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   NXT-Func - Increment Alpha-Numeric (Character) String
pg028.jpg (25662 bytes) This function increments any character string... Consider the alphabet... the letter 'A' + 1 equals 'B'... the letter 'Z' + 1 = 'BA'... 'BA' + 1 = 'BB'... Since the alphabet is 26 characters it is actually a base26 calculation... the function detects the base you're using and acts accordingly. I'll explain... for now check out my lizard... click to enlarge.

Let me preface this page by assuring everyone that I'm not insane... Also...
I spent more time formatting this page then I did creating the function/samples!
You can find the NXT-Func function in my custom SQR library TDFUNC.SQC

Let's look at the Binary Number System... there are 2 possible characters used to represent any number... they are '0' and '1'... If we started out with '0' and added 1 we would get '1'... add 1 again and we get '10'... then '11'... then '100'... we can substitute any characters... say 'O' and 'X' where the 'O' represents ZERO and the'X' represents ONE... still binary or base2... starting with 'O' the same results would be displayed as... 'X', 'X0', 'XX' then 'XOO'... as you can see the characters have no significance to the calculation... they have NO weighted value except the order of precedence (we could have used 'X' to represent ZERO and 'O' for ONE)...

   NXT-Func - Input / Output Parameters
Input    - Seed (Character Set in order - least to greatest)
Input    - Input String
Output  - Output String

The seed is the character set for the particular number system:

Binary - '01', Octal - '01234567', Hexadecimal - '0123456789ABCDEF'

The number of characters in the seed determines the Base system used... in this case the length of the seed variable... it's that simple!


let $I_seed   = 'ABCD'
let $I_string = 'DAD'

do NXT-Func($I_seed, $I_string, $O_string)

show 'Next Value: ' $O_string

After the function executes $O_string equals 'DBA'... Why? Because this is a base4 operation... using the characters 'ABCD' as the seed... If we used '0123' instead the example would use '303' as the input string and the incremented value would equal '310'... internally the function tests for a character set overflow ('D' or '3' would bump past the set) and adjusts by carrying one to the next digit position and 'zeroing' the current position... Here's the function...

   NXT-Func - Source Code
!*       Next AlphaNumeric Increment - Array                          *
!*                                                                    *
!*        INPUT: $I_seed    - Character Set                           *
!*               $I_string  - Input String                            *
!*       OUTPUT: $O_string  - Output String (Next Increment)          *
!*                                                                    *
!*               To de-activate this function:                        *
!*               #define NXT_Func_Remove                              *
!*                                                                    *
!*                                                                    *
!*      EXAMPLE:  do NXT-Func('01',               '1111', $O_binary)  *
!*                do NXT-Func('0123456789ABCDEF', 'FF',   $O_hex)     *
!*                do NXT-Func('ABCD',             'A',    $O_alpha)   *
!*                                                                    *
!*      RESULTS:  $O_binary  = '10000'                                *
!*                $O_hex     = '100'                                  *
!*                $O_alpha   = 'B'                                    *
!*                                                                    *

#ifndef NXT_Func_Remove

begin-procedure NXT-Array

create-array name=NXTmtx  size=50  field=NXTval:number=1

let $NXTsw = 'Y'


!*       Next Alpha-Numeric String Increment                          *

begin-procedure NXT-Func($I_seed, $I_string, :$O_string)

if $_NXTsw <> 'Y'
   do NXT-Array

clear-array name=NXTmtx

let $O_string   = ''

let #add        = 1
let #top        = length($I_seed)
let #len        = length($I_string)
let #pos        = #len

while #pos      > 0

   let #val     = instr($I_seed, substr($I_string, #pos, 1), 1) + #add

   if  #val     > #top
       let #val = 1
       let #add = 0

   put #val into NXTmtx (#pos) NXTval

   let #pos     = #pos - 1


array-add #add to NXTmtx (0) NXTval

let #pos    = 0

while #pos <= #len

   let #val = NXTmtx.NXTval (#pos)

   if  #pos > 0
   or  #pos = 0
   and #val > 1
       let $O_string = $O_string || substr($I_seed, #val, 1)

   let #pos = #pos + 1




   Using the NXT-Func function in your program...
Here's a simple demonstration... I've set a loop which executes 128 times... each pass will increment several variables representing Binary, Octal, Hex and Alphabetic strings... A multi-segment segment string is also included which is an invoice number in the format NNNN-A... The invoice#  is part numeric and part alpha... furthermore the alpha portion is limited to A thru D... This means after '0001-D' comes '0002-A'... I'll get a little tricky on this one... still it's fairly simple using the NXT-Func function...

