History of Pen and Gesture Computing:
Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition,
Pen Computing, Gesture User Interfaces and Tablet and Touch Computers
Copyright © 20240414 22:35:09 EDT
This posting is an annotated bibliography focused broadly on touchscreen and gesture user interfaces,
on-line character recognition (a.k.a. dynamic character recognition, a.k.a. pen and touch computing),
both hardware and software. It has been a continuing work-in-progress since the 1980s.
It includes references on related technical topics I have encountered in my career: for example PDAs/highly-portable computing,
cryptographic communications, signature verification, biometric authentication, and digital rights management (DRM).
I am posting it as a service to those with interest in the field.
It may also be of special interest to anyone investigating any of the areas of
digitizer tablets, touchscreens, character recognition, touch/gesture user interfaces,
multi-touch computing, passive and active tactile feedback, touch and proximity sensors,
augmented reality, haptics, context-dependent intrepretation of user input, and applications including the same.
It covers the time period from approximately 1887 / 1891 (first electronic tablets with "touch" input and a display),
through 1914 (first electronic gesture/handwriting-recognition input and user-interface system),
to the first handwriting-recognition tablet device connected to a modern electronic computer in 1957 (the "Stylator")
and the more famous Rand Tablet (1961),
to the present day.
As with any subject, the focus has modulated over the decades, and this bibliography follows these topics both forward in time, and historically back in time.
Tablets and touchscreens have evolved into a variety of pointing devices, into PDAs and smart-phones, locating and gesturing sensors with three-dimensional input with six degrees of freedom, and more.
For example, there are no real lines between touch sensing for robotics, touch and contact sensing for user human input, fingerprint sensors, and touch and proximity sensing in general.
Likewise, there are no real lines between haptics for touchscreens, haptics for instrumentation, and biometric feedback.
Earlier work on handwriting recognition, with handwritten symbols sometimes used for command input as "gestures",
has evolved to be part of a much broader range of gestures, including in-air and 3D gestures.
Command user interfaces have merged with direct manipulation, and then with graphical user interfaces and virtual reality.
Authenticating handwritten signatures has evolved to additional forms of dynamic biometrics.
Haptic feedback has evolved from "simple" force-feedback to encompass tactile stimulation using electrovibration and sonic shock waves, and perceptual effects of visual and audio signaling.
Virtual reality systems seem to have waxed and waned, and waxed again.
It is, indeed, a rich and complicated field, in all its aspects.
- This compilation and all annotations are copyright © Jean Renard Ward, 1992, 1996, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023.
- Permission is hereby given to link to these pages, or to cite or use this information in publication,
including confidential reports, provided notice of the source is given as stated below along with the full URL of this page.
Source: | Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition, Pen Computing, |
| Gesture User Interfaces and Tablet and Touch Computers, and related topics |
| Copyright ©Jean Renard Ward |
References from the approximate years 1877 to 1970.
- [ARRL36a]
American Radio Relay League, staff
"The Radio Amateur's Handbook, 14th ed.",
American Radio Relay League, 1936
Amateur radio electronics and theory.
- [ARRL41a]
American Radio Relay League, staff
"The Radio Amateur's Handbook, 18th ed.",
American Radio Relay League, 1941
Amateur radio electronics and theory.
- [ARRL56a]
American Radio Relay League, staff
"The Radio Amateur's Handbook, 33th ed.",
American Radio Relay League, 1956 (hardcopy book)
Amateur radio electronics and theory.
- [ARRL68a]
American Radio Relay League, staff
"The Radio Amateur's Handbook, 45th ed.",
American Radio Relay League, 1968 (hardcopy book)
Amateur radio electronics and theory.
- [AbmaJS61a]
Abma, John S.; Mason, Lawrence, J.; and Rice, David Reagan
US Patent 3,007,259, November 7, 1961
Reading devices for the blind: Optophones (auditory phones) known in the art. Probe with rollers on tip (for scanning text) and set of photocell sensors, sensors directly connected to auditory tone generator.
- [AbmaJS63a]
Abma, John S.
"The Battelle Aural Reading Device for the Blind",
Human Factors in Technology, Edward Bennett et al editors, MITRE Corp. 1963, pp. 315..325
Reading devices for the blind: Optophones (auditory phones) known in the art (several earlier references). Probe with rollers on tip (for scanning text) and set of photocell sensors, sensors directly connected to auditory tone generator. Compare with Optacon, hand-held OCR scanners. Mechanical rail guide to that scanning follows horizontal text. Handwriting recognition?
- [AdamsonS43a]
Adamson, Seth
"Electrically Conductive Fabric",
US Patent 2,327,756, August 24, 1943
Elastic conductive yarn, application is heated clothing, copper ribbon wrapped around non-conductive yarn.
- [AdlerR52a]
Adler, Robert
"Follow-up Apparatus and System",
US Patent 2,623,943, December 30, 1952
Telautograph/tablet ("follow-up apparatus"). Describes both static and dynamic/transient errors. Static errors caused by mechanical friction/stiction, follower errors on correcting (displacement) force to move output stylus by error signal. Dynamic errors (low frequency response / slew on rapid movements) by inertia or lag. Stylus tracked by mechanical linkage on writing surface. X and Y ordinates sent by frequency in 2500-2700 and 2700-2900 Hz, so can be sent on voice/telephone channel? Transient errors vs. static positioning errors, critical damping not a perfect solution (servomotor output): compare with low-pass filtering? Mentions that large forces to overcome static errors may reduce accuracy of fine positioning (bad behavior).
- [AisbergE50a]
Aisberg, E.
"Automatic Intercom Switch",
Radio Electronics, vol 21 no 9, June, 1950, p. 42
Capacitive relay for intercom (push-to-talk) switching, sensor electrode is hand-sized plate next near operator's face. Oscillator circuit critically tuned to stop oscillating from change in self-capacitance.
- [AlbergaCN67a]
Alberga, C. N.
"String similarity and misspellings",
CACM, Vol 10 No 5, May 1967, pp 302-313
Context string correction, spelling correction: review of several algorithms, some of which turned out to be trash.
- [AltFL62a]
Alt, Franz L.
"Digital Pattern Recognition by Momemnts",
Jnl. of the ACM, Vol 9 No 2, 1962, pp 240..258
OCR static recognition of typed/printed characters by moments: aspect ratio, orientation of bounding rectangle, separation of regions (depends on orientation of separating line axes). Comments that Roman/Latin alphabet tends to work well on global features, whereas Hebrew has pairs of characters that differ only by a small internal feature.
- [AndersonCF59a]
Anderson, Carl F. and Maize, James A.
"Telescribing apparatus",
US Patent 2,904,631, September 15, 1959
Pantographic telautograph/telescriber, position information (and pen/stylus lift off) transmitted as frequency modulation. Static offset/initial position of writing stylus at receiver can be adjusted separately: delta positions/relative motion? (Compare with mouse).
- [AndersonRH68a]
Anderson, Robert H.
"Syntax-Directed Recognition of Hand-Printed Two-Dimensional Mathematics",
in "Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics", pp 436-459, Klever, M. and Reinfelds, J., editors, Academic Press, New York, 1968. Also Proc. ACM Symp. on Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics, 1967, pp. 436-459
Refers to min/max extents, "typographical" centroid of characters; User interface for mathematical symbol parsing, 2-D symbol parsing, sketch input.
- [AndersonRH70a]
Anderson, R.; Bator, R.; Gagan, R.; Meads, J.; and Metrick, L.
"Interactive Specification of Data Displays",
NASA Contractor Report CR-1628, June 1970
Graphical display language: refers to a Symbol recognizer rather than a handwriting recognizer. Mentions Ledeen recognizer from a private communication at Harvard, 1968. Describes both fixed and adaptive/trainable recognizers (a bit naive about trainability). List set of 8 symbols (gestures?) for command input in one application, plus two others: e.g. Scrub/scratch-out for erase.
- [Applicon70a]
Applicon Incorporated (Harry Lee)
"Applicon CAD System with Trainable Hand-Drawn Symbol Recognition (video)",
Applicon - Video available on YouTube, 2015
Marketing demonstration video of Applicon CAD/CAM system, ca. 1970. Shows gestures on tablet: alpha gesture for zoom out, free-hand electronic ink lines straightened (sketch recognition). Macro definition with "teach" mode (records commands)., assign to any of fixed set of recognized gestures.
- [Applicon70b]
Applicon Incorporated (Harry Lee)
"Applicon Design Assistant System (video)",
Applicon - Video available on YouTube, 2015 (three parts)
Longer demonstration video of Applicon CAD/CAM schematic/architecture drawing system, ca. 1970. Display is viewport onto larger virtual drafting table. Mentions use of gestures on tablet allow user to focus attention on display. Triangle gesture, inverted V (caret), Z gesture for zoom out, C gesture to center, R gesture (with second tap stroke) for resistor component, select gesture is diagonal line gesture on object. N, gestures. "Teach" mode assigns commands (command + X/Y position ) to gestures with location. Multi-layer drawings for different classes of objects / views/ PC board layers. "Graphical entities" (objects), can be represented on multiple levels: editing definition changes all instances in drawing (compare with Smalltalk?). Snap-to grid. Macro-commands by single "stroke" (gesture) or single keyboard key. Text entered from keyboard, but can be edited with stylus gestures (no handwriting recognition). Shows drafting-table-size digitizer tablet (compare with tabletop?), electromechanical digitizer, for digitizing existing drawings by hand (movable keypad referred to as keyboard interface only). Dual displays: one for "world view" (Compare with Telesis).
- [ArkadevAG67a]
Arkadev, A. G. and Braverman, E. M.
"Computers and Pattern Recognition",
translated from Russian by W. Turski and J. D. Cowan, Thompson Book Company, Washington, DC, 1967
Papers on one character "invading the space" of another, compare to Write 1950 book on Arabic Numerals. Description of Perceptrons, early neural-net technology.
- [AronoffAD65a]
Aronoff, Alan D.; Boghosian, William H.; and Jenkinson, Howard A.
"Electrostatic Means for Intrusion Detection and Ranging",
NTIS Report AD-785603, Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia PA, 1965
Passive capacitive proximity sensors for detecting walking person intruders. Able to detect pattern of walking: compare with in-air gestures.
- [AtkinsCE65a]
Atkins, Carl E. and Ziolkowski, Robert L.
"Touch Responsive Circuit",
US Patent 3,200,306, August 10, 1965
Capacitive touch sensor, self-capacitance. One indented use is making bus doors touch-sensitive to open on a touch. Body capacitance to ground as part of capacitive voltage-divider circuit.
- [AttneaveF54a]
Attneave, F.
"Some informational aspects of visual perception",
Psychology Review, Vol 61 No 3, 1954, pp 183-193
Features: Points of high curvature (corners) are dominant points in human pattern recognition of characters, not local maxima/minima for recognition. Cited in Teh89, O'Callaghan70, cited in Lipscomb91 as Atteneave.
- [Baecker69]
Baecker, Ronald M.
"Picture-driven Animation",
Proc. AFIPS Joint Computer Conf., May 14-16 1969, SJCC, pp 273-288
Sketch animation system: uses gestures?
- [BaedekerK1907a]
Bädeker, Karl
"Über die elektrische Leitfähigkeit und die thermoelektrische Kraft einiger Schwermetallverbindungen",
Annalen der Physik, vol 327, no 4, 1907, pp. 748..766
"On the electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power of some heavy metal compounds". Early reference cited in XueJ16a and elsewhere for transparent metal oxide films. States that the primary problem of measuring properties of heavy metal oxides/compounds is producing them.
- [BakerCE70a]
Baker, Charles E.
"Touch Control Display System",
US Patent 5,539,717, November 10, 1970
Touchscreen: TV-type scanner rear-projects light in rasters on diffusing glass screen, finger or stylus on or near glass causes reflection back, detected by synchronization with projected spot. Compare with light pens, FTIR frustrated total internal reflection?
- [BakisR68a]
Bakis, Raimo; Herbst, Noel M.; and Nagy, George
"An Experimental Study of Machine Recognition of Hand-printed Numerals",
IEEE Trans. Systems Science and Cybernetics, Vol SSC-4 No 2, July 1968, pp 119-132
Statistical adaptive classifier for handwriting: takes vectors of features, trains self to data base by finding best (lowest error confusion) weighting. Data base collections of handwriting samples: most are too small ("greenhouse data sets"), therefore low accuracy in any system trained to them. Formal training of user not acceptable for handwriting recognition. 7000 and 30000 character collections from handwriting "back-room" forms not large enough. Pre-processing of handwriting before recognition: scaling, shear normalization (tilt), Using too many feature measurements can lower performance, since the probability is higher that some features are of low effectiveness. Gives actual/typical substitution errors from data collection on handwriting recognition.
- [BaldeJW66a]
Balde, John W. and Kagan, Claude A.R.
"Apertured thin-film circuit components",
US Patent 3,266,005, August 9, 1966
Increase resistance/resistivity of thin film resistor by pattern of voids/holes/apertures.
- [BalzerRM68a]
Balzer, R. M. and Shirey, R. W.
"The on-line firing squad simulator",
Proc. FJCC 1968, December 9..11, 1968, San Francisco, California, pp. 233..241
Study in man/machine interaction, by graphical user interface to solve on-line firing squad simulator, chained state machines. User interface uses Rand tablet at 100 lines per inch resolution, electronic ink.
- [BaskinHB70a]
Baskin, Herbert B.
"Interactive Graphics and Computer Aided Design Techniques",
Proc. Seminar "Computer Handling of Graphic Information", SPSE 1970, pp 121..128
Modeling / interactive-design programs for symbolic diagrams. With "graphical input device" (lightpen/tablet?) user can define own primitives (object classes?), examples include diagrams of optics, flow charts, circuit diagrams. Cites to DESIGNPAD (1969) and DIM (1967) as earlier systems.
- [BauerJA69a]
Bauer, Joseph A.; Woods, Gordon D.; and Held, Richard
"A device for rapid recording of positioning responses in two dimensions",
Behavioral Research Methods and Instrumentation, 1969, vol 1 no 4, pp. 157..159
Simple resistive-sheet tablet using Teledeltos paper (conductive sheet inside paper), pointed stylus to pierce sheet, and DVM digital volt meters (A/D) to ready X and Y voltages of conductive stylus. Used in studies of reaching/pointing motion. Cites to Blount 1967 low-cost touchpad graphical input devices.
- [BeckerFK60a]
Becker, Floyd K.
"Electrographic Transmitter",
US Patent 2,925,467, February 16, 1960
resistive sheet telautograph/telewriting tablet with stylus, non-linear (pincushion) distortions / bad behaviors from discrete terminals corrected by using multiple terminals along the edge, and generating a signal potential at each one that matches the linear voltage gradient. Storage tube display of both local writing, and of remote writing by another user, for collaborative work. Compare with later whiteboard systems? Grid of Nichrom resistance wires used to get sheet resistance of 500 ohms/square. Electrodes tapered to get non-isometric resistance. Resistive sheet divided into small "cards"/rectangles with low-resistance rectangular borders: compare with Kable patterned resistive sheet? Comparison with pantographic devices.
- [BehrendtDL70a]
Behrendt, Donald L.
"Ceramic Circuit Card",
US Patent 3,492,535, January 27, 1970
Ceramic dielectric substrate with multilayer pattern of conductors on top surface, conductive plane on opposite surface. Pads formed by widening conductor in pattern.
- [BenhamTA63a]
Benham, T. A.
"Travel Aids for the Blind",
Human Factors in Technology, Edware Bennett et al editors., MITRE Corp. 1963, pp. 343..360
Guide cane is high effective technology for travel for the blind: electronic additions tend to distract, but detecting step-down (curb steps) highly useful. Suggest electronic cane with haptic/tactile stimulus vibration in hand grip. Also describes tactile displays: eight-key display for the fingers, display is by inflating bellows.
- [BernsteinMI64]
Bernstein, Morton I.
"Computer recognition of on-line, hand-written characters",
Memorandum RM-3753-ARPA, The RAND Corp., Santa Monica, California October 1964
Handwriting recognition, position and size invariant (no punctuation). Mentions that he does nothing on stroke segmentation. Eight-direction chain direction codes (rotationally invariant), with endpoints for rotation-dependent added. Features are eight-direction chain codes, quantized segment length, exhaustive table of types of sequences (like Penverter SME types?), followed by eight directions for end-point relative positions. Refers to digitizing pantograph, light pen, or RAND Graphic Input Tablet as handwriting input device.
- [BernsteinMI67a]
Bernstein, M. I.
"An On-Line System for Utilizing Hand-Printed Input Progress Report: Flow charts for recognizing hand printed characters on-line in real time operation",
System Development Corp., Santa Monica, California, Report No NASA-CR-86108; TM/L/3052/001/00, 18 December 1967
Handwriting recognition software and user-interface: Appendix B refers to using spelling dictionary to do character segmentation / stroke parsing, and corner detection (and not just local minima/maxima?).
- [BernsteinMI68a]
Bernstein, M. I. and Howell, H. L.
"Hand-Printed Input for On-Line Systems: Final Report for Phase I",
System Development Corp., TM-(L)-3964/000/00, Santa Monica, California, April 1968 (abstract only)
Trainable recognition: touch-display / electronic ink, by rear-projecting image onto digitizer tablet. Suggests free-form (2-Dimensional) input, not text entry is most useful application: implies that gestures are the useful application over handwriting recognition.
- [BernsteinMI68b]
Bernstein, Morton I.; and Howell, H. L.
"Hand-Printed Input for On-Line Systems",
System Development Corp., TM-3937/000/00, Santa Monica, California, April 1968
User interface: suggests handwriting best used for free-form/two-dimensional input, not linear text.
- [BernsteinMI68c]
Bernstein, Morton I. and Williams, T. G.
"A two-dimensional programming system",
Proc. 1968 IFIP Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 5-10, 1968. pp C84-C89 (abstract only)
hand-print character recognition mathematical/flow-chart user interface parsing. Cited in MillerGM69.
- [BernsteinMI68d]
Bernstein, Morton I.
"A Method for Recognizing Handprinted Characters in Real Time",
in Pattern Recognition, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Pattern Recognition, L. N. Kanal, editor, Thompson Press, Washington, DC, 1968, pp 109-113
Smoothing, filtering, corner detection features, minima and maxima of character, types of component strokes (chain codes?). Handwriting tablet data sampling rate: 2.5 msecs (400 points/sec.).
- [BernsteinMI69b]
Bernstein, M. I. and Howell, H. L.
"Hand-Printed Input for On-Line Systems: Final Report for Phase I",
System Development Corp., NASA Contractor Report CR-1284, March 1969
Trainable recognition: touch-display / electronic ink, by rear-projecting image onto digitizer tablet. Suggests free-form (2-Dimensional) input, not text entry is most useful application: implies that gestures are the useful application over handwriting recognition. Recognition uses 8-direction chain codes, zone recognition (and corner detection?).
- [BernsteinMI70a]
Bernstein, M. I.
"Software for Interactive Graphics Input",
in Computer Handling of Graphical Information, Richard D. Murray, Editors, 1970, SPSE Press, pp 28-40
Claims digitizing tablet invented by Dr. Herbert Teager of MIT around 1960, before Rand tablet. Describes different tablet filter pre-processing/smoothing/filtering algorithms: square-window, diamond-window, circular-window, double-square, etc. Handwriting recognition with electronic ink on a RAND tablet/display combination, 1970.
- [BettsAJ61a]
Betts, Arthur James
"Improvements in means for producing Signals from Hand-Written Characters",
UK Patent GB860254A, February 1, 1961
Zone-based hand-written character recognizer, zones are "irregular" shapes to ensure unique sequence for each character. Compare with Stylator? Separate button/buttons for space, punctuation. Mentions remote operation using pantograph (telautograph?). Stylus can be electrical, or optical with light sensing elements (light-guides to photo-electric cells). One application is machine control: compare with Goldberg 1916?
- [BezginA59a]
Bezgin, A.
"IBM TDB: Generation of X and Y Coordinate Information",
IBM Technical Disclosure Journal, vol 1 no 6, pp 13..14, April 1, 1959 (partial copy)
Resistive sheet tablet using an AC voltage in Y direction and DC voltage in X direction.
- [BitzerDL68a]
Bitzer, D. L. and Skaperdas, D.
"PLATO IV - An Economically Viable Large Scale Computer-Based Education System",
National Electronics Conf., December 1968, pp. 351..356
Technical description of proposal for Version IV Plato graphical educational timesharing/teaching system. No reference to touchscreen (later?), graphics displayed from physical slides on 512x512 pixel transparent plasma storage display panel.
- [BixbyHO69a]
Bixby, Harold O.
"Pyrographic type telautographic recorder",
US Patent 3,436,476, April 1, 1969
Pantographic telautograph, output writing on pyrographic paper, uses thin electrodes so that writing can be read in real time without writing stylus/pen blocking the field of view.
- [BlackwellFW67a]
Blackwell, Frederick W.
"An On-Line Symbol Manipulation System",
Proc. 22nd National ACM Conf., Thompson Book Company, Washington, DC, 1967, pp 203-209
Mathematical user interface for symbol-manipulation such as algebra: appears to use a keyboard for input, predecessor to Blackwell70 which was two-dimensional hand-written notation.
- [BlackwellFW69a]
Blackwell, Frederick W. and Anderson, Robert H.
"An On-line Symbolic Mathematics System using Hand-Printed Two-Dimensional Notation",
Proc. ACM '69 24th National Conf., pp. 551-557. Also RAND Memorandum RM-6018-PR, 1970
User-interface on handwriting and mathematics: parser, as well as recognition, can be extended by user (new operators, new syntax?) using Anderson68. Some user-interface questions on mathematics left open: how to show intermediate results; very large expressions. Online manipulation of symbolic mathematical formulae: user hand-prints formulas, in ordinary two-dimensional notation.
- [BledsoeWK54a]
Bledsoe, William Keith and Ward, John W.
"Testing of Electrically Conductive Films on Glass Panels and the Like",
US Patent 2,694,180, November 9, 1954
Microscopically thin conductive film on glass: brand names are Electrapane and NESA, commercially well known. Films used primarily as heating elements for defrosting/de-icing airplane cockpit windows. Alternative to ITO? Testing for uniformity of film transparency (thickness) of film by measuring temperature.
- [BledsoeWW59a]
Bledsoe, W. W. and Browning, J.
"Pattern recognition and reading by machine",
Proc. East Joint Computer Conf., pp 225-232, December 1959
Had spelling dictionary with probabilities of words; compare to later context/dictionary solutions for handwriting recognition.
- [BlissJC70a]
Bliss, J. C.; Katcher, M. H.; Rogers, C. H.; and Shepard, R. P.
"Optical-to-Tactile Image Conversion for the Blind",
IEEE Trans. on Man-Machine Systems, vol 11 no 1, March 1970, pp. 58-65
For tactile output: piezo-electric vibrators in finger scanner for the blind at small spacing as substitute for visual display: suggests two sets of optics, one for letter-size page scanner, other for general environment. Compare with Opticon (accessibility).
- [BlountFT67a]
Blount, Frederick Thomas
"Design of a low-cost graphical input device",
S.B. Thesis, M.I.T., June 1967
Cited in Bauer 1969 for resistive tablet (touchscreen?).
- [BombaJS59a]
Bomba, J. S.
"Alpha-Numeric Character Recognition Using Local Operations",
Proc. Eastern Joint Computer Conf., 1959 pp. 218..224
Typed/printed OCR, single decision tree of four levels on presence/absence of specific features (e.g. "long line in middle", etc.) Notes limited ability to deal with variations. Feature Abstraction abbreviated as Feastract.
- [BonnerRE67a]
Bonner, Raymond E.
"Segmentation Method and Apparatus",
US Patent 3,344,399, September 26, 1967
Segmentation/recognition of handwriting: Uses eight-vector-direction chain codes. Claims related to curve-following.
- [BookerCR66a]
Booker, C.R. jr.; Dow, B.R. and Lambright, J.E.
"Graphic Input Tablets for Programmed Instruction",
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education, Report DR-5-0253-TR-6, Contract OEC-3-16-043 August 1966
Study of using RAND tablet in education, re-designed for cost. Modified Rand tablet uses transparent film, capacitive coupling. "Screen" refers to transparent film. Gray code for error checking. Extensive discussion of tablet electronics: "NESA" glass (transparent conductive film on glass), diodes at edges to isolate X from Y signals (pin-cushion distortion?). Discusses 10% linearity tolerance of NESA glass resistance, suggestions for durability.
- [BoydLA1888a]
Body, Lawson A.
US Patent 389,190, September 11, 1888
Periscope/scriptoscope device, mirrors to allow typewriter operator to see typing happening on underside of platen. Compare with rear input on tablet/smartphone devices?
- [BradshawRD69a]
Bradshaw, Robert D. and Jensen, Hans H.
"Electrographic Data Sensing System",
US Patent 3,423,528, January 21, 1969
Transparent touch screen / touch pad (classification): Resistive sheet / voltage-ratio / voltage-gradient tablet with simultaneous sensing of X and Y by driving X and Y AC signals at different frequencies. Refers to stylus as take-off pencil. Stylus is direct contact, not capacitive coupling. Signal level compared to reference signals identical to the edge voltages (same circuit). Compare to problem of time-delay between X and Y signals?
- [Brenner70]
Brenner, A. E. and deBruyne, P.
"A Sonic Pen: A Digital Stylus System",
IEEE Trans. Computers, June 1970, pp 546..548
Sonic digitizer using plane microphones: three-dimensional digitizer: states 1mm resolution.
- [BridegamAD66a]
Bridegam, A.D.
"Digitizing: A Phase I Solution to Engineering Automation",
Sandia Corporation Technical Report SC-R-66-846, February 1966. Presented at 3rd Engineering Graphics Management Seminar, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, January 28, 1966
Tutorial on use of digitizers (tablets) in CAD/CAM (numerically-controlled machine tooling), PCB artwork, stress analysis and design calculations. Economic justification (pay-back) on just PCB layout, other uses were additional benefit.
- [BrownCD70]
Brown, Curtis Del
"A Real Time Handprinted Character Recognizer",
MS Thesis, MIT, June, 1970
Mentions Graham as standard set of handwriting styles (for Morse code) intended to avoid conflicts in form. handwriting recognition using properties of curvature and chain codes. reviews of Teitelman "sequence" recognizer, Groner at Rand Corporation chain-code recognizer, Graham at Sylvania.
- [BrownRM64]
Brown, R. M.
"On-line Computer Recognition of Handprinted Characters",
IEEE Trans. Electronic Computers, Vol EC-13 No 12, December 1964, pp 750-752
alphanumeric and mathematic symbols, uses term "dynamic character recognition", stroke-direction recognition using zones. Cited in Litvin82, FoleyJD84, FoleyJD82. Used zone-based input device of conductive zones, compare with Stylator (not a "real" tablet).
- [BrunsWH50a]
Bruns, William Henry
"Control for Electric Circuit",
US Patent 2,525,769, October 17, 1950
Capacitive-sensing touch buttons for an elevator. Diaelectric cover over touch electrodes.
- [BryanWL1897a]
Bryan, William Lowe and Harter, Noble
"Studies in the physiology and psychology of the telegraphic language",
Psychological Review, 1987, vol 4 no 1, pp. 27..53
Early study of telegraphic operators and Morse code "language": operators recognize whole words and sentences, not just single characters. (Note: dots-and-dashes reversed from modern Morse code in some of the examples. Also, apparently written-out dots and dashes, not audible tones.) Discusses "distinctive style of sending" (i.e. "fist"), ability to recognize operators by their sending style: early biometric recognition. Also notes adverse affects of smoking tobacco, not just alcohol, on operators. Compare with biometric authentication using typing patterns?
- [BushV45]
Bush, Vannevar
"As We May think",
The Atlantic Monthly, July 1945, pp. 112-ff: Republished in interactions, vol 3 no 2, March 1996, pp. 35..46
Vannevar Bush essay that introduced the concept of the Memex, a hyperlinked information archive. Other references show handwriting (recognition?) input, and a telautograph or digitizer tablet. May have been anticipated by Goldberg Patent in 1931.
- [CAPP61a]
Civil Air Patrol
"Learning the International Morse Code",
Civil Air Patrol Pamphlet CAPP 25, June 1961
Table of Morse code characters.
- [Calabi69]
Calabi, L. and Hartnett, W. E.
"A family of codes for the correction of substitution and synchronization errors",
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol IT-15 No 1, pp 102-106, 1969
String correction for substitution errors, spelling correction distance. Mostly about self-correcting binary codes including variable-length codes, but mentioned in Kruskal83.
- [CaldwellSH59a]
Caldwell, S. H.
"The Sinotype - a machine for the composition of Chinese from a keyboard",
Jnl. the Franklin Institute, Vol 267 no 6, June 1959
Chinese Kanji input keyboard, using one keyboard stroke per character stroke. Notes that two types of strokes (vertical / horizontal) very high frequency (50%) in Chinese writing, with diagonal 75%: keys duplicated for either hand. No computer processor, all discrete hardware components, binary codes implemented electromechanically. Cited by H. Crane.
- [CameronSH67a]
Cameron, S. H. et al
"DIALOG: A Conversational Programming System with a Graphical Orientation",
CACM, Vol 10 pp 349-357, 1967
DIALOG - Illinois Inst Tech, 1966. Electrosketch Interactive math/geometry using graphics tablet: cited for setting up command/translation areas on a digitizer tablet in Eichen73. Dynamic/virtual keyboard, auto-completion of typed (handwritten?) commands. Electrosketch tablet is a knob connected to X/Y pulleys, similar to etch-a-sketch or pantograph: compare with pantographic digitizers?
- [CameronSH69a]
Cameron, Scott H. and Liveright, Michael A.
"Graphical Input System",
US Patent 3,449,516, June 10, 1969
Resistive sheet tablet with isolating diodes at electrode points on side to minimize distortion (pin-cushion distortion bad behavior). Says can be extended to 3D by using a resistive gel, connecting sensor stylus to input pantographically, and measuring in three dimensions X/Y/Z. Actual writing stylus may be external to the sensor electric field by means of pantograph linkage (electrostatic/capacitive coupling?), resistive sheet may be a tray/container of electrolyte.
- [CampbellRD54a]
Campbell, Richard D.
