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   NL-Func - Numeric Value to Literal String Translation
Zgiraffe.jpg (23708 bytes) Yesterday someone signed my Guest Book and mentioned they were looking for a routine to convert a number into a literal string. This sounded like an interesting little algorithm to develop. This 'literal' translation is typically required when printing checks. This is also a good opportunity to post more pictures! Here's some more ZOO animals... on the left giraffes and a couple of rhinos at the bottom!

You can find the NL-Func function in my custom SQR library TDFUNC.SQC

Thanks to Terry for the idea to develop the NL-Func routine!

You can view (or even sign) my Guestbook by clicking <HERE>!

PeopleSoft users may be familiar with the delivered NETINWDS.SQC which
provides similar functionality (You must include the LDNUMLIT.SQC as well).
These routines are used in their check generation programs. The PeopleSoft
routine wastes array space and is a bit primitive. It may also leave extra spaces
between words in some cases (for large amounts each space is precious). I must
admit I like my routine better!

   NL-Func Parameters - Convert Number to Text Literal
Input    - Numeric Value (0 to 999,999,999,999.99)
Output  - Literal Text String


   NL-Func - Some Sample Translations
123.45 One Hundred Twenty-Three and 45/100
900035000.00 Nine Hundred Million Thirty-Five Thousand
888000.88 Eight Hundred Eighty-Eight Thousand and 88/100
11003.25 Eleven Thousand Three and 25/100
.50 Zero and 50/100
999999999999.99 Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Billion Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Million Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine and 99/100

Hmmm... this example seems a bit ridiculous!

NOTE: The Peoplesoft Delivered routine blew up with this example! So if you need to print checks in the billions you may wish to use my NL-Func!

   NL-Func - Source Code
!*       Numeric to Literal String Translation                        *
!*                                                                    *
!*        INPUT: #I_num     - Number (0 to 999,999,999,999.99)        *
!*       OUTPUT: $O_lit     - Literal Interpretation                  *
!*                                                                    *
!*               To de-activate this function:                        *
!*               #define NL_Func_Remove                               *
!*                                                                    *
!*                                                                    *
!*      EXAMPLE: do NL-Func(123.45, $O_lit)                           *
!*                                                                    *
!*      RESULTS: $O_lit   = 'One Hundred Twenty-Three and 45/100'     *
!*                                                                    *

#ifndef NL_Func_Remove

begin-procedure NL-Array

create-array name=NLmtx   size=28  field=NLtxt:char

!   Direct Indexing Literals
let NLmtx.NLtxt  (1) = 'One'
let NLmtx.NLtxt  (2) = 'Two'
let NLmtx.NLtxt  (3) = 'Three'
let NLmtx.NLtxt  (4) = 'Four'
let NLmtx.NLtxt  (5) = 'Five'
let NLmtx.NLtxt  (6) = 'Six'
let NLmtx.NLtxt  (7) = 'Seven'
let NLmtx.NLtxt  (8) = 'Eight'
let NLmtx.NLtxt  (9) = 'Nine'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (10) = 'Ten'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (11) = 'Eleven'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (12) = 'Twelve'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (13) = 'Thirteen'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (14) = 'Fourteen'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (15) = 'Fifteen'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (16) = 'Sixteen'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (17) = 'Seventeen'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (18) = 'Eighteen'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (19) = 'Nineteen'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (20) = 'Twenty'

!   Combination Indexing Literals
let NLmtx.NLtxt (21) = 'Thirty'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (22) = 'Forty'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (23) = 'Fifty'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (24) = 'Sixty'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (25) = 'Seventy'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (26) = 'Eighty'
let NLmtx.NLtxt (27) = 'Ninety'

let #NLmax           = 27

let $NLsw            = 'Y'


!*       Numeric to Literal String Translation (Process)              *

begin-procedure NL-Func(#I_num, :$O_lit)

if $_NLsw      <> 'Y'
   do NL-Array

let $O_lit      = ''
let #I_num      = abs(#I_num)
let $num        = edit(#I_num, '099999999999.99')

!   Set Level Parameters (Element String, Length, Occurs)
!                 ' Billion   Million   Thousand  Hundred   Cents    '
!                 '11111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555'
let $L_str      = ' Billion $ Million $ Thousand $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'
let #L_pos      = 1
let #L_len      = 10
let #L_occ      = 5

let #pos        = 1
let #lev        = 1

let $lit        = ''

while #lev     <= (#L_occ - 1)

   let $seg = substr($num, #pos, 3)

   if  $seg  > '000'

       let $str = rtrim(substr($L_str, #L_pos, #L_len),'$')

       let $hi  = substr($seg, 1, 1)
       let $lo  = substr($seg, 2, 2)

       let #hi  = to_number($hi)
       let #lo  = to_number($lo)

       if  #hi           > 0
           let $lit      = $lit || NLmtx.NLtxt (#hi)  || ' Hundred'
           if  #lo       > 0
               let $lit  = $lit || ' '

       !   Combination Indexing
       if  #lo           > 20
           let #adj      = trunc(#lo/10,0) + 18
           let $lit      = $lit || NLmtx.NLtxt (#adj)
           let #lo       = mod(#lo,10)
           if  #lo       > 0
               let $lit  = $lit || '-'

       !   Direct Indexing
       if  #lo           > 0
           let $lit      = $lit || NLmtx.NLtxt (#lo)

       let $lit          = $lit || $str


   let #lev     = #lev   + 1
   let #pos     = #pos   + 3
   let #L_pos   = #L_pos + #L_len


if  $lit        = ''
    let $lit    = 'Zero'

!   Now process the cents portion
let $dec        = substr($num, #pos+1, 2)
if  $dec       <> '00'
    let $lit    = $lit || ' and ' || $dec || '/100'

let $O_lit      = $lit




ftoct01.jpg (12389 bytes) I would appreciate any feedback you may have on this site. Send mail to or click on the Octopus.

   Technical difficulties?
Zrhino.jpg (16038 bytes) Please report any technical difficulties you may encounter to the address above OR click on the Octopus. Thanks.

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Tony DeLia - Updated November 9, 2000