
to press and politicians

August 28, 2003

Used car dealers 

Date: 28 Aug 2003
To: Camille A. Exum
From: John M. Scroggins
Subject: Used car dealers
Cc: tknotts@co.pg.md.us

According to recent press reports, the PG council seems determined to shut down roughly a hundred tax-paying used car dealers and put at least that many taxpaying citizens out of work

You were absent the last time the council voted on this issue. What is your position?

It seems to me that is very hypocritical for the council chairman and other members leadership to run around calling for higher taxes at the same time those members are forcing taxpaying businesses to close and making sure that the employees of those businesses can't afford to pay taxes.

I don't understand what is going here, but I am rapidly becoming convinced that the current council is bad news.

No, I don't own or work for a used car dealership. I do live within walking distance of several in your district, and drive past a number of others in both districts 7 and 8 every day. They do not offend--I am happy that we have so many small businesses around and VERY unhappy that your colleagues are determined to squash them.

John M. Scroggins
3408 Weltham Street
Suitland, MD 20746

Responses: None from Mr. Knotts; see 5 Sep for Miss Exum's reply


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