!   Define Seeds (Character Sets)
let $I_dec       = '0123456789'
let $I_bin       = '01'
let $I_oct       = '01234567'
let $I_hex       = '0123456789ABCDEF'
let $I_inv1      = '0123456789'
let $I_inv2      = 'ABCD'

let $I_dec_val    = '0'
let $I_bin_val    = '0'
let $I_oct_val    = '0'
let $I_hex_val    = '0'
let $I_alp_val    = 'A'
let $I_inv_val    = '0000-D'

let #ctr          = 1
while #ctr       <= 128

   !  Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Increments

   do NXT-Func($I_dec, $I_dec_val, $I_dec_val)
   do NXT-Func($I_bin, $I_bin_val, $I_bin_val)
   do NXT-Func($I_oct, $I_oct_val, $I_oct_val)
   do NXT-Func($I_hex, $I_hex_val, $I_hex_val)

   !  Increment Multi-Segment Invoice No.

   let $I1        = substr($I_inv_val,1,4)
   let $I2        = substr($I_inv_val,6,1)

   do NXT-Func($I_inv2, $I2, $I2)
   if length($I2) > 1
      let $I2     = substr($I2,2,1)
      do NXT-Func($I_inv1, $I1, $I1)
   let $I_inv_val = $I1 || '-' || $I2

   do Print-Line

   let #ctr       = #ctr + 1

   ! Alphabetic Increment (A, B, C, D, etc... )

   do NXT-Func($I_alp, $I_alp_val, $I_alp_val)


   Sample Report Listing - Using the NXT-Func Function

     Count      Binary       Octal         Hex     Decimal    Alphabet     Invoice

         1           1           1           1           1           A      0001-A
         2          10           2           2           2           B      0001-B
         3          11           3           3           3           C      0001-C
         4         100           4           4           4           D      0001-D
         5         101           5           5           5           E      0002-A
         6         110           6           6           6           F      0002-B
         7         111           7           7           7           G      0002-C
         8        1000          10           8           8           H      0002-D
         9        1001          11           9           9           I      0003-A
        10        1010          12           A          10           J      0003-B
        11        1011          13           B          11           K      0003-C
        12        1100          14           C          12           L      0003-D
        13        1101          15           D          13           M      0004-A
        14        1110          16           E          14           N      0004-B
        15        1111          17           F          15           O      0004-C
        16       10000          20          10          16           P      0004-D
        17       10001          21          11          17           Q      0005-A
        18       10010          22          12          18           R      0005-B
        19       10011          23          13          19           S      0005-C
        20       10100          24          14          20           T      0005-D
        21       10101          25          15          21           U      0006-A
        22       10110          26          16          22           V      0006-B
        23       10111          27          17          23           W      0006-C
        24       11000          30          18          24           X      0006-D
        25       11001          31          19          25           Y      0007-A
        26       11010          32          1A          26           Z      0007-B
        27       11011          33          1B          27          BA      0007-C
        28       11100          34          1C          28          BB      0007-D
        29       11101          35          1D          29          BC      0008-A
        30       11110          36          1E          30          BD      0008-B
        31       11111          37          1F          31          BE      0008-C
        32      100000          40          20          32          BF      0008-D
        33      100001          41          21          33          BG      0009-A
        34      100010          42          22          34          BH      0009-B
        35      100011          43          23          35          BI      0009-C
        36      100100          44          24          36          BJ      0009-D
        37      100101          45          25          37          BK      0010-A
        38      100110          46          26          38          BL      0010-B
        39      100111          47          27          39          BM      0010-C
        40      101000          50          28          40          BN      0010-D
        41      101001          51          29          41          BO      0011-A
        42      101010          52          2A          42          BP      0011-B
        43      101011          53          2B          43          BQ      0011-C
        44      101100          54          2C          44          BR      0011-D
        45      101101          55          2D          45          BS      0012-A
        46      101110          56          2E          46          BT      0012-B
        47      101111          57          2F          47          BU      0012-C
        48      110000          60          30          48          BV      0012-D
        49      110001          61          31          49          BW      0013-A

   Decrementing a string... Simple... Reverse the seed!!!


