Kilt Tilt 5K & Warrior Walk
September 19, 2015
Alphabetical Finisher List 

Overall finisher list
Presented by Runners' Advocate Race Timing
O'All   TIME  S AGE NAME                                     
===== ======= = === ======================================== 
    7   25:27 M  22 Tim Abel                                 
   10   26:53 M  54 Chol Chaige                              
    6   25:26 M  42 Gregory Chomyn                           
    8   25:42 F  32 Maureen Costello                         
   13   28:46 M  31 Tom Costello                             
    2   21:08 M  14 Ben Datte                                
   23   46:48 F  52 Jackie Dugan                             
   15   29:42 M  43 Mike Gallagher                           
   27   50:27 F  55 Meg Griffin                              
   16   30:12 M  49 Terry Hughes                             
   24   47:51 F  57 Deb Jozwiak                              
   20   39:58 F  17 Darby McCann                             
   21   39:59 M  55 Joe McCann                               
    4   23:15 M  53 John McCann                              
    3   22:09 M  47 Dave McGovern                            
   12   27:47 F  21 Brigit O'Malley                          
   14   29:28 M  61 Tony O'Malley                            
    5   24:12 M  24 Tim Ring                                 
   11   27:19 M  59 Rich Robinson                            
   19   32:54 F  51 Jennifer Rohmeyer                        
    1   19:54 M  18 Terence Rohmeyer                         
   25   47:52 F  68 Mary Scanlan                             
   26   50:25 F  70 RJ Stanghlerin                           
   17   30:28 M  27 Jamie Temme                              
   18   30:29 F  27 Maria Temme                              
   22   42:57 F  54 Kim Trincria                             
    9   26:22 M  51 Gene Wilson                              

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