARSE-Array procedure for example.               *
!*                                                                    *

begin-procedure PARSE-Func-Get(#I_idx, :$O_data)

let $O_data  = PARmtx.PARfld (#I_idx)





ftoct01.jpg (12389 bytes) I would appreciate any feedback you may have on this site. Send mail to or click on the Octopus.

   Technical difficulties?
Zmoose.jpg (24306 bytes) Please report any technical difficulties you may encounter to the address above OR click on the Octopus. Thanks.

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Tony DeLia - Updated October 5, 2000