US Patent 2,666,691, January 19, 1954
Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for converting instrumentation voltage measurement to digital form for presentation of data to electronic computers. Mentions short recovery (sampling) time, voltage steps small enough (resolution). Uses semi-conductive body non-linear resistive components.
- [CapleCGA66a]
Caple, Charles Garry Akerman
"The Lexiphone: An Experimental Reading Machine for the Blind",
Master's Thesis, Univ. of British Columbia, February, 1966
Reading machine for the blind, similar to Optophone. Generates multi-dimensional (frequency, timbre, hiss bandwidth, click) tones representing black/white input of horizontal scans across text. Comparison with Optophone inconclusive, because based on short training time for user.
- [CardewP1901a]
Cardew, Philip
"The Telautograph",
Jnl. Soc. of Telegraph Engineers, vol VIII, p. 141, Paper No. 3271, pp. 296..300
Attributes telautograph to Cowper, 1879, with improvements by Elisha Gray and Ritchie. Telautograph derived from pantograph, mechanical linkage for duplicating signatures. Stylus == "pencil".
- [CardwellDW68a]
Cardwell, D.W.
"Interactive telecommunications access by computer to design characteristics of the nation's nuclear power stations",
Proc. SJCC, 1868, pp. 243-253
CHORD-S: Telautograph-type operator telecommunications for nuclear power stations, RAND tablet, states handwriting (*3..10 char/sec) faster (?) than typing (1..5 char/sec): compare with "keyboard reluctance"? Compare with CERN capacitive touchscreens for nuclear power control systems.
- [CarlsonA67a]
Carlson, Alan; Hannauer, George; Carey, Thomas; and Hosberg, Peter J.
"Handbook of Analog Computation",
Electronic Associates, Inc., 1967
Handbook on analog computing, analog computers. Normalization to remove physical/engineering units, use reference voltage as one "unit" ("normalized unit"), with reference to scale factor. Mentions backlash, hysteresis, dead zone as discontinuity problems of physical systems. Dead zone (dead band?) as a form of hysteresis. Mechanical / diode-based "capacitor wheel" as analog delay line, shows quantization similar to ADC sampling.
- [CarlsonG66a]
Carlson, Gary
"Techniques for replacing characters that are garbled on input",
Proc. SJCC, 1966, pp. 189-192
Dictionary connection of miss-recognized (or miss-typed) characters using digrams and trigrams.
- [ChampionML31a]
Champion, M. L. and Gregg, J. R.
"Gregg handwriting",
Gregg publishing company, 1931; Bibliography by T. R. Davis
1931 reference to shorthand writing styles?
- [ChangSK70a]
Chang, Shi-Kuo
"A method for the structural analysis of two-dimensional mathematical expressions",
Information Sciences, vol 2, 1970 pp. 253..272
Parsing of two-dimensional mathematical expressions based on operator precedence and geographic/spacial layout of symbols. Cites to Anderson for symbol recognition.
- [CheslerLG67a]
Chesler, Leonard G. and Turn, Rein
"The Application of On-Line Graphical Techniques for Programming and Operating a "Moving Network" Monitoring Display",
RAND Corp. Memorandum RM-5183-PR, 1967
GUI description for RAND Graphic Input Tablet for creating a real-time moving network display of spacecraft checkout operations. Dragging records to move/copy, tap gestures to copy, handwriting recognition (numbers/digits).
- [ChodrowMM66]
Chodrow, M. M.; Bivona, W. A. and Walsh, G. M.
"A Study of Hand Printed Character Recognition Techniques",
Rome Air Development Center Tech. Rpt. No RADC-TR-65-444, February 1966
Cited in MunsonJH68 as showing handwriting recognition in 1965.
- [ChristensenC67a]
Christensen, Carlos
"An Example of the Manipulation of Directed Graphs in the AMBIT/G Programming Language",
Proc. ACM Symp. on Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics, 1967, pp. 423-435
Visual programming. Compare with LabView, other AMBIT references for discussion of user interface on touchscreen.
- [ChuangPC70a]
Chuang, P. C.
"Recognition of Handprinted Numerals by Two-Stage Feature Extraction",
IEEE Trans. on Systems Science and Cybernetics, April 1970, pp. 153-154
OCR static handwritten character recognition using two stages of feature extraction: low-level (line thinning, local coordinates of points), second state is branching and union (crossing?) points.
- [ClarkDW70a]
Clark, D. W.; Connell, David B.; Dimeo, Michael P.; Opitz, Bruck K.; Sammon, John W. jr. and Sanders, Jon H.
"Handprinted Character Recognition Techniques",
NTIS Report AD 876 875, RADC Tech. Rpt. RADC-TR-70-206, October, 1970
On-line handprinted/handwritten character recognition, constrained to Standard Character Format. Claims 99% correct recognition (without rejection).
- [ClearyA70a]
Cleary, Alan; Packam, Derek W.; and Pashley, Jack C.
"Touch Detecting Teaching Machine",
US Patent 3,516,176, June 23, 1970
Touchscreen teaching machine, refers only to "touch sensitive areas" on display (rear-projector).
- [ClemensJK65a]
Clemens, Jon Kaufman
"Optical Character Recognition for Reading Machine Applications",
PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1965
Optical character recognition, generates artificial stroke sequence similar to on-line character recognition. Cited in MunsonJH68 as showing handwriting recognition in 1965.
- [CliftonJA31a]
Clifton, Jesse A.
US Patent 1,798,118, March 24, 1931
Optiphone: head-mounted optical "vision" device for the blind using a directional single optical sensor / photo-sensitive device. Single-pixel optical sensor?
- [ColemanML67a]
Coleman, M. L.
"Design for a text editor",
Memo CCP 238, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1967
See also Coleman69 user-interface on gestures / handwriting symbols.
- [ColemanML69a]
Coleman, Michael L.
"Text editing on a graphic display device using hand-drawn proofreader's symbols",
from Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics: Proc. 2nd Univ. Illinois Conf. on Computer Graphics, Faiman, M. and Nievergelt, J., editors, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois, 1969, pp 282-290. Also in M. Faiman and J. Nievergelt (Eds.), Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics
User interface: gesture-based text editor. Gesture/command symbols for proofreading/editing. User-interface/gesture nine symbols for text: crossing out to erase, insert, transpose, move, remove spaces / close up, insert space, scroll up, scroll down, delete. Features for gestures / handwriting proofreading marks: closure. User-interface: text entry via voice, tolerate higher error rate on voice recognition if gesture-editor is convenient.
- [CollinsCC70a]
Collins, Carter Compton
"Tactile Television-Mechanical and Electrical Image Projection",
IEEE Trans. on Man-Machine Systems, vol 11 no 1, March 1970, pp. 65..71
piezo-electric vibrators on back/torso scanner display for the blind: intent is viewing of general environment. Recognize faces as faces, but not distinguish different faces. 20x20 array (400 elements).
- [CookeYarboroughEH47a]
Cooke-Yarborough, Edmund Harry
"Improvements in or relating to Facsimile Transmission Systems",
UK Patent GB588043, May 13, 1947
Two-layer resistive sheet telautograph/tablet, using potentials across sheets where they are pressed into contact. Tip force/pressure measured by absolute potential at the end of the sheet. Describes compensation for contact resistance with resistive-sheet tablet by having large resistances in series with edges of sheets. Uses vacuum tubes / valves.
- [CooperFS63a]
Cooper, Franklin S.
"Toward a High-performance Reading Machine for the Blind",
Human Factors in Technology, Edware Bennett et al editors., MITRE Corp. 1963, pp. 326..337
Overview of factors in a reading machine for the blind (accessibility): prototypes used synthetic phonemes from recognized letter pairs (OCR), or combining segmented actual spoken word records. Recommends using TTS (Teletypesetter) tapes (electronic files) instead of OCR/scanner, and non-real-time voice generation from recorded words on digital tape.
- [CostanzoRJ62a]
Costanzo, Raphael J.
"Touch controlled circuit",
US Patent 3,056,997, October 2, 1962
Capacitive touch sensor, using mutual capacitance: two interdigitated electrodes.
- [CottonMB59a]
Cotton, Michale Ben
"Gyroscopic Apparatus",
US Patent 2,880,617, April 7, 1959
Motorized gyroscope as tilt detector, described as accelerometer either mercury switch or pendulum.
- [CowperEA1886a]
Cowper, Edward Alfred
"Electric Telegraph",
US Patent 353,541, November 30, 1886
Telautograph (electric telegraph), notes rather than movements of style (stylus) or pen varying resistance, varies voltage by bringing more battery cells into the circuit, or varying coupling of iron cores sliding in solenoids (or vice versa), for perpendicular motions. Also supports duplex operation using AC currents.
- [CraneHD60a]
Crane, H. D.
"Sequence Detection Using All-Magnetic Circuit",
IRE Trans. on Electronic Computers, Vol EC-9, No 2 June 1960, pp 156-160
Appears to be early version of SRI direction/accelerometer pen by Crane, with hard-wired circuits to respond to specific sequence of chain-codes.
- [CrookMN63a]
Crook, M. N. and Kellogg, D. S.
"Experimental Study of Human Factors for a Handwritten Numeral Reader",
IBM Jnl. Research and Development, January 1963, pp 76..78
Cites G. G. Neal Wright. 90% correct recognition for somewhat constrained handwriting recognition on groups of subjects, no details on the type of recognition. Data scanned optically OCR. Subject were: students, sales clerks, sales clerks. Worst recognition success was with high-school males.
- [CurryJE69a]
Curry, James E.
"A Tablet Input Facility for an Interactive Graphics System",
Proc. IJCAI 1969, AFIPS/ACM Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pp 33..40, May 1969
Trainable "symbol recognizer" for gestures for the TX-2 computer. Cited in RubinSM94 and Buxton05: Compare with Ledeen recognizer, gesture input? Example is a graphical editor for analog circuits (transistors, resistors, etc.).
- [CutlerRL58a]
Cutler, R.L.; McKeachie, W. J.; and McNeil, E.G.
"Teaching psychology by telephone",
American Psychologist, vol 13 no 9, 1958, pp. 551..552
Positive results teaching select psychology courses by telephone (speakerphone) with group interaction, no whiteboard.
- [DAlbeEF1914a]
d'Albe, E. E. Fournier
"On a Type-reading Optophone",
Proc. Royal Society of London, Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character, vol 90 no 619, pp. 373..375, July 1914
Optical reading machine for the blind, using selenium optical sensor projecting dots through holes in rotating plate, generates different tones based on shape of character. Compare with Opticon?
- [DamanAC1927a]
Daman, Arthur C.
"Education and Amusement Device",
US Patent 1,647,276, November 1, 1927
Children's board game: squares on a board are connected to buzzer/indicator circuits, electric contact pencil (stylus) to touch squares according to stated pattern. Compare with Stylator, Kaplow touchpad?
- [DamerauFJ64a]
Damerau, Fred J.
"A technique for computer detection and correction of spelling errors",
CACM, Vol 7 No 3, March 1964, pp 171-176
Context via a spelling dictionary: cites to earlier work to 1960.
- [DannaSR69a]
Danna, S. R.
"Signature Identification Instrument",
US Patent 3,480,911, November 25, 1969
Signature verification using force/pressure profile (time/force).
- [DavisJS68a]
Davis, John S.
"Orthogonal Code Transmitting Array",
US Patent 3,364,402, January 16, 1968
Matrix/grid tablet fabrication by weaving conductors into interwoven mesh pattern like cloth. Non-conducting filaments can be less elastic (tougher) than conducting wires. Cites to RAND tablet.
- [DavisMR64a]
Davis, M. R. and Ellis, T. O.
"The RAND Tablet: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication Device",
AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conf. #26, part 1, 1964, Spartan Books, Baltimore, Maryland, pp 325-331
Early reference to RAND tablet: Gray code electronics. See also historical notes in 2008 Ware paper. User interface/ ergonomics: says separate tablet and display not a problem for user after a couple of minutes, even for signatures: even has advantage that hand does not obscure drawing. See also interview notes with Uncapher. User interface: earliest reference (found so far) to electronic ink by name. Gestures? RAND Tablet digitizer was capacitive-coupled/electrostatic. Translucent/transparent tablet, digitizing paper maps overlaid on tablet. 100 Hz sample rate, 100 lines per inch coordinate resolution. "pressure-sensitive" switch in stylus tip activates at approximate writing pressure threshold.
- [DavisMR64b]
Davis, M. R. and Ellis, T. O.
"The RAND Tablet: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication Device",
Rand Memorandum RM-4122-ARPA, August 1964: ARPA Order No. 189-61
Early reference to RAND tablet.
- [DayLF1910]
Day, L. F.
"Alphabets Old and New",
B. T. Batsford, Limited, London, 1910
Examples of alphabet/character styles from historical sources: includes some examples of Greek, Coptic etc. alphabets, mostly ancient styles of Roman alphabet.
- [DeHaanWR66a]
DeHann, William R.
"The Bell Telephone Laboratories automatic graphic schematic drawing program",
Proc. DAC '66 SHARE design automation project
Early CAD / schematic sketching program: input is by sketch recognition on coordinate paper, rather than touchscreen or lightpen digitizer.
- [DeLizasoainGV68a]
de Lizasoain, Gabriel V.; Margin, Richare E.; and Otano, Herrian I.
"Electrical conductor of fibers embedded in an insulator",
US Patent 3,398,233, August 20, 1968
Pressure-sensitive elastomer/rubber, cites to conductive rubbers. Sensitive both to pressure (resistance goes down as conductive particles closer) and tension/stretching (resistance goes up as particle farther apart).
- [DehmelRC50a]
Dehmel, Richard Carl
"Coordinate Conversion and Vector Apparatus",
US Patent 2,510,384, June 6, 1950
Analog electronic transformation of Cartesian coordinate voltages to polar + azimuth coordinates. Electric computing apparatus for simulating instrumentation of flight instruments. Input position with with a pen or stylus on a charting surface (tablet).
- [DelVecchioA61a]
Del Vecchio, Alfred
"Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering",
Philosophical Library, New York, 1961
Reference/technical dictionary for mechanical engineering.
- [DenkWE49a]
Denk, William E.
"Electronic Pointer for Television Images",
US Patent 2,487,641, November 8, 1949
Analog light-pen-like stylus/pointer for scanning television images. Pointer/stylus has capacitive pick-up of CRT trace hitting front of display, signal is injected synchronously into video signal to show a dot/mark where user is pointing.
- [Deutsch67]
Deutsch, P. and Lampson, B. W.
"An Online Editor",
CACM, Vol 10 No 12, 1967, pp 793-799
See also Coleman69 on gesture user-interface. QED keyboard-command text editor had two-letter/two-character macros/"gestures" for inserting stored phrases and text.
- [DevoeD67a]
Devoe, D.
"Alternatives to Handprinting in the Manual Entry of Data",
IEEE Trans. Human Factors in Electronics, Vol HFE-8 No 1, January 1967, pp 21-32
Study of speeds of data entry with keyboard, marking, handprinting, handwriting. States that handprinting on forms (keypunch sheets) first step in data entry, regardless of final data entry (keyboard, mark sense forms, also compared with handwriting -- script?) Cited in FoleyJD84. Handprinting/handwriting faster than unskilled typing on a keyboard.
- [DevoeD68a]
Devoe, Donald D. and Graham, Donald N.
"Evaluation of Handprinted Character Recognition Techniques",
Sylvania Electronics Systems Final Report No F-6171-1; RADC-TR-68-103, May 1968 (Abstract only)
cited in Goodale83. User interface for handwriting: visual feedback has no effect on writing style, but is essential for editing and correcting. Handwriting recognition: user perception of adaptive versus constrained is about the same (adaptive itself is constraining?).
- [DeweyG1923a]
Dewey, G.
"Relative Frequency of English Speech Sounds",
Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1923
Mentioned in Srihari83: on spelling/context correction, gives relative frequency of speech sounds/phonemes in combination in English, not quite the same as spelling.
- [DeweyMW1889a]
Dewey, Mark W.
"Autographic Telegraphy",
US Patent 405,539, June 18, 1889
Full-page telautograph tablet with automatic pen/stylus lift. Uses tapered/gradually-increasing resistances in potentiometers.
- [DeweyMW1889b]
Dewey, Mark W.
"Selecting Telegraph",
US Patent 407,581, July 23, 1889
telautograph tablet, but stylus/pen used to select character from keyboard / typewriter layout. Receiving station has identical keyboard layout. Compare virtual keyboard?
- [DickensonWE60]
Dickenson, W. E.
"A Character-Recognition Study",
IBM Jnl. Research and Development, July 1960, pp 335..348
Simulation (no real data) for recognition for ten "specially designed digits", using X-Y scans. Special digit shapes for OCR are intentionally rectangular.
- [DietzJ50a]
Dietz, Jules
"Chart Analyzer",
US Patent 2,300,951, March 21, 1950
Pantographic tablet digitizer for transcribing strip charts (with curved hour lines along arc of writing pen): Two separate sensing plates with each X (curved) and Y lines, as user traces section of strip chart, X and Y values input from two separate mechanical sensing stylus. Transcribing plates can be scaled/zoomed larger or smaller than strip chart original with appropriate mechanical linkages.
- [DimondTL57a]
Dimond, T. L.
"Devices for reading handwritten characters",
Proc. Eastern Joint Computer Conf., pp 232-237, December 1957
Early paper on handwriting character recognition: Stylator (stylus translator), a zone-based tablet, which was earlier than RAND digitizer tablet, which was full Cartesian coordinates. Describes cartesian-coordinate grid for character recognition, zone-based recognizers. Stylus/tablet can use direct coupling (voltage) or capacitive coupling.
- [DimondTL58a]
Dimond, Tom L.
"Experimental device for reading handwritten numbers",
Electronic Equipment, Vol 6 No 1, January 1958, pp 6-7
Stylator zone-based handwriting recognition input device. Constraints: user writes around vertically-oriented dots with a stylus, actual recognition is crossing over ridges between zones. First example is two-dot constraints, also shows four-dot constraints. Completion of character by touching stylus to separate button. Discussion also covers optical ("electrographic") reading of handwritten digits with constraint dots.
- [DimondTL63a]
Dimond, T. L.
"Machine Reading of Handwritten Characters",
US Patent 3,108,254, October 22, 1963
Early patent on five-zone/sector recognition. Constraints: user writes around two vertically-oriented dots with a stylus, actual recognition is crossing over ridges between 6 zones. See also Stylator paper 1957.
- [DiringerD53]
Diringer, David
"The Alphabet: A key to the history of mankind, 2nd ed. with amendments",
William Brandon and Sons, Ltd., Great Britain, October 1953
Background on historical variability of the written alphabet.
- [DirrJ63a]
Dirr, Josef
"Verfahren zur Erzeugung verschiedener Impulsfolgen unter Verwendung eines Grundtaktes",
Swiss Patent CH372715A, October 31, 1963
"Method for generating different pulse trains using a basic clock". Capacitive charge-transfer control circuit for timing/billing pulses in long-distance telephone calls. Uses scoop and bucket capacitors (compare: cup and tank, bucket and tank) to transfer charge from smaller capacitor to larger, after discrete number/count of scoops larger capacitor reaches a voltage threshold (comparator) and generates pulse.
- [DixonJ1904a]
Dixon, James
"The Telautograph",
190th Meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York, October 28, 1904, pp. 645..657
Historical and technical review of telautograph, X/Y resistive handwriting tablet. Original Couper and Robertson telautograph / writing telegraph did not have pen/stylus lift, and used moving paper. Nearly identical to Teichipograph, which used deflected beam of light and photographic record instead of pen and ink. Elisha Gray (see) first telautograph with a stationary paper, four-wire resistive tablet, electromechanical sensors 1/40th inch resolution. Subsequent Gray X/Y analog (variable-current) resistive. Additional patents by George S. Tiffany. Commercial telautograph includes "signalling" buzzer operated to signal incoming message. Replication to additional writing stations.
- [DouglasES65a]
Douglas, Ellwood S.
"Measuring and Recording Method and Apparatus",
US Patent 3,176,263, March 30, 1965
Acoustic 3D digitizer for irregular surfaces, using sound transducers at known locations around the object, detection microphones, measuring relative travel times of acoustic signal. Compare with Polhemus, SAC Science Accessories sonic digitizer with stylus?
- [DowneyJE1919a]
Downey, June E.
"Graphology and the Psychology of Handwriting",
Educational Psychology Monographs No. 24, Warwick and York, Baltimore, 1919
Early textbook/reference on handwriting and motor control, as matter of graphology. Notes that users write with greater pressure (heavy stroke) if "strong-willed" or "emphasis" (intent), sub-normal writing pressure if depression. Also refers to thickness of strokes with pressure: compare with size/pseudo-pressure on capacitive touchscreens?
- [DoyleW60a]
Doyle, W.
"Recognition of sloppy, hand-printed characters",
Proc. Western Joint Computer Conf., 1960, pp 133-142. Original date 10 December 1959, Revised 2 May 1960
Early OCR handwriting recognition for sloppy uppercase handprinting. Notes that adapting/training to real-world data can lead to different fit / evaluation than comparing from ideal representation. Feature extraction, then scoring. Cited in Genchi.
- [DrewWF1919a]
Drew, W. F.
"Electric Keyboard for Calculating Machines, Type Writing Machines, and the Like",
US Patent 1,311,384, July 29, 1919
on a keyboard terminal that uses a stylus to touch conductive key contacts: relate to digitizer technology, or handwriting input with a stylus. Cited in Irland64. Compare with Kaplow?
- [DreyerJF41a]
Dreyer, John F. jr.
"Visual Signal Recorder",
US Patent 2,241,544, May 13, 1941
Telautograph on CRT tube, using X/Y resistive sheet and conductive stylus. Simultaneous determination of X and Y ordinates by using signals of different frequencies, with third frequency used to detect touch/contact with tip. Signals recorded for playback, using intensity of audio signals.
- [DreyfussH60a]
Dreyfuss, Henry (Associates)
"The Measure of Man: Human Factors in Design. H1 Anthropometric data - Adult Male seated at Console",
Henry Dreyfuss and Associates 1959-1960. The Measure of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design. Whitney Library of Design, 18 East 50th Street, New York 22, New York
Ergonomic figures for human reach, console/desk design. Both male and female North American norms.
- [DreznerSM66a]
Drezner, Stephon M.; Gatto, O. T. and Wisneiwski, T. D.
"Report on a Demonstration Test of a Computer-Assisted Countdown",
RAND Corp. Res. Rpt. RM-5005-NASA, 1966
Describes user interface for a prototype stylus GUI, that enables the executive (user?) to act online with a simulation of the countdown: he can make changes to the script or to the simulation.
- [DuMontAB35a]
Du Mont, Allen B.
US Patent 2,000,014, May 7, 1935
Telautograph using resistive-sheet digitizer (tablet) and CRT cathode-ray-tube display. Resistive sheet is carbon plate: uses pantographic linkage to protect user from voltage, but input is resistive-sheet. Thirty-second persistence on storage scope display -- no explicit erase.
- [DudaRO68a]
Duda, R. O. and Hart, P. E.
"Experiments in the recognition of hand-printed text: part II -- context analysis",
Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., 1968, Thompson Books, Washington, DC, pp 1139-1149
Context in handwriting (handprinted) recognition on Fortran coding sheets. Applying syntactic rules (GOTO 5 more likely than GOTO S), limited use of semantics (variable names unlikely to appear only once in a program), syntax of mathematical expressions. Cited in Tappert's bibliography, FoleyJD82.
- [DunnCG46a]
Dunn, Charles G. and Tellington, Wentworth J.
"Position Tracking, Transmitting, and Recording",
US Patent 2,413,300, December 31, 1945
Pantographic tablet digitizer for maps to send data by radio transmission, uses rails and toothed gears. Audio output of coordinates.
- [DunnRankinP68a]
Dunn-Rankin, Peter
"The Similarity of Lower-Case Letters of the English Alphabet",
Jnl. Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, Vol 7, pp 990-995, 1968
Human recognition performance on lower-case letters. Analysis of critical/distinguishing features of letters: compare with Kuklinski and Shillman confusion matrix, pairwise comparison?
- [DunnRankinP68b]
Dunn-Rankin, Peter and Leton, Donald A.
"Hierarchical Grouping Procedures for Comparing Indices of Letter Similarity",
Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol 27, 1968, pp. 457-468
Artificially/theoretically determine similarity (not a confusion matrix) of lower-case characters to determine which character pairs had similar feature. Contrasted with empirical results (with human subjects) matching which pairs characters were similar: similar results.
- [DunnRankinP68c]
Dunn-Rankin, Peter; Leton, Donald A.; and Shelton Velma F.
"Congruency Factors Related to Visual Confusion of English Letters",
Perceptual and Motor Skills, Vol 26, 1968, pp. 659-666
Experimental study of which features of lowercase letters children learning to read are most reliable, which cause confusion. Break (O and C) cause little confusion, but rotation (e.g. p, b, d; n, u) is major cause of confusions. Simple comparison of similarity using transparent overlays good predictor of confusion matrix of pairs of characters.
- [DydykRB70]
Dydyk, R. B. and Kalra, S. N.
"Recognition of handprinting",
Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Systems Science, January 1969, pp 333-336
Cited in Blatt88: 60% character recognition rate.
- [EachusJJ69a]
Eachus, Joseph J. and Bagnaschi, Charles L.
"Manual data entry device",
US Patent 3,469,242, September 23, 1969
Magnetic stylus and table: bistable magnetic cores in grid array (sense and write wires passing through cores: compare with magnetic core memory), magnetic stylus changes magnetization of cores. Writing is semi-permanent: can be read out until grid memory is cleared. Functionally transparent tablet over cathode ray tube/CRT display.
- [EarnestLD62a]
Earnest, L. D.
"Machine recognition of cursive script writing",
Proc. IFIP Congress, 1962. In "Information Processing", C. Cherry, editor, Butterworths, London England, 1962, pp 462-466
Essay on handwriting recognition in static/OCR. Recognition of handwritten script easier than voice/speech recognition, harder than character (OCR) recognition. Use of word dictionary tempting, but few ideas on algorithms how to play. TX-2 computer for on-line recognition using light pen ("lite pen"). Experimental script recognition uses descenders and ascenders below/above lower-case script letters. Speculates on machine generation of forged documents/signatures. Cited in MacDonald 1966, Tappert 1980.
- [EdenM61a]
Eden, Mark and Halle, M.
"The characterization of cursive writing",
Information Theory, C. Cherry, editor, Butterworth, London, 1961, pp 287-299
Cursive writing: characterizes as low-level strokes, combined into letters, connected (quasi) continuous line: composed of bar, hook, arch, loop line segments, reflected in four directions. Therefore cursive "c" contained in cursive "a", cursive "l" contained in cursive "b". (Note: appears to assume idealized/neat cursive writing.) Writing simulator to generate cursive-like writing. Does not get into different schools of cursive, nor much into handwriting variability, but does cites to Cancerellesca cursive of 16th century. Cites to Sino-type Chinese keyboard.
- [EdenM62a]
Eden, Mark
"Handwriting and pattern recognition",
IRE Trans. Information Theory, Vol IT-8 No 2, pp 160-166, 1962
Overview of handwriting recognition problem: Mentioned in Ehrich78 as saying: 33 basic stroke segments in cursive writing: bar, hook, arch, loop, etc. -- compare with BLRT/chain-codes?. Critique of machine learning systems since existing system required "normalization" of data (slant correction?) first, specific to types of images. Practiced writing motion modelled as X and Y sinusoidal oscillations. Notes that handwriting degrades (gets sloppier) over time, increasing ambiguity.
- [EdenM68a]
Eden, Mark
"Other Pattern Recognition Problems and Some Generalizations",
in "Recognizing Patterns", edited by Paul A. Kolers and Murray Eden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1968, pp 196-225
Any successful recognition machine will ultimately use principles derived from or relevant to the operation of living systems (implementation may differ). Circa 1968: Predictive value of most theoretical models for character recognition is near zero. Validation (testing) of theory has been very meager. (Note: Hype). General theory of pattern recognition based on human recognition and processes, not statistical models. Pragmatic pattern recognition (Murray Eden): depends on purpose of classification. Why statistical methods for recognition will not hack it. Problems of sample bias and feature weighting in statistical/adaptive recognition.
- [EdisonTA1880a]
Edison, T. A.
US Patent 223,898, January 27, 1880
Original Thomas A. Edison electric light bulb. Carbon thread filament.
- [EdwardsAW64a]
Edwards, A. Wood and Chambers, Robert L.
"Can A Priori Probabilities Help in Character Recognition?",
Jnl. the ACM, Vol. 11, No. 4 (October, 1964), pp. 465-470
Using statistics on letter pairs as context, slight (but significant) improvement in OCR character recognition (using simple recognizer). Compare with Viterbi algorithm.
- [EinsteinA30a]
Einstein, Albert and Szilard, Leo
US Patent 1,781,541, November 11, 1930
US Patent for German patent on a refrigerator by Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard: no moving parts. Not the original Swiss patent with Einstein's first wife Mileva.
- [EllisJH70a]
Ellis, J.H.
"The Possibility of Secure Non-secret Digital Encryption",
Communications-Electronics Security Group CESG Research Report no. 3006, January, 1970
PKI/public-key cryptography. Report on invention of public/private key encryption prior to Diffie-Hellman in 1976. Originally classified by British government. See Ellis 1987 article.
- [EllisTO66a]
Ellis, T. O. and Sibley, W. L.
"On the Development of Equitable Graphic I/O",
The RAND Corp., Report P-3415, Santa Monica, California, July 1966
User interface with handwriting. Include "text-editing marks" (gestures) for insert, move, "scrub" (erase/cross-out) gestures.
- [EllisTO67a]
Ellis, Thomas O.; Heafner, John F.; and Sibley, William L.
"The "GRAIL" Project",
8th Annual IEEE Symp. Human Factors in Electronics, Palo Alto, SRL, May 1967 (abstract only)
GRAIL (GRAphical Input Language) project for sketch/symbol recognition of flowcharts for programming. Cites to RAND tablet. See 1969 paper?
- [EllisTO68a]
Ellis, T. O. and Davis, M. R.
"Digital computer and graphic input system",
US Patent 3,399,401, August 27, 1968
Patent on putting a handwriting digitizer in front of a separate display in one system. Capacitive coupling digitizer tablet using wire grid (RAND tablet?). Digitizing tablet with capacitively coupled stylus to X/Y grid, using Gray code encoding of position on on-line/dynamic handwriting recognition. Having touch surface separate from display screen advantageous: user adapted quickly, and display not occluded or obscured by hand in the way (integration of touchscreen and display). Cited in Fox88: on annotation drawing/handwriting. Figures reminiscent of RAND tablet.
