
I don't say it that often, but - BLAH. Just blah

Eh Compari - Julius Larosa

America Is Waiting - David Byrne And Brian Eno
I Love To Love - Tina Charles
Ah So - The Highlights

Bugs Bunny Capitol Records Seasons Greeting 1949
Home - Jerry Lee Lewis
My Little Kookenhagen - Jonathan Richmond And The Modern Lovers

I Didn't Take Your Man - Ann Peebles
THERE'S A Brown Girl In The Middle - Caribbean
I Feel The Spirit Moving - Michael Lewis
Yes Yes -
Pixie - Ani Difranco

Uneasy Rider - Charlie Daniels Band
My Way - Sid Vicious
Adjectives - Schoolhouse Rocks
Table Top Joe - Tom Waits

The Billy Goat Gruff - Frank Luther
United We Stand - Brotherhood Of Man
Laughter In The Rain - Neil Sedaka
American Way Of Love - United States Of America

All Messed Up - Jess Hooper
Little Log Cabin By The Sea -
It's A Hassle - The Nickel Bag
Cook House - The Almanac Singers

How Small A Thought It Takes - Steve Reich

Evil Santa - Bill Murray And Gilda Radner
Dig You Later (Hubba Hubba Hubb) - Perry Como
Cottontail - Lambert Hendricks And Ross
Rum And Coca Cola - Abe Lyman

Titel Onbekend - The Kilima Hawaiians
If I Didn't' Care - The Ink Spots
Humor Me - Dean Friedman

Every Mail Day - J Kirby & Group


All material on this web page is copyrighted by Paul Day and Hbee Inc.1999-2002. Any attempt to plagurize, excerpt, slice, dice, chop, julliene, fricassee, weld, staple, screw, nail, make pictoral representations from chopped liver, ice or any other foodstuff or material either living or dead, mime, dance, sketch or peform in front of pets that are not your own is expressly prohibited.