!  Reverse      (Character Sets)
do REV-Func($I_dec,  $I_dec)
do REV-Func($I_bin,  $I_bin)
do REV-Func($I_oct,  $I_oct)
do REV-Func($I_hex,  $I_hex)
do REV-Func($I_alp,  $I_alp)
do REV-Func($I_inv1, $I_inv1)
do REV-Func($I_inv2, $I_inv2)

do NXT-Func($I_alp, $I_alp_val, $I_alp_val)   ! Alpha Offset

let #ctr          = 128
while #ctr        > 1

   ! Alphabetic Increment (Z, Y, X, W, etc... )

   do NXT-Func($I_alp, $I_alp_val, $I_alp_val)

   let #ctr       = #ctr - 1

   !  Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Decrements

   do NXT-Func($I_dec, $I_dec_val, $I_dec_val)
   do NXT-Func($I_bin, $I_bin_val, $I_bin_val)
   do NXT-Func($I_oct, $I_oct_val, $I_oct_val)
   do NXT-Func($I_hex, $I_hex_val, $I_hex_val)

   !  Decrement Multi-Segment Invoice No.

   let $I1        = substr($I_inv_val,1,4)
   let $I2        = substr($I_inv_val,6,1)

   do NXT-Func($I_inv2, $I2, $I2)
   if length($I2) > 1
      let $I2     = substr($I2,2,1)
      do NXT-Func($I_inv1, $I1, $I1)
   let $I_inv_val = $I1 || '-' || $I2

   do Print-Line


Notice I threw in my REV-Func (also included in TDFUNC.SQC)... this takes an input string and puts it in reverse order... Our seeds have been flipped... Binary is now '10', Octal is '76543210', Hex is 'FEDCBA9876543210', etc. The NXT-Func will not perform any differently... it still increments the string... but now the precedence of the characters has changed causing a reverse effect! The sample report below picks up near the end of the initial loop (incrementing)... now notice the effect after the count of 128 (separated by a blank line)... All string values are decrementing properly... I love it when a plan comes together...

   Sample Report Listing - Decrementing Portion

     Count      Binary       Octal         Hex     Decimal    Alphabet     Invoice
       125     1111101         175          7D         125          EU      0032-A
       126     1111110         176          7E         126          EV      0032-B
       127     1111111         177          7F         127          EW      0032-C
       128    10000000         200          80         128          EX      0032-D

       127     1111111         177          7F         127          EW      0032-C
       126     1111110         176          7E         126          EV      0032-B
       125     1111101         175          7D         125          EU      0032-A
       124     1111100         174          7C         124          ET      0031-D
       123     1111011         173          7B         123          ES      0031-C
       122     1111010         172          7A         122          ER      0031-B
       121     1111001         171          79         121          EQ      0031-A
       120     1111000         170          78         120          EP      0030-D
       119     1110111         167          77         119          EO      0030-C
       118     1110110         166          76         118          EN      0030-B
       117     1110101         165          75         117          EM      0030-A
       116     1110100         164          74         116          EL      0029-D
       115     1110011         163          73         115          EK      0029-C
       114     1110010         162          72         114          EJ      0029-B
       113     1110001         161          71         113          EI      0029-A
       112     1110000         160          70         112          EH      0028-D
       111     1101111         157          6F         111          EG      0028-C
       110     1101110         156          6E         110          EF      0028-B

ftoct01.jpg (12389 bytes) I would appreciate any feedback you may have on this site. Send mail to tdelia@erols.com or click on the Octopus.

   Technical difficulties?
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Tony DeLia - Updated March 03, 2000