- [EllisTO68b]
Ellis, T. O. and Sibley, W. L.
"On the Problem of Directness in Computer Graphics",
The RAND Corp., Report P-3697, March 1968
Commentary to accompany a film (!!) entitled "The GRAIL Project". See also RAND history by Ware, 2008. System depends heavily on real-time symbol recognition: Functions can be invoked by pressing "virtual buttons" on the tablet. Bulk of paper is CRT display pictures. Precursor to work later named "direct manipulation"? Possible example of gesture commands?
- [EllisTO69a]
Ellis, T. O.; Heafner, J. F.; and Sibley, W. L.
"The GRAIL Project: An Experiment in Man-Machine Communications",
The RAND Corp., RM-5999-ARPA, Santa Monica, California, September 1969
User-interface: un-highlight/dim commands not valid at the moment. Pen-computing GUI for creating and editing flowcharts. Refers to a video of the handwriting recognition system in operation from 1968. Squiggle/rubout erase gesture. Flow-chart input on Rand Tablet, recognize rectangles, triangles, lines. Note: file folder also contains later references to the video of the Grail gesture/handwriting user interface, such as Alan Kay's talk. Cited in Bernstein70 on user-interface for flow-chart symbols.
- [EllisTO69b]
Ellis, T. O.; Heafner, J. F. and Sibley, W. L.
"The Grail Language and Operations",
The RAND Corp., RM-6001-ARPA, Santa Monica, California, September 1969
Context sensitive (position) for manipulating on flowchart symbols vs. adding characters. Handwriting user interface: multiple character erasure mark, caret gesture for insertion, writing on a "viewing window". Electronic ink / gesture user interface: has list of basic editing functions for handwriting (replacement, placement, insertion, deletion, erasure). Handwriting recognition for alphanumerics, flowchart parts, erase mark (zig-zag), special symbols. Virtual buttons in a handwriting/sketch input user interface, compare with Kaplow. Shows "scribble" (scratch out) gesture/character for erasure recognition, symbolic ink ("electronic ink") tracks. Mathematical expression, flow-chart, and text editing (insert, move, delete, line detection, replacement) user interface with handwriting.
- [EllisTO69c]
Ellis, T. O.; Heafner, J. F. and Sibley, W. L.
"The Grail System Implementation",
The RAND Corp., RM-6002-ARPA, Santa Monica, California, September 1969
User interface for handwriting: display divided into different virtual areas. Mathematical expression and text editing user interface with handwriting (early gestures?). Data structures to denote properties implied by the picture, plus positional information to relate stylus to the other forms. Operating system description: garbage collection (or the avoidance thereof), real-time interrupt processing, etc.
- [EllisTO69d]
Ellis, T. O. et al
"Grail System",
http://c2.com/cgi/wiki/wiki.cgi?GrailSystem, fetched 2008
Wiki page (with links) on the Grail system and graphical programming languages: see other Ellis references 1969.
- [EngelbartDC62a]
Engelbart, Douglas C.
"Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework",
Stanford Research Institute: AFOSR-3233 Summary Report, October 1962, SRI project 3578
Speculative essay that interactive (cooperative) graphical tools (automated external symbol manipulation) will behave synergetically, comparison to pre-graphic human thinker contemplating bar graphs, long division, or card file system. See later references on Augmented Human Intellect research project.
- [EngelbartDC67a]
Engelbart, D.C.; English, W.K.; and Rulifson, J.R.
"Study for the Development of Human Intellect Augmentation Techniques",
Stanford Research Institute Interim Progress Report, SRI Project 5890, 1967
First year progress report on Augmented Human Intellect research project. On-line work station shows graphics display and early three-button mouse. Grafacon polar/mechanical (rho/theta) pointing device, nose pointer (head-mounted pointer). Referes to cursor as "the bug". NLTS interactive text editor program.
- [EngelbartDC68a]
Engelbart, D.C. and English, W.K.
"A research center for augmenting human intellect",
Proc. AFIPS '68 FJCC, December 9..11, 1968, San Francisco, California, pp. 395..419
Report on Augmented Human Intellect research project. On-line work station shows graphics display and early three-button mouse for screen pointing and selection (no gestures?): i.e. a whiteboard system with live video of other user's face. Photograph of underside of mechanical mouse with X and Y wheels. Mouse more accurate and faster than light pen or joystick. Description of on-line conferencing i.e. review of documents on multiple terminals remotely, combined with video of speaker on same display: teleconferencing. Compare with whiteboard systems?
- [EngelbartDC70a]
Engelbart, Douglas C.
"X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System",
US Patent 3,541,541, November 17, 1970
Original (?) patent on a mouse, using two rotary wheels at right angles connected to rheostats.
- [EnglishHI1905a]
English, H. I.
"The Telautograph",
Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts, Vol 115, no 4, October, 1905, pp. 241..252
Description of telautograph working on moving paper tape, two orthogonal electromagnetic arms to move pen: notes no pen-lifts between strokes, so all writing is connected. Cites to Coupwer and Roberston 1886 for first "writing telegraph", Gruhn's Telechirograph (see), distinguishes between Elisha Gray writing telegraph (with moving strip of paper) and his later telautograph on static sheet of paper. Forster Ritiche telautograph: student of Elisha Gray. Later work by Georg S. Tiffany.
- [EnglishWK67a]
English, W. K.; Engelbart, D. C. and Berman, M. L.
"Display Selection Techniques for Text Manipulation",
Trans. of IEEE, Vol HFE-8, pp. 5..ff, 1967
Text selection UI with different devices: light pen (stylus digitizer), Grafacon (commercial version of Rand Tablet digitizer), joystick in rate and absolute modes, knee-control level, SRI "mouse". Based on two years actual experience. Mouse generally considered best. Cited in NewmanWM68a: as the original SRI "mouse", for a user-interface.
- [EspenschiedL51a]
Espenschied, Lloyd
"Electronic Tracing System",
US Patent 2,553,245, May 15, 1951
Light-pen (?) Telautograph: stylus project light on wall of CRT display, releasing stream of electronics, collimated through hole in plate inside CRT to pass between electrode plates (similar to deflection plates) which detect voltage.
- [EstablissementsWBC57a]
Establissement W.B.C. Vaduz
"Vorrichtung zur selbsttätigen Einführung von Ziffern oder ähnllichen Schriftzeichen in ein Zahlen-Speicher- und/oder Rechenwerk, welche Zeichen mit der Spitze eines beweglichen Stiftes in Handschrift geschrieben werden",
Austrian Patent AT1885298, January 25, 1957
Device for the automatic introduction of digits or similar characters in a number memory and / or arithmetic unit, which characters are written in handwriting with the tip of a movable pen. Electromechanical handwriting recognition stylus, refers to reading "ordinary" handwriting by mechanically detecting even slight natural vertical/horizontal relative motion of stylus (not a tablet). Compare with SRI / Crane accelerometer pen?
- [EtheridgeH1892a]
Etheridge, Harry
"Writing-Telegraph System",
US Patent 477,652, June 28, 1892
Telautograph, with multiple telautographs on series in same circuit (same power), so that message/writing appear multiple receiving stations without store-and-forward.
- [EvansSutherland70a]
Evans and Sutherland Computer Corp.
"Evans and Sutherland Line Drawing System Model 1 System Reference Manual",
Evans and Sutherland Computer Corp., November 1, 1970, U0800-1-1
Early graphical system: Windows and Views, 3D projections, drawing instructions similar to Turtle. Uses tablet input (LDS-1).
- [FBI64a]
Federal Bureau of Investigation
""Louie Louie" (The 60's Song) Phonograph Record "Louie Louie" Distributed by Limax Music",
US Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1964
FOIA copy of FBI file (redacted) and lab reports on investigation of the lyrics of "Louie Louie".
- [FaulmannC1880a]
Faulmann, Carl
"Das Buch der Schrift, enthaltend die Schriftzeichen und Alphabete aller Zeiten und aller Völker des Erdkreises",
Druck und Verlag der Kaiserlich-Königilichen Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Vienna, 1880: Archived by Google Books
Reference work on all known alphabets and writing signs and symbols ca. 1880: cuneiform, Hebrew, Gabelsberger shorthand, Roman and Cyrillic alphabets, etc.
- [FaulmannK1880a]
Faulmann, Karl
"Illustrierte Geschichte der Schrift -- Populäre-wissenschaftliche Darstellung der Entstehung der Schrift der Sprache und der Zahlen sowie der Schriftsysteme aller Vöker der Erde",
A. Hartlebens Verlag, Vienna, 1880
Reference work on all known alphabets and writing signs and symbols ca. 1880, including their origin and history: cuneiform, Hebrew, Gabelsberger shorthand, Roman and Cyrillic alphabets, etc.
- [FederJ65a]
Feder, J. and Freeman, H.
"Segment fitting of curves in pattern analysis using chain correlation",
NTIS report AD619525, March, 1965 (abstract only)
Shape recognition: feature is match of chain codes along a segment, to find a given segment match in a larger curved. Cited in DavisLS77 on segment fitting for shape recognition.
- [FingerFW47a]
Finger, Frank W. and Spelt, David K.
"The Illustration of the Horizontal-Vertical Illusion",
Jnl. Experimental Psychology, Vol 37, pp 243-250, 1947
Horizontal/vertical perception, cites earlier references back to 1912, 1893. Compare with functional attributes?
- [FinkMJ62a]
Fink, M.J.
"Selective Paging Receiver",
US Patent 3,017,631, January 16, 1962
haptic/tactile vibration feedback/display (oscillating mass) in pager as annunciator.
- [FittsPM54a]
Fitts, Paul M.
"The Information Capacity of the Human Motor System in Controlling the Amplitude of Movement",
Jnl. Experimental Psychology, Vol 47, pp. 381-391, 1954
Fitts' Law. Original study was manual placement of pegs in holes, disks on pins.
- [Flannery1918]
Flannery, J. R. and Dodds, E. I.
"Means for Displaying Illuminated Words or Characters",
US Patent 1,285,098, November 19, 1918
An electric pencil (stylus) moved over contacts on a digitizer board to trigger display of characters with lamps. For signage.
- [FletcherH1929a]
Fletscher, Harvey
"Tactile Reception of Sound",
US Patent 1,738,289, December 3, 1929
Direct conversion of sound energy / audio into tactile vibrations, using output reeds that resonate at different frequencies, or single diaphragm transducer with magnets at different resonant frequencies. Intended as hearing-perception aid for the hearing-impaired.
- [FletcherWE63a]
Fletscher, William E.
"On-line Input of Graphical Data",
DECUS Proceedings, 1963, pp 249..259
pantographic/mechanical-linkage tablet/digitizer using stylus. 1000 points/second, at least 0.02-inch accuracy (50 points/inch). Single arm connected to servomotor linkage. Example applications include digitizing graphs, oscilloscope traces.
- [FluhrFR62a]
Fluhr, Frederick R. and McLaughlin, Donald J.
"Position to Voltage Translator",
US Patent 3,032,609, May 1, 1962
Touchscreen/Telescriber/telautograph with resistive film on display, alternating X and Y coordinates, single conductor probe (stylus) for Cartesian coordinate voltages on conducting glass (ITO/tin-oxide).
- [FluhrFR65a]
Fluhr, F. R.
"Light-Pencil Coordinate Positioner",
NRL Memorandum Report 1592, March 1965, US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
Light-pen (?) device for use with radar display screens: functions by retrace insertion, generating marker at point of light-pencil on screen.
- [FohlmeisterK64a]
Fohlmeister, Karl
"Schreibdruck-Messanordnung / Schreibdruckwaage",
German Design Patent (Gebrauchsmusteranmeldung) PA 055655, January 24, 1964
Writing force/pressure measuring device/method, flat platen suspended at four corners with force sensors. High linearity, can be adjusted so that force is measured accurately regardless of where platen is pressed.
- [FolkertsWE55a]
Folkerts, Walter E.
"Power Steering Mechanism",
US Patent 2,710,596, June 14, 1955
Hydraulic power-boost (power steering) mechanism for automobile: Proportional mechanical "feel-back" (haptic/tactile feedback) to the operator (user) by mechanical spring reaction, react force against driver's control member (steering wheel). Mentions feel-back to give the operator a sense of the road: compare with simulated haptic feedback / force feed-back?
- [FordA50a]
Ford, Adelbert; Rigler, David; and Dugan, Genevieve E.
"Point centering of signals on an area",
Jnl. of Applied Psy., vol 34 no 6, December 1950, pp. 429..433
Tracking of signals (e.g. radar signals) more accurate with a pantograph (touchscreen) than using sliders or scales at side of display. Compare to fat-thumb?
- [Fraktur1920a]
Regionalmuseum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
"Schreibeheft: Das Suetterlin-Alphabet",
Regionalmuseum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, ca. 1920 (Archived September 2016)
School writing notebook with example of Fraktur/Sütterlin cursive handwriting used in Germany and central Europe up until after World War I.
- [FrankAI69a]
Frank, A. I.
"Data Entry System",
US Patent 3,487,371, December 30, 1969
Patent on real-time display of DCR handwriting-recognition input (?). Shows that final (throughput) error rate on handwriting recognition is 0%, if user can see results and make corrections. Real-time display makes DCR device self-teaching/adapting to train user immediate feedback. Refers to resistive tablet with cabled stylus as pantograph with potentiometer sensors in linkages for X and Y. Shows formatted form / data sheet with writing boxes: compare with Pencept forms data entry?
- [FrankAI70a]
Frank, Alan I.
"Classes and Characteristics of Optical Character Recognition Systems",
Proc. Two-day Seminar, Soc. of Photographic Scientists and Engineers SPSE July 1970, pp 73..81
Scan-Data multi-font OCR character reader. Brief discussion of correlation in pattern matching, features.
- [FranklinHJ34a]
Franklin, Hyde James
"Electrically conducting coating on vitreous substances and method of producing it",
US Patent 1,964,322, June 26, 1934
Transparent electrically conductive film/layer on glass, very resistant to abrasion and scratching, using silicon tetrachloride. Conductivity/resistivity can be controlled/varied. Compare with ITO film?
- [FranzelRM66a]
Franzel, Richard M.
"Automatic stability control means for towed vehicles",
US Patent 3,288,240, November 29, 1966
Mercury tube / liquid type switch for measuring lateral acceleration (accelerometer). Multiple switch contacts for detecting multiple thresholds of acceleration. Use is stability control. Alternative sensors include pendulum, axle displacement, hitch movement, hydraulic pistons/rheostats.
- [FreemanH61a]
Freeman, H.
"On the encoding of arbitrary geometric configurations",
IRE Trans. Electronic Computers, Vol EC-10, 1961, pp 260-268
Segment matching, for recognition of figures by segments. Chain codes in eight directions / rectangular array, or six directions hexagonal pie-slice array. Focus is on techniques for generating curves from rectangular chain codes. Cited in Wright 1987.
- [FreibergerH63a]
Freiberger, H. and Murphy, E. F.
"Reading devices for the blind: an overview",
Human Factors in Technology, McGraw-Hill, 1963, pp. 299-314, earlier version in IRE Trans. HFE-2, March 1961, pp. 8-19
Optical probe: photoelectric cell an buzzer for blind to determine altitude of sun 1938. Reinvented multiple times by persons not aware of prior work. Optophone, 1918 optical "recognizer" emitting tones for patterns of light and dark: compare with Opticon, Kurzweil reading machine. Cited in Rosenfeld as translating characters to sounds, but not character recognition.
- [FreibergerH66a]
Freiberger, H. and Murphy, E. F.
"Reading machines for the blind",
Science, No 152, April 29, 1966, pp. 679-680
Reading machines/assistive technology for the blind. Early reading machine for digits, prototype used remote server over telephone connection. Mauch Laboratories reading machine: compare to later Kurzweil reading machine. Cited in Rosenfeld as translating characters to sounds, but not character recognition.
- [FrickeWA1917a]
Fricke, William A.
"display apparatus",
US Patent 1,222,092, April 10, 1917
Tablet/telautograph discrete electrical contact pins (touch sensors) in array, metallic stylus to write what should be displayed in a sign. Separate switches at side of panel to select which color should be set in output display (four lamps per "pixel"). Used for lamps in signage display.
- [FriedmanSR68]
Friedman, Seymour R.; Campbell, Douglas A.; and Fehskens, Leonard G.
"MOSAIC - The Improved Editing of Scientific Text by Handdrawn Commands and Data: A Technique for RAND Tablet and CRT Display",
Tech. Rpt. ESD-TR-68-422 Inforonics Inc, Cambridge MA, 14 Oct 1968
Nugent67 same title? Mentions cursive recognition, and use of both command input of a gesture and location of gesture, combining gesture and direct manipulation. Text editing of handwriting like van Raamsdonk? Gesture are select character (downward stroke), change word (wavey horizontal), change line (reverse pigtail), transpose (includes selection), insert (caret), capitalize / uncapitalize (letter C), carriage-return, space, backspace, tab (same as PenWindows gestures?). Two stroke (tap + stroke in direction) for punctuation comma/period,/etc. Compound gestures (double flick, etc.).
Friedman 68 same title? Cited in Bernstein70 on user interface for text editing with handwriting recognition. Mentions cursive recognition, and use of both command input of a gesture and location of gesture, combining gesture and direct manipulation? Text editing of handwriting like van Raamsdonk?
- [FriedmanWF37a]
Friedman, William F.
"Message Authenticating System",
US Patent 2,080,416, May 18, 1937
Checksum (test word / check word) as digital signature to authenticate a message. Compare with PKI cryptographic signature? Telautographic signature easy to forge if someone has access to line: Also notes that telautographic handwriting signature image is only approximate. (Bad behavior of telautographic tablet?).
- [FrishkopfLS60a]
Frishkopf, L. S. and Harmon, L. D.
"Machine Reading of Handwriting",
Bell Telephone Laboratory, Proc. 4th London Symp. on Information Theory, August 29 .. September 2, 1960
Cited in StevensME61a and JacobsW61a for X/Y coordinate tablet and handwriting recognition, and elsewhere as "unpublished manuscript".
- [FrishkopfLS61a]
Frishkopf, L. S. and Harmon, L. D.
"Machine Reading of Cursive Script",
Proc. 4th London Symp. on Information Theory, London 1960, C. Cherry, Editor, Butterworth, London, 1961, pp 300-316
Cited in Goodale83, Sayre73.
- [FrishkopfLS64a]
Frishkopf, L. S.
"Automatic Recognition of Handwriting",
US Patent 3,133,266, 1964
Early script DCR handwriting recognition patent. Script recognition on word basis, not letters, to get "context". X-ordinate is "general direction of writing" for script. States disregard of position and size as a distinct advantage. Refers to tablet as telewriter input transducer, cites to 2,925,467. Refers to time structure of coordinate voltages.
- [FrommKN55a]
Fromm, Kennth N. and Miller, Theadore
"Tricolor Television Picture Tube",
US Patent 2,795,730, June 11, 1957
Electrically conducting coating on glass, transparent to UV ultraviolet and visible light. Compare with ITO/metallic films? Cites to NESA glass with conductive coating or the like.
- [FujikuraK65a]
Fukikura Kasei Company Ltd.
"Electrically Conductive Fabir and Yarn therefor",
British Patent GB980052, January 13, 1965
Conductive yarn/fabric for electronic shielding, using solvent/coating of carbon, silver, copper metal. Resistivity can be controlled by formula.
- [FunkHL70a]
Funk, Howard L. and Kamble, Stanley F.
"Handwritten Character Recognition Apparatus",
US Patent 3,500,323, March 10, 1970
DCR handwriting character recognition with a mechanical pantograph tablet. Six-zone/sector character recognition. Cites real-time display for immediate feedback and correction. Compare to Xerox/Palm Unistroke?
- [GaffneyJE65a]
Gaffney, J. E. and Kusnick, A. A.
"Character Identification Device",
US Patent 3,199,078, 1965
Like BLRT chain codes without regard to position (!) for handwriting recognition. Compare to SRI pen with BLRT chain codes. Number of strokes in different end-to-end slant orientations: used modified forms of letters O, X, and Y. "point touch" to indicate end-of-character for character segmentation (!).
- [GainesHF39a]
Gaines, Helen Fouche
"Cryptanalysis: A Study of Ciphers and their Solution / Elementary Cryptanalysis",
Dover Publications, 1939 / republished 1956
Classic text on cryptanalysis, decoding of encrypted data. Anagramming, etc.
- [GaiserRA53a]
Gaiser, Romey A.
"Connection for Electrically Conducting Films",
US Patent 2,628,299, February 10, 1953
Electrically conducting transparent tin oxide (ITO) films on glass. (patterned) electrode connections to film tend to fail due to arcing, addressed with metallic overlay on the film.
- [GaiserRA58a]
Gaiser, Romey A. and Thomas, Lazarus D.
"Electrically Conducting Glass",
US Patent 2,833,902, May 6, 1958
Improved method of producing electrically conducting transparent tin oxide (ITO) on glass, addresses high resistance at interfacial connections connections/electrodes. Sheet resistance about 100..150 ohms/square.
- [GallensonL67a]
Gallenson, L.
"A graphic tablet display console for use under time-sharing",
Proc. AFIPS '67 (Fall FJCC), November 14-16, 1967, pp. 689-695
Graphic tablet display (GTD) console user-interface with digitizer integrated into display. Higher data sampling rates (200 points/second) when stylus in contact with display for inking. Filtering of coordinate data, resampling for minimum distance between points.
- [GavenTJ70a]
Gaven, Thomas J.
"Teaching Machine",
US Patent 3,497,966, March 3, 1970
Single-layer touchpanel with separate pads, connected by individual traces control electronics. User touches with conductive pencil-type pointer (stylus). Pads and traces of "invisible" transparent film of tin oxide (compare: ITO). Compare to Kaplow?
- [GenchiH68a]
Genchi, Hiroshi; Mori, Ken-Ichi; Watanabe, Sadakazu; and Katsuragi, Sumio
"Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Characters for Automatic Letter Sorting",
Proc. IEEE, Vol 56 No 8, August 1968, pp 1292-1301
Handwritten numeral recognition for postal codes: features are zones after height and width normalization (after segmentation): 95% correct per character, 0.1% wrong across three digits (similar to human). Gives frequency of writing variants / base forms / prototypes with and without model characters shown. Line-thinning, normalization of size: rejects touching characters. Handwriting OCR: features are segment types, similar to chain codes, for scanned images.
- [GhioF1918a]
Ghio, Frederick
"Type-writing Telegraph System",
US Patent 1,283,147, October 29, 1918
typewriter telegraph with full keyboard (e.g. teletypewriter). Keys are in 7x7 grid, connected to cross-bar matrix grid. Cited on Johnson touchscreen grid.
- [GibsonJJ62a]
Gibson, James J.
"Observations on Active Touch",
Psychological Review, vol 69 no 6, November 1962, pp. 477..491
User gains more information from active touch (seeking out a touch) than a passive touch, able to recognize geometric form. Attributed to ability to explore, similar capabilities to vision/seeing.
- [GibsonRJ63a]
Gibson, Robert J.
"The Franklin Institute Electronic Cane",
Human Factors in Technology, Edware Bennett et al editors., MITRE Corp. 1963, pp. 361..367
Accessibility enhancement to guide can for the blind to detect step-downs and step-ups, e.g. at a curb. Capacitive proximity sensor in tip of cane.
- [GilbertEE67a]
Gilbert, Ernest E.
"Data Coder and Input Device",
US Patent 3,347,986, October 17, 1967
Electromechanical digitizer tablet: not strictly pantographic, uses X rollers and Y crossbar to let user position physical cursor with push-button.
- [GilmoreJT58a]
Gilmore, John T. and Peterson, Holmer P.
"A functional description of the TX-0 computer",
MIT / Lincoln Laboratory Report 6M-4789-1, October 3, 1958. TK7855.M41.L7455
The TX-0 computer was used for early stylus input, including handwriting recognition, before the GRAIL project.
- [GilmoreJT63a]
Gilmore, John T. Jr.
"The Digigraphic display Program for the DX-1 Computer system",
DECUS Proceedings, 1963, pp 107..130
Digigraphic Display Program for digitization of (free-hand sketching) of charts and drawings. Fiber-optic light pen. Type of object for picking/selection from (physical) pushbutton menu/keyboard, point with light pen. Snap-to grid. Freehand curves replaced by third-degree curves (smoothing). Selected items are highlighted (intensified). Some notes on internal data structures.
- [GlassmanLH43a]
Glassman, Louis H. and Burger, Clarence W.
"Signature Writing Apparatus",
US Patent 2,332,511, October 26, 1943
Electromechanical pantograph/telautograph device with tablet for recording pen motion including lifts, recording X an Y and pen lifts on recording band, output moves pen to duplicate handwriting/signatures.
- [GlatteH59]
Glatte, H.
"Shorthand Systems of the World",
The Wisdom Library, Division of Philosophical Library New York, 1959 (partial copy)
Gabelsberger shorthand: unistroke alphabet.
- [GoldB59a]
Gold, B.
"Machine recognition of hand-sent Morse code",
IRE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol 5 No 1, March 1959
Recognizer for human-sent Morse code, 95% accuracy (defined as decipherable by a human reader) without the use of a word dictionary or other context heuristics. Compare with ARRL project mid 1960-s using diode memory?
- [GoldbergE31a]
Goldberg, Emanuel
"Statistical Machine",
US Patent 1,838,389, December 29, 1931
Very early OCR character recognition patent: Goldberg patent later mentioned as predecessor to Memex by Vannevar Bush, as it included filing and indexing of records.
- [GoldbergHE1912a]
Goldberg, Hyman Eli
"Conductive ink",
US Patent 1,034,104, July 30, 1912
Conductive visible ink, colloidal suspension of silver, gold, graphite. Various colors. Applications not listed, but see Goldberg patents on handwriting "controller".
- [GoldbergHE1912b]
Goldberg, Hyman Eli
"A Method for Applying an Electrically Conductive Layer upon an Electrically Non-conductive Surface",
UK Patent GB101203644A, August 15, 1912
Conductive coating (conductive ink), colloidal suspension of silver, gold, graphite. Applications not listed, but see Goldberg patents on handwriting "controller".
- [GoldbergHE1912c]
Goldberg, Hyman Eli
"Conductive ink",
US Patent 1,034,103, July 30, 1912
Conductive visible ink, colloidal suspension of silver, gold, graphite. Various colors. Applications not listed, but see Goldberg patents on handwriting "controller".
- [GoldbergHE1914a]
Goldberg, Hyman Eli
US Patent 1,117,184, November 17, 1914
Very early patent on handwriting recognition: conductive ink written on paper dots triggers adding certain weighted values for the dots. Happens to show constrained writing of numerals (around dot patterns), segmentation into what looks like chain codes. Cited in Tappert's patent list of 1986 on on-line/dynamic: handwriting recognition. See other patents by Goldberg.
- [GoldbergHE1915a]
Goldberg, Hyman Eli
US Patent 1,115,663, December 28, 1915
Very early patent on handwriting recognition: writing on 7-segment sensor for Roman letters and Arabic numerals (alphanumerics). See other patents by Goldberg.
- [GoldenAL1910a]
Golden, Alphonsus Liguori
"Telautograph instrument",
US Patent 957,050, May 3, 1910
Telautograph specifically for signature and drawing capture. Magnetic sensing coils.
- [GolshanN70a]
Golshan, N. and Hsu, C. C.
"A Recognition Algorithm for Handprinted Arabic Numerals",
IEEE Trans. Systems Science and Cybernetics, July 1970, pp 246-250
Zone-based handwriting recognition: Features are like seven-segment LCD display for numerics: 1970.
- [GorskiA67a]
Gorski, Alfred
"Proximity Responsive Sistem",
US Patent 3,333,160, July 25, 1967
Capacitive proximity sensor: example is turning on/off a water faucet or dispenser. Capacitance changes Q of oscillator circuit and thus amplitude, rather than change in frequency.
- [GouldME36a]
Gould, M. E.
"Identifying Means",
US Patent 2,231,186, February 11, 1941
Zone/template-based optical object recognition: sensors/lamps in 5x10 grid are wired connected in particular patterns. When pattern of cells has input, circuit has enough power flowing to activate a relay.
- [GradenwitzA1905a]
Gradenwitz, Alfred
"The Improved Gruhn Telautograph",
Scientific American, July 8, 1905, p. 25
Telautograph, pencil (ordinary lead pencil) tracked by rotating shaft and a reciprocating movement. Horizontal and vertical mirrors project light onto photographic paper, at 1/4 original/natural size. (Note: Writing sample is in German.). Telephone voice and telautograph transmitted on same wire: compare with whiteboard systems?
- [GrahamDN70a]
Graham, Donald N.
"An Adaptive Character Recognition System",
Sylvania Applied Research Laboratory, Research Note Number 718, 1970
Simplified writing style for Morse code training used as constrained writing: Reference to Morse Code writing style from American Radio Relay League? Cited in Brown 70 reference.
- [GrahamRE63a]
Graham, Robert E.
"Telewriting Apparatus",
US Patent 3,089,918, May 14, 1963
Telewriter/telescriber/telautograph: resistive sheet touchscreen on front of CRT monitor, metal stylus connected to ground. Feedback signals from photocell in stylus control deflection plates/anodes in CRT so that electron beam tracks stylus: feedback voltage gives X/Y position of stylus. Stylus can be grounded by self-capacitance of user to ground: no mention of finger touch? Comparison with pantographic telautographs. Compare with light-pen?
- [GrayE1888a]
Gray, Elisha
"Art of Telegraphy",
US Patent 386,814, July 31, 1888
Telautograph: very early precursor to electronic stylus and digitizing tablet. Elisha Gray also in patent dispute for priority with Alexander Graham Bell for telephone. Uses term "transmitting pen", and "writing telegraph". Mentions earlier telautograph devices, which did only one character?. Somewhat pantographic: transmitting pen connected by cords to interrupter circuits that produce pulses (for small steps) for distance moved in X or Y. Mentions waviness (pixel coordinate/resolution size) of 75 to 100 points/inch, adjust size of output steps to reduce/enlarge reproduced image.
