Teletechniques I
Sponsored by Bell Atlantic
Course Description
This is a comprehensive course that is the first building block in the professional development of a distance educator. The main learning modules include: a complete orientation to distance education technologies; a thorough introduction to designing courses based on the four basic design components of humanizing, participation, message style and feedback as well as effective use of 12 interactive formats; hands-on learning with visual tools such as presentation graphics, electronic field trips, video editing and graphics for video; and an indispensable guide to managing distance education in the participant’s own organization. A presentation before course leaders and peers will conclude the training.
Participant Learning Objectives
To gain insight into the general use and applications of distance learning and how to best implement a distance learning system.
This course is focused on learning activities, techniques, and resources that will teach the participant how to design and deliver distance learning programs.
Training Dates
June19-23, 2000
Stillwater, Oklahoma (Oklahoma City area)
Suggested Course Sequence
K2-132, K2-133