Here's some activities I enjoy but probably shouldn't engage in.

Police Harassment -

I'm not sure what it's like where you are, but in Boston and the its surrounding areas there are an awful lot of cops standing around on work details not even attempting to look like they're doing something. If you happened to be stopped in traffic that they are not directing, roll down your window and say "Excuse me, Officer, but you might want to check your fly."

Waving -

So you're driving down the street and someone bangs a U-turn right in front of you. You have one of two options. 1) Pull your gun or 2) WAVE! Waving is so much more friendly! It lets them know that you support their god-given right to drive anyway they feel like regardless of the traffic laws, common sense or concern for the safety of others! It's America, after all! Plus, it's always fun to watch them wave back. And, as an added bonus, to see their faces when they realize that they have no idea who you are and that they are most likely being made fun of!


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