First, here are some rules for employing tiling images are web page backgrounds:
There are sites with more information about choosing and using colors in the miscellaneous links section at the bottom of this page.
MetaCreations | Home - makers of KPT Texture Explorer and Seamless Welder
Sausage Software - Reptile - totally cool tiling image generator
Java Kali Home Page - Java applet that lets you make cool images
Wacky Backgrounds - Nice medium-sized tiling patterns sorted by family
Texture Station - Tiling backgrounds, textures, desktop wallpaper
Ian's Natural Patterns - beautiful tiling patterns and other images by Ian Alexander
The Tile Page - Tiling Patterns for Online Artists
Absolute Background Textures Archive: 3100+ Free Tiling Background Textures
Texture Land - collection of weird textures and a color utility
Pixel Foundry Background Archives - big selection
Backgound images and tiling graphics
DiP pixelware - A Texture A Day - Introduction
Julianne's Background Textures
A+ Art Free Clipart Icons Backgrounds
- big collection of tiles, icons, etcetera
World's Largest One-man Backgrounds Library
Free Original Tiling Backgrounds - Brought to you by Freebies! Plus
ColorCenter - general web color utility page [requires Javascript]
Victor Engel's No Dither Netscape Color Palette
Palette Man - color utility and collection of color combinations
ColorMix - innovative color mixing utility for the web
CoolText - interactive site for making buttons, labels, and bullets
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This page written by Neal Ziring, last modified 4/3/01.