Official Recognition In a New Form
"Celebrate! We're In!" Rosemary Matson, gleefully, tells us.
Thank you, Rosemary, for your leadership, hard work of "jumping through hoops" to fill out all the Application requirements and for your skillful articulation of fitting "our Women and Religion feminist group (a round peg) into the patriarchal UUA (the square hole)".On the weekend of January 23 - 25, 2002, the UUA Board reviewed our Application and voted to accept UU Women and Religion as one of their 58 Independent Affiliate Organizations.
General Assembly, 2002 -
Having a visible presence at GA in Quebec in June, particularly since this is the 25th. Anniversary of the Women and Religion Resolution, means we have an opportunity to support the W&R movement in our home congregations. If it's not too late to schedule, how about organizing a W & R Sunday the first Sunday in June? Let me know if you need materials &/or ideas and I'll relay your needs to the continental co-conveners, Joan and Barbara.
Helen Pop
W&R is sponsoring "Leadership Styles" for this annual Conference, just outside Baltimore, April 12 - 13. To register, contact your church office. The monthly JPD packet has the form.
Laura M. Shemick, current Dean of Unilead, Inc. and the Convener of the UU Leadership School Network, returns to be our roundtable's leader. She says, "Not everyone leads from the front of the room. Some lead from the side, some from the middle. Join me to explore the various styles of leadership that we use in our congregations, and to figure out your preferred style. Consider whether you might want to try a different leadership style under certain circumstances."
Murray Grove Conference Center in Lanoka Harbor, NJ.
This is a unique program that allows a woman to see her life from a visual perspective. By working with a circle model, Janet has created an innovative process that you can use every day to continually hold on to a vision and actions of wholeness.
Do it in one weekend with other UU women of the Joseph Priestley District, women who, like you, sometimes wonder where their lives are going.
Janet Matson's workshops are creative and inspiring. Drawing on her background as an artist and performer, she gently helps women discover and know themselves at a deep and authentic level.
Registration is $45. if completed by April 1 and $50. thereafter. Other expenses included lodging which ranges from $14. to $48. (your choice) for the weekend and a charge for meals. See the registration form in the JPD packet in your church office or from your WomanLink.
The event, also, includes a silent auction, ritual, spirituality, laughter, relaxation and fun. For more information: Lois Morrigan at 610/872-2884
Wheel of the Year - Spring Equinox Service, River Road Church, March 24, 2002 5pm
The Names below are of folks who facilitate/cue that portion of the ritual ~ Ritual Order/Flow:
SPRING! SPRING! SPRING is coming - and with every new shoot, each new bud awakens a fresh breath of possibility. Join us!
What new beginnings does this Spring bring to you? Come and share with us, and celebrate this new turning of the Wheel of the Year. We will gather Sunday, March 24, 5 PM, upstairs in the Fireside Room and on the courtyard, outside, weather permitting. With dance, meditation, and the universal invocation of decorating eggs, we will celebrate the Spring Equinox, Ostara. Bring a symbol for our altar, snacking food &/or drink, and your own cup. Open to all over the age of 10. If you have a younger one to bring, please, call Helen.
Break the shell - take a risk - try on a new way of being - and open to a new aspect of You!
DATES FOR THIS YEAR'S WHEEL OF THE YEAR services at River Road Church;
Earthbased Celebrations at Accotink
Join men, women and teens for eight turnings of the year. Spring Equinox is our next celebration on Friday, March 22 from 7:30-9:30 PM in our sanctuary. How celebrations draw from practices and rituals from a variety of sources. Bring your altar candles and a nibble to share.
Women + Books
Accotink women meet monthly to discuss books. We set our reading list in 6 month increments. All women are welcome. Since we meet in homes, contact Marsha White at for location information. Upcoming selections are: Feb. 27 - Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver; March 27 - The Best-Loved Poems of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis by Caroline Kennedy (BONUS: Bring a favorite poem to read); April 24 - And the Ladies of the Club by Santmeyer; May 29 - Seabiscuit, an American Legend by Hillenbrand, and June 26 - Books We've Loved...bring a favorite or two and talk about why you loved them.
