Held April 10, 1999 at Lambert & Peggy Barnett's
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by President John Cox.
John introduced Frank Myers, representative from the G.W. Class of 1954.
The minutes from the October 10, 1998 meeting were read by Peggy.
There were no changes or additions to the minutes. They stand approved
as read.
2. Correspondence relative to the reunion will all be directed to the G.W.H.S. Class of 1955 Reunion mailing address. 3. Any separate mail-outs desired by the Class of 1954 will be financed and handled by them. 4. The number of 1954 members and guests will determine the manpower and/or finances provided for the following: decorating, registration table, stocking of hospitality room (food & beverages), securing door prizes, obtaining advertisements for the handbook, name tags, and clean-up following the reunion. Peggy reported that there is currently $1,609.66 in the Class of
1955 account.
John asked Frank to give a report on his plans for the Class of 1954 to join in Reunion 2000. Frank indicated that he had no problems with the provisions set forth above for the Class of 1954 participating in the reunion. He indicated that he would expect no less than 75 people to attend, and perhaps more. There was additional discussion on the role the Class of 1954 will play in the reunion. Jimmy made a motion that any correspondence going out read that the Class of 1954 is invited to attend the reunion Hosted by the Class of 1955. The motion was seconded by Sue. The motion carried. Lambert thought that Frank should attend our meetings to be aware of the plans and that perhaps he might want to bring one additional individual. Lambert felt that Frank would then be able to keep the 1954 committee informed of plans as they are finalized. There was a discussion about whether we should continue to hold the
reunion the Thanksgiving weekend. John asked for a vote. All
attendees voted to hold the reunion November 24-25, 2000, the Thanksgiving
John announced that the G.W. Class of 1946 has been holding luncheon get-togethers at the Old Country Buffet at Potomac Mills, and that any graduate of G.W. is invited to attend. The next one is scheduled for April 21, 1999 at noon. The next meeting will be Saturday, June 12, 1999, at 6:30 p.m. at Dave and Angie’s. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. |
Held June 12, 1999 at Dave and Angie’s
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President John Cox. The minutes from the April 10, 1999 meeting were read by Peggy. There were no changes or additions to the minutes. They stand approved as read. Peggy gave the financial report. We had a balance of $1,612.28. Check #1037 in the amount of $500.00 was issued to the Holiday Inn for the hotel deposit. Our balance is currently $1,112.28. Lambert gave a report on the negotiations with the Holiday Inn. The contract was received, but there were some problems with wording and what the Holiday Inn was offering for the reunion. After contact was made with Kelly O’Neill of the Holiday Inn, the contract was reissued with changes. When the second contract was received, there were still two discrepancies. Pen and ink changes were made and the contract was signed on June 6, 1999. Peggy reported that Betty Berkes had called and resigned from the Committee due to the fact that her schedule is conflicting with our meetings. She did offer to help with door prizes and in any other way she could. There were discussions about the Holiday Inn facilities and the contract. We discussed the cocktail hour, the capacity of the banquet room, the hotel room rates, and the hospitality room. John asked Peggy to read the Committee assignments he had developed.
Committee members will serve as primary, but all Reunion Committee
members will
The subject of sponsor ads was discussed. We will be using only full and half page ads. John asked Frank if he could give us a feel for how many members from the Class of 1954 might attend the reunion. Frank indicated he expected a good number to attend but would wait until his next contact with classmates to give us an estimated number. Sonny Severson brought up the subject of teachers we might want to invite to the reunion. This was discussed but no firm decision was made as to the number we would invite. Peggy reported that an information sheet had been filled out for each classmate; one with name only (and last known address where available) for lost classmates, and one filled out for each classmate with information we had in 1995. After the meeting the sheets were to be distributed to committee members to begin search for information or verification of information. David gave a demonstration on accessing the class website and conducting internet searches for information on classmates. He also showed us the logo he was proposing for the Class of 1955. The next meeting will be in early October at John and Sue’s. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. At 9:20 John reconvened the meeting to address the issue of the new logo for the Class of 1955. Sonny Johnson made a motion that the logo David had presented be adopted for the Class of 1955. The motion was seconded by Ann. The motion carried. The meeting was then adjourned at 9:25.
