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All items are first editions, unless otherwise noted. |
Gale, Patrick. Ease. NY, Dutton, 1986. Advance review copy with publisher's slips and photo of Gale laid in. Fine in fine paper wraps, 150 pages. Gale's first book. Summers calls him one of "England's most talented comic novelist." $75
Gambone, Phillipages. The Language We Use Up Here. NY, Dutton, 1991. Uncorrected proofs. Fine in fine paper wraps, 225 pages. $125
Garber, Eric and Lynn Paleo. Worlds Apart an anthology of Lesbian and Gay science fiction and fantasy. Boston, Alyson, 1986. Signed by Garber. Fine in fine paper wraps, 288 pages. $75
Garland, Rodney. (pseudonym of Adam de Hegedus) The Heart In Exile. New York, Coward-McCann, 1954. First edition, first printing. Fine in edge worn dust jacket, 314 pages. A groundbreaking work on the underbelly of English society, exposing "the emotions and activities of a group of people who suffer, in varying degrees of intensity, from the sexual anomaly of homosexuality." Book review by Frank Slaughter taped in on rear paste down. Young listing 1355* $75
Garland, Rodney. Sorcerer's Broth. London, Allen, 1966. First British edition, first printing. The was no American edition and although Garland is listed on the cover as the author of The Heart in Exile, this was not the same Garland. Fine in paper dust jacket with some soiling to back panel and faded spine, 192 pages. A homosexual floor walker gets entangled with a gang of fey bank robbers. Young listing 1357* $45
Click here for a nice selection of limited edition Gay Sunshine Press books |
Good morning sunshine |
Gay Theory Work Group Of The Movement For A New Society. Gay Oppression And Liberation. No publisher given, June 1977. Fine in fine paper wraps, 134 pages. $100
Geil, Don. Like Peter. Resada, Ca., Mojave, 1978. First edition, first printing (Vanity press?). Fine in blue cloth covered boards in edge worn dust jacket, 84 pages. "Unhappy in his personal life and frustrated in business, he leaves his wife and children to seek comfort in a homosexual relationships." Unfortunately, that relationship involves a priest who mistakenly comes out to his flock. Enraged by this effrontery, some young members of the parish stone his house, nail him to a cross, cut off his balls, and set him on fire. Given the gruesome plot, it is surprisingly well written. No OCLC holdings. $100
Genet, Jean. Our Lady Of The Flowers. Paris, Olympia Press, 1957. No. 36 in the Travelers Companion Series. Mint condition, 266 pages. Young listing 1385* for the 1963 New York edition. $150
Genet, Jean. Our Lady Of The Flowers. NY, Grove Press, 1963. Fine in fine DJ, 318 pages. Young listing 1385* $75
Genet, Jean. The Thief's Journal. NY, Grove Press, 1964. Advanced review copy with publisher's slip laid in. Fine in fine DJ, 268 pages. Young 1392* $125
Genet, Jean. Treasures of The Night The collected poems. SF, Gay Sunshine, 1981. Fine in fine paper wraps, 119 pages. First English translation of Genet's poetry. French/English text. Young listing 1393*. $35
George, Eliot. (pseudo of Gillian Freeman) The Leather Boys. Washington, D.C., Guild Press, 1965. One of six hard bound books published by Guild Press in the mid-1960s. Fine in very slightly edge worn DJ, 176 pages. 1961 London edition is Young listing 1394*. $150
Gide, André. Corydon The Famous Dialogues. NY, Farrar Straus, 1950. Fine in fine DJ, 220 pages. First privately published in 1911 (12-13 copies). According to Schehr, Corydon "is a classic-even an archetype one of the most important literary apologies for homosexuality." Young listig 1414*. $90
Gifford, Barry. Landscape With Traveler The Pillow Book Of Francis Reeves. NY, Dutton, 1980. Fine in fine DJ, 142 pages. $35
Gill, John. Gill's Blues. (poetry) Trumansburg, NY, New Books, 1969. Fine in slightly worn paper wraps, not paginated. Copy of Walt Curtis (a poet listed in Young), who signed the f.e.pages. along with his description of John Gill. Young 1438* $100
