
Satellite Support of Broadcasting, Multimedia and Data Distribution Networks

Sponsored by PanAmSat

Course Description

The course will provide an in-depth survey of ways in which international and domestic satellites can support the diverse requirements of the broadcast and emerging multi-media distribution industry. Following a brief review of the fundamentals of satellite transmission technologies, pecific configurations with present and future applications would be investigated. These will include the use of digital video in both point-to-multipoint distribution applications (e.g. Direct-To-Home) and in point-to-point networking applications. Work will focus on the state of

technology development and the practical implementation of service concepts using existing equipment. The course will also explore the integration of digital video applications with other end user data services (e.g. Internet).

Participant Learning Objectives

Participants will become aware of the range of services emerging as the result of technological developments related to the widespread introduction of digital video compression, transmission and reception techniques in all levels of the satellite communication industry. Focus will be on the state of development, present and future applications and the technical challenges unique to the introduction of these applications to the satellite domain. The course is oriented toward managerial and technical staff who are responsible for the conceptualization and development of new video products.


Technical and managerial


Oct. 6

Training Dates

Oct. 9-12


Coral Gables, Florida

Suggested Course Sequence

K2-303, K2-311, K2-307, K2-317, K2-321, or K2-304