/S/ Peggy J. Barnett
Held October 14, 1999 Meeting at John & Sue's
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by President John Cox. The minutes from the June 12, 1999 meeting were read by Peggy. There were no changes or additions to the minutes. They stand approved as read. Peggy gave the financial report. She reported a balance of $1,116.29 as of October, 1999. Check #1038 in the amount of $24.00 was issued to Lambert Barnett as reimbursement for the new Post Office Box he obtained for the Class, Box 31043, zipcode 22310. Our balance is currently $1,092.29. John began a discussion regarding the process of finding classmates and verifying the addresses we have on our database. John solicited help from all committee members to bring our records current as soon as possible. After a lengthy discussion regarding this subject, John indicated that he would like a working meeting held where all committee members responsible for portions of the lost list and our classmates list would attend. The meeting will be held November 6, 1999, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Lambert and Peggy’s house. John stressed that this would be a working meeting and attendees would be those committee members who have responsibility for a portion of our lists. John asked Frank to tell us a bit about how the Class of 1954 has gone about finding lost classmates and verifying addresses they have. Frank also told the committee that from discussions with attendees to the G.W.A.A. picnic in September, he expects no less than 55 attendees to our reunion. This includes 1954 graduates and their spouses/guests. He also reported that he has three volunteers to assist in any capacity where they might be helpful. They are: Betty Garner Smith, Nelly Mankin, and Barbara Lee, all 1954 graduates. John then turned the discussion to obtaining sponsors for our Alumni Handbook. He told the committee that Pat Leitch Walter continues to support our reunion efforts, even though she is not on our committee. She has obtained a $100.00 sponsorship from Old Mill Carpet, and expects to get another one for $100.00 from Kings Jewelers. Dave indicated that Roy Gravatte had promised a sponsorship from his Bed and Breakfast. He may also provide us with a door prize. Janet has already gotten three sponsors and expects to get several more. John reported that he and Dave have been working on a form for sponsors and will be getting it out shortly. It was suggested that perhaps a card to Pat Walter thanking her for her continued support would be in order. Peggy will send a card. Peggy told the committee that she had been collecting catalogs which had possibilities for memorabilia items. She will pass those along to the Registration Committee. Discussion was held regarding a band for the reunion. Dave had contacted Sally Stumpf of the Class of 1950. (They are having a reunion at the Holiday Inn next year.) They have not yet taken action on obtaining the services of a band. Peggy suggested that perhaps Loretta Wells, Class of 1957, might be able to provide leads for good bands. She volunteered to contact Loretta. The next meeting will be held November 19, 6:30, at Janet’s house. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25.
/S/ Peggy J. Barnett |
Held November 19, 6:30, at Janet’s house.
The meeting was held at Janet’s house and called to order at 7:40 p.m. by President John Cox. The minutes from the October 14, 1999 meeting were read by Peggy. There were no changes or additions to the minutes. They stand approved as read. Lambert gave the financial report. He reported that checks had been received for several ads which resulted in a balance of $1,933.26 as of November 18, 1999. David gave a report on the Web Site. He talked about the items that can be found on our Web Site. David also gave a report on specific sponsor ads we had received, ones we expect to receive and ones we may possibly receive. Judy gave a Decorating Committee report. She talked about the visit she, Peggy and Frank made to the Holiday Inn and the possibilities for decorating. Judy was told that if she received any donations of flowers, etc. these donations would be recognized in the handbook. John gave a short talk on door prizes, several he had purchased and the need to obtain door prize donations. John asked Lambert to head the Band Committee. John and Dave will serve on the committee. Peggy talked a few minutes about the Master List for the class. Copies were provided to several committee members. A general discussion was held regarding the reunion. Items discussed were: the band, setting a price, the 50-50, and door prizes. Frank gave a short report on possible number of Class of ’54 members who might attend the reunion. John suggested that Frank might want to invite a couple of his committee members to join us at the next meeting. The next meeting will be held February 10 at 6:30 at John and Sue’s.
