Class of 1955  Reunion Committee
George Washington High School
of Alexandria, Virginia
Updated: on (Sun) Nov 19, 2000 [7:46:58 PM]
There are ONLY...days left until REUNION2000 !!! 

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| WHO?| WHEN? | WHERE? | WHAT? | HOW $$$? | MAP | FORM | RESV | ROOMS |

--Thanksgiving weekend --
Friday, November 24 (Preliminary Activities)
Saturday, November 25, 2000  (Banquet/Dinner)
| WHO? | WHEN? | WHERE? | WHAT? | HOW $$$? | MAP | FORM | RESV | ROOMS |
It will be at the Holiday Inn, 
located at 625 First Street, in Alexandria.

Front of Holiday Inn -Alexandria
LOCATOR MAP: This hotel facility was built near where the old Virginia Theater once stood, and north, just across from the old Washington Street..."Hot Shoppe".
(Left Click for larger Map)

East Lobby Area - Registration and Cocktail Area

Pictures of the accommodations at the Alexandria Holiday Inn
Cocktail Area - Hospitality Suites - Guest Rooms
(Left Click on image for a larger pop-up view)

Do you need.. Advance Room Reservations?

  • We recommend that you call the Alexandria Holiday Inn hotel directly (NOT the Holiday Inn 800 number.)
  • The Main Lobby phone number for the Holiday Inn in Alexandria is 703-548-6300.  Call this number and ask for “Reservations” at this specific hotel.  Only call this number between the hours of 8 am through 6 pm eastern time.  Local “Reservations” is closed at all other times.
  • First of all, tell them you want the “special rate for the block of rooms reserved for the GW ‘55 Reunion to be held on November 25, 2000”. T hey should quote you $85 +tax per night.  The price is normally $119 per night.  At the moment, $85 + tax is the price for which we have a definite contract.  It is good for any single or multiple number of nights, Thursday (11/23/00) through Sunday (11/26/00).
  • As it gets closer to November, this Alexandria Holiday Inn may choose to create a “holiday special” for the whole Thanksgiving weekend. So, if you are staying for more than one or two days, check to see if there is a “holiday special.”
  • In any case, DO NOT accept a rate MORE than the $85 +tax per night.    If they quote you LOWER rate ... Great! Take it.

If you have a problem making reservations at the hotel or have other questions,  email me, at

 | WHO? | WHEN? | WHERE? | WHAT? | HOW $$$? | MAP | FORM | RESV | ROOMS |
If you're here on...

Friday the 24th

  • Be sure and attend the "Welcoming & Get Reacquainted Activities" from 4 p.m. till ??? in our hotel Hospitality Suite - Room #442.
Saturday the 25th
  • First, from 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., more "Get Reacquainted Activities" in the Hospitality Suite - Room #442. 
  • Then, from 7 p.m.- 8 p.m., attend the PRE banquet Cocktail Hour party in the East Lobby, followed by the ...
  • Big Dinner Buffet in the Main Level Ballroom from 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Then Dance and "visit" to the music of "Flyer" until 1 a.m. or so, and then afterwards... if you're still able ... 
  • more hospitality from 1 a.m. till ??? back n  our  hotel Hospitality Suite - Room #442.
  | WHO?| WHEN? | WHERE? | WHAT? | HOW $$$? | MAP | FORM | RESV | ROOMS |
The cost is be $65 per person. 
This price will include: Use of our Hospitality Suite on  Friday.  On Saturday, a Cocktail Hour, the Buffet Dinner Dance, with an open bar for three hours, and dancing to the live music of “Flyer,” a six-piece band with vocalist.  Additionally, we will have many nice door prizes and a 50-50 cash drawing. 
Make your Check - Payable to: 
G.W. Class of 1955 REUNION2000
click here and FILL OUT THE FORM

Mail Check & Form to:
G.W. Class of 1955 Reunion Committee
P.O. Box 31043, Alexandria, VA 22310

Our Holiday Inn has set aside a block of rooms for Friday and/or Saturday nights at a rate of $85.00 per night plus tax. (click for info)