Ginsburg, Allen. First Blues Rags, Ballads & Harmonium Songs 1971-74. NY, Full Court, 1975. Signed by Ginsburg. Number 91 of 100 copies. Fine in fine DJ,76 pages. $225
Ginsberg, Allen. UBU. (magazine) Number one, Spring. Cornell, 1978. Fine in fine paper wraps, 24 pages. Contains poems and a remembrance of Frank O'Hara by Grace Hartigan. $35
Ginsberg, Allen, and Orlovskey, Peter. Straight Hearts'sDelight Love poems and selected letters (edited by Winston Leyland) SF, Gay Sunshine, 1980. Signed by both Ginsburg and Orlovskey. Number 40 of 50 copies. Fine in fine DJ, 239 pages. Includes Orlovskey's "Sex with Allen." $250
Giorno, John. Cancer in My Left Ball. (poetry) West Glover, VT, Something Else Press, 1973. As new in very fine DJ, 153 pages. Young 1466* $175
Glickman, Gary. Years From Now. NY, Knopf, 1987. Inscribed by Glickman. Review copy with slips and photo of Glickman laid in. Fine in fine DJ, 263 pages. Glickman's first book. Mentioned in Summers. $150
Gluck, Robert. Andy (Poetry) Drawings by Edward Aulerich. SF, Panjandrum, 1973. Fine in fine paper wraps, 40 pages. Gluck's first book? Young 1481. No Library of Congress holdings. $75
Gluck, Robert. Elements Of A Coffee Service A Book of Stories. SF, Four Seasons 1982. Fine in fine paper wraps, 96 pages. Inscribed by Glick, "for Lew, love Bob." Gluck's first collected work of prose. Mentioned in Summers. $100
Another copy, not signed. $35
Gluck, Robert. Reader. CA, Lapis Press, 1989. Fine in fine paper wraps, 59 pages. 1,000 copies issued. $35
Golding, William. Darkness Visible. NY, Farrar Straus, 1979. Fine in fine DJ, 265 pages. Young 1496 $45
Gooch, Brad. The Daily News. Calais VT Z Press, 1977. Fine in fine paper wraps, 40 pages. 500 copies. Gooch's first book. A collection of poems sponsored by an NEA grant. Gooch won the Woodberry Prize for Poetry in 1972. He also worked as a YMCA locker room attendant and as a training manual writer for L'sOreal Hair company among other jobs before joining a Christian community in 1975. At the time of this book he was a graduate student at Columbia. Young 1504. [sold]
Gooch, Brad. Jailbait And Other Stories. NY, Sea Horse Press, 1984. Fine in fine paper wraps, 116 pages. $35
Gooch, Brad. Scary Kisses. Putnam, 1988. Signed by Gooch. Fine in fine DJ, 270 pages. Gooch's first novel. $100
Goodman, Alexander. The Soft Spot Four Short Stories 1. Gaylord Merriwether III, 2. Smile 3. The Spanish Boys, and 4. The Rug Salesman. First edition, paperback original. Washington, D.C., Guild Press, 1964. Fine in fine paper wraps. Coated paper, blue cover listing all four titles, 47 pages. 1966 edition is Young listing 1512* First publication of the Guild Press. Norman listing 2098. $125
Goodman, Paul The Empire City. Indianapolis, Bobbs Merrill, 1959. Some shelf wear to DJ, else fine, 621 pages. Summers calls this book Goodman's magnum opus. Young 1521*. The Empire City includes the stories The Dead of Spring, Young 1519, The Grand Piano, Young 1524, and The State of Nature, Young 1530. $75
Goodrich, Brian Allen. Lost Among The Found. (poetry) Boston, Rothgar, 1976. Paperback original. Fine in fine paper wraps, 85 pages. Reflections of a former 16 year old American street hustler. Young listing 1533* [sold]
Gorham, Charles. The Future Mister Dolan. New York, Dial, 1948. First edition, first printing. Fine in slightly edge worn dust jacket. Yet another slum kid on the make, whose only hygiene seems to consist of extended stays in Turkish baths with elderly gentlemen of certain means and inclinations. $150
Gorling, Lars. 491. NY, Grove Press, 1966. Fine in fine DJ, 282 pages. Young 1544. $75
Graham, Clayton. Walking Matilda. Stamford, CT, Knights, 1984 Paperback original. Fine in fine paper wraps, 226. $25
Granit, Robert, Another Runner in the Night. NY, A&W, 1981 Fine in fine DJ, 172 pages. Young (who misspells his name as Grant) 1959. $45
Green, G.F. The Power Of Sergeant Streater. London, McMillan, 1972. Fine in fine DJ, 224 pages. Young 1575*. $75
Green, Julian. The Transgressor. New York, Pantheon, 1957. First American edition. Fine in fine price clipped dust jacket, 222 pages. Young listing 1581*.
