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Nathan MacDicken
Retro Rock-It Retro Rock-It
Written & Illustrated by Nathan MacDicken

An aspiring Rocker (and vintage clothing enthusiast) deals with life's little hassles: ex-girl friends, a lack-luster job, the search for a drummer and a mutant monkey attack. The comic is a playful, funny, insightful throwback to the loony logic of a drive-in B-movie.

*Loosely based on actual events.

View a page from Retro Rockit!

The Tick The Tick: Heroes of the City
New England Comics Press

Nathan illustrated several installments of the anthology series which follows NEC's famous blue crusader and his friends (as they've appeared on Fox Television.) Nathan also illustrated the Tick's "Halloween Hootinany".

Clown Story Clown Story
Jitterbug Press.
Written by Kristen Brennan

A five-part psychological, paranormal thriller featuring that classic literary icon, the killer clown. Set in a contemporary urban environment, this story follows three generations who hunt him and slowly come to understand his dubious role in the universe.

Other comicbook projects include "Trick or Treat" (Dreaming City Comics), "Vallator: Defender of the Future" (Battlestar Entertainment), "Father Sabastian: Demon Hunter" (Catacomb Press) and "Empowered" (The Truth magazine).

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