- [GrayE1888b]
Gray, Elisha
US Patent 386,815, July 31, 1888
Telautograph: very early precursor to electronic stylus and digitizing tablet. Mentions inaccuracies/errors due to voltage variations (from batteries) (bad behavior), circuit imperfections.
- [GrayE1891a]
Gray, Elisha
US Patent 461,470, October 20, 1891
Telautograph: very early precursor to electronic stylus and digitizing tablet.
- [GrayE1891b]
Gray, Elisha
"Art Of and Apparatus For Telautographic Communication",
US Patent 461,472, October 20, 1891
Telautograph: very early precursor to electronic stylus and digitizing tablet.
- [GrayE1893a]
Gray, Elisha
US Patent 491,347, February 7, 1893
Telautograph: very early precursor to electronic stylus and digitizing tablet.
- [GrayE1893b]
Gray, Elisha
US Patent 494,562, April 4, 1893
Telautograph: very early precursor to electronic stylus and digitizing tablet.
- [GrayJW66a]
Gray, John W. and Jacobson, Arvid W.
"Tracing Device",
US Patent 3,286,028, November 15, 1966
Wire grid/mesh telautograph/tablet. Use is tracing paper drawing/figures lit from below: wire grid improves contrast by eliminating diffuse light reflections. Sensing is that wires connect to resistive strips on vertical and horizontal sides with a voltage gradient. Output is DC voltage coordinate.
- [GrayPE69a]
Gray, Paul E. and Searles, Campbell L.
"Electronic Principles: Physics, Models, and Circuits (1st ed.)",
Wiley and Sons, 1969
Upper-level undergraduate textbook on electronics and circuit design.
- [GreaniasE57a]
Greanias, E.; Hoppel, C. J.; Kloomok, M.; Osborne, J. S.
"Design of Logic for Recognition of Printed Characters by Simulation",
IBM Jnl. Research and Development, Vol 1 No 1, 1957, pp 8 ff.
OCR handwriting recognition of hand-printed digits and characters; simulated input using punch-card input of bitmaps of images; "proportional parts" using vertical (not horizontal) scanned input.
- [GreaniasE57b]
Greanias, Evon C. and Hill, Y.M.
"Considerations in the design of character recognition devices",
IRE National Convention Record vol 5, part 4 (1957), pp. 119..126
Cited in StevensME61a for setting expectations for low quality of input data for OCR, and for distinct characters to be dissimilar.
- [GreaniasE63a]
Greanias, E.; Meagher, P.; Norman, R. and Essigner, P.
"The recognition of handwritten numerals by contour analysis",
IBM Jnl. Research and Development, Vol 7 No 1, January 1963, pp 14-21
OCR using contour follower hardware for handwritten digits. 99.3% accuracy after 30 minutes of training.
- [GreeneLM51a]
Greene, Leonard M.
"Vibratory aircraft alarm of the rotary eccentric weight type",
US Patent 2,566,409, September 4, 1951
Haptic feedback/output "stick shaker" mechanism for warning aircraft pilots of stall conditions: cited as early example of haptic feedback, although pre-dated by Howard brake pedal device.
- [GreeneLM60a]
Greene, Leonard M.
"Warning signal for aircraft",
US Patent 2,964,744, December 13, 1960
Haptic feedback/output "stick shaker" vibrator alarm for aircraft. Artificial vibration substitutes for natural instability of earlier aircraft. Improvement is sharp raps (compare: clicks/taps?) so as not to be confused with normal air buffeting.
- [GreeneLM60b]
Greene, Leonard M. and Nelson, Dale H.
"Airplane instruments",
US Patent 2,964,744, December 13, 1960
Pressure sensor to be used with haptic feedback/output "stick shaker" vibrator alarm for aircraft. Notes motivation to have signaling means "other than visual" because of instrument panel clutter: audio/audible warning or kinesthetic (haptic/tactile) warning.
- [GreggJR49a]
Gregg, John Robert
"Gregg Shorhand Manual Simplified",
The Gregg Publishing Company, 1949
Text on Gregg shorthand, using only light lines (no heavy lines compare with Pittman). Distuishes between left and right motion (counter-clockwise/clockwise) in gestures. Segmentation by spacing.
- [GreggJR1929a]
Gregg, John Robert
"Gregg Shorhand: A light-line phonography for the million",
The Gregg Publishing Company, 1929, Anniversary Edition
Text on Gregg shorthand, using only light lines (no heavy lines compare with Pittman). Distuishes between left and right motion (counter-clockwise/clockwise) in gestures. Segmentation by spacing.
- [GriffinEH67a]
Griffin, Eugene H. and Gunn, James W.
"End of Character Detector",
US Patent 3,305,832, February 21, 1967
Character segmentation on cursive script segmentation (Does OCR character segmentation). OCR scanning character segmentation (?). Cited in Tappert88b.
- [GrimesD31a]
Grimes, David
"Method and apparatus for making graphical representations at a distance",
US Patent 1,811,868, September 8, 1931
Telautograph, X/Y position transmitted by amplitude/strength modulation of two separate frequencies, contact stylus up/down at third frequency. Tablet position sensor uses semi-conductive/resistive paper, X/Y resistance directly controls amplitude of AC signals at 666 and 1000 Hz: frequencies chosen to avoid distortions/bad behaviors by discordant interference. Output device is pantographic arms. Uses impregnated resistive paper: cited in Freed for musical instruments.
- [GrimshawR1908a]
Grimshaw, Robert
"A New Form of Telautograph",
Scientific American, November 21, 1908, p. 352
Description of Korn and Grzanna/Gruhn telautograph ("based on Klein"), using photographic tape / light-sensitive paper instead of ink and paper and horizontal and vertical motion of writing. Cites to distant-writing devices before Elisha Gray: Bakewell 1942, Caselli "Pantelegraph" 1856 -- but these were "image telegraph" facsimile/scanners?
- [GronerGF66a]
Groner, G. F.
"Real-Time Recognition of Handprinted Text",
Memorandum RM-5016-ARPA, The Rand Corp., October 1966
Handwriting recognition on RAND tablet: curvature feature, corner detection, endpoints, height, width, center, aspect ratio, position relative to writing baseline (on screen). Segmentation in handwriting by X overlap, centers, spatial separation. Performance: goes into details of 20 minutes user practice, information training: 82% to 92%, 81% to 93%, 90% to 96%, depending on user training/familiarity. Shows actual confusion pairs: "7" and ">", "G" and "C", "5" and "S", "+" and "T", "0" and right-parenthesis (???), "2" and "Z", "1" and "I", "C" and "L" or "[" or left-parent or "1"1, etc. User-interface for handwriting recognition/editing of FORTRAN coding forms. Quick writing more distorted than usual training samples. 53 symbols. Recognition tablet at 4msecs/point or 250 Hz. Multiple stroke characters were not order dependent, segmentation by relative location. See also Schaedler essay 2016: chain codes, unistroke characters, smoothing to interpolate to higher accuracy on RAND tablet.
- [GronerGF66b]
Groner, G. F.
"Real-Time Recognition of Hand-printed Text",
AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conf. #29, 1966, Spartan Books, Washington, DC, pp 591-601
Mentions that subjective results of DCR are more important than statistics % correct. Mentioned in Bernstein 70 on user-interface.
- [GronerGF67]
Groner, G. F.; Heafner, J. F. and Robinson, T. W.
"On-line computer classification of handprinted Chinese characters as a translation aid",
RAND Corp. publication P-3568, April 1967. IEEE Trans. Electronic Computers, Vol 16, December 1966/1967(?), pp 856-860
from Tappert's bibliography.
- [GronerGF68a]
Groner, G. F.
"Real-Time Recognition of Handprinted Symbols",
in Pattern Recognition, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Pattern Recognition, L. N. Kanal, editor, Thompson Press, Washington, DC, 1968, pp 103-108
Description of GRAIL system (which see), user interface for handwriting recognition text input, erase gesture, special symbols.
- [GronerGF68b]
Groner, Gabriel F.
"Real-Time Recognition of Handprinted Symbols: Program Documentation",
RAND Corp. Research Memorandum RM-5550-ARPA, 1968
IBM/360 assembly language program for online graphical-input character recognition using the RAND tablet. Recognizes handprinted letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and geometric figures: separates/segments characters written in rapid succession and close proximity.
- [GruhnEK1901a]
Gruhn, E.K.
"Facsimil Telegraph Apparatus",
US Patent 759,987, May 17, 1904
Telautograph tablet, mechanical linkages to stylus converted to analog voltage. Mentions that sometimes errors of 1.5 percent are acceptable, other times much greater accuracy, by patterning arc-shaped resistance potentiometer to compensate for arc/curved motion of pick up linkages. (linear resistance profile). Mentions varying thickness, width, or spacing of resistance wire coil.
- [GrundigM60a]
Grundig, Max
"Verfahren und Einrichtung zur Fernübertragung von Bewegungsvorgängen in einer ebenen Fläche",
German Patent 1,080,592, 1960
Telautograph tablet: "Method and device for remote transmission of movements on a flat surface". Low-bandwidth transmission of telautographic movements of a point, less than TV. Uses crossed grids of wires, and deformable top surface. Grids may be rectangular, or polar coordinates using concentric circles and radial lines. Cites prior art of resistive sheets and analog voltage coordinates, which needs linearization for pincushion distortion. Says writing involves only low-frequency movements.
- [HandelNE52a]
Handel, Neil E.
"Reproducing Apparatus",
US Patent 2,586,160, February 19, 1952
Telautograph to remote CRT display. Electromagnetic stylus generates AC signal (30 KHz), picked up in four coils in writing tablet, rectified and connected to deflection plates of CRT.
- [HandelPW31a]
Handel, P. W.
"Statistical Machine",
US Patent 1,915,993, June 27, 1933
OCR Optical Character Recognition system using rotating disk with stenciled patterns for characters.
- [HandrickE40a]
Handrick, Erich
"Cathode Ray Telautograph",
US Patent 2,227,083, December 31, 1940
Cathode ray tube telautograph, resistive-sheet tablet layer connected via bridge circuit to X and Y deflection plates/electrodes of CRT cathode ray tube. For large writing surface, compensate for pin-cushion distortion by adjusting thickness (non-isometric sheet resistance) of resistive layer. Shows curved (patterned) electrodes at edges of resistive layer, or varying thickness of resistive layer to compensate for pincushion distortion. Alternative to conductive stylus is conductive foil suspended above resistive layer, pressed to resistive layer with pencil or stylus. Beam intensity controlled for out of contact/not touching. Signature capture.
- [Hansell39]
Hansell, C. W.
"Multiplex Facsimile Printer System",
US Patent 2,143,875, January 17, 1939
Facsimile system which read characters printed in one line along a roll of paper tape or other material. Second(?) earliest US Patent on dynamic/on-line handwriting character recognition: refers to low error rate, both for wrong character and unrecognized / mis-recognized character. Cited in Irland64: on a handwriting terminal.
- [HargreavesB64a]
Hargreaves, Barrett; Joyce, John D.; Cole, George L.; Foss, Ernest D.; Gray, Richard G.; Sharp, elmer M.; Sipel, Robert J.; Spellman, Thomas M.; and Thorpe, Robert A.
"Image processing hardware for a man-machine graphical communication system",
Proc. FJCC, 1964, pp. 363..386
Review of use of IBM 7960 Special Image Processing System with "position indicating pencil" "voltage-pickup position pencil" (resistive touchscreen) in DAC Design Augmented by Computers (CAD) System. Physical keyboard in front of console, but says character recognition with pencil (on-line character recognition) would be preferred.
- [HaringDR65a]
Haring, Donald R.
"The beam pen: a novel high-speed, input/output device for cathode-ray-tube display systems",
Proc. AFIPS FJCC '65, DOI: 10.1145/1463891.1463984, pp 857..855, November 30 .. December 1, 1965
Technical details of construction of light pen (a.k.a. "beam pen") with stylus/pen.
- [HarmonLD60a]
Harmon, Leon D.
"A Line-drawing Pattern Recognizer",
Proc. Western Joint Computer Conf., Int'l. Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge IRE-AIEE-ACM '60, May 3..5, 1960, pp 361..364. also in Electronics vol 33 no 36, pp. 39..43, Sep. 2, 1960
Optical scanner (spiral scan) with pattern recognition of circles, triangles, squares, pentagons, and hexagons.
- [HarmonLD62a]
Harmon, Leon D.
"Handwriting reader recognizes whole words",
Electronics, Vol 35, August 24, 1962, pp 29-31
Cursive-script handwriting reader with 97% accuracy (with dictionary limited to script written-out words for 10 digits). Recognition based on word envelope (time sequence of ascenders and descenders, plus a dot detector) compared to limited dictionary of words. Digitizer is single set of horizontal traces: Y ordinate only. Notes that "limited abilities do not merit much improvement".
- [HarmonLD62b]
Harmon, Leon D.
"Method and Apparatus for Reading Cursive Script",
US Patent 3,111,646, November 19, 1963
Refers to same subject/inter-subject variation in writing/segmentation. Patent on script recognition segmentation. Groups characters first by certain characteristics, such as vertical extent, then recognizes by other features within the group. Diagrams show tracing of images around a center, analysis in terms of distance from center of character.
- [HarmonLD62c]
Harmon, L. D.
"Electrographic Transmitter",
US Patent 3,016,421, January 9, 1962
Optical tablet digitizer. Superior to telautographic devices by less distortion, needed for translation to "machine language": telautographic devices use "captive stylus" with mechanical linkage (pantograph). Existing free-stylus devices (light-pens, etc.) make no permanent writing record. Continuous light beams swept across area, detect by row of photocell detectors on other side. Also mentions handwriting recognition by writing around reference points, projected via light slits from below on ruled sheet writing paper. Alternative to stylus tip switch: detecting vibrations on the writing surface cause by writing (friction?), electrostatic (capacitive) detection of stylus near surface. Paper may be on a continuously-fed roll: compare with telautograph?
- [HarmonLD63a]
Harmon, Leon D.
"Method and Apparatus for Reading Cursive Script",
US Patent 3,111,646, November 19, 1963
Refers to same subject/inter-subject variation in writing/segmentation. Patent on script recognition segmentation. Groups characters first by certain characteristics, such as vertical extent, then recognizes by other features within the group.
- [HarmonLD64a]
Harmon, L. D.
"Automatic Reading of Cursive Script",
US Patent 3,127,588, March 31, 1964
Word-at-a-time script recognition. Script handwriting recognition in conjunction with a one-dimensional conductive-wire digitizing tablet. Patent on script recognition segmentation. Zone-based recognition of script using one-dimension horizontal digitizer. Gives purely electro-mechanical implementation of handwriting/script input in the patent. Recognition for script / continuous connected handwriting. Application is replacement of coding sheets for programming (compare with RAND tablet?). Recognition of whole words (neatly-written cursive) by sequents of upward/downward crossings of horizontal lines in upper/lower writing positions.
- [HarmonLD64b]
Harmon, L. D.
"Automatic reading of printing and script",
presented to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 29 December, 1964
Cited in Sayre73 for robotic tactile sensors.
- [HarmonLD64c]
Harmon, L. D.
"Automatic Character Recognizer",
US Patent 3,050,711, August 21, 1962
Recognized characters by spiral scan, and noting the encounters with elements of the character: gives purely electro-mechanical implementation in the patent.
- [HarmonLD64d]
Harmon, L. D.
"Electrographic Transmitter",
US Patent 3,128,340, April 7, 1964
Optical tablet digitizer. Superior to telautographic devices by less distortion, needed for translation to "machine language": telautographic devices use "captive stylus" with mechanical linkage. Existing free-stylus devices (light-pens, etc.) make no permanent writing record. Continuous light beams swept across area, detect by broad sensor on other sides, triangulate shadow to get X and Y co-ordinates.
- [HarmonLD65a]
Harmon, L. D. and Sitar, E. J.
"Method and apparatus for correcting errors in mutilated text",
US Patent 3,188,609, June, 1965
Context correction in character recognition, using combined diagram probability with the two characters before and after character in question, including when a character is dropped/omitted (no recognition result) but place of a character is known. Cited in Suen79.
- [HarperTP66a]
Harper, T. P.
"Electronic Handwriting Detection and Display Apparatus",
US Patent 3,271,515, September 6, 1966
Early light-gun/light-pen device, used as Telautograph. Refers to "electronic writing system".
- [HarrisonHC37a]
Harrison, Henry C.
US Patent 2,094,068, September 28, 1937
Telautograph tablet, transmission not affected by amplitude variations in telephone line current, and simultaneous telautograph and voice over same line. Telautograph uses frequencies below speech band.
- [Haverty68]
Haverty, J. P.
"GRAIL/GPSS: Graphic On-Line Modeling",
RAND Corp. publication P-3838, 1968. Presented at an IBM Seminar on Operations Research in the Aerospace Industry: Models in Planning and Control, Newport Beach, April 1968
Describes GUI for logical flow diagram / flowchart input, to avoid delays of having input keypunched.
- [HayashiH68a]
Hayashi, Hideyuki; Duncan, Sheila; and Kuno, Susumu
"Graphical Input/Output of Nonstandard Characters",
CACM vol 11 no 9, September 1968, pp. 613..618
Chinese text entry and editing using a Rand Tablet for input. User lays a menu/control sheet on the tablet, and picks/taps on the desired characters: user switches control sheets as needed for different characters. Also control words (on-tablet menus) for text editing, but text editing not described. Putting sheets on tablet faster than displaying them on a display scope and picking (because of limited size of display?). New characters are hand-drawn and stored (representation). Characters indexed and can be input by numeric telecode, or by specifying major radical and number of strokes: get a pick list of matches on the display.
- [HayesHV34a]
Hayes, H. V.
"Radiant Energy Signalling",
US Patent 1,954,204, April 10, 1934
Very early patent on use of visible light wave transmission, which could be more directional (beam) than radio waves. Cited in Hieronymus patent on unknown "Psi-wave" radiation.
- [HeartFE70a]
Heart, F. E.; Kahn, R. E.; Ornstien, S. M.; Crowther, W. R. and Walden, D. C.
"The interface message processor for the ARPA computer network",
AFIPS '70 (Spring) Proc. May 5-7, 1970, Spring Joint Computer Conf. SJCC, pp. 551..567
Arpanet IMP packet-switching router. Update routing tables every half second. Emphasis on support software: test harness for simulating host network traffic (on multiple IMPs), debugger built in on all operational units (not separate).
- [HeitczmanGA66a]
Heitczman, G.A. and Cieslak, T.J.
"VISE Visual Interactive System for Editing",
Project Genie Document M5, Dept. of E.E., University of California / Berkeley, July 1966
Cited in HornbuckleGD67b for handwriting (gesture?) control in graphical system for editing text.
- [HelsonH65a]
Helson, H.
"Adaptation Level Theory, an Experimental and Systematic Approach to Behavior",
Harper and Row, New York, 1964
User's perception changes to make data look "reasonable": use of context in human perception of images, such as handwriting recognition.
- [HieronymusTG49a]
Hieronymus, Thomas G.
"Detection of Emanations from Materials and Measurement of the Volumes Thereof",
US Patent 2,482,773, September 27, 1949
Circuit for detecting unknown types of radiation (eloptic energy) using unknown physics to determine compositions of material from valence-electron characteristics at room temperature. Compare with Zimmerman 1995, Matias 2012, capacitive sensing of types of material. Cited in Analog Science article in 1960's by John W. Campbell.
- [HilditchCJ69a]
Hilditch, C. J.
"Linear skeletons from square cupboards",
Machine Intelligence, Vol 4, 1969, pp 403-420
Fast algorithm for thinning of lines, applications include trails in bubble chamber photographs, chromosome images, etc.
- [HirschJ61a]
Hirsh, Joseph
"Apparatus and Method for Communication Through the Sense of Touch",
US Patent 2,972,140, February 14, 1961
Vibrotactile communications/display, using vibrations at different frequencies in combinations to send text, etc. Includes input keyboard. Cited as haptic feedback.
- [HirschJ70a]
Hirsh, Joseph
"Tactile Control System",
US Patent 3,497,668, February 24, 1970
Vibrotactile feedback in teleoperation/telepresence e.g. indicating tool pressure in a remotely operated power tool (in hazardous environment), acceleration of remotely controlled aircraft drone.
- [HladyAM69a]
Hlady, A. M.
"A touch sensitive X-Y position encoder for computer input",
Proc. Fall Joint Computer Convergence, 1969, pp. 545-551
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) transparent touchscreen, describes construction of transducers for radiating acoustic waves. Transducers are at corners of surface rather than sides, with prism disperser/radiator. 8 MHz frequency.
- [HochbergJ53a]
Hochberg, J. and McAlister, E.
"A quantitative approach to figural 'goodness'",
Jnl. Experimental Psychology, Vol 46, 1953, pp 361-364
"The assumption that the visual system prefers simplest interpretations is called the simplicity principle": simpler patterns / prototypes are more easily recognized and more easily remembered.
- [Hollerith1927a]
Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft m.b.H.
"Maschine zur Auswertung von Schriftzeichen enthaltenden Aufzeichnungsblättern",
German Patent DE688181, April 8, 1927
"Machine for reading tabulator cards containing written characters": Zone-based recognition of handwritten digits for tabulating machine cards or machine control. Specific dot locations are read by light cells, combinations of dots that are dark by having been written over used to decode digits. Compare with Goldberg?
- [HornST70a]
Horn, S.T.
"Light Pen Input to a Design Package in Current Production Use",
Proc. Two-day Seminar, Soc. of Photographic Scientists and Engineers SPSE July 1970, pp. 41..51
Light pen (tablet/touchscreen) superior to keyboard in mechanical CAD/CAM drafting system.
- [HornbuckleGD67a]
Hornbuckle, G. D.
"The Computer Graphics User / Machine Interface",
IEEE Trans. Human Factors in Electronics, Vol HFE-8 No 1, March, 1967, pp 17-22
Mentioned in FoleyJD84: pattern recognition of sequences on X/Y graphical input devices (RAND tablet) for user interface: gestures? handwriting recognition. Applications are automatic electrical circuit design / analysis, debugging (code flow) of ALGO programs, text editing. Using RAND tablet stylus.
- [HornbuckleGD67b]
Hornbuckle, Gary D.
"Graphics at Project "Genie"",
8th Annual IEEE Symp. Human Factors in Electronics, Palo Alto, SRL, May 1967
Summary of symposium project report. Genie: text editing with RAND tablet as editing device. "Natural" handwritten input using "relatively" simple pattern recognition techniques. Cites to R.M. Lee for sketch recognition of electronic circuit diagrams.
- [HornbuckleGD68a]
Hornbuckle, Gary D.
"R68-13 Review of: An Introduction to Computer Graphics Termainals",
IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol C-17 no 4, April 1968, p. 407
Review of tutorial paper "An Introduction to Computer Graphic Terminals", M.H. Lewin, Proc. IEEE, vol 55 pp. 1544..1552, September 1967. Distinguishes between picking and pointing in light pens (touch screens?) and handwriting drawing input from tablets.
- [HornerJG60a]
Horner, J.G.
"Dictionary of terms used in the theory and practice of mechanical engineering, 8th ed.",
The Technical Press, Ltd., 1960
Dictionary of mechanical engineering, circa 1960.
- [HorwitzNH65a]
Horwitz, Norman H.; Lofstrom, James E. and Forsaith, Ann L.
"The Spintharicon: A New Approach to Radiation Imaging",
Jnl. of Nuclear Medicine, Vol 6, pp. 724..739, 1965
Cathode/anode imaging system for radioactive medical imaging, collimator shield with small holes in a grid. Anode used electrically conducting NESA glass with transparent conductive film. Cathode uses silver film on glass, need not be transparent. Faster operation than scintillation scanner, which traces lines serially.
- [HoshinoT69a]
Hoshino, T. and Kiji, K.
"Computer-Aided Design for a Reader of Hand-Printed Characters",
Proc. IJCAI 1969, AFIPS/ACM Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pp 153-160, May 1969
Dynamic/on-line handwriting recognition using a light pen for input, using bitmaps (?) of images and not directional stroke information. Uses confusion matrix to measure recognition performance, but states that confusion matrix gives no aid in finding the deficiencies in sequential logic (decision tree?) -- contrast with feature matrix and classification boundaries in Pencept/Shillman? Sequential logic designed by "trial and error", sequential logic evaluates features extracted separately: features appear to be chains of stroke segments.
- [HotchkissG49a]
Hotchkiss, Grosvenor
"Electrosensitive Recording Paper for Fasimile Telegraph apparatus and Graphic Chart Instruments",
Western Union Technical Review, vol 3 no 1, pp. 6..16, January, 1949
Review article on development of Teledeltos paper and applications (mostly facsimile printers, instrument recording): electrically conductive paper with neutral gray surface coating, turns black when voltage applied. See other references on Teledeltos paper in simulating electrical fields (Baxter: capacitive sensors) and constructing X/Y force/pressure sensors (e.g. touchpads).
- [HousekeeperWG1919a]
Housekeeper, William G.
US Patent 1,320,366, October 28, 1919
Optophone/Optiphone: multiple light sensors (selenium) generate sound/audio pitches, blind user can determine character based on the tones. compare with later opticon?
- [HowardCW38a]
Howard, Clinton W. and Carpenter, Harold L.
"Warning Device",
US Patent 2,128,250, August 30, 1938
Early haptic output/feedback device using "sense of touch" for braking foot pedals in aircraft and automobiles: compare with "stick shaker" warning for aircraft stall?
- [HuMK62a]
Hu, M. K.
"Visual Pattern Recognition by Moment Invariants",
IRE Trans. Information Theory, Vol IT-8, February 1962, pp 179-187
OCR of small set of 26 uppercase letters (not full alphanumerics) by moment invariants, using limited grayscale. Refers to possible normalization of orientation, position, and size.
- [HubbyAG52a]
Hubby, A.G. and Watson, R.B.
"Scriptoscope Shows Messages on C-R Tube",
Electronics, July 1952, vol 25 no 7, McGraw-Hill, pp. 144..145
long-persistence oscilloscope telautograph/telescriber device. Uses electromagnetic stylus ("pencil") generating AC signal with four coil sensors at sides. Only uses center region of tablet ("linear") to avoid edge distortion. Mechanical tip switch in stylus. Based on 1948 Master's thesis.
- [HuntWA37]
Hunt, W. A. and Volkmann, J.
"The Anchoring of an Affective Scale",
American Jnl. Psychology, Vol 49, 1937, pp 88-92
Recognition variability in humans affected by grouping of stimuli: As stimuli are varied as a group up or down a scale, human recognition boundaries shift to match.
- [HuntWA38]
Hunt, W. A. and Flannery, J.
"Variability in the Affective Judgement",
American Jnl. Psychology, Vol 51, 1938, pp 507-513
Variability in the affective judgment (vs generative variability). Recognition variability in humans increases with more stimuli (noise?) due to decrease in separation/differences among samples. Functional attributes experiments: response time in humans decreases parallel to "goodness" judgement (decrease in affective judgement variability).
- [HuntWA41]
Hunt, W. A.
"Anchoring Effects in Judgement",
American Jnl. Psychology, Vol 54, 1941, pp 395-403
Recognition variability in humans affected by grouping of stimuli. Psychophysics of human recognition variability.
- [HurvitzH62a]
Hurvitz, Hyman
"Two-dimensional displays",
US Patent 3,043,988, July 10, 1962
Two-dimensional display using cross X/Y matrix of conductors, when both X and Y traces are driven, either lights up electroluminescent phosphor, or marks on voltage sensitive recording paper (Teledeltos paper). Compare matrix/grid to mutual-capacitive tablet, Kaplow tablet?
- [HydeJF34a]
Hyde, James Franklin
"Electrically conducting coating on vitreous substances and method of producing it",
US Patent 1,964,322, June 26, 1934
Iridescent (transparent) conductive / resistive film on glass, vapor deposition of silicon tetrachloride, resistant to abrasion / scratching and acid attack. Becomes conductive when re-heated in a reducing atmosphere. Conductivity/sheet resistance controllable, uniform. Non-metallic: contrast with ITO?
- [HyndmanDE70a]
Hyndman, D.E.
"Analog and Hybrid Computing",
Pergamon Press Ltd., 1970
Handbook and reference on analog computing and hybrid/compound computing: e.g. analog computer for flight or spacecraft orientation and control and real time, digital computing for navigation and trajectory determination. Describes analog computing as calculation and computing function. Op-amp / operational amplifier as fundamental unit in the electronic analog computer. Some discussion of function generator components: servo-mechanisms, diode (switching) function generators.
- [IrlandEA64a]
Irland, E. A. and Morrison, C. G.
"Real Time Reader for Hand-written Alpha Numeric Characters",
US Patent 3,142,039, July 21, 1964
Extension of DimondTL63a patent for five-zone/sector recognition? to letters: 7-segment crossings / six zones. Says "D" normally written clockwise, "O" counter-clockwise. Constrained handwriting to write around two dots one above the other: no punctuation or lower-case recognition, but full alphanumerics. Conductive stylus crosses segment electrodes: Output is combinations of audio tones in audible range for transmission over telephone lines: audio tones directly controlled by OR gates of output segments to ground a capacitor.
- [Ivaschentzo69]
Ivaschentzo/Ivaschenko et al
"Inductive Transducers for Graphical Input Devices",
Soviet Jnl. Instrumentation and Control, August 1969, pp 22-25
Early tablet digitizer technology survey reference (in Russian).
- [JacksonJ1894a]
Jackson, John
"The Theory and Practice of Handwriting",
William Beverley Harison press, 1894
Early work on handwriting styles and variability (cursive). Mentions effects of writing desks -- compare with WardBJ Ph.D. dissertation?
- [JacobsWW61a]
Jacobs, Walter W.
"Pattern Recognition - Handwriting",
NSA Technical Journal (unclassified), REF ID: A62856, vol 6 no 1, Winter 1961, pp. 77..ff
Part of NSA lecture series "Introduction to Cryptology". Essay/study on handwriting (signature verification, character recognition of text name) as tractable model of problems in pattern recognition. Static (FAX scanning) and dynamic (timed succession of pen positions on X/Y tablet) signature. Indirectly refers to noise filters as removing information needed for analysis. Descenders and ascenders in cursive script.
- [JanacekF1912a]
"Display Apparatus",
US Patent 1,049,240, December 31, 1912
Writing board (tablet/telautograph): discrete mechanical contact pins (touch sensors) in array, metallic stylus connected to current source, used for lamps in signage display.