"Julian Green has chosen as his theme one of the gravest of moral problems and explored it with the greatest of subtlety: the guilt and responsibility of a man who through his nature is forced to live a lie that cruelly affects the life of others. In the natural world of men and women, he is the transgressor, caught in an insoluble dilemma." $100
Greene, Harlan. Why We Never Danced The Charleston. NY, St. Martin's, 1984. Inscribed by Greene. Fine in fine DJ, 151 pages. Greene's first novel. Mentioned in Summers $250
Another copy, not signed. $100
Greene, Harlan. Why We Never Danced The Charleston. NY, St. Martin's, 1984. Uncorrected page proofs. Fine in fine paper wraps, 156 pages. $150
Green, Leonard. The Youthful Lover. Oxford, Blackwell, 1919. Fine in fine paper covered boards. Includes a hand written letter from Green to Edward Slocum in which Green gives Slocum instructions for mailing certain pictures to him (marked private and confidential) and invites Slocum to dine with him in London. Letter enclosed in pasted down envelope on the ffep. Fine condition, wonderful association copy
Green, who was a friend of T.E. Lawerence and a director of Save the Children foundation (tee hee), created somewhat of a sensation with this book and his previous one Dream Lovers, in which Christ plays a Uranian role model--and just in time for Christmas too. [sold]
Greene, Jay. Chico. (Gay pulp fiction) New York, Midwood, 1975. First edition, first printing. Fine in fine photo illustrated paper wraps. Reprint of the 1972 edition. "Chico was faithful to the code of street boys who prey on the anxious and lonely in Gay life." I think Chico got just a bit carried away with the preying, seeing that he made it with 1).Roger his social worker, 2) Raul his brother, 3) Harley and Princess--two very campy queens, 4) Johnny the male whore house madam, 5) Fritz the married man, 6) Mr. Newland his foster father, and 7) Grover a fellow prisoner (among others) . Whew! Norman listing 2158 and Young 1593*. No OCLC holdings $45
Gregor, Arthur. Secret Citizen. (poetry) Riverdale NY, Sheep Meadow, 1989. Other Gregor works listed in Young. Fine in fine paper wraps, 66 pages. $25
Greig, Noel. Poppies. (play) London, GMP, 1983. Fine in fine paper wraps, 45 pages. [sold]
Grenville-Hearne, Grundy. Boy Sailors. London, Fortune Press, 1936. Fine in brown pebbled cloth boards. Fine dust jacket, 210 pages. Only 3 OCLC American holdings, California State (Sacramento) , University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), and University of Wisconsin. One English holding, Oxford. $500
"John looked at Gerald's classical profile in the flickering light of a candle and suddenly thought that he would have made a very attractive girl. The more he thought of this the more he thought what a pity it was that Gerald was not a girl, especially at this moment now that they were alone in this secluded hole (and I bet that wasn't the only hole he was thinking about). If only he were..he made an involuntary movement toward him then sat back on the coal and told himself not to be a damn fool. Gerald idly threw a lump of coal into the black extremity of the bunker blissfully unaware of the wild desires that were dominating his friend's mind."
Grenville-Hearne, Grundy. School for Scandal. London, Fortune Press, 1961. Near fine in cloth covered boards with a sun fade spine, 172 pages. Only two OCLC holdings, University of Wisconsin and Bristol. Young listing 1616 but not in Watson's English Schoolboy Stories an annotated bibliography, 1992. [sold]
Follow the boyhood friendship of Richard and Allen as they make their way through assorted English private and public schools. Thrill to slipper scenes at bedtimes when after tanning the hide of some young rascal, "Duncan pottered about naked for some time for no particular reason, then put on his pajamas and got into bed. Richard thought fearfully, he's more like a man than a boy so frightfully big." Vicariously participate in classic English flagellation rituals that profoundly shocked Richard but which "Allen watched with bright eye and a gradually deepening flush." A truly nate focused book and plot line.