Circle/Folk Dancing
While not just for women, Accotink offers circle and folk dancing two Saturday evenings a month from 9-10 PM in our sanctuary. This is a fun, no stress, no dancing talent needed, and no partner required event. Our next series is 3/23, 4/13, 4/27, 5/11, and 5/25. The cost is just $10/person/session or $35 for the series (saving $15).
Quilting Group
Want to learn quilting in a slow, no homework required group? Then Accotink's quilting group is for you. We meet each Sunday from 4:30- 6 PM in the sanctuary. We are working on a circle of friends quilt designed by one of our women.
(Please, see Winter WOMUUNWEB for background.) After sending out to WomanLinks by Email, all the locations of where the snailmail list of women live, I have only had one request for names and addresses of women nearby the requester's church. I hope more of you are interested in reaching out to those who used to be "with us". I bet, when I send you your names, you'll recognize a good number as belonging to your congregation, now. They just need to be told of WOMUUNWEB'S existence.
of Paint Branch women and Silver Spring women meets with Martha Molpus, a licensed clinical social worker who has completed a two-year training program in Dream Group Leadership. If you're interested, contact Martha at 301/587-8930 or The group meets twice a month on Sunday evenings and is based on the principles included in the books of Jeremy Taylor, UU minister and leading teacher of dreamwork. All that's required is an interest in exploring your dreams in a safe setting with other dreamers.
Following are 3 course descriptions from UUCA this spring:
African and Caribbean Women Writers (AEOT15)
This course introduces students to women writers from West Africa and the Caribbean. It explores the cultural spaces they represent and the themes they address (i.e. alienation, identity affirmation, transmission versus transformation of tradition). Questions include: 1) Why do women writers emerge relatively late in comparison to their male counterparts? 2) What does it mean to be a woman and a writer in these cultural spaces? 3) How does their depiction of their cultural spaces contrast with the US mainstream presses' portrayal of their regions of the world? Suggested texts participants will need to purchase: So Long a Letter by Mariama Bâ, The Joys of Motherhood, by Buchi Emecheta, Heremakhonon by Maryse Condé, The Bridge of Beyond by Simone Schwarz-Bart, and The Washington Post and/or other mainstream press publications. The initial class will include an overview of the course and discussion of the reading schedule.Five Tuesdays (April 2, April 9, April 23, May 7, May 21)
7:30-9:30 pm
Fee: $10 pledging, $15 non-pledgingLeader: Dr. Christa Olson currently works as an International Associate with the American Council on Education. Prior to joining ACE, she taught French, Women's Studies, and Intercultural Studies at New Jersey City University. She received a Ph.D in French literature with a focus on West African and Caribbean Cultural Studies from Stanford University in 1993.
Mothers and Daughters: A Workshop for Adult Women (AEOT21)
This workshop is designed for mothers and daughters to attend either alone or together (we are not dependent upon present or even living mothers or daughters to heal our mother-daughter wounds). Through lecture, discussion, guided imagery, small-group interaction, music, journal writing, poetry and art work, participants will explore the secular and sacred realms of mothers and daughters."The mother-daughter bond," says Marianne Preger-Simon, "is ordinary, yet miraculous. The depth of connection and the depth of hurt are profound. It's a relationship that influences every other in a woman's life. It affects our creativity, our vitality, and our ability to give and receive love. It affects our connection with the feminine, with our bodies, and with our deepest sense of purpose. The words 'mother and daughter' describe more than a personal relationship: they represent potent archetypes and identities. Tending to mother-daughter dynamics can liberate strength, humor, wisdom and joy. If these dynamics remain buried or rejected they will haunt us and, almost inevitably, our daughters as well." This workshop was an immediate sell-out at Esalen, California, in the spring of 2001 and will be offered there again this summer. This is a special opportunity - take advantage of it!