- [JohnsonCI68]
Johnson, C. I.
"Interactive Graphics in Data Processing: Principles of interactive systems",
IBM Systems Journal, Vol 7 No 3/4, 1968, pp 147-173
Mentions Sketchpad and light pens, primarily about graphics output software.
- [JohnsonEA65a]
Johnson, E. A.
"Touch Display - a Novel Input/Output Device for Computers",
Electronics Letters, Oct. 1965, Vol. 1 No. 0, pp 219-220
Cross-wire electrostatic capacitive tablet, used in touchscreen.
- [JohnsonEA67a]
Johnson, E. A.
"Touch Displays: A Programmed Man-Machine Interface",
Proc. Conf. on The Human Operator in Complex Systems. W. T. Singleton et al, Eds., London: Taylor and Francis, Ltd.: pp 171-177, 1967
Expansion of 1965 Electronic Letters: de-bouncing of input, undo operation, pictures of touch architecture.
- [JohnsonEA69a]
Johnson, Eric Arthur
"Touch Displays",
US Patent 3,482,241, December 2, 1969
Transparent screen / touch panel: Cross-wire electrostatic capacitive tablet, used in touchscreen for virtual keyboard. Also mentions resistance. Works by self capacitance? Capacitance changes tuning of L/C circuit. Compares touchscreen with labels attached to virtual keys (keyboard) not fixed, can be change by the system. Compare with Kaplow, Bell Labs relabelable keypad?
- [JohnsonRB56a]
Johnson, Reynold B.
"Indicia-controlled Record Perforating Machine",
US Patent 2,741,312, April 10, 1956
Zone-based handwriting recognition terminal, using two guide dots, 10 digits: guide dots allow for variation in handwriting. Digits written with "conductive ink". Illustrations show 80-column card input. Processing is electromechanical. Cited in Irland64: on a handwriting terminal.
- [JohnsonRR70a]
Johnson, Robert R.; Roggenstein, Edwin O.; and Viswanathan, Nallicheri T.
"Stylus with pressure responsive transducer",
US Patent 3,528,295, September 15, 1970
Tip-force/pressure transducer sensor for stylus on tablet. Mentions extreme non-linearity of electromagnetic tablets, particularly near its edges (edge effects bad behavior). Strain gauges can also measure lateral/sideways forces, not just compressive forces.
- [JohnsonTE63a]
Johnson, Timothy E.
"Sketchpad III: A Computer Program for Drawing in Three Dimensions",
Proc. SJCC, 1963, pp. 347..343
3D drawing using 2D touchscreen/light pen. User can rotate object to make any section "flat", draw drop line to another point to show where the Z position should be. Then user can draw any 3D line by drawing a 2D line with the light pen. (But what about drawing curved lines in 3D-space?).
- [JohnsonTE63b]
Johnson, Timothy Edward
"Sketchpad III: Three dimensional Graphical Communication with a Digital Computer",
Master's Thesis, Mech. Eng. Dept., MIT, May 1963
3D drawing using 2D touchscreen/light pen. Drawings are wire frame only: connected lines in 3-space. User can rotate object to make any section "flat", draw drop line to another point to show where the Z position should be. Then user can draw any 3D line by drawing a 2D line with the light pen. States there is a simple solution to drawing arbitrary surfaces, but not in this report. Low precision of light pen relative to drawing dealt with by cylindrical or spherical "snap-to" operation point on nearest line.
- [JohnstonLS51a]
Johnston, Lillian Steward
"Window Ventilator for Warming Incoming Air",
US Patent 2,561,928, July 24, 1951
Transparent glass or plastic coated with (metallic) conductive material, commercial product Nesa glass (1947). Glass may be perforated / apertures to fair passage, shown as rectangular pattern. Application is heating fresh air in windows. Compare with ITO / metallic film layers.
- [JonesWC1929a]
Jones, Warren C.
"Tactual Interpretation of Vibrations",
US Patent 1,733,605, October 29, 1929
Tactual (tactile/haptic) display for frequency bands of speech by vibrating different sensors in hand-held device for speech frequency bands. Cited as haptic feedback. Vibratile/vibrating display.
- [JonkerH65a]
Jonker, Hendrick and Dippel, Conelis Johannes
"Method of manufacturing, by photographic means, external, electrically conductive noble-metal patterns on non-metallic, electrically non-conductive, macromolecular supports and products obtained by these methods",
US Patent 3,223,525, December 14, 1965
Photo-sensitive fabrication of patterned metal films (image) on non-conductive surfaces: screen grids, wirings, etc. Grid is flexible: compare with flexible touchscreens?
- [JuliusburgerHY70a]
Juliusburger, Han Y.; Krakinowski, Morris; and Stilwell, Geroge R. Jr.
"Multiple Switch Encoding Device",
US Patent 3,551,616, December 29, 1970
Crossed-wires matrix of contact sensor points, two perpendicular layers of conductors separate by insulating layer with holes at the crossovers. Press wires together at a crossover with a stylus. Circuit example appears to have diode rectifiers to prevent ghosting? Compare with Kaplow graphical multitouch touchpad?
- [KalmusHP62a]
Kalmus, Henry P.
"A New Guiding and Tracking System",
IRE Trans. on Aerospace and Navigational Electonics, March 1962, pp. 7..10
Crossed (X and Y) near-field antennas for determining relative bearing/direction between vehicles by phase measurements with second antennas both normal to and parallel to transmitting antenna. Prior art to Polhemus and Flock Of Birds electromagnetic position sensors?
- [KamentskyLA64a]
Kamentsky, Louis A.
"Character Recognition System",
US Patent 3,123,804, March 3, 1964
Zone-based constrained optical scanning OCR character recognition of handwritten digits on paper: user must write numerals around two vertically-aligned guide dots.
- [KaplowR66a]
Kaplow, R.; Brackett, J. and Strong, S.
"Man-Machine Communication in on-line mathematical analysis",
Proc. FJCC, 1966, pp. 465-477
Early graphical mathematical analysis program: compare with Macsysma/maxima. Graphical display, refers to briefly to graphical curve-tracing input, UI user interface mostly teletypewriter keyboard.
- [KarnaughM53a]
Karnaugh, Maurice
"The Map Method for Synthesis of Combinational Logic Circuits",
Trans. American Ins. of Electrical Engineers part I. vol 72 no 9, pp. 593..599, 1953
Invention of Karnaugh Map (compare with conjunctive/disjunctive normal form) for generating any boolean logic function in two layers of gates (with a lot of gates). Compare with look-up table.
- [KatzD43a]
Katz, David
"Lecture and projection desk of the scriptoscope type",
US Patent 2,309,210, January 26, 1943
Overhead projector integrated with desk (compare with Weiller?), uses first-surface mirrors to avoid "parallax" distortion from front and rear surface of glass mirror. Scriptoscope also applied to telautograph/tablet?
- [KayAC68a]
Kay, Alan C.
"FLEX - A flexible extendable language",
Master's Thesis, Univ. Utah, 1968
(published excerpt only) Alan Kay's FLEX predecessor to SmallTalk programming language, all program state always save -- no separate file system.
- [KayAC69a]
Kay, Alan C.
"The Reactive Engine",
PhD Thesis, Univ. Utah, 1969
(published excerpt only) Alan Kay's Dynabook thesis: published excerpt does not talk about touchscreen, but picture of "experimental display" shows IBM 1130 with tablet stylus or lightpen (hard to make out).
- [KehmCH40a]
Kehm, Clarence H.
"Radio Autograph",
US Patent 2,205,531, June 25, 1940
Telautograph (autograph) writing tablet with pantographic input stylus, transmitted by intensity/loudness of audio frequencies via radio (wireless). Pantographic mechanism for tablet.
- [KimYT68a]
Kim, Yung Taek and Evans, David C.
"Syntax Directed On-line Recognition of Cursive Writing",
U. Utah Comp. Sci. Tech. Rpt. 4-8, July 1968, ARPA Report AD770241
Cursive handwriting recognition using Sylvania data tablet. Data filtered by minimum required distance between coordinate pairs (to reduce processing overhead), interpolation bit curve fitting for wild points. Stroke segmentation at local Y maxima (up/down stroke segments), recognition by syntactic tree.
- [KindredRL60a]
Kindred, Raymond L.
"Analog to Digital Converter",
US Patent 2,940,071, June 7, 1960
Early ADC analog-to-digital converter for analog voltage to digital values for data processing by electronic digital computers. Described as more accurate than manual data entry. Vacuum tube example circuit.
- [KingJH66]
King, J. H. jr. and Tunis, C. J.
"Some Experiments in Spoken Word Recognition",
IBM Jnl. Research and Development, January 1966, pp. 65..79
Speech recognition for limited vocabulary of 30 words -- digits and mathematical operations -- using filter-bank spectrum analysis. Claimed over 99% correct recognition for both speaker-independent (actually multi-speaker) and single-speaker system, but test data was the same as the training data.
- [KlererM65a]
Klerer, Melvin and May, jack
"A user oriented programming language",
The Computer Journal, vol 8 no 2, 1965, pp. 103..109
Two-dimensional mathematical expression / programming-language input using Frieden Flexowriter that supports superscripts and subscripts, mathematical symbols. Cited in other papers for handwriting recognition of mathematics. Note: Do-loop ("From" range sequence) may appear after expression.
- [KnollAL69a]
Knoll, A. L.
"Experiments with characteristic loci for recognition of hand-printed characters",
IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol 18, pp 366-372, 1969
Choice of samples affects recognition performance results.
- [KoenigW61a]
Koenig, Walter Jr.
"Telautograph System",
US Patent 3,005,050, October 17, 1961
Early resistive-sheet/film digitizer tablet (telautograph), with stylus: two sheets (one flexible, one conductive, one uniform resistance), analog signals only, not digital. Speaks of detecting coordinates of the stylus. Two resistive layers, one for each ordinate X/Y. Resulting coordinate voltages may be utilized directly. Discusses compensation for nonlinear position errors. CitStates mechanical linkage tablet well-known in the art.
- [KonkleKH68a]
Konkle, K. H.
"An analog comparator as a pseudo-light pen for computer displays",
IEEE Trans. on computers, January, 1968, pp. 54..55
Appears to be a hardware implementation of detecting what a user is pointing to with a RAND tablet, where tablet is not a direct input to the application program. Analog circuit to track deflection voltages sent to display, when voltages are in a window of a value calculated by the tablet or other input devices, generates input to TX-2 computer. States advantage is that no D/A conversion required.
- [KostenL60a]
Kosten, Leendert; van der Toorn, Adrianus Johannes; and Oberman, Roelof Maarten Marie
"Information Bearer for Recording Figures in a Styled Form",
US Patent 2,963,220, December 6, 1960
seven-segment (stylized "8") printed pattern for constraining handwriting of numerals OCR handwriting recognition, alternative to marked-sense forms for scanning.
- [KotowskiP36a]
Kotowski, Paul
"Variable Resistor Unit",
US Patent 2,042,606, June 2, 1936
Pressure-sensitive conductive rubber: pulverated/pulverized or granulated conductive powder in rubber, gelatin, cellulose or other elastomeric material, for pressure-dependent resistance. Optionally cotton or other supporting mesh/weave.
- [Krantz61]
Krantz, D. L. and Campbell, D. T.
"Separating Perceptual and Linguistic Effects in Context Shifts upon Absolute Judgement",
Experimental Psychology, Vol 62 No 1, 1961, pp 35-42
Human recognition variability: there are linguistic/semantic effects that change perception as well. Strongly affected by the most recent temporal stimuli.
- [KruegerM1916a]
Krüger, Max
"Elektrische Schreibreklame mit Stromschlusstafel",
German Patent DE295253C, February 11, 1916
"Electric writing display with switching board". X/Y array of switches which conduct when stylus dispenses iron powder into switch opening. Powder held in place by electromagnet.
- [KuceraH67a]
Kucera, H. and Francis, W. N.
"Computational analysis of present day American English",
Brown Univ. Press, Providence, Rhode Island, 1967
Cited in Sinha88: as source of probability and statistics for (dictionary-based) context post-processing of English text.
- [KucharskiS1922a]
Kucharski, Stanislaus
"Motor mechanism for operating telautographs",
US Patent 1,418,647, June 6, 1922
Mechanical output/display with pulsed steppers for telautographs "of the Gray type".
- [KuchinskyS56a]
Kuchinsky, Saul
"Pulse Code Modulation System",
US Patent 2,733,409, January 31, 1956
Analog-to-digital ADC circuit for sampling and measuring voltages and converting to (digital) codes. Part of pulse code modulation scheme.
- [KuennapasT66a]
Kuennapas, Teodor
"Visual Perception of Capital Letters: Multidimensional ratio scaling and multidimensional similarity",
Scand. Jnl. Psychology, Vol 7, 1966 pp 189-196
nine capital letters: I, J, L, F, E, U, O, S, A distinguished in human perceptual recognition by the characteristics of Rectangularity, O/Roundness, and I Vertical Linearity.
- [KuepfmuellerK44a]
Küpfmüller, Kurt and Reche, Karl
US Patent 2,338,949, January 11, 1944
Telautograph: electronic (CRT) display and resistive tablet (writing plaque), using a stylus, instead of electromechanical input and output or linear resistors. Has edge distortion / pincushion correction, cited by Philipp 2005/0041018 for pin-cushion. CRT / cathode ray tube telautograph, wireless (radio) or by wired connection, CRT spot traces handwriting motion directly. Says frequency of handwriting is 5 to 10 Hz or less, versus 1 MHz (1,000,000 cycles/second frequency) for raster-scan transmission of image, and writing also visible in real time without photographic printing. Resistive plate/film tablet, correction for pincushion distortion (linearization of electric field) by long trace patterns to sides of plate.
- [KuepfmuellerK56a]
Küpfmüller, Kurt and Reche, Karl
"Anordnung zur Übertragung von Bewegungen, insbesondere elektrischer Fernschreiber",
German Patent DE 947,887, August 28, 1956
Telautograph. Resistive surface tablet with CRT display, simultaneous X and Y voltage fields at different frequencies. Conductive fingers/pattern at sides of resistive sheet to correct for pincushion distortion. Image can be projected directly onto writing surface: touchscreen? Priority date 1939.
- [KuhlF63]
Kuhl, F.
"Classification and Recognition of Hand-Printed Characters",
IEEE Intl. Convention Record, Part 4, 1963, pp 75-93
- [LamanGM66a]
Laman, George M.
"Position Control Ball Assembly",
US Patent 3,269,190, August 30, 1966
Track-ball (compare with mouse), cites to same-name patent application by Alexander. Motion tracked with orthogonal rollers on trackball.
- [LambrightJE70a]
Lambright, John E.; Dow, Bruce R.; and Booker, Clyde A. Jr.
"Interface Device and Display System",
US Patent 3,522,664, August 4, 1970
Resistive sheet touchscreen, rear-projection image. Diodes used to direct voltage across X or Y direction from AC signal.
- [LaningJH54a]
Laning, J. H. Jr. and Zierler, N.
"A Program For Translation of Mathematical Equations For Whirlwind I",
Engineering Memorandum E-364, Instrumentation Laboratory, MIT, January 1954
Whirlwind computer: mathematical expression input and calculation using flexowriter (teletype-like) terminal. 2D mathematical input? Compare with later character-mode calculators with variables.
- [LaskerWW37a]
Lasker, William W.
"Conductive Ink and Tabulator System",
US Patent 2,084,849, June 22, 1937
Conductive ink for marked-sense type tabulator cards: graphite or other metal in volatile liquid or light oil.
- [LauderWA44a]
Lauder, Wallace A. and Cahoon, Edward F.
US Patent 2,355,087, August 8, 1944
Telautograph/telescriber to operate from AC current rather than DC current (see: Current Wars). Stylus/pencil lift and touch recognized by switch on back side of transmitter writing platen.
- [LauriaC1928a]
Lauria, Carmelo
"Electrically-Displayed Writing Apparatus",
US Patent 1,696,548, December 25, 1928
Writing-actuated lamp display. Electrical stylus makes contact with X/Y grid of contact sensors, turning corresponding light bulbs on in grid. Compare with arrangement of capacitive sensors in Rekimoto or Hotelling touchscreens?
- [LeCaineH56a]
LeCaine, Hugh
"Touch Sensitive Organ",
www.hughlecaine.com/en/tsorgan.html, Fetched February 2011
Early touch-input device, organ keyboard detecting velocity of key being struck to affect tone played by electronic music organ, control of attack and volume. See also Young 1984 bio.
- [LedeenKS70a]
Ledeen, Kenneth S.
"Equipment for Image Processing -- An Overview",
Proc. Two-day Seminar "Computer Handling of Graphical Information", SPSE, July 1970, pp 1..9
Review of early designs of laser scanner: acceleration/speed of scanning a function of dedicated multiply/divide hardware, not high-power CPU. Mentions Ledeen as author of Ledeen Recognizer at Harvard University.
- [LeeRM67a]
Lee, Razak M.
"Visualizing the Operation of Electronic Circuits",
IEEE Trans. on Circuit Theory, vol 14 no 2, June, 1967, pp. 239..242
Simulation of circuits (and graphical editor for CAD of analog circuits), using light pen to edit circuit diagram. Cited in HornbuckleGD67b for handwriting (gesture?) control in graphical system designing and analyzing (analog) electronic circuits.
- [LeiferJC67a]
Leifer, J. C.; Mittelman, Louis Jr.; Sobol, Erwin J.
"Free Stylus Position Locating System",
US Patent 3,342,935, September 19, 1967
Capacitive grid digitizer tablet with stylus: transparent (touchscreen). Fine and coarse position determination by interpolation of phases on adjacent wires. States no tilt error because only tip of stylus is sensed. Claims advantages over pantographic means.
- [LeitnerRG61a]
Leitner, R. G.
"Telescribing Apparatus",
US Patent 2,975,235, March 14, 1961
Resistive sheet/film digitizer tablet using two sheets: a conductive flexible sheet and a second resistive sheet (or grid of conductors). Output device is mechanical: Telautograph/Telescriber.
- [LesterCHT38]
Lester, C. H. T.
"Single-stroke writing",
Bibliography by T. R. Davis, 1938
1938 reference to unistroke writing styles?
- [LevenshteinA66]
Levenshtein, A.
"Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions and reversals",
Soviet Physics - Dolkady, Vol 10 No 8, February 1966, pp 707-710
Spelling correction context (Russian): error correction for chains of binary codes (bits) that handle insertion errors, deletion errors, and substitution errors, not just substitution errors. Cited in Bozinovic82.
- [LevinA51a]
Levin, Arthur
"Writing Telegraph System",
US Patent 2,565,612, August 28, 1951
Resistive-sheet telautograph tablet, receiver has rotary motors connected to elbow linkages to move stylus. Discusses "pen lift" problem that output visible track on CRT must be blanked out rapidly when stylus is lifted. Specifically uses term "writing tablet".
- [LevineSR67a]
Levine, Stephen Robert
"Online Text Manipulation",
8th Annual IEEE Symp. Human Factors in Electronics, Palo Alto, SRL, May 1967 (abstract only)
Augmented Human Intellect research project (see other references): text editing system. Other references describe tablet, Grafacon, and other pointing devices in user interface.
- [LewinMH65a]
Lewin, M. H.
"A magnetic device for computer graphic input",
Proc. FJCC 1954, pp. 831..838
Electromagnetic stylus ("pen") and tablet, with multiple windings in tablet. Each winding corresponds to one bit of coordinate. Notes that light pen is limited in sampling rate to refresh rate of display, a sheet of paper on the surface blocks the light, says RAND tablet has more complicated electronics. D/A converter of output to show a "spot" (tracking cursor) on the CRT face.
- [LewinMH69a]
Lewin, Morton H.
"Analog position to binary number translator",
US Patent 3,466,646, September 9, 1969
Electromagnetic stylus ("pen") and tablet, with multiple windings in tablet. Each winding corresponds to one bit of coordinate. Notes that light pen is limited in sampling rate to refresh rate of display, says RAND tablet has more complicated electronics.
- [LewisHR68a]
Lewis, Harry R.
"SHAPESHIFTER: An Interactive Program for Experimenting with Complex-Plane Transformations",
Proc. 1968 ACM National Conf., pp. 717-724
Interactive mathematical modelling system: early CAD/CAM system two-dimensional mathematical expression recognition, handwriting recognition. Grafacon digitizer stylus used for menu picking, uses Ledeen recognizer with scrub/rubout/erase gesture, Anderson parse for hand-printed two-dimensional mathematics formulas. See Anderson PhD thesis (cited). Cites to (informal) reference by Kenneth S. Ledeen.
- [LickliderJCR62a]
Licklider, J. C. R. and Clark, Weldon E.
"On-Line Man-Computer Communications",
Proc. SJCC, May 1..3, 1962, pp. 113-128
Essay on power of interactive computing: military commanders, students, mathematicians. Sample systems are Tutor 1 (German/English vocabulary). Graph Equation, math exploration for students -- students needed typing skills, suggested longer term need for "some other symbolic input channel" (gestures? handwriting recognition?) Used light pen, not tablet.
- [LincolnA1849]
Lincoln, Abraham
"Buoying Vessels over Shoals",
US Patent 6,469, May 22, 1849
Attaching additional floatation air chambers to a boat or ship to reduce the draft to get the vessel through shallow water. Only patent issued to a person who was also President of the United States.
- [LincolnLab65a]
Lincoln Labs (MIT)
"Lincoln Lab TX-2 Circuit Sketch Demo (silent)",
YouTube posting by Bill Buxton, www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZrA6Uqwyy0, 1965 video
Short video of Rand tablet and TX-2 computer for circuit sketching. Shows scrub-out erase gesture, X mark to select point in line to break and move, recognition of resistors. No text input.
- [LindgrenN65a]
Lindgren, N.
"Machine recognition of human language: Part III--cursive script recognition",
IEEE Spectrum, May 1965, pp 104-116
Overview of script handwriting recognition. Compares similarity of problems (though not of physical signals) of speech and handwriting recognition, in part because ultimately translated to same (human) language, however notes that visual information input is parallel, not serial. Tablet = telewriter. Distinguishes between individual-letter identification (character recognition) and whole-word identification (dictionary of test words). One-page flowchart for single character identification: features are cusps, CW and CCW closures, maxima and minimal, and the sequence of features.
- [LintonRJ63a]
Linton, Roy Jackson
"Musical instrument of the bassoon type",
US Patent 3,094,032, June 18, 1963
Plastic bassoon with tuning slide instead of just pulling out bocal. Slide adjusts U-shaped tube at bottom of butt joint, thus in middle of instrument, held in place by friction.
- [LinvillJG66a]
Linvill, John G.
"Reading aid for the blind",
US Patent 3,229,397, January 18, 1966
Optacon-style reading sensor for the blind, array of raisable pins to convert visual images (text, etc.) to tactual/tactile impressions.
- [LinvillJG66b]
Linvill, J. G. and Bliss, J.C.
"A direct translation reading aid for the blind",
Proc. IEEE, , vol 54 no 1, pp. 40..51, January 1966
Optacon-style reading sensor for the blind, array of piezoelectric reed pins directly connected to photo-cells to convert visual images (text, etc.) to tactual/tactile impressions.
- [LittleDG32a]
Little, Donald G.
"Automatic Direction Finder",
US Patent 1,862,119, June 7, 1932
Radio direction finder using triangulation from multiple receivers to locate source of a transmitter. Uses "well-known telautograph" to send direction signals from one receiving station to another.
- [LivermoreB1863a]
Livermore, Benjamin
"Device for Hand Printing / Hand printing device",
US Patent 39,296, July 21, 1863
Early (19th century) chorded keyboard, fits into a pocket and can be operated by one hand (PDA?). Includes example of alphabetic character chording similar to 16-segment or 9-segment displays, or to unistroke/graffiti.
- [LongB38a]
Long, Bernard
"Method and means for the manufacture of electrical resistances",
US Patent 2,119,680, June 7, 1938
Transparent resistive metal films on glass for resistance heaters: compare to ITO, Nesa glass. May be patterned in strips.
- [LongER60a]
Long, E. R. and Henneman, R. H.
"An Experimental Analysis of Set: Variables Influencing the Identification of Ambiguous, Visual Stimulus-Objects",
American Jnl. Psychology, Vol 73, 1960, pp 553-562
Experiment on degraded/low-quality letter-patterns (dot-matrix characters): human recognition varies depending on what samples subjects were trained on. Functional attributes experiments: tests of human character recognition using ambiguous stimuli. Compare with Shillman/Kuklinski.
- [LoomisHH60]
Loomis, Herschel H. Jr.
"Graphical Manipulation Techniques Using the Lincoln TX-2 Computer",
Lincoln Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge Massachusetts Report 516-0017, November 11, 1960
DavisMR64 mentions on handwriting user interface (?). User-interface (CAD) on TX-2 computer, using lightpen for sketching / drawing circuit diagrams: does not include character recognition, but suggests using character recognizer by H. P. Peterson (Page 8): find a citable a reference to that?
- [LoveRE67a]
Love, R.E.
"Computer Source Language Optimization Using a Visual Display",
PhD Thesis, Dept. of E.E., Univ. of California / Berkeley, March 1967
Cited in HornbuckleGD67a for handwriting (gesture?) control in graphical system for optimizing Algol source code.
- [LytleWO52a]
Lytle, William O.
"Transparent conducting films",
US Patent 2,583,000, January 22, 1952
Tin oxide / metal transparent film on glass, average resistivity (sheet resistance) 371 ohms/square, average haze by ASTM method 1.3%. See also ITO films. May be used for transparent auto windshield or room heaters, covered by protective/insulating layer. Additional layer with same index of refraction (dummy features/material) reduces glare reflection/iridescence, improves visual appearance. Can be deposited in pattern (strips).
- [MIT52a]
Digital Computer Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Project Whirlwind Training Program Material",
MIT 1952
Collection of technical reports on Project Whirlwind: Memorandum M-1624-1 Short Guide to Coding; Report R-90-1 The Binary System of Numbers; Engineering Note E-479 Basic Conversion Program; Memorandum M-1734 WWI Control Switches and Pushbuttons; Memoranum M-1623-1 Programming for In-Out Units (Contains brief description of light-gun / early light-pen) -- supports multiple simultaneous light-guns (multi-touch?); Engineering Note E-516 Comprehensive System of Service Routines; Engineering Notes E-484 Policy on Outside Users of Whirlwind I.
- [MITRE63a]
MITRE Corporation
"Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE)",
http://mitre.org, fetched 2010
SAGE system fully deployed in 1963: Early graphical input/output system using light-gun (invented by Bob Everett), precursor to light-pen and to computer mouse.
- [MITRadLab47a]
MIT Radiation Laboratory
"MIT Radiation Laboratory Series on Radar and Microwave Technology",
MIT Radiation Laboratory, 1947/1948. Archive PDFS at http://www.febo.com/pages/docs/RadLab, (2015)
MIT Radiation Laboratory technical series on radar, microwave signals, magnetrons, klystrons, non-ideal reflectors, waveguides, antenna design, electronic time/speed measurements, servomechanisms (for radar), computing linkages (mechanical/analog computing) radio/radar beacons, and Loran navigation.
- [MacDonaldJS66]
MacDonald, John S.
"Experimental Studies of Handwriting Signals",
MIT Research Lab of Electronics, March 31, 1996, Tech. Rpt. RLE TR-443
Digitizer tablet consisted of electrolytic fluid and current sensors at each side of a rectangular tank. Contains model of handwriting motion implemented as a simulation. Asserts that modelling of neuromotor or physical generation of handwriting motion may assist in understanding invariant features for handwriting recognition: cites Teager and Mermelstein.
- [MacaulayM68a]
Macaulay, Malcom
"A low cost computer graphic terminal",
Proc. AFIPS 1968 FJCC, December 9..11, 1968, San Francisco, CA, vol 33 part 1, pp. 777..785
University engineering project to build low-cost graphic terminal: generates TV signals so that household TV receivers (low cost) can be used as displays: also 50/60 Hz refresh rate higher than most graphics terminals. "Raster stylus" (light pen) determines position by scan line, and count of time for horizontal sweep (4 MHz, 240 counts during active scanning). Stylus fabricated from "discarded ball point pen" and "photodiode".
- [MallinckrodtE53a]
Mallinckrodt, Edward; Huges, A.L.; and Sleator, William Jr.
"Perception by the Skin of Electrically Induced Vibrations",
Science, vol 118 no 3062, pp. 277..278, September 4, 1953
Human perception of (haptic) vibration with AC signal on skin is due to high electrical resistance of skin and induced mechanical effects from electrostatic charge. Effect is perceived as resiny/sticky friction as finger is moved. Body isolation from ground reduces induced current, and reduces vibration sensation.
- [ManufacturerAndBuilder1893a]
The Manufacturer and Builder: A Practical Journal of Industrial Progress
"The Telautograph",
The Manufacturer and Builder, vol 25 no 4, April 1893, pp. 76..77
Development of telautograph by Elisha Gray, rival claimant with Alexander Bell for invention of telephone. Telautograph not based on variable resistance sensing (Cowper-Robertson writing telegraph). Small cords from stylus/pencil to geared teeth, sending one pulse (digital) to stepper (step-by-step) motors. Cites advantages of secrecy (compare: encryption), unmistakable written record. Compare with digital and pantographic tablets? Cowper as first "real" telautograph.
- [MarchantLE39a]
Marchant, Lawrence Edgar and Spargo, Stanley
"Device for the Classification of Handwriting",
US Patent 2,148,567, February 28, 1939
Writing tablet/stylus for capturing downward pressure (tip force) and speed (velocity) of handwriting, hydraulic/pneumatic sensors show values on scale/dial (optical deflectors).
- [MarkeyHK42a]
Markey, Hedy Kiesler and Antheil, George
"Secret Communication System",
US Patent 2,292,387, August 11, 1942
early spread-spectrum encrypted communications (Inventor: Hedy Lamarr) for controlling torpedos and other devices.
- [MarrillWA63a]
Marrill, T.; Hartley, A. K.; Evans, T. G.; Bloom, B. H.; Park, D. M.; Hart, T. P. and Dorley, D. L.
