My Critters

Oso playing horsie to Naomi's stuffed cow, Moo Moo. RIP sweet boy.

[14 May 2007] Oso passed away peacefully this morning with the help of our vet. It was really fast, only 2 weeks since first showing any symptoms, but it was time. I spent all day Friday with him (home sick, but napping with me was always what Oso liked best), then we had one last weekend together as a family. We loved him dearly.

[6 May 2007] For those who hadn't heard, we are on Oso death-watch. Our big, sweet boy has cancer, most likely Stage 4 Lymphoma. I brought him in for diminished appetite, thinking he might have a cracked tooth. Not! I took him home the next morning after diagnosis and took the next 2 days off work to spend with him. He is doing a bit better with Prilosec to help his tummy and we are spoiling him with whatever he wants to eat, new toys and sleeping on the bed.


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