Griffin, C.F. (pseudo. of Eunice Fikso) Haakon. NY, Crowell, 1978. Slight DJ wear, else fine, 296 pages. Young 1619* $50
Grumley, Michael. After Midnight the world of the people who live and work at night. NY, Scribners, 1977. Illustrated with drawings by Grumley. Dedicated to Robert Ferro. Introductory quote by Jean Cocteau, "Your night is my day. Outside, it is morning." Contains the section God and man in the Tenderloin. Fine with fine DJ, 210 pages. $75
Grumley, Michael. Hard Corps Studies in Leather & Sadomasochism. NY, Dutton, 1977. Corner of front paper wraps creased as well as some pages but scare in any condition, 192 pages. Plus issue 17 of Drummer magazine (1977) which contains a review of Hard Corps by Ed Franklin. (both items) $100
Gudaitis, Anthony. A Young Man About To Commit Suicide. Farro, 1932. Inscribed by Gudaitis. Some DJ chips, else fine, 224 pages. Story of a young man who does not like women but ends up being destroyed by a sadistic leather clad she demon, all the while quoting Whitman and Wilde. Not listed in Young. (no wonder) $150
Guest, Harry. Days. London, Anvil Press, 1978. First British edition, no American. Fine in salmon colored cloth boards, fine dust jacket, 64 pages. Tristam Hill, a middle aged writer, becomes frighten when his current novel begins to resemble his real life-his wife Isobel is having an affair with his ex lover Mark and Tristam cannot keep his eyes off the whole sordid mess-becoming more and more excited as Mark pounds away at Isobel. The whole vile merry go round ends with the predictable double bodies lying at the bottom of some God forsaken English cliffs. Sponsored by the Arts Council of Great Britain. Almost winner of the Heathcliff prize for blowzy writing. No Young listing $150
Gunn, Thom. Jack Straw's Castle. NY, Frank Hallan, 1975. Signed by Gunn. Mint in mint paper wraps, n.pages. Total edition consisted of 300 copies in paper wraps and 100 numbered and signed copies bound in boards. Young 1636. 1976 London edition is Young 1637. $125
Gunn, Thom. Jack Straw's Castle. NY, Farrer Straus, 1976. Signed and dated by Gunn, April 77 Berkeley. Fine in fine DJ, n.pages. 1976 London edition is Young 1637. $125
Gunn, Thom. The Menace A poem of longing for rough trade. (if you need a definition, let me know) San Francisco, Man Root, 1982. Illustrated by J.J.Hazard. Printed on Strathmore paper by Paul Mariah, founder and publisher of Man Root. The entire edition was limited to 250 numbered copies and 26 lettered copies, each signed by Gunn and Hazard. This copy is lettered C of the 26 signed copies and is also initialed by Paul Mariah. An as issued copy in hand sewn imitation black leather yapped wraps, not paginated. This book is not listed among Gunn's works in his later books of poetry. $250
"..from imagination's forcing - house any man produces surprise after surprise . the life of meat the charm of institutions the banquet of milk . the finest palate feels moments before tasting it the charge of semen, and only afterwords greets the sweet and salt in one... |
Gunn, Thom. The Man With Night Sweats. NY, Farrar Straus, 1992. Signed by Gunn. Mint in mint DJ, 87 pages. $75
Gunn, Thom. Molly and My Sad Captains NY, Farrar Straus, 1973. Signed by Gunn. Mint in mint DJ, 91 pages. DJ photo of a half naked Gunn, squatting in a pair of Levis with a very wide black leather belt and watch strap-what a hot dude. $250
Guntzinger, Otto. The Animal Cult. Los Angeles, Impact Library, 1968. Fine in fine paper wraps with an illustration of a lady and a Doberman on the front cover, 160 pages. Amuse and enlighten yourself as Dr. Guntzinger retells (in strikingly vivid prose, exceptionally frank for its time) the strange and twisted story of lonesome John, the Canadian who found love among the wolves of the forest. Kurt and Martin's fated homosexual love triangle with their pet cocker spaniel (the fur really flies in this one). Tim the sad faced clown whose tears were real. Peter's lethal encounter with Doris the rat woman. And the playful antics of Tina and her burrito (sorry, that's burro). Shock yourself into a stupor with this underground cult classic. Or sent it to an enemy in Canada for Christmas (after first informing customs). No OCLC holdings (or at least none that anybody is admitting to). No Kinsey holdings. $125