"CYCLOPS-1: A Second Generation Recognition System",
AFIPS Conf. Proc. 1963 Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol 24, pp 27-33, 1963
Light pen with handwriting recognition (single characters): Rhyne86 gives this as a reference to an early digitizer tablet, like RAND tablet.
- [MartinWA65a]
Martin, William A.
"Syntax and Display of Mathematical Expressions",
MIT Artificial Intelligence Project, Memo 85, Memorandum MAC-M-257, July 29, 1965
Automatic 2D layout of mathematical expressions (in Lisp). Lightpen (touchscreen) used to edit expressions, data structure has both positions/layout and parsing of expression, so that use can pick entire sub-expressions.
- [MartinWA67a]
Martin, William Arthur
"Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory",
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Report No MAC-TR-36, January 1967
Contains chapter on parsing two-dimensional mathematical expressions, perhaps with handwriting recognition input. Points out that with handwriting user-interface, knowing when an input is complete is unclear (p 235).
- [MartinWA67b]
Martin, W. A.
"A Fast Parsing Scheme for Hand-Printed Mathematical Expressions",
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Artificial Intelligence Project Memo No 145, Memorandum MAC-M-360, October 19, 1967
User-interface for parsing mathematics: untested.
- [MartinsonJL69a]
Martinson, John L.
"Method for Forming Written Symbols to be Read by Automatic Character Recognition Equipment",
US Patent 3,485,168, December 23, 1969
Zone-based recognition for handwritten digits: character must cross at corners (not segments) of seven-segment pattern. Recognized by simple optical sensors.
- [Masterson62]
Masterson, J. L. and Hirsch, R. S.
"Machine recognition of handwritten constrained Arabic numerals",
IRE Trans. Human Factors and Electronics, Vol 3, pp 62-65, September 1962
Cited in Blatt88: 99.79% character recognition rate for handwriting (handprinted) Arabic numerals. Compare with human recognition rate?
- [MaverW1903a]
Maver, William Jr.
"American Telegraphy and Encyclopedia of the Telgraph: Systems, Apparatus, Operation -- 5th ed.",
Maver Publishing Company, Nw York, 1903
Encyclopedia of telegraph technology, 1903. Includes wireless telegraphy, applications. Automatic telegraphs using punched paper tape. Chapter 19: Writing Telegraph Systems -- Robertson, Etheridge telautographs, Writing telegraph central office. First telautograph was Cowper. Says Robertson used force/pressure on two series of carbon disks.
- [MayJ1908a]
May, Jakob
"Vorrichtung zur elektrischen Fernübertragung graphischer Darstellungen jeder Art, bei welcher nach der Empfängerstation zwei Ströme gelangen, deren Stärke durch Widerstände geregelt wird, die entsprechend der Änderung der beiden Komponenten der Senderschreibbewegung verändert werden",
German Patent DE203719, November 2, 1908
Telautograph / tablet using analog electromagnetic sensing in a stylus. Cited in PhilippH05a as early touchpad/touchscreen. Compare with Elisha Gray?
- [McCreeryDR69a]
McCreery, D.R.; Estry, H.W.; and Osterwisch, F.G.
"The Electrowriter as a computer IO device",
U. Michigan Radio Astronomy Observatory report UM/RAO 69-4, February, 1969
Using Victor Comptometer Electrowriter as computer input/output device by adding A/D and D/A converters. Electrowritier Model 25 as telautograph/telewriter device, usually direct electrical connection but option to operate over POTS telephone lines.
- [McElwain62]
McElwain, C. K. and Evans, M. E.
"The Degarbler -- A Program for Correcting Machine-Read Morse Code",
Information and Control, Vol 5 No 4, December 1962, pp 368-384
Mentioned by Peterson80 for spelling dictionary. Early spelling corrector for context, tailored for typical miss-recognition errors in machine-read Morse Code.
- [McLaughlinDJ55a]
McLaughlin, Donald J. and Talmadge, Harvey G.
"Resistive Surface Voltage Divider Network",
US Patent 2,704,305, March 15, 1955
Resistive surface / resistive sheet electronic tablet for telautograph "electrical writing tablet", circular plate with taps around edge. Refers to "data plotting cathode ray tube" display. Voltage divider with taps used to get voltage at taps on circular plate. Transparent resistive film (Nesa or Electropane glass: copper, silver, gold metallic film on glass or siliceous material) on transparent plate/substrate: touchscreen on radar screen. Scalloping/pincushion distortion of electric voltage field linearized by having more taps for linearization pattern. Uses resistance per square (sheet resistance, uniform) to determine position from alternate X and Y voltage fields. "Common to use a resistive sheet".
- [McMasterHA47a]
McMaster, Harold A.
"Conductive Coating for Glass and Method of Application",
US Patent 2,429,420, October 21, 1947
Transparent conductive/resistive coating on glass (for aircraft windows), tin chloride (alternative to ITO?). Sheet resistance 200 ohms/square, transmissivity/transparency 92%. See also 2,497,507.
- [McPhersonLO1897a]
McPherson, Leon O.
US Patent 585,319, June 29, 1897
Improved circuits for sending telautograph signals with less loss of energy in transmission. Classified on Google Patents as G06F3/046 Digitisers, touch screens, touch pads using electromagnetic means.
- [McQuarrieJL1922a]
McQuarrie, James L.
"Telegraph System",
US Patent 1,409,386, March 14, 1922
Tactile display for the deaf to send and receive telegraph signals: vibrating transducers on each fingertip. Cited as haptic display.
- [McauleyJW53a]
Mcauley, James W. and Gaiser, Romey A.
"Controlling Resistivity of Electrically Conducting Films",
Canadian Patent 498843, December 29, 1953
Control sheet resistivity of transparent tin oxide film on glass during processing. Very slight increase in optical reflectivity from film on glass. Applications are heating aircraft windows, shielding, transparent conductor. Resistivity below 200 ohms/square.
- [MermelsteinP64a]
Mermelstein, P. and Eden, M.
"A System for Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Words",
AFIPS Conf. Proc. 1964 Fall Joint Computer Conf., Spartan Books, Vol 26, pp 333-342, 1964
Cursive handwriting recognition, character segments at points of low velocity, classify segment as type of curve segment, recognize if can be generated from model for character writing styles. Shows photograph of electromechanical telautograph as type of tablet. Cited in Rhyne86 as early reference to a RAND-type tablet.
- [MermelsteinP64b]
Mermelstein, Paul and Eden, Murray
"Experiments on computer recognition of connected handwritten words",
Information and Control, Vol 7, 1964, pp 255-270
Simulated (not actual) system for online handwriting recognition based on simple model of writing motion, segmentation, approximate matching, and some syntax/context constraints. No actual handwriting done?
- [MerriamWebster63a]
G. & C. Merriam Company
"Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary",
G. & C. Merriam Company, 1963
Reference dictionary of the English language.
- [MerrymanCT70a]
Merryman, Coleman T. and Restle, Frank
"Perceptual Displacement of a Test Mark Toward the Larger of Two Visual Objects",
Jnl. Experimental Psychology, 1970, Vol 84 No 2, pp 311-318
Study of visual context affecting human perception/recognition of marks.
- [MikesG70]
Mikes, George
"The Land of the Rising Yen: Japan",
Andre Deutsch, Publisher, Great Britain, 1970, Library of Congress Number 70-118214
Survey article of the quirks of Japanese Syllabic characters and language.
- [MillerGA51a]
Miller, G. A.; Heise, G. A. and Lichten, W.
"The intelligibility of speech as a function of the context of the test materials",
Jnl. Experimental Psychology, Vol 41, 1951, pp 329-335
Human recognition/intelligibility of speech depends on context: greater intelligibility if limited set of test words, used in sentences, words repeated.
- [MillerGA56a]
Miller, G. A.
"The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on our Capacity for Processing Information",
The Psychological Review, Vol 63 No 2, March 1956, pp 81-97
Wonderful early article on human perception: distinctive features, context, limits of absolute judgements, combined features, multiple dimensions of features.
- [MillerGM69]
Miller, G. M.
"On-line recognition of hand-generated symbols",
in Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., AFIPS, Vol 32, November 1969, pp 591-601
Freeman code segments for handwriting recognition, 1969. Parsing strokes into segments, multiple-stroke characters: single-stroke characters a one-stroke character can also be a component of a multiple-stroke character. Stroke segmentation using enclosing rectangle, overlap. User interface for two-dimensional form (forms input with handwriting).
- [MillerJC69a]
Miller, James C. and Wine, Charles M.
"Coordinate Converter System",
US Patent 3,439,317, April 15, 1969
Acoustic tablet, transducer in pen, pulse detection by diode bridge. Pulse waveform is shaped by delay line. Compare with SAC tablet?
- [MillerKW50a]
Miller, Kenneth W.
"Telautograph System",
US Patent 2,527,835, October 31, 1950
Transparent resistive film tablet for telautograph, image of other user's writing projected onto surface from beneath: effectively a touchscreen? Compare to tabletop systems. Mentions transparent fine mesh as alternative to metallic layer (ITO).
- [MilroyWE69a]
Milroy, Warren E.
"Electro-optic Cursor Manipulator with Associated Logic Circuitry",
US Patent 3,478,220, November 11, 1969
Optical touchscreen, using light beams (compare infrared/IR). Motion is incremental/relative, like a mouse, or can be absolute position.
- [MinnemanMJ66]
Minneman, Milton J.
"Handwritten Character Recognition Employing Topology, Cross Correlation, and Decision Theory",
IEE Trans. on Systems Science and Cybernetics, Vol SSC-2 No 2, December 1966, pp 86-96
Handprinting recognition off-line, OCR, claims 98.5% recognition accuracy, test data was writing samples of single-stroke digits.
- [MochelJM51a]
Mochel, John M.
"Electrically conducting coatings on glass and other ceramic bodies",
US Patent 2,564,707, August 21, 1951
transparent tin iridized (tin oxide / ITO) resistive/conducting film on glass, controlled sheet resistance. Iridizing of tin on glass "quite old".
- [MonroeJM70a]
Monroe, John N.
"Fingerprint Observation and Recording Apparatus",
US Patent 3,527,535, September 8, 1970
internal-reflection fingerprint scanner, cited as prior art for FTIR touchscreen. Finger is placed on flat side of illuminated glass prism.
- [MoodeyHC42a]
Moodey, Hannah C.
"Telautograph System",
US Patent 2,269,599, January 13, 1942
resistive-sheet/film digitizer for a telautograph system, using AC voltages and sensor stylus. "resistance plaque or tablet".
- [MoriKI70]
Mori, Ken-Ichi; Genchi, Hiroshi; Watanabe, Sadakazu; and Katsuragi, Sumio
"Microprogram Controlled Pattern Processing in a Handwritten Mail Reader-Sorter",
Pattern Recognition, Pergamon Press, 1970, Vol 2 pp 175-185
off-line handwriting recognition, digits only for postal/zip codes in Japan.
- [MorinagaS62a]
Morinaga, Shiro and Noguchi, Kaoru
"The Horizontal-Vertical Illusion and the Relation of Spatial and Retinal Orientations",
Japanese Psychological Research, 1962, vol 4 no 1, pp. 25..29
Human perception perceives vertical lines as disproportionately longer than horizontal lines. Cites to Finger 1947.
- [MorleyCGL68a]
Morley, Cyril George Lidston
"Electronic swim timer controlled by touch pad in swim lane",
US Patent 3,363,243, January 9, 1968
End-of-race touch pad button for swimmers to hit in swim meet race. Touch pad refers to single button/switch.
- [MorrisIL70a]
Morris, I.L.
"Human Factors for Interactive Systems",
Proc. Two-day Seminar, Soc. of Photographic Scientists and Engineers SPSE July 1970, pp. 87..91
Early interactive graphics/drawing system, buttons and switches for input, lightpen/stylus of tablet used only for locator input. Sample application computes shadows (interactively) of 3D objects.
- [MortonGA47a]
Morton, George A. and Flory, Leslie E.
"Reading Aid for the Blind",
US Patent 2,420,716, May 20, 1947
Stylus pick-up unit with optical sensor, which translated degree of dark or light on the paper into an audible tone: sensor could have multiple elements. Refers to devices as "optophone" or "optiphone". Compare with Anoto?
- [MunsonJH68a]
Munson, J. H.
"Experiments in the recognition of hand-printed text: Part I---Character recognition",
Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol 33, Thompson Books, Washington, DC, December 1968, pp 1125-1138
Samples of Fortran characters on coding sheets, with extra constraints. Forms data-entry.
- [MunsonJH68b]
Munson, John H.
"The Recognition of Hand-printed Text",
in Pattern Recognition, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Pattern Recognition, L. N. Kanal, editor, Thompson Press, Washington, DC, 1968, pp 115-140
Cites handwriting recognition back to 1955. Handwriting recognition in context, FORTRAN coding sheets. Features are concavities, contours, connected regions, spurs. Says Clemens65 doesn't work.
- [MurrayRD70a]
Murray, Richard D. (ed.)
"Computer Handling of Graphical Information: Proceedings",
Proc. Two-day Seminar, Soc. of Photographic Scientists and Engineers SPSE July 1970 (hardcopy book)
Seminar/Workshop proceedings: see individual papers. "Free-Hand Data Input", "Software for Interactive Graphics Input", "Light Pen Input to a Design Package in Current Production", "Classes and Characteristics of Optical Character Recognition Systems", "Human Factors for Interactive systems", "Hardware for Interactive Graphics", "Interactive Graphics and Computer Aided Design Techniques", "Remote Computer Display Terminals".
- [MyersTE60a]
Myers, T. E.
"Variable Resistance material",
US Patent 2,951,817, September 6, 1960
Conductive rubber: polyvinyl chloride flexible/pliable material with embedded metal conductive particles, becomes conductive under pressure.
- [MykhaylenkoAF42a]
Mykhaylenko, A.F.
"Apparatus for sound reproduction of printed text",
Soviet Patent SU60631A1, January 31, 1942
(Machine translation into English): Electromechanical reading machine for the blind: compare with US patented devices?
- [Nagy68a]
Nagy, G.
"Classification Algorithms in Pattern Recognition",
IEEE Trans. Audio and Electroacoustics, Vol AU-16, No. 2, June 1968, pp 203-212 (partial copy)
Comparison of different statistical algorithms, tested on a training set of OCR characters.
- [Nagy68b]
Nagy, G.
"State of the Art in Pattern Recognition",
Proc. IEEE, Vol 56 No 5, May 1968, pp 836-862
(hand-printed) data under actual working conditions likely to be much worse than test data.
- [NagyG70a]
Nagy, G. and Tuong, N.
"Normalization Techniques for Handprinted Numerals",
CACM, Vol 13 No 8, August 1970, pp 475-481
Correction for optical distortion in OCR character scanning. Rotational invariance loses distinction between 6 and 9 (critique of fully generalized pattern recognition?).
- [NassimbeneEG61a]
Nassimbene, E. G.
"Utensil for Writing and Simultaneously Recognizing the Written Symbols",
US Patent 3,182,291, August 25, 1961
DCR recognition with a photo/optical/light-sensing stylus on a tablet(!), position determined by amount of light falling on stylus sensor from illumination around the tablet: optical tablet.
- [NaumburgRE31a]
Naumburg, Robert E.
"Apparatus for Translating Impressions",
US Patent 1,828,198, October 20, 1931
Early reading machine for the blind (Visagraph). Optical scanner with light beam scans in horizontal lines across document (pantographic mechanism for scan). User can hear brightness, or feel a displacement with a finger. Compare with Optacon?
- [NaumburgRE34a]
Naumburg, Robert E.
"Art of Scanning and Reproducing Matter",
US Patent 1,953,307, April 3, 1934
Combination character scanner (very early OCR?) and Brailler/Moon printer or display. Characters are traced by six horizontal scans to match perforations in a disk, selenium cell optical sensor: match in disk prints Braille or Moon output. Compare with Kurzweil reading machine for the blind? Has automatic adjustment to scan to next line.
- [NeisserU60a]
Neisser, Ulric and Weene, Paul
"A Note on Human Recognition of Hand-Printed Characters",
Information and Control, Vol 3, pp 191-196, 1960
Human recognition success rate is only 97%. Study of human recognition testing using sign-in sheets (unconstrained characters). Gives human results for confusion-pairs in handwriting samples, "S-J". Has example of human difference between writer's intent and reader's perception for definition of correctness. Strong recommended for any review of machine performance on handwritten characters.
- [NewmanEB52a]
Newman, E. B. and Gerstman, L. J.
"A new method for analyzing printed English",
Jnl. Experimental Psychology, Vol 44, 1952, pp 114-125
Statistical consistency of character in context in several language: some languages have redundant letters (can be removed without affecting amount of information content). Proposes analysis of sequences of letters rather than sequences of words, because the number of letters is small, the number of words is large. Cited in Suen79 on context statistics. Compare with Viterbi algorithm?
- [NewmanEB60a]
Newman, E. B. and Waugh, N. C.
"The redundancy of texts in three languages",
Information Control, Vol 3, 1960, pp 141-153
Context statistics (letter pairs) have similar distribution in three languages with discrete but dissimilar alphabets: English, Russian, Samoan. Later alphabet generally correlates with greater redundancy. Cited in Suen79 on context statistics. Early work on statistical methods in language analysis.
- [NewmanWM68a]
Newman, W. M.
"A system for interactive graphical programming",
1968 Spring Joint Computer Conf., AFIP Conf. Proc., Vol 32, Montvale, NJ pp 47-54
touch/drag (and select/tap?) interactions with a lightpen stylus. Cited in Wallace76 for "virtual devices".
- [NewmanWM68b]
Newman, W. M.
"A Graphical Technique for Numerical Input",
Computer Journal, Vol 11 No 1, May 1968, pp 63-71
Light handle: Virtual device (simulated shaft encoder) for light pen. Uses clockwise motion to increase value, counter-clockwise decrease: compare with Nokia "zoom" gesture (alternative to pinch-zoom gesture)? Also slider for fine adjustment. Stylus/pen user-interface: "Light Handle" user-interface recognizes clockwise/counter-clockwise spirals as "shaft turning" spiral/circular gestures to control numeric value. Compare with later pie menus/marking menus? Cited in FoleyJD82.
- [NinkeWH65a]
Ninke, William H.
"GRAPHIC 1 -- A Remote Graphical Display Console System",
Proc. FJCC 1965, pp. 839..846
Description of interactive graphics computer. Light pen (DEC Type 370: fiber optic) sensitive to pointing up to three inches away from display, not sensitive to yellow persistence color, only to blue phosphor spot: cannot point where nothing displayed. Also includes trackball, potentiometers for pointing/location input. Compares light pen, graphic pencil (resistive touchscreen), light pen. Light pen with on-screen "light buttons" nearly eliminated need for keyboard for command input (gestures?). Uses response to flying-dot to eliminated need for zone definition if using RAND tablet.
- [NugentWR67a]
Nugent, W. R. and Buckland, L. F.
"MOSAIC - The Improved Editing of Scientific Text by Handdrawn Commands and Data: A Technique for RAND Tablet and CRT Display",
Third Quarterly Report, Inforonics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1967
Same reference as FriedmanSR68? Cited in Coleman69 on gesture / handwriting user interface, text input and editing using gestures (?) in 1967.
- [NyquistH1924a]
Nyquist, H.
"Certain Factors Affecting Telegraph Speed",
Bell System Technical Journal, vol 3 no 2, April 1924, pp. 324..345
Mathematical treatment of best signaling system (focus is sine vs. square waves) in an (analog) transmission line. Need to shape signal to compensate for particular distortions of transmission medium: transoceanic cable, wireless/radio, etc. Area under signal shape determining factor: square wave has more area than sine wave.
- [NyquistH1928a]
Nyquist, H.
"Certain Topics in Telegraph Speed Transmission Theory",
Trans. of the A.I.E.E., February 1928, pp. 617..644
Mathematical basis for Nyquist frequency: sampling frequency must be at least twice signaling frequency of a signal.
- [OCallaghanJ68]
O'Callaghan, J.
"Pattern recognition using some principles of the organism - environment interaction",
PhD Thesis, ANU, Canberra, Australia, September 1968
O'Callaghan70: early handwriting recognizer.
- [OCallaghanJ70]
O'Callaghan, J. F.
"Problems in on-line character recognition",
in "Picture Language Machines", S. Kaneff, editor, Academic Press, New York, 1970
Broad review of thinking on handwriting recognition, 1970, discussion from a conference. Contains long Q/A on O'Callaghan's handwriting recognition: segmentation, features, performance time, rotation/tilt: feature space (for binary comparison) is a broad hump, not a fine line. Mentions problem of mal-adaptation to bad data in trainable adaptive recognizer.
- [OharaAC67a]
O'Hara, Almerin C. jr.
"Display Tracking System",
US Patent 3,337,860, August 22, 1967
light pen ("light transducer" includes light pencils, light guns, light pens as packaging difference. System projects pattern (e.g. five dots) on display in spiral pattern to locate light pen, then moves pattern as light pen image moves (slowly) across screen. Compare with Anoto pattern?
- [OlalaintyE62a]
Olalainty, Edouard
"Psychological Testing Apparatus",
US Patent 3,029,526, April 17, 1962
Psychological testing (concentration, etc.) by how well user can move stylus through tracks in conductive/resistive plate without touching sides of track. Capacitive pressure/force sensor in stylus to measure finger pressure. Compare with Schomaker hand-tremor measurements?
- [OliverBM64a]
Oliver, B. M.
"Time Domain Reflectometry",
Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol 15 No 6, February 1964, pp 1..8
Time domain reflectometry: Determine position of discontinuity in a cable/conductor by measuring echo time for gigahertz pulse. Technique later used in touch sensors.
- [OrrNW68]
Orr, N. W. and Hopkin, V. D.
"The role of the touch display in air traffic control",
The Controller, IFATCA Jnl. Air Traffic Control, vol 7 no 4, 1968, pp 7..9
Evaluation of touch displays (touchscreen) in ATC air traffic control: focus is on text/menus. Touchscreen advantages over keyboard: structured information can lead user through operations, silent (in ATC setting), information can be displayed logically in relation to other data. Training can be simulated by turning pages in instruction manual rather than costly computer time. Cited in Beringer89 on electronic ink, integrated tablet/display. Suggests ergonomic advantage of separating touchscreen wires from display (e.g. touchpad).
- [OrrWI59a]
Orr, William I.
"The Radio Handbook, 15th edition",
Editors and Engineers Limited, 1959
Not the ARRL handbook: text on amateur radio electronics and practice circa 1959: vacuum tubes, transistors, RC audio amplifier circuits, video frequency amplifiers, Class B and C power amplifiers, etc.
- [PascalGR43a]
Pascal, Gerald R.
"Handwriting pressure: its measurements and significance",
Journal of Personality, vol 11 no 3, March 1943, pp. 235..254, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6494.1943.tb01934.x
Includes essay on graphology and psychology, and the need for scientific basis for personality traits in handwriting. Refers to Z force of handwriting as handwriting pressure or point pressure. Mechanical (hydraulic) kymograph (analog pressure measurement) tablet for measuring writing handwriting pressure, measurement range 10 to 250 grams force: mentions that baseline must be established from average of several measurements of not writing. Width/size of written line also indicative of pressure (pseudo-pressure). Handwriting samples avoided "i" and "t", delayed strokes introduced breaks in continuous cursive writing. Associates men with mesomorphy (heavy) writing with greater force. Men write with more pressure than women, assertive/expressive persons with more pressure (intent)?
- [PattonR69]
Patton, Robert
"Graphic Data Tablets",
The Electronic Engineer, November 1969, pp 50-55
Cites Dr. Michael Pilla, Bell Labs Human Factors, on writing on separate tablet and display as not a problem.
- [PayneRE52a]
Payne, Robert E.
"Sedimentation tower",
US Patent 2,597,899, May 27, 1952
Sedimentation sensors. Early citation mentioning correction to zero (offset/base) and normalized to be percentage of total samples (scale) for sensor values. Pressure/force deflection determined by optical sensors.
- [PeckerEA63a]
Pecker, Edwin A. and Garrett, Peter Legh
"Written Character Digitizer",
US Patent 3,112,362, November 26, 1963
Zone-based recognizer for handwritten digits using a single "+" arrangement of four conductive lines on simple tablet.
- [PeekRL59a]
Peek, Robert Lee
"Electrographic transmitter",
US Patent 2,907,824, October 6, 1959
Telautograph using X/Y matrix of magnetizable conductors (compare with cross-wire tablets), permanent-magnet stylus deflects wires into contact, intersection is X/Y position of stylus. Compare with RAND tablet?
- [PetersRD63a]
Peters, Ralph D.
"Signature Identification Device",
US Patent 3,113,461, December 10, 1963
Signature verification (signature identification) device using electro-mechanical meters to measure writing time, X and Y position (velocity?), and writing pressure (tip force) via meters, which might be some other kind of display. Writing pad appears to be a resistive sheet digitizer with a tethered stylus. See also Herbst76 on signature verification using force vs. time. Tablet is conductive paper with conductive pen (resistive sheet digitizer?) (Teledeltos resistive paper?).
- [PetraAG1920a]
Petra A.-G. für Elektromechanik in Berlin
"Gebereinrichtung zum Übertragen von unregelmässigen Bewegungen mit Hilfe von elektrischen Wiederstandsänderungen",
German Patent DE326089, September 23, 1920
(in German) Telautographic transmitter using changes in electrical resistance. Grid/network of X and Y resistance wires. stylus == Schreibstift.
- [PetraAG1920b]
Petra A.-G. für Elektromechanik in Berlin
"Gray'scher Fernschreiber",
Swiss Patent CH85313, June 1, 1920
(in German) Telautographic device sending pulses to stepper motor at receiver. Telautograph simply referred to as "Gray telautograph" (see patent title).
- [PetraAG1922a]
Petra A.-G. für Elektromechanik in Berlin
"Grayscher Fernschreiber, bei dem die Stromstösse ein ständig angetriebenes Steigrad vorübergehend auslösen",
German Patent DE350812, March 27, 1922
(in German) Telautographic device sending pulses to stepper motor at receiver. Telautograph simply referred to as "Gray telautograph" (see patent title).
- [PhinneyED38a]
Phinney, Edward D.
"Communication System",
US Patent 2,122,918, July 5, 1938
Telautograph, remote signature capture / signing, remote editing (writing) on original document, with image of document projected by television means from underneath.
- [PierceJR50a]
Pierce, John R.
"Electronic Tracing System",
US Patent 2,515,057, July 11, 1950
Light-sensing lightgun/telautograph: light from illuminated pencil/stylus excites phosphors in a writing surface, cause electron discharge, position of discharge from deflections by deflection plates. Compare with touchscreen?
- [PolisiWC65a]
Polisi, William C.
US Patent 3,202,031, August 24, 1965
D-flat/E-flat trill key on bassoon, operated by left thumb (to left of low B-natural key), trills instead of using left hand spring keys one octave up. Also partially closes low B-natural key to get darker tone on low E. (Figure 3 illustration shows entire bassoon, appears on T-shirts.)
- [PooleHH70a]
Poole, Harry H.
"Hardware for Interactive Graphics",
Proc. Two-day Seminar "Computer Handling of Graphical Information", SPSE, July 1970, pp 93..100
Graphics hardware circa 1970: pointing device is light pen. 12 to 24 function buttons on keyboard.
- [PostmanL45]
Postman, Leo and Miller, G. A.
"Anchoring of Temporal Judgments",
American Jnl. Psychology, Vol 58, 1945, pp 43-53
Absolute scale and absolute judgment doesn't exist: depends on context of human recognition / perception. Cited on Kuklinski's PhD thesis, how an anchor affects perception of graphical context.
- [PoultonEC65a]
Poulton, E. C.
"Letter differentiation and rate of comprehension in reading",
Jnl. Applied Psychology, Vol 49, 1965, pp 358-362
Study of inherent (to humans) legibility of different writing styles. Compare with Shillman confusion matrix of pairs of characters?
- [PrattF39a]
Pratt, F.
"Secret and Urgent",
Bobbs-Merril company, New York, 1939
History of codes and ciphers, both technical and political, to beginning of World War II. Credits Edgar Allan Poe in part for shifting emphasis to decipherment rather than hiding messages. Appendix has tables of frequency of letters in English/German/Spanish/French text, letter pairs, ending letters, etc.
- [PriceRW65a]
Price, Russel W.
"Reinforced Conductive Yarn",
US Patent 3,206,923, September 21, 1965
Conductive yarn for conductive fabric: carbon black coating on yarn, tensile strength re-enforced with additional non-conductive fibers. Stated application is electrostatic discharge or conductive path (conductive trace). See also metal coatings on glass?
- [Priver67]
Priver, Arthur S. and Boehm, Barry W.
"Curve Fitting and Editing Via Interactive Graphics",
RAND Corp. Research Memorandum P-3742, 1967. Present at the ACM Symp. on Interactive Systems for Experimental Applied Mathematics, Washington, August 1967
RAND Tablet stylus to enter a curve, and try various ways of fitting, editing and displaying the curve, with Groner's character recognition scheme for alphanumeric inputs.
- [ProctorRR67a]
Proctor, Ronald R. and Moyer, Robert G.
"Method and apparatus for converting cartograph coordinates to permanent digital form",
US Patent 3,304,612, February 21, 1967
X/Y or polar/radio cross-wires tablet with wires in grooves, pressing with stylus makes on pair of wires cross. Each wire is at a different voltage potential (via resistor ladder with taps), voltage indicate which wire. If two wires pressed, higher voltage is what is measured. Voltage sensed by a conductive sheet between the X and Y cross-wire layers. Compare with resistive-sheet tablets with voltage gradient?
- [PuhaKI35a]
Puha, Kisfaludy Istvan
"Electrical heating element of large surface for low temperatures",
US Patent 2,021,661, November 19, 1935
Transparent metallic film on glass: e.g. platinum, silver, nickel. One application is heating elements. Compare with ITO film?
- [PyeJH54a]
Pye, James H.
"Contract Sales Machine and the Like",
US Patent 2,692,910, October 26, 1954
Telautograph in remote sales machine, signature capture integrated with cash register and telephone.
- [RAND61]
RAND Corporation
"50 Years of Looking Forward",
RAND Review, Fall 1998. Available at www.rand.org/publications/randreview/issues/rr.fall.98/50.html
In 1961, researchers create the RAND Tablet, the first two-dimensional writing surface that allows humans to communicate instantly with computer through characters printed on a tablet. (Note: Stylator may actually have been earlier). JOSS interactive computer system.
