Creative "Righting" is not just a catchy phrase. It suggests balancing or centering oneself. Many people lose their balance when overwhelmed with fear, pain, sorrow, anger, even joy! Writing can be a way of straightening out emotional knots, a way of achieving balance in our lives so that a sense of well-being emerges. Creative "righting" may be expressive or prescriptive. When we write, we express ourselves. When we read, we benefit from poetic medicine. We are in touch with Rumi, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, and some of the greatest souls who have ever lived. We can benefit from their wisdom and strength.

Within each of us there exists a "self-righting" mechanism. Just as surely as a plant will turn towards the light, our creative imagination helps us to recreate ourselves. The tree of Life is the time-honored symbol for The Creative "Righting" Center. Its roots anchor the tree to its home and access nutrients, its spine sustains us, its branches reach out in a supportive network, and its leaves are the creative blossoms of our lives.

What services are provided by The Creative "Righting" Center?

1) a comprehensive training program in poetry therapy in accordance with the guidelines of the National Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy. Please see our Training Options page for more information

2) traditional and creative therapy methods for individuals and groups

3) consulting, lectures and workshops for agencies and staff training