| WHO?| WHEN? | WHERE? | WHAT? | HOW $$$? | MAP | FORM | RESV | ROOMS |
LIST OF '54, '55 & Friends 
(Sat) Nov 18, 2000 [1:48:28 PM]
as of 11/18/00
  1. AITCHESON, Tracy 
  2. & Judy
  3. ARNOTT, Julia
  4. BARNETT, Lambert 
  5. & Peggy
  6. BEACH Humphries, Ann 
  7. & Jack
  8. BEACH, Dave 
  9. & Angie
  10. BEAVERS Morris, Pat 
  11. & Bobby
  12. BELL Nakhleh, Barclay 
  13. BERKES Treger, Betty 
  14. & Don
  15. BERRY Lloyd, Betty 
  16. & Neil
  17. BRINCKMAN, Sonny 
  18. & Janice
  19. BROWN, Dave 
  20. & Joyce
  21. BURNS Lawter, Yvonne 
  22. & Jerry
  23. BUTLER, Sam 
  24. & Glenda
  25. CARABALLO, Tom 
  26. & Beverly
  27. CARPER Bowen, Nancy "Nan"
  28. CLARK Woodside, Carolyn 
  29. & Jack
  30. CLARKE, Dennis 
  31. & Margie Myers
  32. COLE Bloch, Carolyn 
  33. & Lewis
  34. COMANDURAS Christopher, Pat 
  35. & Nick
  36. CONNER, Jim 
  37. & Jeannie
  38. COREY Woolf, Jane 
  39. & Chuck
  40. COX, John 
  41. & Sue
  42. CRABILL, Pete 
  43. & Pat
  44. CRONE Tanczos, Judy 
  45. & Dick
  46. CROWN Sutton, Jud
  47. DARR, Jim 
  48. & Mary
  49. DERRENBACKER Steel, Sarah 
  50. & Jon
  51. DUMAS, Jimmy 
  52. & Pat Perry
  53. DURAND Bubar, Jean
  54. ENGLAND Penn, Phyllis 
  55. & Bill
  56. FATELY Keener, Elaine
  57. FOX, Craig
  58. FRINKS, Louie 
  59. & Barbara
  60. GEORGE Allen, Fletie 
  61. & Stuart
  62. GIBBONS, Micheal W. (Mike)
  63. GODWIN, Cassie 
  64. & Bob Schoenthal
  65. GODWIN, Jim 
  66. & Joan
  67. GRAVETTE, Roy 
  68. & Guest
  69. GRIFFIN Arthur, Addie
  70. GUNN Shoup, Judy
  71. HEISLEY, Mike
  72. HEWITT George, Janet 
  73. & Preston
  74. HODGES, Phil 
  75. & Ann
  76. HURD, Bob 
  77. & Pauline
  78. JAMES, Elliott 
  79. & Diana
  80. JOHNSON Chapman, Joan
  81. JOHNSON, Sonny 
  82. & Sada
  83. KANE, Bob 
  84. & Sloane
  85. KAUS, Don 
  86. & Jean
  87. KERXTON, Stu 
  88. & Paula
  89. KESTERSON Armstrong, Wilda
  90. KNIGHT, John 
  91. & Nellie
  92. LEITCH Walter, Pat 
  93. & Noel
  94. LINDSAY, Kenneth
  95. MAIGRET, Jimmy 
  96. & Maureen
  97. McGUIRE, Larry 
  98. & Janet
  99. MOSEL, Elaine
  100. MOUNTCASTLE, Earle 
  101. & Meg
  102. OWEN West, Margaret
  103. PENNELL, Joe 
  104. & Jean Sendlak
  105. PERRY, Frank (Bim) 
  106. & Aleithia
  107. POSS Anderson, Nancy
  108. PRUET Zimmerman, Nancy 
  109. & Howard
  110. REYNOLDS, Alan
  111. RICH Burnette, Norma 
  112. & Joe
  113. RICHARDSON, David 
  114. & Diane
  115. ROBERTS Clarke, June 
  116. & Vernon
  117. SELLERS, Allen 
  118. & Shirley
  119. SHORT, Palmer 
  120. & Linda
  121. SLOPER, Ted 
  122. & Marie
  123. SMITH, Harold
  124. SPILLERS Nipp, Andree 
  125. & Bob
  126. STAMPS Bryant, Betty 
  127. & Dan
  128. SULLIVAN, John 
  129. & Sally
  130. SWAIN, Wayne 
  131. & Mary
  132. TAFT Williams, Betsy
  133. THEIS Goshorn, Gretta 
  134. & Donald
  135. WADE, Bill 
  136. & Doris
  137. WHITESTONE, David E. 
  138. & Marsha
  139. WILLIAMS Milton, Barbara 
  140. & Punkie
  141. WILLIAMS, Jim
  142. WILLINGHAM, Bob
  143. YOUNG, Earl 
  144. & Ginny
as of 11/7/00
  1. Anderson, Wilmer     PAID (1)
  2. Ashburn Bryant, Jane 
  3. & Lee Ashburn    PAID (2)
  4. Aylor Stewart, Nancy 
  5. & Sandy Stewart    PAID (2)
  6. Balderson Zehmer, Becky     PAID (1)
  7. Beckwith Houseman, Jane     PAID (1)
  8. Bettis Jordan, Anna 
  9. & Tom Gadberry    PAID (2)
  10. Blair, Mark 
  11. & Carol Blair    PAID (2)
  12. Colpe, Warren     PAID (1)
  13. Crompton, Dick 
  14. & Janie Crompton    PAID (2)
  15. Crowder Richardson, Lucy     PAID (1)
  16. Dameron Bowen, Doris 
  17. & Warren Bowen    PAID (2)
  18. Davis, Walter "Peck" 
  19. & Barbara Davis    PAID (2)
  20. Dill, Clark 
  21. & Sylvia Dill   PAID (2)
  22. Dunham, George 
  23. & Lynn Chedester Dunham 54   PAID (2)
  24. Edwards, Mahlon 
  25. & Sarah Edwards    PAID (2)
  26. Folk, Jacob W. 
  27. & Mary Anne Folk 56   PAID (2)
  28. Forrest Carlsen, Ann 
  29. & Roger Carlsen    PAID (2)
  30. Foster, L. Delbert 
  31. & Donna Foster    PAID (2)
  32. Frazier McIntosh, Joan 
  33. & Hank Frazier    PAID (2)
  34. Fulk, Larry L. 
  35. & Connie Fulk    PAID (2)
  36. Garner Smith, Betty 
  37. & Lorenza Smith    PAID (2)
  38. Goepel Garner, Lorraine     PAID (1)
  39. Gregg Brantner, Judy     PAID (1)
  40. Hallman Proscia, Joanne 
  41. & Joseph Proscia    PAID (2)
  42. Harris Burns, Marge     PAID (1)
  43. Helwege, Warren 
  44. & Dee Helwege    PAID (2)
  45. Kidd, Milton     PAID (1)
  46. Kidd Moore, Barbara 
  47. & Bob Moore    PAID (2)
  48. Loven Harris, Martha 
  49. & Charlie Loven    PAID (2)
  50. Lee Swartz, Barbara     PAID (1)
  51. MacMillan Violette, Cathy 
  52. & Tom Violette    PAID (2)
  53. Mankin Foster, Nelllie     PAID (1)
  54. Matter Burton, Nancyanne 
  55. & Don Burton    PAID (2)
  56. Moore, Alton 
  57. & Cheri Moore    PAID (2)
  58. Moore, Pat 
  59. & Marilou Moore    PAID (2)
  60. Moore, Robert 
  61. & Dee Moore    PAID (2)
  62. Morgan Maxwell, Caroline     PAID (1)
  63. Morrison, Sandy 
  64. & Nieta Morrison    PAID (2)
  65. Myers, Frank 
  66. & Julanne Myers    PAID (2)
  67. Nelson Layman, Phylllis 
  68. & Dee Layman    PAID (2)
  69. Ostrolenk, Arnie 
  70. & Beth Ostrolenk    PAID (2)
  71. Pauly, Bob 
  72. & Peggy Pauly    PAID (2)
  73. Peck Oldfield, Sandra 
  74. & Douglas Oldfield    PAID (2)
  75. Peyton Trowbridge, Mary Ellen 
  76. & Cappy Trowbridge    PAID (2)
  77. Randall, Cort 
  78. & Joan Randall    PAID (2)
  79. Rinker Ragan, Gail 
  80. & Bob Ragan    PAID (2)
  81. Runaldue, Tom 
  82. & Lois Runaldue    PAID (2)
  83. Simpson, Jean 
  84. & Donald Simpson, Jr.    PAID (2)
  85. Thomas, Rose Marie (Rosie)     PAID (1)
  86. Turrell Francis, Marty     PAID (1)
  87. Webb Holden, Carole 
  88. & Lucky Holden    PAID (2)
  89. Whitestone, David L. 
  90. & Pat Trager    PAID (2)
  91. Williams Loibl, Carol (Willie)     PAID (1)

