
Spectrum Management in the Civil Sector

Sponsored by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Motorola and Comsearch

Course Description
 This course is intended to be an adjunct to Course K2-XXX, Radio Frequency Spectrum Management.  The course is intended to provide information and material for the national civilian telecommunications spectrum manager that will enable logical spectrum-related decisions that are well grounded in basic technical procedures.  The course will provide information on: (1) the development of sound civilian telecommunications policy; (2) public sector telecommunications law; (3) national telecommunications rules and regulations; (4) elements and use of radio, television, wireline or fiber-optic carrier, and satellite carrier licensee data bases; (5) criteria for the assignment of frequency authorizations in both national and international communications services; and (6) the general methodology for approval of transmitting and radiating equipment.  It will include discussions with telecommunications industry leaders and will give an exposure to state-of-the-art systems in advanced communications technology from those in industry who are involved on a day-to-day basis.
 The orientation for this course will include an explanation of the dichotomy that exists in the United States with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) responsible for civilian sector spectrum management and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) responsible for federal government sector spectrum management.  Participants will then study at the FCC facilities in Washington, DC, Columbia, Maryland, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, at facilities available to Comsearch, and facilities available to Motorola.  Course time will be divided into classroom work in Washington with all sponsors, a tour of the FCC Laboratory where equipment radiation measurement and authorization work is accomplished in Columbia, Maryland and a visit to the automated FCC license issuance processing line at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  The course will be augmented by several site visits to operating private telecommunications entities.  Current issues confronting common carrier, mass media, and private radio terrestrial and satellite-based telecommunications services will be discussed.  Regulatory policy options will be examined, the national process for creating related telecommunications rules and regulations will be explained, the spectrum allocation and assignment process will be examined, and market based spectrum philosophies, such as lotteries and auctions, will be discussed.  The application of new and modern technologies (personal communications, cellular, paging, both low-Earth and geostationary mobile-satellite service, advanced and high definition television, digital audio radio,  multiple access, satellite coordination, switching, etc.) will be included in course presentations.  Operation of a national, geographically-dispersed telecommunications regulatory agency, incorporating automated licensing processes, provision of public service, standard-setting, and enforcement technique elements will be discussed.

Participant Learning Objectives
 Participants will be able to:  (1) understand the appropriate principles of national civilian radio spectrum management systems; (2) understand the automated station and equipment authorization process; (3) learn how to deal with the general public for information dissemination and radio interference complaint purposes; and (4) initiate or review civilian statutory and regulatory policies for new or expanded radio services, and be aware of the latest technology in telecommunications arenas.

Managerial and technical with technical emphasis

Washington, DC

March 30-31

Training Dates
April 3-14, 2000

Sueggested Course Sequence
K2-103, K2-106, K2-110, K2-111