The Constitution SUCKS

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Twenty years ago, I was in a blue-collar bar in Pittsford, NY. Pittsford, where I spent my adolescence, is an upper middle-class bedroom community outside of Rochester that was still egalitarian enough to have a blue-collar bar. I'd taken a year off before going to college to make some money and was taking a few classes at the local community college. For some reason, I took some law enforcement classes. I can give no good reason for this outside of drugs and alcohol.
One of the classes was on the Constitution. Regan was at the top of his game and could still remember his own name. That day, there'd been a big flap about prayer in schools and it was the talk of the bar. Some guy next to me started in on how it was a communist plot; that everyone had a right to pray in school and the government should see to it that Jesus should always have a principal spot in American education.
"Actually", I started, and I must now stress the drugs and alcohol part again, "it's not communism. It's in the Constitution."
"What", my debate partner said slowly, "the fuck are you talking about?"
"The Constitution says the government is not allowed to get involved in religion."
"Get the fuck outta here! What the fuck are you talking about, you piece o' shit! Where does it say that?!" This was said more with affection than anger.
"Sorry. It's true. I've actually got the Constitution in my car, if you want me to get it. I can show you."
"Fuck you", he said and shuffled off to another part in the bar."

I have this conversation a couple of times a year. There's a segment of the population that somehow never got taught the Constitution. This may be due, in part, to the Cold War, when propaganda took precedence over actual education. Still, it's troubling. Until the recent Federal Court ruling, how many people knew that the "under God" part of the pledge was added during the Eisenhower administration? Or that the pledge is just over 100 years old to begin with? Or that it was written by a Socialist? I certainly did not learn it in school.

Several years ago, a group of researchers rewrote the Constitution in modern English and presented it to the public. People were asked where they thought the document came from. Those who could not identify it the Constitution of the United States of America believed it a Communist pamphlet.
The fact that this country was founded on dissent and the overthrow of an existing government too easily fades into a footnote. The pilgrims came to America for religious freedom, the freedom to not be constrained by a government telling them how to worship God. In both cases, people risked death to create this country on the right to be different.
In this light, every member of Congress should be voted out of office, if not hung for treason, for unanimously damning the Ninth Circuit's decision that "one nation under God" was unconstitutional. Not one Congressman had the balls (or ovaries) to either support the Ninth Circuit or "defend to the death the right to disagree". Not one. All rhetoric aside, it makes me want to weep. "C" is for "Congressman" but also for "Coward". They are not concerned about upholding the Constitution (as they were sworn to do) but hanging onto their own jobs. With none of our elected officials even bothering to pay lip service to separation of church and state, we are no better than Iran, Libya, or China.
The United States was never meant to be a theocracy. Yes, Christianity is and was the dominant religion the US, but there are so many forms of Christianity that each can be regarded as its own separate religion. If you don't believe in the Pope, you're going to Hell. If you believe in the Pope, you're going to Hell. If you don't believe that Joseph Smith found the Book Of Mormon, you're going to Hell. Everyone's Jesus is different.
There are religious groups in the US that make no secret that they believe the United States should be a theocracy. Operation Rescue, The Moral Majority, Opus Dei, and plethora of other organizations insist that the US was, is and should be based on the teachings of Christ. These are not funny-ha-ha lunatic organizations. Imagine Pat Robertson elected president. Opus Dei is devoted to getting Catholics into high places in world governments. Justice Souter is a member, as is Justice "Long Dong" Thomas. Given the post-9/11 climate, the time is ripe for them to gain a lot of ground. And indeed, in the past few days, B--h (I can't bring myself to type his full name) is using the momentum to re-introduce the faith-based charities crap that looked like it would mercifully fall by the wayside.
Only one side will undoubtedly study the groundbreaking work of Sen. Joseph McCarthy in the use of fear and scare tactics. Just as in the 50's, citizens and Congressman alike will cower before the boogieman of disloyalty, unable to stand up for their right to free speech. Patriotism, as it was during the McCarthy era, will be defined not by the Constitution, but in relation to the concept of "godlessness" defined by some random group of weasels. Disagree with God and you are a danger to the United States. Disagree with the majority (despite the fact that the majority exists only because the minority has been beaten into submission) and you are a danger to the United States. Disagree with the founding principles of the United States and you are a danger to the United States.

It should frighten the living hell out of any American when B--sh flippantly declares Federal judges as "wackos". When the President of the United States starts talking like a blue-collar, coke-sniffing, beer-guzzling yahoo with a C average in college that you might meet in a suburban bar, it's time to be very afraid, indeed.


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