10-09-02 Ya know, there are times that after I've burned my show CDs that I look at the list and say "what the hell was I thinking? None of this makes any sense at all." And then the show turns out to be a good one. There are other times when I've got all these great ideas and I cannot WAIT to get to the studio and the whole thing falls flat. So. What's the lesson? Aim for a show that's gonna fail and it will be great! I'll leave it up to you do decide whether the show was good or not. Glory Train - Randy Newman Me Myself And I - De La Soul Gonna Have To Slap The Dirty
Little Jap - Carson Robison Wie Schoen Das Ist - Marvin
Gaye Gloria - Patti Smith This Is Stereophonic Sound
- Cinemascope Demonstration Human Interest Stories - Bob
And Ray Ding Dinge Dong - Teach-In The Mother In Law - Unknown Strawberry Children - The Hobbits Truck Driver's Coffee Stop - Jimmy Wakely Duck Soup War Song - Marx Brothers Extra |
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