- [RabinowJ58a]
Rabinow, Jacob
"Telescribing Apparatus",
US Patent 2,847,502, August 12, 1958
Mechanical linkage for telautograph tablet. "Parallax" error bad behavior is tilt angle of stylus not reflected in mechanical linkage, solution is more than one point of linkage with stylus.
- [RankinBK65a]
Rankin, B. Kirk III; Sillars, Walter A. and Hsu, Robert W.
"On the Pictorial Structure of Chinese Characters",
National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 254, January 4, 1965
Syntactic rules for Chinese characters: composed radicals and nodes. Study of what frequent combinations of strokes should be recognized as linguistic units. Grammar implementation similar to Chomsky's phrase-structure grammars (generative model for Chinese characters).
- [RankinBK67a]
Rankin, B. Kirk III; Siegel, Stephanie; McClelland, Ann; and Tan, James L.
"A Grammar for Component Combination in Chinese Characters",
National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 286, 1967
Syntactic rules for Chinese characters: composed radicals and nodes. Study of what frequent combinations of strokes should be recognized as linguistic units. Grammar implementation similar to Chomsky's phrase-structure grammars (generative model for Chinese characters).
- [RankinK70a]
Rankin, Kirk and Tan, James L.
"Component Combination and Frame-Embedding in Chinese Character Grammars",
National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 492, February 1970
Syntactic rules for Chinese characters: composed radicals and nodes.
- [RapkinMD68a]
Rapkin, Michael D. and Abu-Gheida, Othman M.
"Stand-alone / remote graphic sensor",
Proc. AFIPS 1968 FJCC, December 9..11, 1968, San Francisco, CA, vol 33 part 1, pp. 731..746
IBM 1130/2250 stand-alone graphics terminal communicating over low-bandwidth dial-up lines to host computer. 1024x1024 bit-mapped display, relative/incremental drawing within +/i 64 pixels ("raster units") of current cursor position. Light-pen input. Automatic "scissoring" (clipping) of virtual image area to physical display. Graphical components/objects ("entities") (e.g. resistors, electronic components) generated by display subroutines in local processor.
- [RappeneckerA1913a]
Rappenecker, Alphons
"Telegraph Apparatus",
US Patent 1,070,289, August 12, 1913
Improvement to optical telautograph writing on photographic surface when pencil (stylus) is lifted refers to telewriter being operated simultaneously with telephone over the same wires. Compare with Wang Freestyle? Placing pencil in special holder automatically terminates communications. Tracks proximity (position of stylus when not writing), so that receiver's mirror is always in correct position at start of a stroke.
- [RaymondRF52a]
Raymond, Richard F. and Dennison, Brook J.
"Transparent Electrodoncutive Article and Method for Producing the Same",
US Patent 2,592,601, April 15, 1952
electroconductive transparent coatings on glass using cadmium oxide (compare ITO). Used for heating elements, electrical circuits.
- [ReevesAH42a]
Reeves, Alec Harley
"Electric signaling system",
US Patent 2,272,070, February 3, 1942
Early A/D analog to digital converter A2D, cited in Kester. 32 values, five bit. Counts timing pulses during ramp up.
- [ReichertJB58a]
Reichert, James B. and Maxwell, William H. jr.
"Air speed alerting apparatus for aircraft",
US Patent 2,827,621, May 18, 1958
"Stick shaker" haptic vibrational stall warning for aircraft. Mentions pressure sensors to detect stall conditions, vibration "feel sensing" feedback alert. Pilot may not have attention to read/monitor air speed indicator while landing aircraft.
- [RenggerRE68a]
Rengger, R. E. and Parks, J. R.
"A Survey of Handprinting",
National Physical Laboratory, Ministry of Technology, Autonomics Division, March 1968
Measure of skew angle from vertical of handprinted/handwritten characters. Context affects writing style: written "I" in middle of sentence usually done without serifs, but if alone, seriffed. Handwriting/handprinting: variability caused by incomplete closure, extra curves and crossovers, misaligned limbs. Contains handwriting samples/data collection: 55 writers (hands) not enough to get all likely variability.
- [RhoadsKG70a]
Rhoads, Kevin G.
"SYSHAK: or, what a crock OS/360 is",
SIPB (Student Information Processing Board), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970
Class notes on exploits of security weaknesses in IBM OS/360 Operating system, mostly to put program into supervisor mode.
- [RinderRM69a]
Rinder, R.M.
"Combined writing device and computer input",
US Patent 3,462,548, August 19, 1969
Accelerometer pen/stylus for handwriting character recognition, using elastically-suspended masses/weights in stylus body and analog output. Compare with SRI/Crane accelerometer pen?
- [RippyDE65a]
Rippy, D. E. and Humphries, D. E.
"MAGIC: A Machine for Automatic Graphics Interface to a Computer",
Proc. FJCC 1965, pp. 819-830
Early graphical display subsystem using special-purpose computer and voice-grade communications lines: light pen used to generate locator (cursor) on display, when locator (cursor) at correct position, separate manual switch to select. Refers to locator "servoing" to the light pen using up/down counters. Interrupt-based subroutines for interactions.
- [RistenbattMP69a]
Ristenbatt, Marlin P.
"A Tutorial Communication System -- Blackboard-by-Wire Plus Picturephone Set",
IEEE Trans. on Education, vol 11 no 4, pp. 223..228, January 1969
Remote blackboard (whiteboard) system (blackboard-by-wire) with common-carrier phone connection does not need video/picturephone to be effective. Uses small (low-resolution?) writing pad. Notes earlier work that video / closed-circuit television systems works best if system showed white writing pad where teacher wrote -- a whiteboard.
- [RitchieF1910a]
Ritchie, Foster
"Combined Telephone and Telautograph Exchange System",
US Patent 865,748, July 26, 1910
Two users can switch from voice call (telephone) to telautograph on same line: otherwise need two lines. Ground return on circuit, requires actual physical connection between telephone subscribers to pass current. Compare with Wang Freestyle, teleconferencing?
- [RobbinsMF70a]
Robbins, M. F. and Beyer, J. D.
"An Interactive Computer System Using Graphical Flowchart Input",
CACM, Vol 13 No 2, February 1970, pp 115-118
User interface for flowchart definition using handwriting: no symbol recognition. Focus is on simulation of circuit of the flowchart (?) diagram and showing simulated output on an oscilloscope.
- [Roberts62]
Roberts, Lawrence G.
"Recent Development in Optical Character Recognition at MIT",
in "Optical Character Recognition", Spartan Books, 1962
Early dictionary-based recognition of handwriting using dictionary of strokes. Mentions early Teager electromagnetic grid tablet ("electronic drafting board"), with simple single-character recognition. Eden and Halle, only 18 strokes / stroke-types used to construct/write all English characters (??), simulation of persons handwriting by parameter variation: compare with later work on graphonomics.
- [RobertsLG66a]
Roberts, L. G.
"The Lincoln Wand",
Fall Joint Computer Conf. 1966, Spartan Books, Washington DC, pp 223-228
Ultrasonic/acoustic digitizer, digitizes in three 3-D dimensions, used as pointing device.
- [RobertsonJH1886a]
Robertsson, James H.
"Autographic Telegraphy",
US Patent 350,320, October 5, 1886
Telautograph. Vary resistance by varying pressure on stack of carbon disks: pressure/force-sensitive resistor, compare with later pressure-sensitive conductive rubber. Prior art was discrete resistance wires, or switching number of batteries out of the circuit, which was quantized (step-by-step variation). Classified under "Stylus" on Google Patents.
- [RobertsonJH1886b]
Robertsson, James H.
"Autographic Telegraphy",
US Patent 353,593, November 30, 1886
Telautograph. Improvment to mechanical pressure arm, can use regular lead pencil etc. Vary resistance by varying pressure on stack of carbon disks: pressure/force-sensitive resistor, compare with later pressure-sensitive conductive rubber. Prior art was discrete resistance wires, or switching number of batteries out of the circuit, which was quantized (step-by-step variation). Classified under "Stylus" on Google Patents.
- [RobertsonJH1889a]
Robertsson, James H.
"Autographic Telegraph",
US Patent 407,692, July 23, 1889
Telautograph: conductive strips in orthogonal mesh, connected to resistive strips at sides of tablet. Style/pencil/pen (stylus) makes contact with strips, varying resistance in circuit through stylus. Separate electromagnet to detect pen lift to allow or multi-stroke characters (e.g. cross-ed-"T"). Classified on Google Patents as G06F3/041, Digitisers / touch screens / touch pads.
- [RobertsonJH1895a]
Robertsson, James Hart
US Patent 543,427, July 23, 1895
Telautograph. Signals for movement encoded as intermittent pulses -- relative motion.
- [RobertsonJH1895b]
Robertsson, James Hart
US Patent 543,425, July 23, 1895
Telautograph. Signals for movement encoded as intermittent pulses -- relative motion. Pen/stylus starts at neutral position.
- [RobinsonJ54a]
Robinson, James
"Motor distributing valve with a load feel area",
US Patent 2,679,234, May 25, 1954
Power steering / power transmission for steering wheels ("dirigible wheels") for a vehicle/car. Goal is "feel" (haptic/tactile force feedback) corresponding to force applied to the control member / steering wheel: Force applied (to sensor) determines force applied (output actuator). Additional force to mechanical spring force from hydraulically produced restoring force to effective neutral center position: centered/neutral position must be adjustable for machining tolerances. Force left/right == positive/negative force. Compare with haptic feedback in simulated driving wheels?
- [RomeroA62a]
Romero, Adolph
"Electric Writing Board",
US Patent 3,019,425, January 30, 1962
Essentially a DC multi-touch/electronic ink switch tablet. Electric writing board supporting erasable electro-conductive writing. X/Y grid of conductive points, each point matched to a lightbulb in an electric sign (both have the same grid). Writing stylus/pencil/pen leaves electroconductive material on the ends of the electrodes where they are exposed on the grid, so the writing shows up on the electric sign as the corresponding bulbs turn on. Erase by removing the electroconductive material. Can also write with conductive ink/material on paper, and put the paper face-down on the exposed electrodes.
- [RomeroA64a]
Romero, Adolph
"Stylus Controlled Sign with Contact Grid of Parallel Plates",
US Patent 3,128,458, April 7, 1964
Better contact grid for electric writing board of RomeroA62a.
- [RosenfeldA69a]
Rosenfeld, Azriel
"Picture Processing by Computer",
Computing Surveys, Vol 1 No 3, September 1969, pp 147-174
Survey of early techniques for computer processing of pictures by translating to a picture description language / picture language. Image compression includes describing fixed uniform regions, or short-code encoding of most frequent grayscale pixel values, not just approximations. Refers to handwriting recognition, pointing out that it is not strictly OCR, uses dynamic information.
- [RosenthalAH47a]
Rosenthal, Adolph H.
"Two-way Television Communication Unit",
US Patent 2,420,198, May 6, 1947
Very early videoconferencing system, using half-silvered mirror and television/video camera to let use look directly at screen for eye contact. Compare to ClearBoard.
- [RosenthalAH49a]
Rosenthal, Adolph H.
"Light modulation by cathode-ray orientation of liquid-suspended particles",
US Patent 2,481,621, September 13, 1949
Transparent conductive layers on glass by sputtering or evaporation, e.g. platinum or metal oxide (see also ITO), transparent conductive film electrode.
- [RovnerPD69a]
Rover, P. D. and Henderson, D. A. Jr.
"On the implementation of AMBIT/G: a Graphical Programming Language",
Proc. IJCAI 1969: 9-20
Graphical editor for 2D two-dimensional visual programming language AMBIT/G. Recognized handwritten Symbols used to modify program drawing or as system commands (gestures), also light targets (menu/icon). Long lists of light targets are scrolled/TURNPAGE to next portion. Cited by Buxton, 1969 gesture recognition, for using the TX-2 "recognizer". "Move" character == move gesture: full set of handwriting recognition characters, stated goals make it better than keyboard. Straight line (gesture? sketch recognition?) to add a connecting link. States that drawn characters (gestures) easier then (graphical) buttons.
- [RuddiesGH66]
Ruddies, Guenther H.
"Deine Handschrift / Dein Ruin: Mach mehr aus Deiner Schrift",
Verlag und Druckhaus Dr. Jenner, Munich, 1966 (hardcopy book)
"für Deine graphologische Beurteilung bei Bewerbung, beruflichem Aufstieg und Partnerwahl". Graphology: Describes use of graphological evaluation for employment: describes individual handwriting characteristics: compare to some aspects of graphonomics by Teulings?
- [RugJP57a]
Rug, John P.
"Capacity Operated Control System",
US Patent 2,782,308, February 19, 1957
Capacitive touch button for "pushless push button". Self-capacitance of finger increases sensor capacitance, changes frequency of vacuum-tube oscillator or stops oscillation.
- [RutovitzD66a]
Rutovitz, Denis
"Pattern Recognition",
Jnl. of Royal Statistical Society, vol 129 no 4, 1966, pp. 504..530
Survey article on pattern recognition as of 1966. Includes notes on early handwriting, "sloppy" hand-printed character recognition, sketch recognition. Notes problem of 1 percent error per printed page means approximately 1/30000 error per character. Treats grammatical processing as hierarchical pattern recognition.
- [SRI65a]
Stanford Research Institute -- Engelbart D.C. (Head of Program)
"User's Guide: Man-Machine Information System",
Stanford Research Institute, June 1965
Augmented Human Intellect research project: describes early system for hyperlinking, mark-up languages, light-pen input for text selection and text editing, text-based (CLI) command language. Pointing devices include joystick; Grafacon: polar-coordinate mechanical pointing device, linear potentiometer in arm and rotary potentiometer at axis; mouse; table cursor (tablet?); foot-switch and foot-joystick/footpedal (compare: footmouse).
- [SakaguchiM70a]
Sakaguchi, Mitsushito and Nishida, Nobuo
"The hologram tablet -- A new graphic input device",
Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., 1970, pp. 653..658
Optical tablet with small hologram cells on a plate, each hologram encodes its position, position determined by light coded value in light. Requires mechanical alignment of light source to transmissive plate. Cites to Rand tablet.
- [SaxmanEF40a]
Saxman, Edwin F. jr.
"Stall warning system for aircraft",
US Patent 2,193,077, March 12, 1940
Earlier patent on "stick shaker" haptic vibration feedback as stall warning on aircraft. Vibratory alarm is both audible and hammers on one or more of the pilot controls, such as manual elevator control wheel or stick.
- [ScheuzgerP62a]
Scheuzger, Peter
"Recording Device",
US Patent 3,035,118, May 15, 1962
Stylus/pen for telautograph / tablet, X and Y signals. Problem is pen-lift signal from switch in the stylus. Stylus turns off when laid flat. Compare with tip-switch bad behaviors?
- [ScienceNewsLetter48a]
Science News Letter
"Electronic Pencil Enables Computers to Hear Score",
Science News Letter, November 13, 1948, pp. 309..310
Brief description of analog (resistive sheet?) tablet used with electronic pencil (stylus) for generating musical tones: X position controls pitch, Y position controls loudness. Invenboer: Watson, Robert T.
- [ScientificAmerican1879a]
Scientific American
"Cowper's Writing Telegraph",
Scientific American, vol 40 no 13, March 29, 1879
Telegraphic pen / telautograph, using two telegraph circuits for X and Y separately. Also referred to as "copying telegraph". Pre-dates Elisha Gray.
- [ScientificAmerican1879b]
Scientific American
"The Writing Telegraph",
Scientific American, vol 40 no 13, March 29, 1879
Second article on Cowper telegraphic pen / telautograph, using two telegraph circuits for X and Y separately.
- [ScientificAmerican1893a]
Scientific American
"The Telautograph",
Scientific American, April 1, 1893, p. 198
Report on Elisha Gray telautograph, mechanical steppers connected by string to stylus/pencil, pulses move writing stylus at receiver. Third wire for lifting stylus up/down. Notes of hand rest for user.
- [ScientificAmerican1900a]
Scientific American
"Ritchie's Telautograph",
Scientific American, December 29, 1900, p. 404
Ritchie: improvement to Elisha Gray telautograph: information from The Electrician and The Electrical Review of London. Describes mechanism for pen-lift, examples of original writing/drawing and facsimile.
- [ScientificAmerican1920a]
Scientific American
"The Type-Reading Optophone",
Scientific American, October 1920, pp. 109..110
Early accessibility / stylus scanner for the blind to read printed text: scanner plays higher/lower musical tones for black portions of text as user moves scanner across lines of text. Compare with later Optacon, see also Optiphone.
- [ScottNR60a]
Scott, Norman R.
"Analog and Digital Computer Technology",
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1960
Handbook and tutorial on analog computers and programming for digital computers. Refers to "computing amplifiers" (op-amps) for doing computations/calculations, potentiometer as a linear computing element , circuit for "calculation" of zero offset. On digital computers, discusses "instruction-modification" -- self-modifying code in loop to update target address of instruction to put values in a table.
- [ScriptureEW1900a]
Scripture, Edward W.
"Studies from the Yale Psychological Library",
Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn. 1900
Contains "Researches on movements used in writing" by Cloyd N. McAllister: Has an electronic (electric) writing tablet, regularly generated sparks from a writing stylus left equally-timed dots on the paper while subject was writing. Cites French study that connected writing is *slower* than hand printing -- because of stylish writing? Notes on baseline of writing.
- [SearsFW60a]
Sears, Francis Weston and Zemansky, Mark W.
"College Physics: Mechanics, Head and Sound. Third Edition",
Addison-Wesley, 1960 (hardcopy book)
Standard physics reference and textbook.
- [SerrellR68a]
Serrell, Robert and Kling, Frederick R.
"Response expression apparatus for teaching machines",
US Patent 3,382,588, May 14, 1968
large-format (wall-sized) touchscreen with rear projection of images from film, intended as teaching machine for children. Individual (mutual) capacitive touch sensors, each individually wired for discrete touch points on display. Transparent conductive plates (intermeshed electrodes) of ITO, ATO, or conductive glass conductors. Transparent touchscreen.
- [ShannonCE48a]
Shannon, C. E.
"A Mathematical Theory of Communication",
Bell System Technical Journal, vol 27, pp. 379..423, 623..656, July, October 1948
Information theory: Claude Shannon original paper on logarithmic information content capacity of a signal.
- [ShannonCE49a]
Shannon, C. E.
"Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems",
Classified Confidential Report "A Mathematical Theory of Cryptography", declassified 1949
A priori and a posteriori probabilities of content sequences with symmetrical encryption/decryption keys, as a measure of the quality of a cypher key.
- [ShannonCE51a]
Shannon, C. E.
"Prediction and entropy of printed English",
Bell System Technical Journal, Vol 30, 1951, pp 50-64
Early study on dictionary of frequent pairs in English, applied to compressive encoding of text based on encoding next character based on statistical likeliness. Cited in Suen79 on dictionary statistics.
- [SharplesAR41a]
Sharples, Alfred R.
"Audible Reading Apparatus",
US Patent 2,228,782, January 14, 1941
Electromechanical scanner and reading machine for the blind. Character images are matched with stencil template, and individual letter spoken from recording on same rotating drum as the stencil. Compare with Kurzweil reader, Opticon?
- [ShawAC70a]
Shaw, Alan C.
"Parsing of Graph-Representable Pictures",
Jnl. the ACM, Vol 17 No 3, July 1970, pp 453-481
Parsing of pictures (actually black/white line diagrams: block letters, electrical circuit, etc.) into primitive components (small drawing elements) and grammar for specifying how the elements are connected. One example of a photograph, but image reduced to black/white and illegible. Cited in FoleyJD82.
- [ShawJC58a]
Shaw, J. C.; Newell, A.; Simon, H. A. and Ellis, T. O.
"A Command Structure for Complex Information Processing",
RAND Corp., Santa Monica, California, Report No P-1277; PB-164 088, 1958
Also cited as [JCC 13] Proceedings of the Western Joint Computer Conference, May, 1958. Mathematical expression parsing user-interface?
- [ShepardDH53a]
Shepard, D. H.
"Apparatus for Reading",
US Patent 2,663,758, December 22, 1953
OCR Optical Character Recognition system using mechanical flying-spot scanner with rotary drum with mask of individual characters.
- [SheridanTB63a]
Sheridan, T. B. and Ferrell, W. R.
"Remote Manipulative Control with Transmission Delay",
IEEE Trans. on Human Factors in Electronics, Sep. 1963, Vol 4 No 1, pp. 25-29
User-interface responsiveness: if less than 45 milliseconds between event and system response, perceived as no delay. If greater than 300 milliseconds, perceived by user as sluggish, resulting in move-and-wait behavior by user.
- [Simek67]
Simek, J. G. and Tunis, C. J.
"Hand-printing input device for computer systems",
IEEE Spectrum, Vol 4, 1967, pp 72-81
Handwriting/hand-printing recognition system with stylized character shapes. Paper placed over tablet: Tablet uses X/Y grid of wires, detect position when stylus/pencil presses wires together at junction/crosspoint. Claims handwriting is faster than typing (??). Reports over 98% accuracy with a specially-trained subject (the author). Notes problem of palm-rejection caused by "printer's hand". Segmentation addressed with single-character input, "end-of-character" and "end-of-word" buttons.
- [Sitar61]
Sitar, E. J.
"Machine recognition of cursive script: the use of context for error detection and correction",
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, Memorandum for file, 12 September 1961
- [SkellettAM39a]
Skellett, Albert M.
"Electro-optical system",
US Patent 2,168,049, August 1, 1939
Telautograph tablet, stylus mechanically (pantograph) connected to X and Y voltage dividers to get position by coordinate voltages in X and Y. Intended as low-bandwidth video/television alternative for complete line drawings, send 20 frames/second. Also US Patent 2,168,047.
- [SmithCE1923a]
Flannery, J. R. and Dodds, E. I.
"Means for Displaying Illuminated Words or Characters",
US Patent 1,285,098, November 19, 1918
An electric scribing element/pencil (stylus) moved over electrical contacts on input board to trigger display of lamps. Arrangement of touch sensors/pixels is hexagonal, not rectangular/square. For signage.
- [SmithJH36a]
Smith, John Hays
"Electrical heating device",
US Patent 2,065,760, December 29, 1936
resistive sheet in "transparent body" (glass window) made up of grid (may be rectangular, or irregular) of resistive and conductive wires, some elements floating to balance electromotive force (voltage/resistance). Compare with transparent film heating elements, ITO films?
- [SmithLB70]
Smith, Lyle B.
"A Survey of Interactive Graphical Systems for Mathematics",
Computer Surveys, Vol 2 No 4, December 1970, pp 261-297
Very early graph-fitting algorithms, etc. Mentions light pen as input device to some mathematical system. References to early tablets: RAND tablet, "graphic tablet display" (tablet and display integrated) from System Development Corporation 1967, "beam pen" input/output device. One reference to handwriting recognition of characters (Mermelstein 1964). Cited in FoleyJD82.
- [SmithlineET64a]
"IBM TDB: Limited Vocabulary Script Reader",
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 7 No 6, November 1964, pp 473-475 (partial copy)
Mentioned in Crane75. Segmentation of handwriting at line changes, normalization to fixed number of feature segments, used to recognize limited vocabulary of connected-writing script words by pattern of such line crossings.
- [SpinradRJ65a]
Spinrad, R. J.
"Machine recognition of hand-printing",
Information and Control, Vol 8 No 2, 1965, pp 124-142
Hand-printing recognition rate 93.5% -- not sure how measured. Error charts appear similar to Shillman confusion matrix. Refers to reconstruction of mutilated text in English: spell checker / spelling correction?
- [SprickW56a]
Sprick, Walter
"Apparatus for identifying line traces",
US Patent 2,738,499, March 13, 1956
Zone-based (off-line) recognition of handwritten digits/characters by tracing the outer edges of the character, no checking for voids. Refers to continuously moving handwritten characters, capture via "iconoscopes": appears to be reference to continuously scanning of OCR input.
- [StampsGM64a]
Stamps, George M.
"Sonar Telescriber",
US Patent 3,156,766, November 10, 1964
Telescriber/telautograph: Acoustic tablet, high-frequency / supersonic (2 MHz) transducer in stylus tip generates pulsed signal in glass touchscreen surface, to at least two detector sensors or to sensor strips, time delay used to calculate X/Y position.
- [SteinwachsF60a]
Steinwachs, Friedrich
"Vorrichtung zur Messung der räumlichen Lage eines Schreibgeräts in Schreibhaltung",
German Patent DE1079792, November 3, 1960
"Apparatus for measuring spacial orientation of a writing implement". Measure force/pressure of writing on a pneumatic touch surface / touchpad.
- [StevensME61a]
Stevens, M. E.
"Automatic Character Recognition - A State-of-the-Art Report",
US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, NBS Technical Note 112, May 1961
Very extensive bibliography of handwriting recognition as of 1961. Cited in Groner66a. Mentions Naumburg Visagraph for the blind. Hand-written numerals recognition using vector crossing technique: a standardized single-stroke numeric character style. Includes tables of frequency of occurrence of upper-case and lower-case characters. Discussion of Dimond Stylator, predecessor to Rand Tablet.
- [StevensME70a]
Stevens, Mary Elizabeth
"Information Acquisition, Sensing, and Input: A Selective Literature Review",
US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, NBS Monograph 113-1, March 1970
Extensive review of handwriting, voice, and optical character recognition as of 1970. Cites numerous references: Ledeen and Wolfburg recognizer, Simek, Data Trend "MIMO" (Man-in/Machine-out) handwriting recognition platen (digitizer) as of 1965, Burger 1964 sketch/gesture recognition for chemical symbols, Goldberg 1931 patent, etc. Several references to automatic handwriting recognition and interactive computer user interfaces on tablets in early 1960s. Mentions Electrosketch pantographic tablet along with RAND tablet, Woo "glass tablet" on display 1964.
- [StevensSS58a]
Stevens, S. S.
"Adaptation-level vs. the Relativity of Judgment",
American Jnl. Psychology, Vol LXXI No 4, December 1958
Classic study on context and adaptation affecting human perception/recognition: compare with functional attributes.
- [StoneI49a]
Stone, Irving
"Aeronautical Engineering: Pilot Warning Device",
Aviation Week, vol. 51 no. 16, October 17, 1949, p. 21
Technical report on stick shaker, haptic/tactile warning to pilot when aircraft is close to entering a stall condition: see also stick pusher?
- [StoneL54]
Stone, Leo
"On the Principal Obscene Word of the English Language -- An Inquiry, with Hypothesis, Regarding its Origin and Persistence",
Intl. Jnl. Psycho-analysis, 1954, Vol 35, pp 30-56 (abstract only)
Principal obscene word Scottish in origin. See also Fairman 2007.
- [StoneRC1889a]
Stone, Ross C.
"Telegraphic Apparatus",
US Patent 400,141, March 26, 1889
Precursor of electric tablet: A Telautograph -- conductive wired stylus can be dragged across holes (dashes and dots) in perforated plate at a uniform rate of speed to send Morse code, Morse characters arranged in appropriate keyboard or other configuration for easy use.
- [StotzR63a]
Stotz, R.
"Man-Machine Console Facilities for Computer-Aided Design",
Proc. AFIPS 1963 Spring Joint Computer Conf.
Not clear about recognition or gestures. Early hardware for CAD design: description of light pen, display storage scopes graphic display. Light buttons -- on screen menus and actions, can be embedded in picture being displayed: compare icon. Cited in DavisMR64 on early handwriting user-interface?
- [StrongRM70a]
Strong, Robert M. and Troxel, Donald E.
"An Electrotactile Display",
IEEE Trans. Man-Machine Systems, vol 11 no 1, march 1970, pp. 72..79
Electrotactile display (texture) with AC voltage electrical stimulation array (haptic). Effect depends on peak voltage, not current. Test arrangements was whether users could discern boundaries between different areas with differing (vibration) simulation patterns. Compare with Mallinckrodt?
- [SutherlandIE63a]
Sutherland, Ivan E.
"SKETCHPAD: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System",
PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 1963
Shows early light-pen digitizer design; refers to "pseudo-pen location" for editing graphics, locate nearest object.
- [SutherlandIE63b]
Sutherland, I. E.
"SKETCHPAD: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System",
Spring Joint Computer Conf. 1963, Spartan Books, Baltimore, Maryland, pp 326-ff.
Graphical GUI drawing program, hardware uses early lightpen. Sketching system with snap-to-object, graphical constraints, recognition of graphical patterns (e.g. zig-zag, makes pretty). Cited in FoleyJD82 on stylus user-interface.
- [SutherlandIE64b]
Sutherland, Ivan E.
"Sketchpad Demo (video) 1 of 2",
Excerpt from early 1960's TV report, shown at SIGGRAPH '83: Fetched 2010 http://youtube.com/watch?v=USyoT_Ha_bA
Generally credited as (almost) earliest direct-manipulation interface, often cited on gesture input.
- [SutherlandIE64c]
Sutherland, Ivan E.
"Sketchpad Demo (video) 2 of 2",
Excerpt from early 1960's TV report, shown at SIGGRAPH '83: Fetched 2010 http://youtube.com/watch?v=BKM3CmRqK2o
Generally credited as (almost) earliest direct-manipulation interface, often cited on gesture input.
- [SutherlandIE65a]
Sutherland, Ivan E.
"The Ultimate Display",
Proc. IFIP congress, 1965, pp. 506-608
Essay on displays: not just visual, but haptic and physical output (e.g. force-feedback to a joystick), can simulate real physics, but also unreal physics: e.g. negative mass. Input can be not just keyboard or pointing (lightpen, RAND tablet), but sensing any body part, eye motion, etc. Cites to graphical constraints of Sketchpad, computer animation of Ken Knowlton. See also Alternate Reality Kit (literalism vs. magic).
- [SutherlandIE66a]
Sutherland, I. E.
"Computer Inputs and Outputs",
Scientific American, September 1966
Overview article of Sutherland's "Sketchpad" system user-interface: describes the "interrupt" for I/O. Describes Rand system (photograph of RAND tablet), caret edit mark gesture to edit handwritten text, graphical editing. Refers to sketch-input for prettying up drawings (user interface). Refers Ellis66/Ellis69 user-interface for flowcharts and handwriting recognition (see "further reading" in issue?).
- [SutherlandIE68a]
Sutherland, I. E.
