Impressionism ...............................................................Pointillism

Starry Night by Vincent van GoghVincent Van Gogh painted Starry Night using broad and vibrant brushstokes to capture and harness his deep passions and emotions. He severed his ear to prove his unrequited love.


.George Seurat painted thousands of small color dots to demonstrate that from afar the small dots of colors would merge into full solid forms.




Cubism ...............Surrealism

Salvador Dali

Juan Gris
Salvador Dali
Cubists were able to construct solid geometric angular forms from still life objects
Surrealists juxtaposed common objects in strange new ways

Non Objective

Jackson Pollock states that a painting does not have to represent reality. The painting itself is the object.

He throws and dribbles paint onto the canvas to create its own universe.

Pollock's painting to
proceed to Pop Art

Subject: Permission to use Image

Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 14:39:21 -0400

Mr. Steve Feld:

Greetings. I don't think there will be a problem, but the Marketing Director oversees this facet of the museum. She will return next Tuesday. Although I do not foresee a problem, I ask that you wait for her reply. Should you need to contact me, you can reach me at this email or call toll-free at 1-800-442-3254. Thank you.


Salvador Dali Museum, Inc.
727-823-3767 | 1-800-442-DALI

Starry Night graphic courtesy of
Mark Harden's Artchive