Friday night (April 5); 7:30-9:30 pm
Saturday (April 6), 9:00 am-Noon; 2:00-6:00 pm; 7:00-10:00 pm
Fee: $110 pledging, $115 non-pledgingLeader: Marianne Preger-Simon is a psychotherapist in private practice in Whately, Mass. She is a consultant and workshop leader, author of many articles, a dancer, musician, wife, stepmother, mother, and grandmother.
Wisewomen: The Rebirth of the Crone Archetype (AEOT17)
In archetypal language, the triple goddess - Maiden/Mother/Crone, personifies the feminine. The Crone phase of a woman's life is the fruition of wisdom and life experience. The ancient Crone archetype is beginning to re-emerge through women all over the world. Women who are embracing this archetype are finding that the third and crowning stage of their lives is more authentic, creative, courageous, powerful, humorous, and healing than they ever imagined it could be. In this workshop, participants will trace the evolution of the Crone archetype throughout history. Through the exploration of myth we will discuss the positive and negative ways Crone energy can manifest itself and the power available to us when we acknowledge and use her gifts. Please bring a bag lunch and beverage.One Saturday (April 13), 9:30 am-4:00 pm
Fee: $45 pledging, $50 non-pledging
Leader: Janet Kane has had a private consultation practice in Washington, D.C. for the past fifteen years. In addition to private practice, Janet lectures and conducts workshops in the D.C. area on the application of astrology to mythology and Jungian pychology. Her articles have been published in several magazines and she publishes an on-line newsletter. To contact her email at
UUCA Labyrinth Conference 2002
A Path to Wisdom - Exploring the Cycles of Suffering and Renewal (November 9, 2002)
UUCA Labyrinth Project (Arlington, VA) Labyrinth Gathering with Keynote Speaker, Kathleen Brehony.
For more information and contacts go to the EVENTS page on
We ran a professional women's clothing drive through the month of December and had a great response.
Also, I thought you'd be interested to know that we have formed a new women's covenant group for women in their twenties to early thirties (Third Wave) and its going so well! We've got about twelve women participating and a waiting list almost as long. I am facilitating along with Kim Mason and we are so glad that our decision to focus it on a certain age/experience group worked out. We weren't sure if there would be an audience at first but the response has been incredible. If anyone in other churches is interested in covenant groups or in this particular topic area (third wave activism in UU churches), I'd be happy to share resources, talk about things, direct people towards more knowledgeable folks.
Afghan Women Act of 2001 Passed in Congress U.S. Representatives
Constance Morella (R-Md.) and Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) introduced into Congress the Access for Afghan Women Act of 2001, H.R. 3342. The bill outlines the concrete and specific steps the United States should take to ensure that women in Afghanistan have a voice in the future of the country and that Afghan women get the relief aid that they desperately need.
The Bush administration launched a major communications campaign to educate the American public about the suffering of women under the Taliban government in Afghanistan. H.R. 3342 is intended to ensure not only that the United States recognizes women in its rhetoric but also that the White House makes women a real priority in the peace negotiations and the design of the future government of Afghanistan.
The Access for Afghan Women Act requires the U.S. government to consult with and include representatives of women's organizations and networks from the major ethnic groups in Afghanistan during peace negotiations and postconflict decision making; ensure that the full range of human rights of women are included in any constitution or legal structure of a future government in Afghanistan by including a significant number of women in the drafting of a new constitution; provide financial and programmatic assistance for the efforts of Afghan women's organizations that represent the various ethnic groups; provide financial assistance for primary, secondary, and higher education for all individuals in Afghanistan; provide financial assistance to build health infrastructure and to deliver women-centered health programs, particularly comprehensive and high-quality reproductive health and family planning services; promote women-centered economic development programs, including programs to assist widows and female heads of household; provide assistance to rehabilitate children affected by the conflict, particularly child soldiers; take all necessary steps to protect women refugees in camps, urban areas, and villages from violence; and take all necessary steps to ensure that women refugees in camps, urban areas, and villages fleeing from the conflict situation in Afghanistan are directly receiving food aid, shelter, relief supplies, and other services from U.S.-sponsored programs.
The Act ensures that women are consulted and included in peace negotiations and women's full range of human rights are part of any new constitution of Afghanistan.
