Wolfiewock's Alice in Wonderland
"3-D" Pictures

Click on links to enlarge image.

Based on the original Tenniel illustrations, these beautiful 8.5"x11" framed pictures are composed of layers of inked acetate (similar to a sericel) over a black and white background. The multiple layers create the appearance of depth in the picture. The 2-D photographs do not do them justice - must see!

Drink Me

Alice and the Dodo (Caucus Race)

The Caterpillar

The Duchess

Alice and the Baby Pig

The Cheshire Cat

The Tea Party

The Mad Hatter

Painting the Roses Red

The Queen of Hearts

Alice with Flamingo (Croquet Scene)

White Rabbit (Herald Rabbit)

Alice in Wonderland - Cards Flying

The Jabberwock

Tweedledee and Tweedledum

Twas Brillig

The White Knight

Humpty Dumpty

The Walrus and the Carpenter

Get in touch with me by email at wolfie1@erols.com

Last modified on February 14, 2004.