Respectfully Submitted, Peggy J. Barnett
Held Feb 10,2000 @ 6:30, at John & Sue's house.
The meeting was held at John and Sue’s house and called to order at 7:20 p.m. by President John Cox. John asked Frank Myers to introduce two ’54 committee members who joined us for our meeting, Betty Smith and Nellie Mankin. Dave introduced Bobby and Pat Morris. Bobby had written a poem, to be read at the end of the meeting. The minutes from the November 19, 1999 meeting were read by Peggy. There were no changes or additions to the minutes. They stand approved as read. Lambert gave the financial report. He reported a balance of $1,933.26 as of November 18, 1999. Revenue of $615.40 was received, with expenditures of $97.92. The current account balance is $2,450.74. Lambert gave a report on the search for a band. So far the most promising is Downtown. Their asking price is $1,600. There are several others who also sound good. Lambert will make a final decision and hopes to sign a contract by next week. Peggy gave a current status on the search for classmates, including statistics on # of classmates, # of completed forms on file, # deceased, # lost. Frank gave a report on the status of contacts made with Class of 1954 members. He believes they will have between 70-90 attendees at the reunion. They have 51 more to contact. There was a short discussion on their search efforts. Some discussion was held on Sonny Severson’s search attempts for the GWAA. Dave mentioned that one more deceased has been identified, Michael Roth. The subject of cost for the reunion was brought up. John told the Committee that an Executive Committee would meet and set a price for the reunion based on projected expenses. Frank gave a report on plans for radio/newspaper ads. The date for putting announcements out will be decided at the April meeting. Judy gave a Decorating Committee report. She has a number of ideas but cannot be finalized until she has been given a working budget. The subject of cost was brought up again. It was tabled. Cost will be determined prior to the April meeting. Dave and Peggy gave a short report on the availability of putting a letter/flyer in the GWAA newsletter. It was a consensus that we should not use the GWAA newsletter for our first mailing. Frank then gave a lengthy report on how/when the Class of ’54 might utilize this method of conveying information to classmates. Peggy commented that she had received a number of very favorable comments about the Web Site. Bobby Morris was introduced by Dave. Bobby read the poem he had written. Dave talked about placement of Bobby’s poem in the handbook and possibly having a handout of the poem at the reunion. He asked for a vote on whether to put it on the web site now or after the reunion. Everyone voted to have it published after the reunion. Elaine reported that she had gotten prices on acrylic/cotton T-shirts to sell. There is a $40 charge for the screen print and cost per shirt are $5.50/$6.50/$7.50. These could possibly be sold in the Hospitality Room. She indicated we may have a mug for our memorabilia item. John reported that Dave has volunteered to have the next meeting at his house on April 13, 2000. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25. Respectfully Submitted,
Held Apr. 12, 2000 @ 6:30, at Dave & Angie's.
The meeting was held at Dave and Angie’s house and called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President John Cox. The minutes from the February 13, 2000 meeting were read by Peggy. There were no changes or additions to the minutes. They stand approved as read. Lambert gave the financial report. He reported a balance of $2,450.74 as of February 13, 2000. We had revenue of $303.49, and expenditures of $794.00. The account balance as of April 12 is $1,960.23. Lambert gave a report on the selection of a band. A final contract was signed with “Flyer.” They will play for four hours. There was a short discussion on the band setting up while the buffet is being served. Dave had a problem with this. No decision was reached. If the band has to set up prior to the buffet, we have to pay them for two extra hours. John reported that the cost set for the reunion has been set at $60 per person if paid NLT September 1. After that date, the cost will be $65 per person. John asked Lambert to read the draft of the first letter. Frank suggested specific room information and reunion information be provided in the letter. It was also suggested that perhaps a flyer with a tear-off to be returned with the payment be included. There was a discussion on changes to be made to the letter. It was also decided that the “pay by” date be changed from October 1 to September 1 for the discount cost. The preparation of the envelopes was discussed. Jimmy indicated that he would check with Fannon Printing to see if he could get the envelopes done at a reduced price. The letter was approved for mailing with the suggested changes. Peggy will make the necessary changes and print the letters. A committee will meet to assemble the letters and they will be mailed May 3. Judy gave a report on decorations. Her committee will have balloons in the area between the glass doors in the lobby. There will be a mirrored base with three votive candles and a vase of flowers on each table. Judy had brought three samples of floral arrangements. A discussion was held regarding Judy’s budget for the reunion. Elaine made a motion to give Judy $150 for decorations. The motion was seconded by Janet. The motion carried. Lambert told Judy she would need to provide receipts for the expenditures for the file. Elaine gave a report on memorabilia items. She had a sample T-Shirt. Elaine suggested we might consider putting an order form in the last letter we send out. Elaine asked what her budget would be. Lambert told her he would call her with the figure which had been decided on when the budget was originally developed. There was a short discussion on proposed invited guests. John
asked the Class of 1954 to come up with one recommendation and to contact
him with the name. John read a draft letter of invitation for the
invited guests. There will be a total of three invited.
