The t-shirt has the following text on the back in Courier 9pt font. You really do have to be fairly close to read it. I was on the subway the other day and watched someone reflected in the glass as they read it. It was pretty amusing.

Let us now pause for a moment to consider the issue of personal space and your invasion of mine. Think about it. For you to be reading this we must be standing in a line someplace. Maybe it's the bank or the supermarket. Maybe it's a movie that both of us, though we are strangers, are interested in seeing. Perhaps we are waiting for the bus. In any event, to read this text (which was written in 9pt Courier New font) you must be pretty damn close to my back, close enough that I can feel you breathing on my back. No doubt you are struggling to get through these words before I turn around. There is a sense of urgency that might make you miss words and have to go back to the beginning of a sentence, extending the process and heightening the stress. Will you finish? Where are you now? There is no great secret revealed on this shirt. No pithy quotes. No sound bite that you can relate to people at your next party. Nothing that is really even all that amusing, except that you've felt it necessary to break the social convention of personal space and risk possible embarrassment simply to read this.

Hbee Inc.
(A Web Site)


All material on this web page is copyrighted by Paul Day and Hbee Inc.1999-2002. Any attempt to plagurize, excerpt, slice, dice, chop, julliene, fricassee, weld, staple, screw, nail, make pictoral representations from chopped liver, ice or any other foodstuff or material either living or dead, mime, dance, sketch or peform in front of pets that are not your own is expressly prohibited.