
This is the website of Writing Away the Demons: Stories of Creative Coping Through Transformative Writing by Sherry Reiter and Contributors (North Star Press, 2009) with articles, poems, video clips and Resources for Writers. This book is available through amazon.com.

The Power of Words Conference

Don't miss this September 3-7, 2009 conference that will feature Sherry and other practitioners who specialize in words, healing, and transformation!

The National Association For Poetry Therapy

Provides networking support for all persons interested in language arts for healing and personal growth.

Poets House

A national archive of poetry - a 30,000 volume library open to the public. Lists special events.

Poets & Writers Online Homepage

The Information Center gives information over the phone regarding publishing and calendar dates for readings and conferences.

Teachers & Writers OnLine

Resources for teachers and writers in education.


SOULSPEAK creates a communal, musical art of poetry that has its sources in the unconscious. We help the poet in the ordinary person create poetry, artful as well as therapeutic, by way of a series of techniques for re-awakening our inborn ability to speak.

Pudding House Writers Resource Center

A resource center for writers and magazine featuring applied poetry. 

Pongo Publishing

The writings of teens from the streets, jails, and difficult lives.

The Healing Story Alliance

This is a subsection of the National Storytelling Network devoted to stories which foster personal growth and healing. It contains bibliographies, tips for storytelling, listserve, a story forum and more.

The Center for Journal Therapy

This website provides information about journal therapy, training and library resources.

Society for the Arts in Healthcare

This website is dedicated to promoting arts in healthcare. It provides a state by state listing of arts in healing programs around the United States and links to other sites.

Institute for Poetic Medicine

A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to healing body, mind and spirit through the creative and therapeutic process of hearing and writing poetry. Their vision is to awaken this creative and healing voice in the human spirit.

Mourning Has Broken

Find out about "Mourning Has Broken - A Collection of Creative Writing About Grief and Healing," edited by Mara Koven and Liz Pearl