
The U.S. Television Industry

Sponsored by The Radio/TV/Film Department, Rowan University; National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE)

Course Description

This course is a one-day seminar, conducted by Mike Donovan, Associate Professor of Radio/TV/Film, Rowan University, and Director of Marketing, National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE). Course participants will examine how and where the local station fits into the industry "big picture". Explanations and discussions will focus on affiliates and independents, the network/affiliate relationship, the regulators and the licensees, the advertisers and audiences, and the programmers and their sources, etc.

Participant Learning Objective

Prior to training at a broadcast station, participants will have an opportunity to gain a clearer picture of the role that the station plays in the U.S. broadcasting industry.


To provide a context for the station experience


June 1-2, 2000

Training Dates

June 3, 2000


Washington, DC

Suggested Course Sequence

K2-123, K2-126 or K2-130 to one of the following: K2-128, K2-129, to one of the following: K2-136, K2-137, K2-138, K2-139