
Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore - John Prine

Sign O' The Times - Prince
The Little Black Train Of Death - JM Gates
Deck Of Cards - Phil Harris
Stop That Pigeon - Dick Dastardly

I Love Myself - Eddie Cantor
Beans And Corn Bread - Louis Jordan
Jesus Christ You're Tall - Harry Nillson

Can't Get Out Of What I'm Into - Liz Phair
Liz Phair - Weston
Cuddly Toy - The Monkees

Introduction - From The Gods
Madelaine - Jaques Brel
Pygmy Fund - Chuck E Wiess

Mean Streak - Cliff Richards
What'd I Say - Cliff Richards

Help Me Make It Through The Night - Tammy Wynette
Help Me Make It Through The Night - Premier Accordian Band

Comedy Minus One - Albert Brooks
Lobby Song - Danny Kaye
I Believe In Music - Gallery

Sam's Song - Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin


All material on this web page is copyrighted by Paul Day and Hbee Inc.1999-2002. Any attempt to plagurize, excerpt, slice, dice, chop, julliene, fricassee, weld, staple, screw, nail, make pictoral representations from chopped liver, ice or any other foodstuff or material either living or dead, mime, dance, sketch or peform in front of pets that are not your own is expressly prohibited.