Dave reported that Willard Scott had declined the invitation to attend the reunion and read the poem Bobby Morris had written. John reported that the poem would not be read at the reunion but a printed copy would be provided to attendees. Dave thought perhaps he could develop a video related to the poem to be shown in the Hospitality Room. The next meeting will be held in June at Lambert and Peggy’s house. The date will be decided and committee members will be called. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25. Respectfully Submitted,
The June 7, 2000 Meeting was held at Judy’s house
G.W. CLASS OF 1955 June 7, 2000 Meeting MINUTES
The minutes from the April 12, 2000 meeting were read by Peggy. Peggy also read a report on two actions taken subsequent to the April Committee Meeting. There was one change to the minutes; the date by which payment should be made to receive the discounted cost was changed from October 1 to September 1, 2000. The minutes stand approved with the one change. Lambert gave the financial report. He reported a balance of $1,960.23 as of April 12, 2000. We had revenue of $2073.96 and expenditures of $233.40. The account balance as of June 7, 2000 is $3,800.79. After the report, a lengthy discussion was held on the finances, what we expect to take in and the expenditures we will have. Peggy gave a report on paid attendees and on the responses we have been receiving from classmates from 1955 and 1954. Peggy indicated that a letter had been prepared to go out to Friends of the Class of 1955 and that the mailing should be made before the middle of June. David made a motion to purchase stamps for the mailing. Motion seconded by Janet. The motion was approved. Dave reported that the Class of 1954 had suggested it would be helpful to have a “Message Board” set up in the lobby during registration and the cocktail hour and that it be moved to the Ballroom during the dinner/dance. Everyone thought this was a good idea. Sonny Severson talked about the 50-50 and solicited help in the selling
of tickets. An issue was surfaced about the requirement to be present
to win. It was decided that there will be an announcement about when
the drawing will take place and that it will be earlier in the evening
than at previous reunions.
A discussion was held regarding additional correspondence to go out to classmates. Peggy made a motion that David prepare a short article to put in the GWAA Newsletter and also that he prepare a flyer about the reunion to be submitted for insertion in the July issue of the Newsletter. The motion was seconded by Sonny Johnson. The motion was approved. Judy gave a report on decorating. She indicated that she would like Class of 1954 committee members to be responsible for the balloons for the foyer area. She told the Committee that a vase had been selected for use on the tables. John gave a report on invited guests to the reunion. Coach Ford and his wife and Brownie Dodge, one of G.W.’s first cheerleaders, and her husband have been invited. There was no word on the invitation to one guest being extended by the Class of 1954. Another lengthy discussion was held on our funds and where we are financially. Lambert indicated that he had some concerns about spending. Specifically mentioned was the memorabilia item. He reported that only $450 had been budgeted for this item and that the purchase of mugs would be more costly than the budgeted amount. He suggested we might have to select a different memorabilia item. Janet mentioned our sponsor ads and suggested that all committee members continue to push to get ads for our handbook. John talked about the band breaks and how we would fit in a short welcome program, introduction of guests, the 50-50 drawing, and giving out of door prizes. John and Lambert will get together to set up a schedule for the band breaks. The next meeting will be August 17 at Sue and John’s house. