
A fun show. It goes along with my theory that the less I stress about it, the better it turns out. I was to tired to work on it the night before, so I threw it together in the morning, shrugged and let the chips fall where they may. And they fell very nicely, indeed! Evan O'Television was a wonderful guest. If you ever get a chance to see him, you'll be more than pleased that you did.

Girl From Ipanema - Mrs. Miller

Police Truck - Dead Kennedys
Gay Boyfriend - Ukes Of Hazard
Animals Are People Too - The Circus Playhouse Band

I Wanna Be Sedated - Nutley Brass
Big Noise In Winnetka - Bob Crosby
Big Tall Man - Liz Phair

Funeral Tango - Jacques Brel
Don't Come Crying In My Beer - Sunshine Boys
I'm Different - Randy Newman

The Immigrants - National Lampoon
C'est Si Bon - Eartha Kitt
The Indianapolis Academy Of The French Accent - - National Lampoon

Two Sleepy People - Hoagy Carmichael Ella Logan
Little Sir Echo - Ambrose And His Orchestra
If You're Not Completely Satisfied - Jodie Sands
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - Elvis Costello

Everybody Talkin 'Bout Heaven - Unknown
Nobody Can Do Me - Dotties People
How Great Our Lord - Randy Newman

I've Got A Girl In Kalamazoo - Steve Lawrence And Edie Gorme
Frank And Jesse James - Warren Zevon
Mr Hitler - Leadbelly

Leroy Sent Me - Joe Brown And Kool Kats
The Quik - Bert's Apples

She's Got An Army Of Friends - Hoosier Hot Shots


All material on this web page is copyrighted by Paul Day and Hbee Inc.1999-2002. Any attempt to plagurize, excerpt, slice, dice, chop, julliene, fricassee, weld, staple, screw, nail, make pictoral representations from chopped liver, ice or any other foodstuff or material either living or dead, mime, dance, sketch or peform in front of pets that are not your own is expressly prohibited.