Citizen Input971026

CARD has noticed from time to time that many of the local and regional newspapers seem to filter much of the input they receive in the form of letters to the editor. This should be no surprise, they are in fact businesses themselves and have to maintain the owners´ position.

CARD has declared that this site is primarily for the citizens of western Prince William County; thus CARD will from time to time publish letters from citizens on relevant matters.

The recent statements by Supervisor Ed Wilbourn that he intends to continue to sit on the Board of Supervisors as well as develop real estate within the county (and within the Gainsville District) have caused many to feel the need to speak out.

CARD notes that these letters have not been edited in any way, the content of these letters is the responsibility of the authors. CARD posts these letters as a service to the community.

CARD reminds all that the democratic process does not exist without free speech. Further, the courage to speak openly on something that is wrong is often the first step in getting it corrected.

Impeach Wilbourn

Confirming our worst suspicions; Mr. Wilbourn has showed his stripes by announcing his plan to become real estate developer in Prince William and thereby a potential financial beneficiary of the Western Transportation Corridor (By-pass, or what ever the popular name for is today).

By declaring his intention to develop property in the area in contention (while pledging impartiality on the Board of Supervisors as a voting member), and as a vocal supporter of the "Road to No-where", Wilbourn has insulted the intelligence of every voter in the Gainesville District. Just how dumb are we? Surely not as stupid as he apparently thinks we are-let´s hope to heaven.

We call, again, for his immediate resignation from the Board of Supervisors, and for a pledge to refrain from any commerce which will directly benefit him for his membership on that body.

Who will demand a recall, if not the intelligent voters of his district? Why hasn't anyone done this? How much conflict of interest must exist before the Board itself takes action to impeach Wilbourn?

The enemy is in our midst; look with care and act before it´s too late.

Harry R. and Cathy Moore
Haymarket, VA

The Only Honest Option

Supervisor Ed Wilbourn claims that due to his diligence and concern for his constituents, he convinced a group not to build a golf driving range in his district. Now, Supervisor/developer Wilbourn wants to develop that same plot of land and asserts that this series of events is mere coincidence.

While there may not be a shred of evidence to the contrary, this should make any discerning person curious and uncomfortable. In his newly declared career as a developer, Supervisor Wilbourn claims that he will excuse himself from voting on any items before the board which deal with his projects under development. This action, while necessary, is most assuredly not sufficient.

There are a great many items which the Board of Supervisors considers and votes on which would have an impact on any developer. For instance, Supervisor Wilbourn has vigorously opposed a measure which would require developers to comply with design and landscaping standards for their projects. His stated reason for this is that it is an economic imposition on developers. While the truth of this allegation may be debated, the fact that Supervisor/developer Wilbourns projects would benefit economically from the defeat of this measure is beyond doubt.

Will Supervisor Wilbourn remove himself from debate and voting on any and all matters dealing with development in Prince William county like those described above? Given his publicly stated and demonstrated position as a pro economic growth advocate, I believe not. If Supervisor Wilbourn does abstain from active participation in matters such as these, than how can he represent the citizens in his district? Many voters in this district would assert that not having him represent them would be an improvement.

Supervisor Wilbourn and his supporters claim that he is being singled out for criticism and to some extent this is true. No other Northern Virginia county has a self-proclaimed developer on its board of supervisors, therefore Supervisor Wilbourn is, by definition, a singularity. By deliberately placing himself between two often opposing forces, he has invited the criticism. The attempt to garner sympathy because of the faultfinding is self-serving to the extreme.

Commonwealths attorney Ebert has given Supervisor/developer Wilbourn a clean bill of health to proceed in his dual career, saying that it is legal. However, the question which neither Supervisor Wilbourn, his supporters, or members of his campaign staff have answered is: Is this right? I firmly believe that the answer is No!

Supervisor Wilbourn has characterized himself as an honest man. If correct, then Supervisor Wilbourn must do what any honest man should, and resign from the Board of Supervisors. The development community could use another honest man.

Donald G. White

CARD salutes those with the courage to speak out, and invites others to do the same. Send you input to CARD!

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