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peggy J. Barnett =========================================================- SUBSEQUENT REUNION ACTION The following action was taken subsequent to the June 7, 2000 G.W. Class of 1955 Reunion Committee meeting. ACTION: During previous committee meetings in preparation for REUNION 2000, it was established that Elaine Mosel would research the idea of selecting an appropriate memorabilia item (to be given away at the reunion). Lambert Barnett indicated that the reunion budget allocation was $450.00 for some type of memorabilia item. One of the ideas being considered was a coffee mug. However, inquiries at several locations determined that the cost would be prohibitive based on the number required. Dave Beach recently searched the internet and located a company that was featuring a special offer, an 11 ounce, ceramic coffee mug for $.99 each, with additional set up costs for a two color logo and line print. The cost appeared to be within the committee’s means until the shipping costs were determined and factored into the cost. Prior to learning the shipping cost, Dave discussed the idea with various committee members who voiced approval of the mug selection. In order not to lose out on this opportunity because of the unanticipated high shipping cost, the following payment procedure was conceived: John Cox discussed the matter with Lambert who agreed to transfer $100.00 from the $450.00 Hospitality Room budget to the Memorabilia Budget, thereby increasing same to $550.00. John assured Lambert that the money transfer would in no way hamper the operation of the hospitality room as the deficit would be handled through individual contributions of beverages. In communication with the manufacturer’s representative, Dave ascertained that 396 mugs printed to our specifications, could be shipped within three weeks, after confirmation of the graphic layout, at a total cost of $850.00, or a unit price of $2.15. In order to take advantage of this offer, Dave placed the order for the mugs on June 16, 2000. Dave advised that the cup graphic design (2.75” by 3”) features, on the front of the cup, our GW athletic letter log (01.75” tall) in navy blue and gold/yellow with the words (using Bookman Old Style lettering) “George Washington” arched over top of the logo and with the words “High School” arched underneath. On the opposite or reserve side of the cup (again using Bookman Old Style lettering and in navy blue) is the words “REUNION2000.” As previously discussed with Lambert, the ’55 Reunion Committee fund is only obligated for $550.00. If the extra mugs do not generate enough revenue, when sold for $5.00 each, then the extra shipping costs will be borne by Dave and John. Unless, of course, following the reunion, there is a surplus of funds. In that case, the extra cost will be paid from the residue and all remaining mugs will become the property of the ’55 GW Reunion treasury. Distribution of the memorabilia mugs and the associated sale of the
extras should be decided on by Elaine of the Memorabilia Committee with
the assistance of Judy Shoup and Sada Johnson of the Decorating Committee.
The August 17th meeting was held at John & Sue’s house
August 17, 2000 Meeting MINUTES
The minutes from the June 7, 2000 meeting were read by Peggy. There were no additions, deletions or changes to the minutes. The minutes stand approved as presented. Lambert gave the financial report. He reported a balance of $3,800.79 as of June 17, 2000. We had revenue of $4738.22, and expenditures of $843.10. The account balance as of August 17, 2000 is $7,695.91. John gave a report on the accomplishments of the Committee in preparations for Reunion2000. He gave specific details on the negotiations with the Holiday Inn, the securing of a band, advertisements sold, and liquor donated by Janet, David and Lambert for the Hospitality Rooms. Sada gave a Decorating Committee report in Judy’s absence. She reported that 45 records had been obtained to be hung over the dance floor, tags had been selected for the registration table vases and a different one for the dining room table vases, and “2000” confetti purchased to decorate the tables and for use in the Hospitality Room. John reported that all invited guests had accepted their invitations and would be attending. They are Coach and Mrs. Ford, Brownie Dodge and her husband, and Miss Moreland. He indicated that memorabilia items had been purchased and decorated to be presented to Coach Ford and Brownie Dodge and that Dave and Wilda would be making the presentations. Betty indicated that the Class of 1954 would be presenting a picture of GW to Miss Moreland. John also reported that four “2000” related door prizes had been purchased. Sonny Severson will be handling the sale of 50-50 tickets with Lorenzo Smith’s help. Dave talked about the purchase of the memorabilia cups and gave a background on how the new Class of 1955 G.W. logo was selected. He also indicated that shirts were available with the new logo at a cost of $20 each. The Committee members had the opportunity to purchase one with the word “Committee” on the front by the logo. He indicated that some committee members would be wearing them to the picnic. Dave also