Friendsof Our Class - THAT ARE ATTENDIING

as of 11/18/00
  1. ANDERSON, Johnny Mack 
  2. & Betty
  3. ARTHUR, Ted
  4. ATTILIIS, Frank 
  5. & Louise
  6. BEGGS, Hamilton (Ham)
  7. BLOUNT, Donnie
  8. BOSWELL, Fred 
  9. & Anne
  10. BRIGGS Shine, Andy
  11. ELLIS, Jean Beach 
  12. & Guy
  13. EVANS, Sue Hite
  14. GINN, Jake
  15. GRIMM, Norman
  16. HENRY, Pat 
  17. &  Mozelle
  18. LONG, Frank 
  19. & Nancy
  20. McCONNELL, Harrison 
  21. & Guest
  22. MURPHY, Doug 
  23. & Joyce
  24. PRICE, Ralph
  25. RODRIGUEZ, Ronald J. 
  26. & Barbara
  27. SEVERSON, John
  28. & Guest
  29. SEVERSON, Sonny 
  30. & Pat
  31. SIMPSON, Mary Owen
  32. SLOPER, Walter "Lee" 
  33. & Joan Thomas

Honorees & Guests of Our Class 

Attending  as of 11/18/00
    Mrs. Mary Moreland & Guests
    Mrs.Brownie Varnell Dodge & Husband
    Mr. James Ford & Ginnie
| WHO?| WHEN? | WHERE? | WHAT? | HOW $$$? | MAP | FORM | RESV | ROOMS |

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CLASS of '54      or     CLASS of '55
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This site was created in March of 1997 by Dave Beach, Class of '55,
for the Alumni of George Washington High School, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
All images and pages are © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 dbProductions

Updated: on (Sun) Nov 19, 2000 [7:46:58 PM]