The United States, as a global leader, is the only country that can ensure that this happens. The bill also makes certain that U.S. tax dollars sent to Afghanistan will really reach and help women.
For more information about H.R. 3342 go to the Women's EDGE Web site at You may also contact Wendy Pollack, National Center on Poverty Law, at 312.263.3830 ext. 238 or
Abayas, No More Abayas!!!
In case others of you are as glad to see this news as I am, here it is. I hadn't heard about the change in policy on the radio or read it in the Post, but I'm relieved to see the change.
Bright blessings in a bright world, where women can see all of it easily!
The U.S. military, in a policy reversal, will no longer require servicewomen in Saudi Arabia to wear Muslim-style head-to-toe robes when venturing off base. Instead, wearing the robe, known as an abaya, "is not mandatory but is strongly encouraged," according to an order by Gen. Tommy Franks, head of the U.S. Central Command, e-mailed to commanders in the region.
Lt. Col. Martha McSally of the U.S. Air Force decided to continue her lawsuit (after a 7 year fight) to gain more than what she calls Gen. Tommy Franks' "semantic change". She says it's not strong enough. "Women are still 2nd. Class citizens in Saudi Arabia and such customs that devalue women and treat them as property should not be literally supported by our women in the military." THANKS, Tuppence for alerting us to this ongoing struggle.
(Please, see Winter WOMUUNWEB for details of her last retreat plans.)
She can only offer this "Cakes For the Queen of Heaven" course in the form of a weekend retreat. This is an experience that you will remember. Any questions, call Zoe Vilicic at 301/809-3911
It's a women's retreat that will explore our relationship with our own history and that of women prior to patriarchal society.
Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"hi"
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.
Note: This group is the one to support Women of Mostar as described in the WINTER WOMUUNWEB.
IALRW's upcoming Triennial Conference is to be held July 24 through July 27, 2002, in Budapest, Hungary, prior to our IARF, International Assoc. for Religious Freedom, Triennial. The theme is "Women's Role in the 21st. Century: Action for Peace - Our Families/Communities/countries/World" with subthemes of:
It's at Hotel Budapest and promises to be wonderful. I've attended three of these triennials and can't wait for this one! This interfaith experience is unequaled anywhere. For more information, registration form, etc. call or Email me at 301/229-0549 or
In a letter from organizer, Billie, she said, "As numbness and shock began to wear off after 9/11, I realized there would be no October CEDAW Hearing in Senator Boxer's subcommittee, whose full, formal name is the Subcommittee on International Operations and...Terrorism." And "Fortunately, the Working Group on CEDAW in Washington continued working diligently on CEDAW ratification. One of their projects, a free informational booklet on CEDAW, is in print for NGQ groups to give their members."
Billie included in her mailing an as yet unanswered letter from Senate Foreign Relations committee Chair, Senator Joe Biden, to Sec. of State Colin Powell re: CEDAW. I quote from the Senator's last paragraph: "The committee is also likely to focus attention on important human rights treaties. One such treaty, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, has been pending in the Senate for over 20 years." He, then, goes on to give a good description of his expectation for hearings.
Recommended Reading -
"UU World", March/April 2002 has an article beginning on P.20 that gives background for why we need the Women and Religion resolution for our movement's present-tense inspiration. It's about how traditional theology harms us. The written intention of the authors, Rita Nakashima Brock and Rebecca Ann Parker is not, literally, to support our Women and Religion movement. It just does.
The 2002 Montgomery County Women's Fair entitled, "Successful Women: Personally and Professionally" is on Saturday, March 16 in Silver Spring, MD. $15. Early registration by March 8 and $20. On-site registration. There are three sessions of workshops and a keynote speaker, Eleanor Clift of TV's The McLaughlin Group. For more information, call 301/949-2055 or visit the Women's Fair website at
Many thanks to Al Carlson, GWA Webmaster, for publishing this WOMUUNWEB issue #7 on the GWA website
Respectfully submitted by Helen Popenoe 3/3/2002