indicated that he might also have hats for sale. A discussion was held on how we could handle the shirt sale. Peggy gave a report on the number of paid attendees and the number of rooms at the Holiday Inn which had been reserved. David suggested it might be a good idea to send out an e-mail as a reminder. Peggy made a motion to have David send the e-mail. Seconded by Janet. The motion passed. Frank reported that advertising for the Reunion had been placed in the GWAA Newsletter, in the Pennysaver and in local Journals. Frank mentioned the Bob Levy column. He does run reunion news and Frank will check this out. Lambert passed out charts showing the breakdown costs per person for each item associated with the reunion. Our cost per person comes to $71.00, while we are charging $60/$65. There was a lengthy discussion on the Hospitality Rooms and on the costs associated with stocking the rooms. Sonny talked about the 50-50 and about having the drawing earlier in the evening. Everyone was in agreement that this would be better. The next meeting will be September 28 at Lambert and Peggy’s house.
The September 28 meeting was held at Lambert and Peggy’s house.
G.W. CLASS OF 1955
The minutes from the September 28, 2000 meeting were read by Peggy. There was one change to the minutes. Sonny Severson indicated he did not favor having the 50-50 drawing earlier in the evening but preferred a later drawing. The minutes stand approved with the one change. Lambert gave the financial report. He reported a balance of $7,695.91 as of August 17, 2000. We had revenue of $6.961.50, and no expenditures. The account balance as of September 28, 2000 is $14,657.41. David asked questions where the $14,657.41 would be allocated. Lambert indicated there was an outstanding balance for the band of $750, an outstanding balance for the memorabilia cups owned to John/David of $300 plus a shipping charge to send two cases back to the manufacturer. Lambert gave a report on the number of individuals who had paid to attend the reunion. Dave gave a report on the cups. We received 11 cartons printed with the wrong colors. We were asked to send two cases back but would be able to keep the other nine cases. It was suggested that we attempt to sell the ones printed wrong at a reduced price. The company is reprinting the cups in the appropriate colors and we will have 396 when they are shipped. The cups ended up costing $2.26 each after all expenses. The method of distribution will be decided by a separate committee. David indicated each committee would receive one of the misprinted cups. Peggy gave a short report on a recent meeting with Kelly O’Neill at the Holiday Inn. There were a number of questions John had and Peggy reported on the answers to the questions. John reported that there will be alist of attendees at the message board in the lobby of the hotel. He asked Sonny Johnson to be responsible for meeting with the Holiday Inn POC on lighting and audio issues. Judy gave a Decorating Committee report. She indicated that she is ready to have a Decorating Committee meeting to start working on the table vases, etc. She indicated that Betty Smith and Nellie Foster would be working on securing balloons and working with the Committee on Saturday getting the Hospitality Room, Lobby, and Ballroom decorated. Dave reported that he is working on getting Bobby’s “Memory” poem printed for distribution at the reunion. Because it is such a lengthy poem, it has been decided that it would not be read aloud. Sada reported that the Badge Committee had met and made a decision on the badge we will use at the reunion from a choice of six different badges. She also reported that an attempt is being made to find gold lettering to put on blue ribbon for committee members. The Hospitality Room was discussed. It was again mentioned that the Committee members would be providing food for the Room. Jimmy Dumas indicated he would be donating eight cases of beer. David indicated he would need all ads completed by October 15 in order to get them to the gentleman doing the copying. David talked a little bit about the football that would be going to Coach Ford. He had the print that will be on the football that indicates the G.W. – W.L game scores for the years Coach Ford was involved with the G.W. football team. The next meeting will be October 12 at John & Sue’s house. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05. Respectfully Submitted, Peggy J. Barnett |
The October 12th meeting will be held at John & Sue’s house.
The November 9th meeting will be held at Dave & Angie’s house.