
I'm forty. I've never wanted to be in a fraternity. Ever. So, there was a little bit of a culture clash between my guest and I. Plus, I'd never met him before and knew nothing of his stand up. Outside of that, it was a lovely show. I'd originally planned to do the Bush speech with Toyland, and play Secret Love for my parents' anniversary. But, it turned out that Secret Love was the better choice. I thought it was very spooky, as if Bush were coming out of the closet and professing his love for Saddam.

52 Girls - B-52'5

Secret Love - Doris Day/ Bush's Iraq Speech

Girls Girls Girls - Liz Phair
I'm Not In Love - 10cc

Downtown - Mrs. Miller
Mikey - Randy Newman
Bedazzled - Peter Cook

Luis Oliver And His Orchestra and Donald Duck - Yankee Doodle
Next - Jacques Brel
Men - Martin Mull

Walter Wintchell
Institutionalized - Suicidal Tendencies
Hello Sunshine Hello - Eddie Cantor
Night Train - Rickie Lee Jones

Brush Up Your Shakespeare - Jack Klugman and Tony Randall
Take A Chance On Me - Abba
Extremely Cool - Chuck E Weiss
Viva Las Vegas - Wayne Newton

The Ballad Of Spotty Muldoon
Doin' What Comes Naturally
The Bee Side - Cook And Moore
Hilo March - Jenk Tex Carmen

Big Bag Wolf- Brian Diamond The Cutters
The Preacher And The Bear

Toyland - Doris Day


All material on this web page is copyrighted by Paul Day and Hbee Inc.1999-2002. Any attempt to plagurize, excerpt, slice, dice, chop, julliene, fricassee, weld, staple, screw, nail, make pictoral representations from chopped liver, ice or any other foodstuff or material either living or dead, mime, dance, sketch or peform in front of pets that are not your own is expressly prohibited.