IPMG: Writing Tips – And Books to Improve Your Writing

IPMG: Writing Tips – And Books to Improve Your Writing



Writing Tips

Three Tips for Jump-Starting Your Creativity

Courtesy of Writer's Digest

Author Steven James provides several options for breathing new life into stale and predictable writing. Here are three of his tips for jump-starting your sagging creativity:


Creativity isn't seeing what no one else sees; it's seeing what anyone else would see -- if only they were looking. So, look at your story from another person's perspective. Switch your point of view. Think of how you would respond if you were in the story.


If you're stuck and drained of ideas, you might be trying too hard. You can't make happy chance discoveries until you step away and stop worrying. Relax. Break your routine. Work smarter, not harder.


Nothing stalls writing more effectively than lack of focus. Freedom to write anything usually ends up as an excuse for not writing anything. Skilled writers carefully fence in their ideas.

To learn more, check out the Writer's Digest.

"Plato spoke of the necessity for divine madness in the poet. It is a frightening thing to open oneself to this strange and dark side of the divine; it means letting go our sane self-control, that control which gives us the illusion of safety. But safety is only an illusion, and letting it go is part of listening to the silence, and to the spirit."

--Madeleine L'Engle

Books to Improve Your Writing



Shortest Distance Between You and a Published Book

The Screenwriter's Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script

The Art of Creative Nonfiction: Writing and Selling the Literature of Reality




Writer's Guide to Book Editors, Publishers, and Literary Agents, 2004: Who They Are! What They Want! and How to Win Them Over

Selling Your Screenplay: The Screenwriter's Guide to Hollywood

Writing for Story: Craft Secrets of Dramatic Nonfiction by a Two-Time Pulitzer Prize Winner




Write the Perfect Book Proposal: 10 That Sold and Why

Wild Mind: Living the Writer's Life

The Art and Craft of Feature Writing




2004 Writer's Market

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

The Craft of Writing Articles




2004 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market: 1,900+ Places to Get Your Fiction into Print

Becoming a Writer

The Associated Press Guide to News Writing




2004 Poet's Market

If You Can Talk, You Can Write

The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual




2004 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market: 800+ Editors and Art Directors Who Want Your Work

If You're Writing, Let's Talk: A Road Map Past Writers' Blocks from Page One to the End

The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers




Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Children's Books

On Writer's Block

Elements of Style




A Basic Guide to Writing, Selling, and Promoting Children's Books: Plus Information about Self-publishing

Writing Past Dark: Envy, Fear, Distraction, and Other Dilemmas in the Writer's Life

On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction




How To Be Your Own Literary Agent: An Insider's Guide to Getting Your Book Published

The Essayist at Work: Profiles of Creative Nonfiction Writers

Edit Yourself: A Manual for Everyone Who Works With Words




Literary Market Place 2004: The Directory of the American Book Publishing Industry With Industry Yellow Pages (LMP)

The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present

Good Scripts, Bad Scripts: Learning the Craft of Screenwriting Through 25 of the Best and Worst Films in History




How to Write a Selling Screenplay: A Step-By-Step Approach to Developing Your Story and Writing Your Screenplay

Secrets of Screenplay Structure: How to Recognize and Emulate the Structural Frameworks of Great Films

Why We Write: Personal Statements and Photographic Portraits of 25 Top Screenwriters




How to Write a Damn Good Novel

How to Write a Damn Good Novel, II: Advanced Techniques for Dramatic Storytelling

The 38 Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes: (And How to Avoid Them)




The Elements of Storytelling for Writers: How to Write Compelling Fiction

Setting--How to Create and Sustain a Sharp Sense of Time and Place in Your Fiction (The Elements of Fiction Writing)


Plot (The Elements of Fiction Writing Series)

Characters and Viewpoint (Elements of Fiction Writing)

How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy (Writer's Digest Genre Writing Series)

The Craft of Writing Science Fiction That Sells




World-Building (Science Fiction Writing Series)

The Writer's Guide to Creating a Science Fiction Universe