"A head-mounted three-dimensional display",
Proc. FJCC Fall Joint Computer Conf. 1968 pp. 767-764
Binocular head-mounted display for simulating 3D virtual environments. Head position and orientation determined by four ultrasonic transducers, or electromechanical sensor. Compare with Google cardboard, other virtual-reality head-mounted displays?
- [SutherlandWR66b]
Sutherland, William Robert
"On-line Graphical Specification of Computer Procedures",
PhD Thesis, MIT, January 1966. Also MIT Lincoln Laboratories Tech. Rpt. 405, May 1966
Graphical programming languages / visual programming languages.
- [TarboxJP34a]
Tarbox, John P.
"Electric Display System",
US Patent 1,965,206, July 3, 1934
Combination pantographic X/Y tablet and light-bulb display for outdoor signs. Input grid has X and Y conductors, one stylus on X and pantographically connected second stylus on Y. User can draw or write on the table to set relays to turn on light bulbs in rectangular grid. Mentions player-piano roll for pre-programmed displays. Mentions simultaneous drawing with pencil on paper. (Compare with paper on electronic tablet?)
- [TaroopolMS52a]
Taroopol, Milton S.
"Treatment of films with liquid",
US Patent 2,606,566, August 12, 1952
Transparent electroconductive coatings of tin oxide or other metals on glass. Sheet resistance below about 500 ohms/square, haze below 2.5%. Method of removing portions of film (to form a pattern) in strips, or to etch film to be thinner: conductivity about 700 ohms/square. See also ITO.
- [TaubDM70a]
Taub, D.M.
"IBM TDB: Capacitive Touch Key Circuit",
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, January 1, 1970 (partial copy)
Capacitive touch sensor for keyboard: sensitivity / stray capacitance varies among key sensors, so set threshold (per key? compare with baseline).
- [TauschekG35a]
Tauschek, G.
"Reading Machine",
US Patent 2,026,329, December 31, 1935
OCR Optical Character Recognition device using photo electric cell, and rotating drum with stencilled patterns for characters.
- [TaylorMK54a]
Taylor, Maurice Kenyon
"Indicating Apparatus",
US Patent 2,672,605, March 16, 1954
On a handwriting input terminal. Basically an X/Y electromagnetic digitizer with a grid of wires, but the output runs to ordinary electronics, not a computer. Grid wire encoding is not simple binary, but rather one-bit change in encoding from one wire to the next, to avoid bad signals from intermediate states (Gray coding). Cited in Irland64. Compare to Rand tablet?
- [TaylorMK54b]
Taylor, Maurice Kenyon
"Positional Data Transmitting System",
US Patent 2,685,611, August 3, 1954
Partially pantographic data tablet. Stylus makes direct connection with X and Y grid of wires/conductors. Waxed paper between X and Y layers of wires, spark discharge between (thin, non-obstruction to view) wires used to record position on paper. Optional physical constraints e.g. templated with circles translate circular angle to X/Y co-ordinates.
- [TeitelmanW63a]
Teitelman, Warren
"New Methods for Real-Time Recognition of Hand-Drawn Characters",
Report 1015, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1963. Also MIT Master's Thesis, Dept. of Math., 1962
- [TeitelmanW63b]
Teitelman, Warren
"ARGUS - a program that recognizes hand-drawn characters in real time",
Artificial Intelligence Project, MIT Computation Center Memo AIM-53, May 1963
User manual for trainable handwriting recognition software described in "New Methods for Real-Time Recognition of Hand-Drawn Characters". Light-pen digitizer. Refers to construction of decision tree classifier. States that system same as Teitelman 1996 paper.
- [TeitelmanW64a]
Teitelman, W.
"Real-time recognition of hand-drawn characters",
AFIPS Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., Vol 26, Spartan Books, Baltimore, Maryland, pp 559-575, October 1964
Refers to putting constraints on recognition. Machine learning handwriting recognition using hypothesis testing. Criticizes invariants of Stylator system. Mentions recognizing mathematic expressions.
- [Teixeira68]
Teixeira, J. F. and Sallen, R. P.
"The Sylvania data tablet: a new approach to graphic data input",
Proc. Spring Joint Computer Conf., pp 315-323, 1968
Early digitizer tablet Sylvania data tablet, like RAND tablet (Note: this one is resistive film / transparent film), thus transparent (touchscreen). Cited in Rhyne86. Conflates global and local accuracy: states 1 percent accuracy sufficient for 1/4 inch character writing size. Frequency must be over 50KHz for no phase shift across tablet. Sensing in high-impedance pen/stylus, synchronous demodulation.
- [TeixeiraJF69a]
Teixeira, James F.
"Probe for a Graphic Communication System Including Means for Eliminating Shunt Capacitance Effects",
US Patent 3,444,465, May 13, 1969
Probe/stylus for telautograph / tablet / graphic communication system. Guard tube around ink cartridge eliminates distortion effects of shunt capacitance.
- [Telefunken68a]
Bülow, Ralf
"Auf den Spuren der deutschen Computermaus",
Heise Online, April 28, 2009
"Rollkugel": essentially a mouse released with Telefunken TR-440 computer, two years prior to Engelbart/SRI mouse.
- [TelepantographGmbH1912a]
Telepantograph-Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung in Bremen
"Kopiertelegraph mit photographisch als Empfänger wirksamem Lichtstrahl, dessen Einfluß auf die Bildbandfläche während des Abhebens des Schreibstiftes unterbrochen wird",
Austrian Patent AT62685B, June 7, 1912
"Copy-telegraph (telautograph) with photographic receiver employing light beam, whose effect is interrupted when the writing stylus is lifted". Telautograph that detects pen lifts and moves light output beam off of photographic display plate when stylus is lifted, so that writing is not connected. Notes that photographic output plate must be sensitive enough to catch very rapid movements of the stylus. Galvanic mirror however still traces "proximity" data, so no problems when start writing again.
- [ThayerFW1878a]
Thayer, Frederick W.
"Improvement in Masks",
US Patent 200,358, February 12, 1878
Original patent on baseball catcher's mask, showing heavy wire cage, goat-hair padding.
- [TheEngineer1887a]
The Engineer (UK)
"The Writing Telegraph",
The Engineer, November 18, 1887, p. 420
Telautograph ("writing telegraph"), force-sensing carbon discs (resistive) compressed by linkages on stylus, while writing on moving strip of paper on both transmitter and receiver. Low-pass filtering of noise "tremors" using German silver (mercury) in glycerine. One transmitter can be received by multiple receivers, over analog telephone lines.
- [ThereminLS1928a]
Theremin, Leo Ssergejewitsch
"Method of and Apparatus for the Generation of Sounds",
US Patent 1,661,058, February 28, 1928
Theremin: two-handed capacitive proximity sensors used to control pitch and volume of a musical instrument. Cited as early example of capacitive position sensing for touchscreens and proximity tablets.
- [ThomasRB67a]
Thomas, Richard B. and Kassler, Michael
"Character recognition in context",
Information Control, Vol 10, pp 43-64, 1967
Context in character recognition using dictionary of syllables and "syllable grammar" rather than full dictionary list of English words. Cited in DosterW77. Compare with Viterbi algorithm?
- [ThompsonFT63a]
Thompson, Francis T.
"Conducting Data Take-Off Pencil",
US Patent 3,106,707, October 8, 1963
Conductive stylus touchscreen, grid of conductors in front of CRT display to produce linear equipotential fields. One is AC, other DC for X/Y coordinates. Conductive NESA glass. States faster operation than light-gun, because light-gun must wait to be scanned.
- [TiffanyGS1899a]
Tiffany, George S.
US Patent 617,890, January 17, 1899
Telautograph transmission by sending "back-and-forth" pulses along the transmission line, more robust to noise. Pantographic stylus (transmitting pen) connected to ratchet gears for producing pulses by mechanical linkages.
- [TiffanyGS1901a]
Tiffany, George S.
US Patent 672,629, April 23, 1901
Telautograph transmission by sending "back-and-forth" pulses along the transmission line, more robust to noise. Cites to US 617,890 for transmitting-pen (stylus).
- [TiffanyGS1923a]
Tiffany, George S.
"Telautographic System",
US Patent 1445421, February 13, 1923
System for combining telautograph and telephone on same pair of wires. Compare with whiteboard teleconferencing?
- [TinkerMA63a]
Tinker, M. A.
"Legibility of print",
Iowa, Iowa State Univ. Press, 1963
Reference on legibility of print, including handwriting: manuscript handwriting (block-printing?) more legible than cursive. Mentions malformations of letter in handwriting: compare to confusion matrix of pairs of similar characters (lower-case n vs. u, d vs. cl combination, o vs. a). Cited in IchikawaS84: human recognition of characters.
- [TinkerMA1928a]
Tinker, M. A.
"The relative legibility of the letters, the digits, and of certain mathematical signs",
Jnl. Generative Psychology, Vol 1, 1928, pp 472-494
Roman alphabet characters of capitals most legible/visible for human recognition, compared to cursive or Fraktur german font. Cited in Engel73 for early work on confusion/substitution errors in human recognition. Includes lists of confusion pairs of characters and symbols: compare with Shillman confusion matrix, pairwise comparison?
- [Tomita67]
Tomita, Shingo; Noguchi, Shoichi; Oizumi, Juro; and Iwamoto, Kangi
"Recognition of Handwritten Katakana Characters",
Electronics Communications of Japan, Vol 50, 1967, pp 174-183
OCR of handwritten recognition, features are line segments, quantized direction (chain) codes, types of joins/intersections, connection matrices.
- [TomovicR62a]
Tomovic, Rajko and Karplus, Wlater J.
"High-Speed Analog Computers",
Dover Publications, New York, 1962
Handbook of analog computers and analog computing, circa 1962. Differential and integral equations. Chapter 3 error analysis. Inverse Laplace transforms.
- [TownsendLG38a]
Townsend, L. G.
"Method of and Apparatus for the Indexing and Photo-Transcription of Records",
US Patent 2,121,061, June 21, 1938
Visually similar to Vannevar Bush "As We May Think": microfilming of paper records to save space, combined with punch cards with serial number identifier for record, documents may be found by punched card, automatically displayed.
- [TrippCA57a]
Tripp, Clarence A.; Fluckiger, Fritz A.; and Weinberg, George H.
"Measurement of Handwriting Variables",
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1957, no 7, pp. 279..294, Southern Univertities Press
graphodyne: non-mechanical (electronic?) tablet for recording handwriting pressure and motion for measurement of motor functioning during writing tasks. Refers to artifacts (bad behaviors) of other devices. Variability of stylus force-sensing: relative changes in force while writing tend to be the same, because users consistently same writing force at each time, but different at different times. Work done at The Handwriting Institute to investigate graphological and graphomotor variables (biometrics?). Notes errors at light writing pressure skipping/"skidding" where pen leaves paper.
- [TurnerJA70a]
Turner, J. A. and Ritchie, G. J.
"Linear current division in resistive areas: Its application to computer graphics",
Proc. SJCC, 1970, pp. 613-620
Perhaps the grand-daddy of resistive-sheet digitizer papers: current division, not voltage gradient ratio. Stylus injects a current into a point on a resistive sheet, sheet is grounded at two sides, current to the each side divides proportionally. Use isolation diodes for X and Y pairs of edges, some edge distortion due to point contacts of diodes. States 1% (of full scale) global accuracy, data rate up to 10,000 co-ordinates/second.
- [USArmy68a]
Headquarters, Department of the Army
"International Morse Code (Instructions)",
Deparment of the Army Technical Manual TM 11-459, March 1968
Morse code: contains chart (p. 7) of preferred block-writing handwriting styles for rapid writing. Compare with Unistroke, Graffiti? See also ARRL.
- [UhrL61a]
Uhr, L. and Vossler, C.
"A pattern-recognition system that generates, evaluates, and adjusts its own operators",
Proc. World Joint Computer Conf., Vol 19, 1961, pp 555-570
Example of training adaptive/neural network to recognize characters, given a 20x20 to 10x10 pixel grid. Only tested with examples of first ten alphabetic characters. Cited in O'Callaghan70, adaptive recognition (neural nets?).
- [VanDamA70a]
Van Dam, Andries
"Introduction to Picture Modeling Data Structures",
Proc. Seminar "Computer Handling of Graphic Information", SPSE 1970, pp 101..120
Graphical elements (objects?) represented as drawing data, not just single points. Discusses single-threaded and forward/reverse threaded lists, etc. in support of virtual sketchpad. Mentions problem of "pointer chasing on disk".
- [VanNostrandAN34a]
Van Nostrand, Arleigh N.
"Telautographic report-recording and timing apparatus",
US Patent 1,964,393, June 26, 1934
Telautograph for capturing signatures (to verify patrol by watchman, etc.) Specifically mentions forged signatures.
- [VanNostrandAN1927a]
Van Nostrand, Arleigh N.
"Telautograph System",
US Patent 1,623,220, April 5, 1927
Multiple-station Telautograph, any station may communicate to any station simultaneously. Appears to be half-duplex, once transmitting you cannot be interrupted. Compare with whiteboard systems?
- [VanRaalteJA68a]
Van Raalte, John A.
"Reflective liquid crystal television display",
Proc. IEEE, Vol 58 No 12, December 1969, pp. 2145-2149
Early reflective (non-backlit) LCD television display prototype, addressable in real time.
- [VanderGonDenier65]
Van der Gon Denier, J. J. and Thuring, J. P.
"The guiding of human writing movements",
Biological Cybernetics, Vol 2 No 4, February 1965 pp 145-158
First author name also in print as van der Gon. Fast handwriting occurs without feedback (and is thus sloppy?), Shape is determined by muscle timing, not force.
- [VanderGonJJD62a]
Van der Gon, J. J. Denier; Thuring, J. P. and Strackee, J.
"A handwriting simulator",
Physics of Medicine and Biology, Vol 6 No 3, January 1962, pp 407-414
Model of handwriting motion using analog oscillators to model contrasting muscle and motion in (smooth, continuous) cursive handwriting. Cited in Ehrich78 on modelling handwriting motion, model for simulating cursive writing. First author name also in print as van der Gon Denier.
- [VeranzioF1617]
Veranzio, Fausto
"Machinae Novae Cum Declaratione Latina, Italica, Hispanica, Gallica et Germanica",
Venetiis, 1617. Archived at Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, 2016
Renaissance text in German, Latin, Italan, French, Spanish on mechanical design. Multiple types of windmills. example of parachute, submarine and diving equipment.
- [VernonHC62a]
Vernon, H. C. and Walsh, Robert R.
"Character Recognition Method and Apparatus",
US Patent 3,058,093, October 9, 1962
Zone-based character recognition, scanning intersections with zones. Shows two vertically-oriented guide dots / keep-away zones in character that user traces around, or 3x3 set of dots that user connects: compare with Stylator?
- [VictorComptometer67a]
Victor Comptometer Corporation
"He lectures via Victor Electrowriter Remote Blackboard",
Signals, vol 21 no 6, June 1967, p. 41
Advertisement for Victor Electrowriter Remote Blackboard: compare with whiteboard systems. Analog transmission over POTS phone line, electronic tablet. Mentions two-way communication: for voice?
- [VilleyJ1910a]
Villey, Jean
"The Measurement of Very Small Displacements by Means of the Electrometer",
Nature, MacMillan and Co, London, November 3, 1910, p. 34
Mentioned in Baxter as first known instance of a capacitive sensor, capacitive position/displacement sensor: compare with projected capacitive proximity touchscreen.
- [Viterbi67]
Viterbi, A. J.
"Error bounds for convolutional codes and an asymptotically optimal decoding algorithm",
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol IT-13, 1967, pp 260-269
Cited everywhere (up until about 1980) for context correction / context in character recognition.
- [VolkmannFC61a]
Volkmann, Frances C. and Engen, Trygg
"Three Types of Anchoring Effects in the Absolute Judgment of Hue",
Jnl of Exp. Psychology, 1961, vol 61, No 1, pp. 7-17
Anchoring effect: factors that shift the classification / pattern recognition in human subjects affected by what other stimuli have been presented in a group i.e. a form of context.
- [VosslerCM64a]
Vossler, C. M. and Branston, N. M.
"The use of context for correcting garbled English text",
Proc. 19th ACM National Conf., Philadelphia, 1964, pp D2.4-1 to D2.4-13
context/dictionary to aid recognition: dictionary of English words containing probability of occurrence, and letter digram frequencies based on English text: See also Viterbi algorithm. See also DosterW77.
- [WGBH64a]
WGBH (Public Television Station)
"Computer Sketchpad (Video)",
www.wgbh.org, fetched 2009
Video of Sutherland Sketchpad from 1964: user interface with gestures and lightpen input. See video files.
- [WaalJDD32a]
Waal, J. D. D.
Bibliography by T. R. Davis, 1932
Cited in Davis 1999: 1932 reference to unistroke writing styles? Note: Merriam-Webster: print-script == handwritten block letters.
- [WagnerHA66a]
Wagner, Howard A.
"Display Screen and Switching Matrix",
US Patent 3,495,232, February 10, 1970
Cross-grid switching matrix touchpanel over display, transparent/translucent flexible/rubber layer on top, used as surface for rear-projection of display image. Ridges between sensing cells to isolate touches. Example has key character displayed directly by pressing on matrix location for key. Compare with Kaplow?
- [WalkerDF54a]
Waler, Donald F.; and Taylor, Maurice K.
"Electric signal translating and recording device",
US Patent 2,686,222, August 10, 1954
Also "Positional Data Transmitting System". Position decoder (a tablet) using an X and Y grid of wires, to record curves written by pantographic stylus. Grid need not be straight lines, straight line is special case of "curve". Cites to pantographic systems.
- [WaltonHF1917a]
Walton, Herman F.
"Variable Electric Sign",
US Patent 1,231,821, July 3, 1917
Writing board using array of conductive bumps and a wired conductive stylus, as user writes on tablet, closes relay circuits to turn on lamps in matching array of lamps: can show electronic ink on sign. Switch array for touchpad/touchpanel.
- [WangA55a]
Wang, An
"Voltage Detector",
US Patent 2,700,501, January 25, 1955
Analog-to-digital converter ADC to "coordinate" computers with devices (real-time control) by digitizing the voltage information to be fed to the computing mechanism/direct feeding.
- [WassCAA65a]
Wass, C.A.A. and Garner, K.C.
"Introduction to Electronic Analogue Computers, 2nd ed.",
Pergamon Press, 1965
Textbook and reference on analog computers, hybrid computers. Mentions limits of integration over time with electronic analog computer, cites to ball-and-disc (ball-and-disk) integration in mechanical analog computers. Limitations of analog computers w.r.t. digital machines for highest-accuracy calculations, but real-world values often only known approximately. Digital differential analyzers with analog inputs, outputs. compensation for input impedances on operational amplifiers.
- [WeaverA31a]
Weaver, Allan
"Telegraph reading machine",
US Patent 1,815,996, July 28, 1931
Zone-based handwriting (hand-printing) recognition for "printing" telegraph: five optically-sensing dots at shifted positions in grid/matrix of guide lines, stylized writing hits sequences of dots. Compare with 1914 handwriting recognition patent? ("Printing" telegraph: message is punched on tape.
- [WeizenbaumJ67a]
Weizenbaum, Joseph
"Contextual Understanding by Computers",
CACM vol 10 no 8, August 1967, pp. 474-480
Eliza, early natural language understanding (typing text) simulating conversation.
- [WelbourneD65a]
Welbourne, D.
"Analogue Computing Methods",
Pergamon Press, 1965
Handbook on analogue computing and analog computer. Normalization of output units (height) and to 100/V-max (percentage). Refers to complex calculations being simple routine job for an analogue computer. Brief comparison with digital computing machines: analog devices are essentially parallel. Wind tunnel as analog computing device.
- [WestGP60a]
West, G. P.
"Method and Apparatus for Sensing Handwritten or Printed Characters",
US Patent 2,964,734, December 13, 1960
Zone-based character recognition input, using electromechanical relays / logical sensing circuits. Compare with Stylator?
- [WeverEG1928a]
Wever, Ernest Glen and Zener, Karl Edward
"The Method of Absolute Judgment in Psychophysics",
Psych Rev, Vol 35, 1928, pp 466-493
Differential sensitivity in judgements, rather than absolute: compare to pairwise-comparison method for character recognition of Pencept for handwriting, functional attribute method of Shillman et al.
- [WhetstoneAL70a]
Whetstone, Albert L.
"Free-Hand Data Input",
Proc. Two-day Seminar "Computer Handling of Graphical Information", SPSE, July 1970, pp 11..28
Science Accessories Corporation acoustic (sonic ranging) Graf/Pen tablet. Compares with mouse, joy stick, trackball, and control wheels, light pen. Notes light pen cannot operate on dark areas of the display. BBN Bolt Beranek and Newman manufactured RAND tablet which had "poor transparency" (but not opaque?). Bell Labs whiteboard using acoustic transducers on whiteboard. Handwriting (handprinting) block shape recognition. Figures of acoustic waveforms. Cites to Patton 1969.
- [WhiteW65a]
White, Wyman
"Method for optical comparison of skin friction-ridge patterns",
US Patent 3,200,701, August 17, 1965
FTIR fingerprint scanner, cited by Han for FTIR touchscreen.
- [WhitneyFL67a]
Whitney, F. L.
"Electroluminescent Lamp",
US Patent 3,317,722, May 2, 1967
Electroluminescent (flexible) lamp, a.k.a. electroluminescent tape. Flexible transparent electrical conductor sheet material as electrode, sealed in transparent flexible plastic film.
- [Wikipedia64]
"PLATO (computer system)",
www.wikipedia.org, fetched 3/22/2010
PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations), early educational computer system with custom terminal in 1964: bitmapped plasma graphics display and 16x16 low-resolution infrared touchscreen/touchpad input 1964. Project later did not involve custom hardware.
- [WilliamsTG69]
Williams, Thomas G.
"On-Line Parsing of Hand-Printed Mathematical Expressions: Final Report for Phase II",
NASA Contractor Report CR-1455, Washington, DC, December 1969, prepared by System Development Corp.
User writes in two dimensions, compiler translates to linear form (shown at top of display) an evaluates. Characters are translated into recognized characters in two-dimensional form for editing in real time. Uses bounding rectangles in parsing. Gesture recognition described, handwriting recognition is in a separate publication. "Scrub mode" is a scratch-out gesture. Arrow gesture indicates move/edit. Horizontal line gesture for "open space/move" editing operation. Double horizontal line for close up. Dot (tap) plus second line to move a character. Two perpendicular stroke gesture for select/move group. See also Phase I and Phase IV reports. Cited in Bernstein70, Martin71 on user interface for mathematical 2-D parsing.
- [Wilner66]
"ITD: Dynamic alphanumeric Hand Printing Recognition System",
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Vol 8, No 9, February 1966, pp 1205-1207
Cited in Donahey76. zone handprinting/handwriting recognition system.
- [WilsonES47a]
Wilson, Edward S. and Schnepf, William K.
"Telescript Communication System",
US Patent 2,415,718, February 11, 1947
Telescript: telautograph tablet with stylus ("writing grip") mechanically connected to X and Y voltage divider resistances. Mechanical tip switch in stylus to detect contact. Output on "teledeltos" paper, with conductive film on one side. Analog coordinate voltages. Signals transmitted in audio (telephone) range.
- [WisemanNE69a]
Wiseman, N. E. et al
"PIXIE: A New Approach to Graphical Man-Machine Communication",
Proc. 1969 CAD Conf, IEE, Southampton 1969, pp 463-ff
Light-pen CAD/CAM system, electronic circuits design. Early reference to pie menus: Cited in Pier 92 for earliest pop-up pie menus, compare with marking menus: may be seen as a gesture? Graphical user interface runs on remote graphic processor and connects to main processor application intermittently (interactive use of main processor costs more). Pixie graphics terminal only communicates higher-level data structures to main processor: compare with X-Windows? See also Buxton 2008 notes on Radial Menus in PIXIE.
- [WisemanNE69b]
Wiseman, N. E. et al
"PIXIE: A New Approach to Graphical Man-Machine Communication Video Demonstration",
Proc. 1969 CAD Conf, IEE, Southampton 1969, pp 463-ff
Video presentation for 1969 Wiseman paper on PIXIE. Shows pop-up circular pie menus. (Note: no audio?).
- [WittenbergAM63a]
Wittenberg, Albert M.
"Electroluminescent Matrix and Access Device",
US Patent 3,079,373, February 19, 1963
A form of an optical tables: light-generating source (stylus? light-pen?) light detected by cadmium sulfide or other photo-sensitive material, row-column matrix of conductors with thresholded photosensitive detectors at intersections. Refers to difficulty of making electrode connections with metal films on glass (ITO?).
- [WollrichAE70a]
Wollrich, Arthur E.
"Inductively Coupled Telautograph Apparatus with Stylus Angle Compensation",
US Patent 3,535,447, October 20, 1970
Stylus tilt correction in electromagnetic tablet/telautograph, two transmitter coils in stylus. No grid/matrix, sensor loops are all at periphery of tablet. Compare with Carau, Blesser for tilt correction? Cites to "scriptoscope", 1952.
- [WooPW64a]
Woo, Paul W.
"Ultrasonic Data converter",
US Patent 3,134,099, May 19, 1964
Transparent tablet (acoustic): Acoustic touchscreen digitizer, using an ultrasonic transducer in a stylus and linear arrays of microphones on the edges of the surface, measures time delay like sonar in clear/transparent overlay.
- [WooPW64b]
Woo, Paul W.
"A Proposal for Input of Hand-Drawn Information to a Digital System",
IEE Trans. Electronic Computers, vol EC-13, Oct 1964, pp. 609..611
Ultrasonic acoustic touchscreen digitizer, using an ultrasonic sensor/transducer receiver in a stylus and linear arrays of mechanical transducers / transmitters at the edges of the surface, measures time delay like sonar in clear/transparent overlay. "Glass tablet": transparent tablet over CRT projection system display.
- [WoodbridgeJE1895a]
Woodbridge, Jonathan E.
"Electric-Light Display System",
US Patent 546,799, September 24, 1895
Electric lamp display sign with writing board. Metal pencil or stylus is drawn across electrical contact on writing board, powering switch that switches on corresponding lamp.
- [WrightAW1877a]
Wright, Arthur W.
"On the production of transparent metallic film by the electrical discharge in exhausted tubes",
The American Journal of Science and Arts, New Haven, number 73, January, 1977, pp. 49..55
Early reference cited in XueJ16a and elsewhere for transparent metal oxide films (e.g. palladium platinum, tin, zinc, cadmium, nickel, etc. ITO).
- [WrightG52a]
Wright, G. G. N.
"The Writing of Arabic Numerals",
Scottish Council for Research in Education Series No 33, pp 16-ff, Univ. London Press, London, 1952 (hardcopy book)
Historical review of writing of arabic numerals/digits. Segmentation and variation on the digit 2, similar to chain codes. Shows variability in writing styles for 2 and Z, confusion matrix: very interesting in demonstration handwriting variability on historical scale.
- [YarbroughLD69a]
Yarbrough, Lynn D.
"Letter to the Editor: on using a graphic tablet",
CACM, Vol 11 No 5, May 1968, pp. 294 and 377
Four-corner quadrilateral alignment/registration correction for a paper on a digitizing tablet: same calculation later applied for registration of tablet to display on a touchscreen. Example is a single correction for the entire paper, paper may be stretched (or photocopied) or tilted.
- [ZadehLA65a]
Zadeh, L. A.
"Fuzzy sets",
Information and Control, Vol 8, 1965, pp 338-353
Original paper on fuzzy sets, used for visual recognition/classification. Biswas81 cites on fuzzy sets for recognition. Electronic file includes 2012 PowerPoint presentation on fuzzy set theory.
- [ZernikeF34]
Zernike, Fritz
"Beugungstheorie des Schneideverfahrens und seiner Verbesserten Form, der Phasenkontrastmethode",
Physica, Vol 1, 1934, pp. 689-704
Rotationally-invariant character recognition using polynomial moments. Zernike polynomials widely cited for optical recognition of certain patterns when viewed through circular apertures e.g. human eye, lens, radar image. Cited in Khotanzad90. Abstract: Auf Grundlage der Abb'eschen Beugungstheorie der optischen Abbildung wird das Aussehen eines Hohlspiegels mit willkürlich verlaufenden kleinen Abweichungen beim Foucaul tschen Schneideverfahren und beim neuen Phasenkontrastverfahren berechnet. Es werden die orthogonalen "Kreisfächenpolynome" gefunden und auf die Beugungserscheinungen beim kreisförmigen Spiegel angewendet.
- [Zobrak67]
Zobrak, M. J. and Sze, T. W.
"A method of recognition of hand drawn line patterns",
Proc. 1st Princeton Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems, 1967, pp 240-244
handwriting recognition using eight-direction chain codes / direction sequences: other work mentioned for Chinese handwriting recognition.
- [ZworykinVK47a]
Zworykin, V. K. and Flory, L. E.
"An Electronic Reading Aid for the Blind",
Proc. American Philosophical Society, vol 91 no 2, April 5, 1947, pp. 139..142
Reading machine for the blind, audible frequency output, hand-held stylus. Small scanner traces vertically over slice of character, frequency shifts to match vertical position of scan, vibration output for darkness of scanned location. Cites to d'Albe Optophone 1914. Long learning time (150 hours), slow reading speed (15 wpm words per minute).
- [ZworykinVK49a]
Zworykin, V. K.; Flory, L. E.; and Pike, W.S.
"Research on Reading Aid for the Blind",
Jnl. of the Franklin Institute, vol 247 no 5, May 1949, pp. 483..496
Overview of reading machines/aids for the blind: Cites to optophone d'Albe 1914. Suggests devices not just with audio tone output with user trained to recognize characters from the tone pattern, but recognition and production of speech output (compare with Kurzweil?) Also optical scanner to produce raised tactile shape of characters to be read by touch like Braille. Mentions hand-held scanning stylus, high speed horizontal stripe scanning across printed characters.
- [ZworykinVK52a]
Zworykin, Vladimir K. and Flory, Leslie E.
"Apparatus for Indicia Recognition",
US Patent 2,616,983, November 4, 1952
Optical scanner for text: Reading machine for the blind, audible frequency output, hand-held stylus. Small scanner traces vertically over slice of character, frequency shifts to match vertical position of scan, vibration output for darkness of scanned location.
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