New World Weiqi Club (Fairfax VA)
We also train young students with our
WeiQi instructor: Dr. YunYao Qu
A Champion of Tai Zhou, ShanTong,
Representative of Science Technology University WeiQi Team
Contact Person's name, address, phone, and email:
Hsu Terry Wang
10705 Tiffin Court, VA 22039
Phone: 703-978-7905
Place and Time of Meetings:
(1) Fridays : 7:30-10:00 PM
International Christian MinistriesBuilding
Chinese Library, 3rd floor
10523 Main Street, Fairfax, VA22030.
(2) Sundays: 1:00-6:00 PM (School Year, starts September 9, 2001)
Rm # 113, Thompson Hall, George Mason University, Fairfax Campus
4400 University Drive,Fairfax, VA 22030
Parking at Lot J and K
For quality and value in Go equipment and books, visit WWW.YUTOPIAN.COM
Click here for DC and Baltimore Area Go Club links.
Created on July 4, 2001. Mail comments to Go Association (