Coastal Plain League (North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia)
Nags New
Head Edenton Hampton Bern Wilson Petersburg Wilmington Fayetteville Asheboro Martinsville Thomasville Florence Gastonia Spartanburg
Nags Head, NC - 56.26 85.80 98.46 129.57 133.35 176.72 193.23 235.52 242.51 249.77 263.28 316.17 361.67
Edenton, NC 56.26 - 65.22 73.12 76.22 87.54 149.78 145.43 179.55 183.84 192.79 220.45 261.57 307.88
Hampton, VA 85.80 65.22 - 136.22 121.60 55.01 210.63 192.38 208.40 191.11 217.07 269.89 291.27 338.54
New Bern NC 98.46 73.12 136.22 - 65.93 148.57 79.55 104.56 162.30 193.42 180.00 167.30 234.94 277.40
Wilson, NC 129.57 76.22 121.60 65.93 - 107.17 104.06 71.52 106.17 127.34 121.51 148.78 186.51 232.33
Petersburg, VA 133.35 87.54 55.01 148.57 107.17 - 210.72 173.66 173.47 144.99 178.77 250.25 254.17 301.18
Wilmington, NC 176.72 149.78 210.63 79.55 104.06 210.72 - 78.10 147.35 201.90 166.57 104.33 197.77 232.52
Fayetteville, NC 193.23 145.43 192.38 104.56 71.52 173.66 78.10 - 69.45 125.66 88.72 78.79 131.80 173.65
Asheboro, NC 235.52 179.55 208.40 162.30 106.17 173.47 147.35 69.45 - 67.66 19.00 104.80 83.17 130.36
Martinsville, VA 242.51 183.84 191.11 193.42 127.34 144.99 201.90 125.66 67.66 - 56.73 172.02 122.95 166.59
Thomasville, NC 249.77 192.79 217.07 180.00 121.51 178.77 166.57 88.72 19.00 56.73 - 117.78 75.32 122.32
Florence, SC 263.28 220.45 269.89 167.30 148.78 250.25 104.33 78.79 104.80 172.02 117.78 - 109.12 133.19
Gastonia, NC 316.17 261.57 291.27 234.94 186.51 254.17 197.77 131.80 83.17 122.95 75.32 109.12 - 49.42
Spartanburg, SC 361.67 307.88 338.54 277.40 232.33 301.18 232.52 173.65 130.36 166.59 122.32 133.19 49.42 -
Shortest Travel Distance: Asheboro to Thomasville, 19.00 miles
Longest Travel Distance: Nags Head to Spartanburg, 361.67 miles